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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
i've been saying it for years. boomers need to be IQ tested before being allowed online. they remind me of my 80 something year old grandma who falls for telephone scams.
That's a great idea. Call the testing center and ask for Elaine.


See the world through a puff of smoke

mack 10

Resin Herder
This Vaxx thing ain't for me.
I believe in my immune system.
even if u can't spell it.......
Troll o lol lol

mack 10

Resin Herder
Also don't you think it's weird that ivermectin and HDQ
are both parasite killers.
I wonder what exactly people are sick with an why ivermwctin and Hydroxy are making them better?


Kiss My Ring
Proceed With Caution At Your Own Peril" - Merck's COVID 'Super Drug' Poses Serious Health Risks, Scientists Warn

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Oct 08, 2021 - 09:56 AM

As it turns out, all the scientists and doctors who insisted that Merck's "revolutionary" COVID drug molnupiravir is extremely safe weren't faithfully adhering to "the science" after all. Because according to a report published Thursday by Barron's, some scientists are worried that the drug - which purportedly cut hospitalizations in half during a study that was cut short - could cause cancer or birth defects.
So much for having a "strong safety profile," as Dr. Scott Gottlieb claimed in an interview on the day Merck first publicized the research.


It's perfectly understandable why Merck might choose to play down this safety risk: assuming it's approved, the drug is widely expected to be one of "the most lucrative drugs ever" - which is one reason why Merck's shares soared into double-digit territory after the announcement.
As we reported earlier this week, Merck and its "partner" Ridgeback Biotherapeutics will profit immensely by charging customers up to 40x what it costs to make the drug, which Ridgeback originally licensed from Emory University for an "undisclosed sum". The drug was developed with funding from the federal government.
According to Barron's, some scientists who have studied the drug believe that its method of suppressing the virus could potentially run amok within the body.
Some scientists who have studied the drug warn, however, that the method it uses to kill the virus that causes Covid-19 carries potential dangers that could limit the drug’s usefulness.
Molnupiravir works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of the virus, and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it. In some lab tests, the drug has also shown the ability to integrate into the genetic material of mammalian cells, causing mutations as those cells replicate.
If that were to happen in the cells of a patient being treated with molnupiravir, it could theoretically lead to cancer or birth defects.​
In particular, Raymond Schinazi, a professor of pediatrics and the director of biochemical pharmacology at Emory who studied the drug while it was being developed, and published a number of papers on NHC, the compound that's the active ingredient in the drug. He published a paper that showed the drug can produce a reaction like the one described above, and insisted it shouldn't be given to young people - especially pregnant women - without more data.
Schinazi told Barron’s that he did not believe that molnupiravir should be given to pregnant women, or to young people of reproductive age, until more data is available. Merck’s trials of molnupiravir have excluded pregnant women; the scientists running the trial asked male participants to “abstain from heterosexual intercourse” while taking the drug, according to the federal government website that tracks clinical trials.​
Barron's even shared a paper published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases in May by Schinazi and scientists at the University of North Carolina which reported that NHC can cause mutations in animal cell cultures in a lab test designed to detect such mutations - something Merck claims it has tested for. The paper's authors concluded that the risks for molnupiravir "may not be zero".

Merck told Barron's that it has run "extensive tests" on animals which it says show that this shouldn't be an issue. "The totality of the data from these studies indicates that molnupiravir is not mutagenic or genotoxic in in-vivo mammalian systems," a Merck spokesman said.
Still, scientists and doctors who have studied NHC say that Merck needs to "be careful," and it's not just Schinazi warning about the drug's potential risks.
Dr. Shuntai Zhou, a scientist at the Swanstrom Lab at UNC, said "there is a concern that this will cause long-term mutation effects, even cancer."
Zhou says that he is certain that the drug will integrate itself into the DNA of mammalian hosts. "Biochemistry won’t lie," he says. "This drug will be incorporated in the DNA."​
Merck hasn't yet released any data from its animal studies, but the scientists believe that it would take long-term studies to show that the drug is truly totally safe.
"Proceed with caution and at your own peril," wrote Raymond Schinazi, a professor of pediatrics and the director of the division of biochemical pharmacology at the Emory University School of Medicine, who has studied NHC for decades, in an email to Barron’s.​
Analysts are already warning that these questions about the drug's safety suggest the reaction in Merck's shares was a little "overblown", to say the least. Investors apparently were so eager for a new "pandemic panacea" (now that the mRNA jabs have proven to be much less effective than advertised) that they didn't ask too many questions about safety, or even question the paucity of data. One analyst for SVB Leerink Dr. Geoffrey Porges described investors' reaction from Friday as "wishful thinking".
Even once the FDA authorizes the drug, Dr. Porges believes it will come with strict limitations on who can and can't use it. "I think it is effectively going to be a controlled substance", Dr. Porges said, adding that the risks to pregnant women, or women who may soon become pregnant, could present thorny problems for the FDA's advisory committee reviewing the drug.
Given that the safety risks of the drug seem well-documented already, Wall Street's gushing about the drug's prospects - "it really is THAT good", one analyst insisted - seems like an idiotic blunder in retrospect. The product of what one might call "magical thinking".



