Lookin' good budman - both the photo size and the plant.
The girls look like they're happier'n pigs in shit..
The girls look like they're happier'n pigs in shit..
blowing up!
budman maybe i missed it but, are these all ladies? done sexing?
those geopots look nice.. you used them before ?
the game has changed... I will be the last of us to jump on the blumat wagon...
Lookin' good budman - both the photo size and the plant.
The girls look like they're happier'n pigs in shit..
Looking good budman . Make sure you install an air release in your manifold directly after the res.
Looks Good, That Can full of water will weigh a lot. I don't know if that can lid will handle that.
This what I was talking about when I refered to an air release . Plants look great btw, you're going to love the blumats.