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Deadliest catch


Active member
i was surprised...junior had the upper hand vs. matt.

i sorta agree w. edgar and sig tho that junior is trying to make it....and yeah its pissing matt off, but if matt just worked and didnt let junior get under his skin there wouldent be a problem.....or else it would just be juniors problem.


Active member
I was surprised to junior did have the upper hand in that situation and it seems like he's trying to make it but he's still a suck up.

And your right Matt just needs to work and shut up. If he worked as hard as he looked pissed off he could do twice as much. No one else seems to have a problem with junior learning. I think there right when they say Matt feels threatened now.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
About Jr....there is a difference between enthusiasm and being a suck up, and he's just a suckup imo. Matt doesn't have a leg to stand on with his shady past, not like he could easily find another job so he better watch his temper. Once you're kicked off a boat you're pretty much done


What up guys i cant watch the episode right now cause im not at home but i got every episode on DVR. :headbange


Active member
man moi looks like he is about to cry everytime he is on camera.

throw that ass overboard he's taking away from the other deckhand shares.

then give the other greenhorn a bigger share. he's atleast looks like he's working hard.
I dont understand the North American. Why are they even on the show? I remember seeing them tendering around kodiak when i was salmon fishing....but I never heard of them fishing kings. They dont even have a sorting table....they kind of remind me of the rollo in season 1. They would have been better off with the Lady Kodiak or the Saga.


Active member
I agree the North American is a dumpy ass, unsafe boat. its got such half assed lighting they can't even find pots and if a man goes overboard theres no way in hell they'll find him. to top it off you gotta dodge those shitty totes. if i broke something dodging those things i would be fuming.hell i would be fuming just having to work on it. doesn't look like its a money maker anyway. to much work and not enough caught crab equal a waste of time and no money.
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Those guys are nuts.
But one of the combined totals I saw on the Northwestern for a Cod fishing/Crab fishing trip was $47K per man.
I bumped into my friend Joe who I hadn't seen in years and it was because he upped and moved to Alaska to work for one of those boats. He made 40k his first year from it. He said it's really hard but you get super strong and all the guys like to bust each others balls constantly so its fun. He said all of them smoked but never on the boat. Also he said to me that the prices were whack where he was. 100$ an 1/8. And a bunch of the guys live in a cabin together, so idk if its worth it to be constantly surrounded by dudes. But the money is pretty good and you don't have to work year round. He is happy, and I'm happy for him. Sure does beat his hectic lifestyle he was living before and only making enough to get by and enjoy the ride. But I like that show and the characters that come along with it.


Active member
dang i liked the end of this episode...when the time bandit/hillstrands went to pay respect to their father.

you could feel the respect...that was awesome!


Active member
i got to say at the beginning of this deadliest catch season i thought jr was a total ass but i might take that back. last few episodes he's really been proving that he's up for the job.
It will be interesting to see what happens on these boats this opie season. A couple of my friends fished this last season and killed it!$$$
Ive flirted with the idea of going out and fishing cod out west every season....cod is going for a lot more than it was when I fished it. Maybe one day before I get to old ill go bait pots again. :joint:


Dank Galore!
wow...... wonder what homie on the cornilia is gonna do about his engine?

blown to smitherines and storms brewing...........

poor dude in the helicopter too..... hope he makes it ok....

hope the helicopter makes it back ok.... wow.......


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