Kiss My Ring
EXCLUSIVE – 81% of Covid-19 Deaths in September were people who had been vaccinated according to Public Health data

By Daily Expose on October 7, 2021 • ( Leave a comment )

Even more evidence proving the Covid-19 vaccination programme is a huge failure has been released which confirms throughout September 81% of the people who allegedly died of Covid-19 had been vaccinated against the disease.

You may believe that the Covid-19 vaccination programme is a roaring success thanks to the mainstream media only choosing to publicise data that is around three to four months out of date. A recent Office for National publication gathered traction in mainstream news outlets as it showed the vaccinated population accounted for just 1% of Covid-19 deaths in the United Kingdom, but there was a catch that they neglected to tell the masses.

The data published by ONS only covered the period from the beginning of January to the end of June 2021, which means the data contained thousands of alleged Covid-19 deaths that occurred during the winter wave of 2021, with the vast majority of them occurring in January when just 0.8% of the UK population was fully vaccinated, this of course led to skewed figures to justify the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine.


However, the ONS did inadvertedly reveal that 30,305 people had also died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine during the same period, figures that many have been trying to find out for months, with public health bodies claiming “they do not hold this information”.

The ONS report, used to dupe the public into believing just 1% of fully vaccinated people have died of Covid-19, didn’t include Covid-19 deaths that have and are currently occurring in this extremely strange third wave of Covid-19 deaths. Strange because Covid-19 deaths have been and still are many times higher than this time last year, despite the fact summer has been on our side, as well as an allegedly 95% effective vaccine.

In summer 2020, Covid-19 deaths flat-lined to zero even though a Covid-19 injection was not available, but fast forward one year and they are currently occurring at a higher rate than you would expect to see in the middle of winter with a 95% effective vaccine.


But the strangeness doesn’t end there, just take a look at the latest Covid-19 Statistical Report released by Public Health Scotland (PHS) on the 6th October 2021.

The report provides an array on data on testing, quarantining, vaccinations, cases, hospitalisations, and deaths but it doesn’t get very interesting until you read Table 16 which covers the number of Covid-19 positive cases by week and vaccination status.

Interesting because it shows that the majority of confirmed cases are now among the vaccinated population. In the most recent week from 18th September – 24th September 2021 the report shows that there were 10,479 confirmed cases among the unvaccinated population.

But it also shows that there were 1,330 confirmed cases among the partly vaccinated population, and 10,514 confirmed cases among the fully vaccinated population.

This means that between 18th September and 24th September there were 11,844 cases among the vaccinated population – almost 1,400 more than the unvaccinated population.


The same can also be said for the week of 11th September – 17th September which saw 13,552 cases among the unvaccinated population and 14,054 cases among the vaccinated population, and the same can also be said for the previous two weeks before that.

The data actually shows that between 28th August 2021 and 24th September 2021 there were 64,582 cases among the unvaccinated population, 12,317 cases among the partly vaccinated population, and 57,019 cases among the fully vaccinated population. Meaning there were 4,754 more cases among the vaccinated population.

So now that we’ve cleared up that the experimental Covid-19 injections clearly do not prevent infection or spread of Covid-19, let’s find out if they prevent hospitalisations like the authorities claim.

According to table 17 of the report between the 18th September 2021 and the 24th September 2021 there were 46 admissions to hospital related to Covid-19 among the unvaccinated over 60 population, whilst there were 6 admissions on the partly vaccinated population.

However, there were a huge 295 admissions among the fully vaccinated over 60 population, and the same pattern can be seen for the weeks previous all the way back to the 7th August 2021.


In all age groups for the week of 17th September to 24th September 2021 there were 230 hospitalisations among the entire unvaccinated population but 415 hospitalisations among the fully vaccinated population. If we base these hospitalisations occurring after the previous weeks confirmed cases then we can calculate the case-hospitalisation rate.

