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Deadliest catch


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i'm about to watch it...
had to work late, thats what happens when fuckwad's don't show up for their shift. i was pissed. good thing theres dvr now. i knew i had this piece of shit cable box for something...
Moi is quite the greenhorn. But ive seen and worked with a few worse than him. I think he got a second chance mostly because he didnt want to quit after red crab. Many greenhorns would give their left nut to get off the boat after three weeks....but its the guys who still hang around after that will likely land a job for opies. I dont think he was riding the kids tails either....moi had a valid point that he had baited 230 pots before the deck was clear and the skipper could even see what moi was doing. Ill have to go back and watch but i think in the beginning of the season moi was baitin a lot more. Maybe him and the kid had a rotation thing going. But it is obvious that the kid can run circles around moi....and if moi dont pick up the pace....id replace him next season.
Sig is killing it....like always....dudes a bad ass!
Phil is fucked. He has had main engine troubles since the show started. He just needs to put the boat in dry dock this summer and replace the main. Not just the heads. The whole damn motor. Thats the only way hes gonna get a trouble free season....if there is such a thing.
Hillstrands own it. Small boat kicking it with the big dogs. Those boys are animals....and russell cracks me the fuck up.
But i still hate the fact the discovery is really glamorizing the job this time around. It seems too hollywood this year....as if they want to have drama and something bad happen.


Active member
yukon where ya at??

i've been watching i just have been busy so i've had to record the episodes.

i've also been recording after the catch and thats just awesome.

man, seeing phil in such a bad health was really sad.


Active member
RudolfTheRed said:
yukon where ya at??

i've been watching i just have been busy so i've had to record the episodes.

i've also been recording after the catch and thats just awesome.

man, seeing phil in such a bad health was really sad.

ive been catching all the episodes and "after the catch"...just been so busy w/ moving and shit that i havent had time to post much. (yeah i live in texas now)

def sucked to see capt. phil soo sick...i'm glad he's gonna be ok, but i doubt he'll get on a boat again (but who knows w/ that crazy fuker).

...also on after the catch, peeps are giving junior a ton of respect....i started to agree about halfway thru this season...that kid wants it!

next week i think is the final week of opies...looks pretty good.


Active member
Bong rips and Deadliest catch and bong rips is my favorite part of the day. That was some crazy shit when the Phil had a blood clot go through his heart and he was still running gear. I got a couple buddies in bristol bay in Alaska deckhanding on fishing boats.


That show is my "comfort" show. If there is nothing on..I can always count on "deadliest catch" hehe. The recent ones showing that guy's heart problems really struck home with me. I knew a really neat guy that was a tuna boat captain off the PNW who had a fatal heart attack in the shower of his boat during a season. Those guys deal with heaps of stress, and live very unhealthy lives on top of it.

I just watched my first episode of "Tuna Wranglers". No sense of danger or grittiness to that job imo.

Mostly because they really dont work that hard. I've worked harder than the guys on that Tuna show.

I also occasionally watched that "Axe Men" show, the one older codger that was an expert cutter..i forget his name..but his kid worked on the same crew with him. That guy was a badass. The episode where it showed him dropping trees next to that families fence and shed, dropping them all perfectly where he wanted. That guy has skill...that stuff is a lot harder to do that it looks believe me.
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I've always held alot of respect for those guys.. willing to go out risking tooth and a limb. If it's as dangerous as they say it is, the money is well deserved.


RudolfTheRed said:
yukon where ya at??

i've been watching i just have been busy so i've had to record the episodes.

i've also been recording after the catch and thats just awesome.

man, seeing phil in such a bad health was really sad.

I am feeling the same way man. It was really hard to watch him tell his son that hes not out of the woods yet. It was fucked up how they drugged him up and he never even got to hang up the phone i think it might have just been for discovery but idk it was pretty dramatic. I think that The deck boss on the cornelia marie has really stepped up running the boat and making sure the son's are well. I cant think of his name its bothering me.


Active member
Wow, I dunno how I missed this thread for so long!

I love Deadliest Catch...Unfortunately, I have missed a lot of this season...I just realized new episodes were on, and now all I seem to catch are the "After the Catch" shows...

I have to agree that hearing about Phil's misfortune is truly tragic, but he should feel lucky...With the coughing up of blood it sounds like it was a very large clot...Im thankfull he is still alive...My hopes and well wishes go out to him, his sons, and the rest of his family.

I really am more ann more impressed with the Northwestern Crew EVERY season...They seem to just get the job done, with a whole lot less bitching and drama than any other boat...And is it just me or did they hit the friggin Greenhorn Loto with Junior?!?! Remember Moi?....christ, I truly felt bad for his crew...:bashhead:

Im definitely trying to watch this whole season, but Im having trouble finding repeats...I need to find it streaming online...

Im def tagging this thread, so I can get in on some crazy Deadliest Catch talk with you folks!

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I just like sitting back in my lounge, relaxing with my feet up, warmed by the heater, sipping cold beer ..... and watching these poor bastards getting hypothermia at the same time that they're getting smashed by icy waves 8)


Active member
ScrogHog said:
I am feeling the same way man. It was really hard to watch him tell his son that hes not out of the woods yet. It was fucked up how they drugged him up and he never even got to hang up the phone i think it might have just been for discovery but idk it was pretty dramatic. I think that The deck boss on the cornelia marie has really stepped up running the boat and making sure the son's are well. I cant think of his name its bothering me.
Yeah, it was really sad listening to his older son talk about his dad and when he was talking about how he wanted to come to Alaska and fish crab with his dad so his dad could see the person he's become. Phil is fucking tough as nails though but about as dumb as a pile of bricks. The man needs to take better care of himself and as soon as he was coughing up blood he should of been heading in. I understand he's got men on his boat who rely on him but if he's dead then it don't do them much good to stay out there and keep fishing. But what he went through would kill most people.

Anyway, I'll be watching it tonight.
i made sure i got out of work on time today.
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Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Is it me or do those guys smoke waaay to many fucking cigs??? all i see is them chain smoking....youd think sitting in a wheel house smoking cigs all day would take a toll on your lungs..especially if your a fat fuck like phil. This should be good for him to take a break unfortunately i think as one person mentioned that guys dumb as shit and will probabbly smoke till hes in a ditch. The show is awesome...sig is the man! they run a boat like a machine


Active member
nycdfan042 said:
sig is the man! they run a boat like a machine

Hell yeah dude...Ive only seen them get better with every season...Seems they almost always are near the top of the list of the top money makers in the fleet by the end of each season.

Watchin some reruns right now on Discovery....Lovin this shit...Bubble...bongips....and watchin Deadliest Catch...This show always makes me feel so happy for indoor heat :D



Well-known member
nycdfan042 said:
Is it me or do those guys smoke waaay to many fucking cigs??? all i see is them chain smoking....youd think sitting in a wheel house smoking cigs all day would take a toll on your lungs..especially if your a fat fuck like phil. This should be good for him to take a break unfortunately i think as one person mentioned that guys dumb as shit and will probabbly smoke till hes in a ditch. The show is awesome...sig is the man! they run a boat like a machine

Not you either....I say "What the fuck?!" If I notice someone lighting up those Ciggs one after one another and another AND ANOTHER.

pUT THE sHIT DOWn and RELax.......