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Deadliest catch


Pull my finger
i have since lost my remote and havent even triedto find it. i like the show. it gets boring sometimes but just as im about to nod, man overboard! i love that. not a job for me though.


Mother Nature's Son
Alright, I watched the first season, I believe. Not too bad, about what I expected. There is no way in hell I would ever do that, plus, I hate seafood. Blech.
Watched the second season, thought it was just a re-run of the first. Catching crabs again?? I thought they did that last year?
It just looks (to me) like they are trying to make it look a tad more dramatic than it is. Did anyone catch that special Discovery channel show when viewers sent in tapes making fun of their favorite shows?? I liked Deadliest Batch, a show about how risky and dangerous it is pulling cookies from the oven. They caught the mother lode too, hahaha.


Active member
I wish sig would have left 'juniors' ass on the dock. That lil bastard got cocky in his time off....that FV Northwestern coat went straight to his head. I cant stand the guy who goes out for ONE season and brags that he is a fisherman....bering sea crab fisherman none the less. The arrogance of that kid.
Did anyone else think that junior(jake) was fucked up when he did get back? That boys eyes were squirrley lookin....like hed been poppin shrooms.
The greenhorn on the wizard is a classic example of 90% of the guys that come here. They realize that they made a mistake real fast. Its the other ten percent that make it to highliner status.
yea, i agree i can tell junior is getting cocky and I think matt (the deckhand on the northwestern) kicks his ass this season. during a promo they show the two of them fighting. hopefully that'll set junior straight. i liked him last season because it seemed like he wanted to be there and work. looks like things are getting to his head now.
the wizard is crazy they put two greenhorns on there boat. i think the one guy moi who struggled at first will actullay be the one who lasts. he went up there with nothin' and has an incentive to make it. the other guy just seems like a moron.
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holy hell
yea there is definetly more "hollywood" in it this season

I cannot stand Mike Rowe

He is such a moron... on Dirty Jobs all he does is make stupid jokes, act like an idiot, and get in everyone's way... While everyone around him is trying to make a living, all he can do is stand helpless and crack jokes about the shit everyone else is covered in... He shows very little respect for the workers or their jobs... He bitches about standing knee deep in shit for an hour and makes millions doing it while the guy next to him has to put up with it from 9-5 and make little above minimum wage.

Couldn't they pick less of an asswipe to do that show??? GOD he gets on my nerves...

Hell, maybe its just me.
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Active member
Eh, I think Mike Rowe has a great deal of respect for these people. I know for a fact as I've heard him talk about the show in interviews and on the show he usually thanks the person for what they do. When he complains or something I think thats just natural. Most people aren't cut for a lot of these jobs. They are tough. I think thats just all the more respect for the person doing it for a living. Just because he makes a wealthy doesn't mean he's made to do the work like most people.
And whats wrong with his jokes? I think his sarcasm is pretty damn funny.
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i know for a FACT that mike rowe does NOT make millions, at least not on the show. and he has paid his dues man, the show has been on for a bunch of years and only now is he getting endorsements.

plus, let me see you pick up any job they do on dirty jobs in a single day and not look like an idiot?


Active member
RudolfTheRed said:
yea, i agree i can tell junior is getting cocky and I think matt (the deckhand on the northwestern) kicks his ass this season. during a promo they show the two of them fighting. hopefully that'll set junior straight. i liked him last season because it seemed like he wanted to be there and work. looks like things are getting to his head now.
the wizard is crazy they put two greenhorns on there boat. i think the one guy moi who struggled at first will actullay be the one who lasts. he went up there with nothin' and has an incentive to make it. the other guy just seems like a moron.

yeah i hope junior gets his ass kiked...i saw that promo for a future episode, and all i could tell is that matt is whoopin someones ass, and i doubt that its sig or edgar.

like OMT said that jacket went to his head, and I'm a bit surprised if they really are actually gonna give him a full share already.

rudolph...i sorta disagree about Moi...i think next episode will be his last....i hope so anyway (i cant stand people who whine and complain all the time)....and jesus christ he's so fuckin slow, i work faster than him when i'm asleep. If i had to work on the same boat as him i'd want him off ASAP...he's not doing anyone anygood.
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Active member
I agree that moi does complain a lot and when i'm working i can stand that shit.
if all everyone did was sit around and complain about how hard the work is nothing would get done and nobody would be making money. thats what would bug me. i don't care if a guy is workin slow as long as he's still tryin to bust ass. being a greenhorn i might give him the benefit of the doubt on that one but not the bitching. then again he might be workin' slow cuz he complains so much. i'm just thinking he's an inexperienced newb who will start to pick it up hopefully. ya hate to see these guys fail.
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Well-known member
Yea It's Funny Mike Rowe on Drugs

I like the part where Mike Rowe teaches a 6 year old kid to say to himself that he was Mike Rowe and out loud to the camera in 20 takes...it was funny...the kid starting to laugh

the Rock

Active member
the guy who got whacked in the head with the hook/ball from the hoist must have gotten a headache{concussion) shown on future show previews


Active member
sweeeeeet .....repeats of season 4's premier episodes (from tuesday) are on tonight.

i gotta watch again :wave:
Hey Ya'll,
Is the FarWest Leader going to be on this season.....OR do they only fish Opellio season?? I want to know if CHILI comes back or if he quit.


Active member
Navigator330 said:
Hey Ya'll,
Is the FarWest Leader going to be on this season.....OR do they only fish Opellio season?? I want to know if CHILI comes back or if he quit.

as of now the farwest leader isnt on, but they are still fishin king crab.

i dont know if they are just an opie boat.

i hope we dont see chili again..lol :bashhead:
Chili was such an ass to his boat mates. It got way out of control last year, hopefully greg didnt hire him back!

Thanks for the reply!
Im bettin chili comes back for opies. Some boats run a different crew and skipper for reds. That could be the case. Plus hes the deck boss. Most of them seem to come back.

I was blown away to see the early dawn LONGLINING pots for brown crab. I had heard of it before but never seen it in my years of pot fishing. Now that is some hairy shit with that many bites you can get caught in.


Active member
hey old man time... i agree seeing the early bird longline those pots was crazy shit. i've never seen anything like that either. i sure has hell would be watching every single step i made on that boat. and its not like the rope is running through one area of the boat. its hazardous in multiple places.
one mistake and that rope will bite ya and THATS IT your done for.
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