In the week beginning 11th September there were 13,552 confirmed cases among the unvaccinated population. Therefore based on the unvaccinated hospitalisation figures of 230 in the week beginning 17th September the case-hospitalisation rate is 1.7%. However, when we carry out the same calculation for the fully vaccinated population hospitalisations (415) and cases (12,119) we can see that the case-hospitalisation rate is 3.4%.

Therefore, this shows that the Covid-19 injections are increasing the risk of hospitalisation when exposed to Covid-19 by 102% rather than reducing the risk by the 95% claimed by the vaccine manufacturers and authorities.

So now that we’ve cleared up the Covid-19 injections increase the risk of hospitalisation rather than reducing it let’s find out if they prevent deaths like the authorities claim.

Table 18 of the Public Health Scotland report shows the number of deaths to have occurred via vaccination status. Unfortunately this data lags a week begind the data available for cases and hospitalisations, however the four weeks worth data shows an obvious trend.

The table shows that between 21[SUP]st[/SUP] August 2021 and 17[SUP]th[/SUP] September 2021 there were 59 deaths among the unvaccinated population, and 10 deaths among the partly vaccinated population.

However, the number of deaths occurring in the fully vaccinated outnumber both the unvaccinated and partly vaccinated deaths combined and some more.

The table shows that between 21[SUP]st[/SUP] August 2021 and 17[SUP]th[/SUP] September 2021 there were 233 deaths among the fully vaccinated population. Combine these with the 10 partly vaccinated deaths and it means the vaccinated population accounted for 81% of Covid-19 deaths up to the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] September 2021.


This means the unvaccinated population have accounted for just 19% of alleged Covid-19 deaths throughout most of September, whilst the fully vaccinated accounted for 77% of them. But couple the partly vaccinated deaths with the fully vaccinated deaths and you can see that throughout most of September 81% of deaths occurred among the vaccinated population.

If we base these deaths on occurring two weeks after the number of confirmed cases then we can work out the case-fatality rate.

In the week beginning 28th August there were 21,164 confirmed cases among the unvaccinated population. Therefore based on the unvaccinated death figures of 26 in the week beginning 11th September the case-fatality rate is 0.1%.

However, when we carry out the same calculation for the fully vaccinated population with 101 deaths and 17,093 cases we can see that the case-fatality rate is 0.6%.

Therefore, this shows that the Covid-19 injections are increasing the risk of death when exposed to Covid-19 by a huge 500% rather than reducing the risk by the 95% claimed by the vaccine manufacturers and authorities.

The data clearly shows the jabs do not prevent infection or transmission, and it clearly shows that even in summer and early autumn they are increasing the risk of hospitalisation and death rather than reducing the risk.

The problem we now face? Winter is just around the corner.



See the world through a puff of smoke
Thousands more people than usual are dying ... but it’s not from Covid

While focus remains firmly fixed on Covid-19, a second health crisis is quietly emerging in Britain. Since the beginning of July, there have been thousands of excess deaths that were not caused by coronavirus.

According to health experts, this is highly unusual for the summer. Although excess deaths are expected during the winter months, when cold weather and seasonal infections combine to place pressure on the NHS, summer generally sees a lull.

This year is a worrying outlier.

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), since July 2 there have been 9,619 excess deaths in England and Wales, of which 48 per cent (4,635) were not caused by Covid-19.

So if all these extra people are not dying from coronavirus, what is killing them?

Data from Public Health England (PHE) shows that during that period there were 2,103 extra death registrations with ischemic heart disease, 1,552 with heart failure, as well as an extra 760 deaths with cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke and aneurysm and 3,915 with other circulatory diseases.

Acute and chronic respiratory infections were also up with 3,416 more mentions on death certificates than expected since the start of July, while there have been 1,234 extra urinary system disease deaths, 324 with cirrhosis and liver disease and 1,905 with diabetes.

Alarmingly, many of these conditions saw the biggest drops in diagnosis in 2020, as the NHS struggled to cope with the pandemic.

A report released last week by the Government detailing the direct and indirect health impacts of the pandemic reported that there were an estimated 23 million fewer GP consultations – both in-person and online, in 2020 compared with 2019.

Diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) fell by 51 per cent, atrial fibrillation 26 per cent, heart failure 20 per cent, diabetes 19 per cent, coronary heart disease, 17 per cent and stroke and transient ischemic attack by 16 per cent.
Struggling to access the NHS

Since the start of the pandemic, charities and health bodies have warned that people were struggling to access care as the NHS switched to fighting the pandemic.

