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Crossing the motherline! [Roms JLB F7 x CG Durban F2]

What should I grow next?

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Anne enn Normal

@right found this old picture that roms had posted in the RUST it's the F6 Jamaica Lambsbread
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Well-known member
Everything my Jamaican line touches becomes exotic and long flowering, Haze past in there I would assume and also mango scent/terpene so I'm leaning Mango haze derivative with that Caribbean taste.

Now I have a trio of Lambs bread from Swami started from seed... lets see what he got in there lots of weight being advertised as 1960s old line... I will openly compare Swami to my line.

looking forward to your creation, and would encourage you to disclose with pictures.

Jamaican for the win.
Rasta vibes, bless


Anne enn Normal
The Jamaican giving the finger to all the other contestants heading for a straight 50%,
She's leading with 11 votes, 3 over the Durban, Durban by 2 over the Kerry and Naga last following in the back with only 5.
Kerala has been slowly inching forward but it doesn't look promising. Now, what happened to the Naga? incredible, ladies and gentlemen, after what seeemed a promising headstart she just stopped in her tracks and stalled, only to be overtaken by the South Indian, who looks very intent in gainin on the Naga and Durban, but Durby is no less of a fighter and point by point is keeping her second place steady.
What a race, what excitement, I'm gonna need a break! But stay tuned for more, I'm your host Toky and this is the Racy Landrace Race


Anne enn Normal
Good morning fellow Cannagraphers! Today I'm sharing a little germination test I did.
The first in line is the Jamaican, 3 days in

Second is the Durban, bit meh on the 3rd day
last but not least, Naga Ukhrul tragging along

I guess they all passed with flying colors considering I have not popped some of these seeds in a couple years.


Well-known member
thin leaflet drug type) cultivars that I wish to cross,
..do you just want to make it earlier fatter easier

or do you have a particular plan to edit to the high you prefer?

what do you prefer?

usually people who smoke sativas want to avoid sedation..

unfortunately sedation is also rampant in many long flower sativa's

and basically all wld's


Anne enn Normal
..do you just want to make it earlier fatter easier

or do you have a particular plan to edit to the high you prefer?

what do you prefer?

usually people who smoke sativas want to avoid sedation..

unfortunately sedation is also rampant in many long flower sativa's

and basically all wld's
What I want is vigour....hmmmmm yez... everything else is secondary.
I am curious to see what comes out really, I am doing research breeding to see what traits show up. like, my long game is to cross them all eventually to see what comes out from said crosses.


Anne enn Normal
Hello fellow Cannagraphers,
The peep all have chosen!:whee:

The Poll is now officially closed!
And the winnner is.... (drumroll): 🪘


Yay! Big surprise! she gonna be the motherline

Second place is (drumroll): :drum:


Yay! the fatherline!

I will now start the seed selection process and keep you posted about the progress of the babies ^^^
Will post pictures of the momma seeds and papa seeds that will be chosen to find a decent mother and a decent father.

Good night, and good luck.:smoke out::smokey::rasta::pimp3::kos::smoker::canabis::plant grow::watchplant::smokeit::smoweed:
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Anne enn Normal
Here we are again, another update, I've got 8 seeds of each strain in a sauce cup, on top of my Samsung V-tac, it doubles as a warming mat for germination (for the cheap asses out there, watch and learn). The only thing I gotta watch for is that the toilet paper (2 plies folded in 2) of badger TP (the rougher the better, not for the butt... Well ok, yes, for the butt too, I like to feel the scratch, but for the air exchange because rough TP is more breathable than the delicate ultra bleached types, it's important to deliver O2 to the seed) doesn't dry for longer than an hour.
P. S. Badger TP is also less likely to become maché so I can lift it regularly to check on the seeds and they won't grow into it, or if they do it's easier to remove from the radicle.