Your grow looks lovely, youve certainly got a green thumb on you. Thanks for stopping by
Leeroy I assure you the pleasure is all mine . I like your approach to growing, much like my own. And its always a pleasure to share experiences...not to mention have the opportunity to gaze upon beauties such as those youve grown out. 3/4 of my plants are still too small to get in each others' way, but it will be inevitable that I'll have to do some chop chop of leaves here and there later on. I do tie down my plants, and am hoping that with some intelligent and strategic training I can keep this to a minimum. I hope you get a better female/male ratio...sometimes even experienced growers can err with the new preflowers...give 'em a few days before the final female count. And if 3/4 of them do turn out to be male...well it just means lady luck will smile on you the next time round. This at least is my wish for you .
Have a nice one Leeroy!