Now, 18 months of delayed treatments may be starting to take their toll.

Dr Charlotte Summers, an intensive care consultant from Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, told a Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) event this week that patients were arriving at A&E with serious conditions that had worsened during the pandemic.

“There is an increase in non-Covid emergencies that are arriving at the front doors of hospitals from all the delays the pandemic has created already. Things like people presenting later with tumours, and therefore having bowel perforations and aneurysms and lots of other things that were delayed,” she said.

“We've got a massive elective backlog....and we’re potentially likely to have flu at increased levels this year because immunity to influenza will have waned.
'It feels like winter already'

“Last winter, there was almost no RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus), and paediatric intensive care was pretty much empty and could help us out. Now they are absolutely teeming as are our emergency departments with adults and children with RSV infection.

“It feels like winter is already here, rather than it is coming. It’s worse this year than I think I remember at any point in the last 20 years.”


It's the same in the Netherlands with the months August and September higher deaths than normal not caused by Covid, although the Dutch bureau of Statistics didn't say anything about the delay of treatments caused by pandemic.



translator has this to say from the Icelandic health ministry site linked above:

Use of the COVID-19 vaccine Moderna in Iceland In recent days, there has been data from the Nordic countries on the increased incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with Moderna vaccine in addition to vaccination with Pfizer / BioNTech (Comirnaty). In Sweden, the use of Moderna has been restricted to individuals born before 1991. In Norway and Denmark, it has been emphasized that Pfizer vaccines are recommended rather than Moderna vaccines for 12–17 year olds. In Iceland, only the Pfizer vaccine has been recommended for primary vaccination at 12–17 years of age since vaccination of this age group began. For the past two months, modern vaccines have been used almost exclusively for booster vaccinations after the Janssen vaccine and after two-dose vaccinations for the elderly and immunocompromised. Very few individuals have received the second dose of primary vaccination started with Moderna. As there is a sufficient supply of Pfizer vaccine in Iceland for both the pre-vaccine activation vaccines and the primary vaccinations of those who have not yet been vaccinated, the Epidemiologist has decided not to use the Moderna vaccine in Iceland, while providing further information on the safety of the Moderna vaccine vaccine. Activation information on vaccinations with Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines from the European Medicines Agency. Opens in a new window

so we have Finland, Denmark, Sweden and now Iceland starting to doubt the experimental moderna mrna cocktail.

i feel so bad for all the test subjects that had these side effects. how terrible to make your self sick trying to make yourself healthy.
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the inventor of mRNA has been shut out of the New England Journal of Medicine....

thats how the scamdemic works, all the experts who are not willing to go along are silenced, banned off social media and demonized. even scientific results are discarded if they can't be used to increase the fear level. only information is promoted that can be used to promote participation in the mass vaccine trails going on around the world as we speak. even when it comes to counting mortality cases compared to counting adverse vaccine effects is a joke. when it comes to mortality any one with a positive test in the last 4 weeks is a covid death, no matter what caused the actual death. no autopsies needed, its covid. but when it comes to adverse fake vax side effects, we all of a sudden can't count the same way, now we have to make sure to present the true picture, going so far as to require autopsies, before someone dropping dead after the vaccine can be counted as a vaccine death.

basically from the beginning they did everything they could to present this thing as being way worse then it is for your average healthy person. who ever heard of a pandemic with a 0.1 % mortality rate. this is a health emergency at best. the world wide mortality rate just doesn't equal a pandemic. we still have not budged the planetary population numbers even a bit, in fact population on a world wide basis is still increasing. funny old plague this one. we are bankrupting the global economy, causing suffering and death for millions in future, for a sickness that isn't even effecting population numbers. we are damning millions and millions of people into extreme poverty because a few 80 year olds are dying a few months earlier. really logical and a good strategy to save lives yeah. LMAO....


hm.....this is very strange, normally this type of video wouldn't be left up on youtube. i wonder if they will leave it, his question is very logical, i guess they don't wanna look foolish again by banning stuff as fake news thats starting to seem obvious, lmao.

Novavax (Covovax) update - Compare hi/lo vaccination rates - Seroprevalence from CDC


check out the case number comparisons in the more or less vaccinated states, ....its starting to look like the whole world was scammed by big pharma again.


Active member
hm.....this is very strange, normally this type of video wouldn't be left up on youtube. i wonder if they will leave it, his question is very logical, i guess they don't wanna look foolish again by banning stuff as fake news thats starting to seem obvious, lmao.

Novavax (Covovax) update - Compare hi/lo vaccination rates - Seroprevalence from CDC


check out the case number comparisons in the more or less vaccinated states, ....its starting to look like the whole world was scammed by big pharma again.

Big pharm. gotcha. We’re totally in their control. They’re everywhere. Watching us. Planning our demise so they can control the world. I am so glad there’s a few special people in the know. Or is this just more of the same old bullshit?


Big pharm. gotcha. We’re totally in their control. They’re everywhere. Watching us. Planning our demise so they can control the world. I am so glad there’s a few special people in the know. Or is this just more of the same old bullshit?

ridiculing things you don't understand says more about you then me m8. im still waiting for some original thoughts from you on all this. so far you just seem to be backing what ever the most recent version of reality is thats been fed to you. you don't seem to care if there are errors made over and over, you still want to believe the latest lies.

i was getting to the point where i was considering the vax, but the data being produced kept getting worse. from a real vaccine we went to a leaky vaccine all in a matter of a few months, from a 94% effective vaccine to 20% effective inside 2 months. what do you think will come out in a few years? you know when the actual human stage 3 trail is actually officially finished? or what about 5 years down the road or 10? we will see.

lets just hope to hell, that we didnt cause more harm long term, the we mitigated short term with this leaky cocktail they are calling a vaccine, even though it lets you still get covid if you spend long enough with the virus in the air.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
ridiculing things you don't understand says more about you then me m8. im still waiting for some original thoughts from you on all this. so far you just seem to be backing what ever the most recent version of reality is thats been fed to you. you don't seem to care if there are errors made over and over, you still want to believe the latest lies.

i was getting to the point where i was considering the vax, but the data being produced kept getting worse. from a real vaccine we went to a leaky vaccine all in a matter of a few months, from a 94% effective vaccine to 20% effective inside 2 months. what do you think will come out in a few years? you know when the actual human stage 3 trail is actually officially finished? or what about 5 years down the road or 10? we will see.

lets just hope to hell, that we didnt cause more harm long term, the we mitigated short term with this leaky cocktail they are calling a vaccine, even though it lets you still get covid if you spend long enough with the virus in the air.

A decent post minus the first paragraph.


Active member
Around this time last year, i was chatting with a friend who’s an icu RN at the local trauma center. She told me that the icu’s were filled, but not with covid patients, but rather, with cardiac patients. Only a few were testing positive for covid.

I wasn’t surprised then, and i’m not surprised now if Wales and elsewhere report an increase in excess deaths due to cardiovascular or cerebrovascular occurrences.
Covid19 is a vascular virus. It attacks the vascular system and the debris congregate and form clots that can easily lodge in the heart and brain(and elsewhere) days, weeks or perhaps months later.

Personally, i do not believe that excess vascular deaths during a global vascular viral pandemic is merely a coincidence. I expect we will continue to hear similar reports in the future.


Active member
ridiculing things you don't understand says more about you then me m8. im still waiting for some original thoughts from you on all this. so far you just seem to be backing what ever the most recent version of reality is thats been fed to you. you don't seem to care if there are errors made over and over, you still want to believe the latest lies.

i was getting to the point where i was considering the vax, but the data being produced kept getting worse. from a real vaccine we went to a leaky vaccine all in a matter of a few months, from a 94% effective vaccine to 20% effective inside 2 months. what do you think will come out in a few years? you know when the actual human stage 3 trail is actually officially finished? or what about 5 years down the road or 10? we will see.

lets just hope to hell, that we didnt cause more harm long term, the we mitigated short term with this leaky cocktail they are calling a vaccine, even though it lets you still get covid if you spend long enough with the virus in the air.

I absolutely understand. There are bad folks in this world that will scheme and take advantage. That does not discount the fact that “big pharm” actually consists of many different individuals with many different attitudes. Most of them not fitting into your conspiracy theories. Those are just plain paranoia. Modern medicine has saved many lives and yes, it’s harmed a few. And yes, sometimes by choice. Nothing is perfect. Nor is it all bad.

They already have a pill. Tomorrow the vaccines may well be old news. What I can’t get over is that the death counts are going down. Now those statistics can be manipulated many different ways. The fact remains the same. The measures they are taking, though some may prove impractical, especially in the future, but they’re working. There is also a lot of self scrutiny on their part. How some folks get their kicks. I’m glad that they’re doing it. It is a headache trying to keep up.

I had a choice. Pfizer had the fewest reported side effects.

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