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Compact SOG with CFL's

DBG on that one you grew 12/12 from seed what was the final weight?

I'm still debating whether to try lst using this method..
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very good results on very little light. Your pulling about as much as i'd need a week for two people and with half the watts i do.
Thanks for the update Dr. Great job! That plant looks just like your other clones. What strain is it? I have some Northern Lights (3) in 3 weeks flower in a pc case that are starting to fill out nicely with only 50w of CFL (2 25w bulbs). I am growing these as a test to see what kind of result that low of wattage can give, and I gotta say, Im suprised! I'll be moving on to a modified version of your setup soon, and I can't wait to see the results in person! Good luck, and keep on growin. :rasta:


One thing I am confused about. You state on GC that you average 1/4th an ounce per plant. Here you state 21 grams per plant on average. I see where you get the 3/4 a week using the GC numbers. I am not attempting to debunk your claims, just curious if a mistake was(perhaps by me) and what numbers you actually achieve(on average).


Well-known member
One thing I am confused about. You state on GC that you average 1/4th an ounce per plant. Here you state 21 grams per plant on average. I see where you get the 3/4 a week using the GC numbers. I am not attempting to debunk your claims, just curious if a mistake was(perhaps by me) and what numbers you actually achieve(on average).

No you are correct when I first started this Pheno (back on GC)in the CFL box 7 grams per plant is what we needed to "Meet our Needs" and the system just worked better than expected
and some have been more than 21 grams.
That one is just a Pretty example :wave:

the one below will be much more she is on her 4th cycle thru.
3rd and 4th are always the heaviest yielders......first is the pretty one"Spike Bud" :rasta:



What I plan on doing is vegging(from seed) for one month then flowering for 9 weeks(3months). Start like seeds each week.


Thanks for clarifying. Very Impressive. Having been around this for awhile, do you attribute a portion of your fantastic results to using something like Shultz fert over an organic fert? Meaning, in your opinion, would your results(in terms of yield) decrease if this was done purely in organics? Also, how much does using these fertz decrease the taste of your end product. I read most of this thread, but I didn't see you mention drying/curing. Just out of curiosity, how are you doing this(times etc)?
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TheOneWill said:
What I plan on doing is vegging(from seed) for one month then flowering for 9 weeks(3months). Start like seeds each week.

From past experience, If you are using a cab simillar to the Doc's and you intend on vegging for 4 weeks you will rapidly run out of headroom once you switch to 12/12.
On my very first grow I vegged for 4 weeks and my plant finished around 6ft tall, got a good yield off her....lol.
The Doc uses clones and flowers as soon as they are rooted, that is the way to do it. You could go 12/12 from seed and probably be o.k......but I think if you are vegging as long as you intend too you will soon run into problems.


I have been following this thread for a while and I have to say that this tread is simply amazing!
You are an inspiration for the personal grower everywhere!
What an incredible post. Thank you so much for expanding my growing horizons DrBudGreenGenes. I just read this post last night and it's inspired me to make the following changes to my 400 watt grow closet with SCROG.

Right beside my SCROG screen I've got one hempy bucket (you familiar with these from GC?) with 2 clones in it flowering. I also am taking my 3 unsexed seedlings (White Rhino X LUI and White Rhino X White Widow seed project by a friend) and tossing them in flowering room. These 3 seedlings are in 16 ounce red cups. I'm going to allow them to flower in these cups. I have clones I can start adding once a week for a small perpetual harvest (trying to keep plant numbers out of the stratosphere.)

When do you recommend throwing the clones into flower? Right now I'm new at taking clones. I took some a little over a week ago and they all have new growth, but don't have roots coming out of the cubes or anything. For this next round I'll need to use these cuttings...should I wait until they have roots coming out of the plugs?

I also like your idea of cloning in 3" of perlite. Do you just put a bunch of cuts in 3" of perlite and then just pull the whole clone out (roots and all) to transplant when you're ready to throw them into flowering?

Thanks so much, awesome thread.



Well-known member
seventynine said:
What an incredible post. Thank you so much for expanding my growing horizons DrBudGreenGenes. I just read this post last night and it's inspired me to make the following changes to my 400 watt grow closet with SCROG.

Right beside my SCROG screen I've got one hempy bucket (you familiar with these from GC?) with 2 clones in it flowering. I also am taking my 3 unsexed seedlings (White Rhino X LUI and White Rhino X White Widow seed project by a friend) and tossing them in flowering room. These 3 seedlings are in 16 ounce red cups. I'm going to allow them to flower in these cups. I have clones I can start adding once a week for a small perpetual harvest (trying to keep plant numbers out of the stratosphere.)

When do you recommend throwing the clones into flower? Right now I'm new at taking clones. I took some a little over a week ago and they all have new growth, but don't have roots coming out of the cubes or anything. For this next round I'll need to use these cuttings...should I wait until they have roots coming out of the plugs?

Yes I would wait til ya see more than 1 root.......If ya use the same strain you will be able to get a 1-2 day window when they will all be rooted everytime

I also like your idea of cloning in 3" of perlite. Do you just put a bunch of cuts in 3" of perlite and then just pull the whole clone out (roots and all) to transplant when you're ready to throw them into flowering?

Well ............Kinda ya stick a fork down under them(From the side) and lift gently......80% of the perlite will fall off to be used again......they go into the "Soil Mix" and under 24 hour light .....until I see growth (usually 24-36 hours).....then into flowering

Now keep in mind that EACH Pheno of each strain will respond differently to this "Style" of growing....what you are lookin to achieve is ..........
MAX flower to size ratio.....
We want is the tallest finished "Budlet" we can to have "Fully Developed" flower clusters all the way down to the soil.(No waste)....
For some that maybe 20" some it maybe 40" each strain will have something different to "Say" about it.....
That will require different start heights some 1" some 3" some maybe 6" you get the idea

With the Perlite bed you can do 15 in a "Bread Box"
Thanks for the prompt response Dr. I will be trying perlite for my next batch of clones. Seems to me that clones take about a month until they show roots outside of my cubes. I'm not sure if the cubes I'm using are just extra dense or what. I guess there's nothing wrong with taking the clones a month before throwing them into the flower cab, but on principle I feel like it ought to be more like 2 weeks.

Also as a side note, how warm do you keep your cloning area? I'm thinking a heating pad wouldn't work well under perlite, do you use something else to keep them warm? (I think mine are just too cold...it's hard to keep them much above 70F this time of year.)



since I have a lot of clones now I could probably just start tossing in one a week and see how my particular strain does at different starting heights. So I could throw in a 1.5" clone this week, a 3" clone next week, etc.
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that's a very interesting thread!
i wish i'd have stumbled upon it a bit earlier.

i have a space that is 40x50cm and 70cm high. (i can get whatever box that's not higher than 1m and 70x80cm floor, but that's what i have right now).

i had a little problem converting oz to units i understand, but i gather that the volume of you "pots" is about 0.5 liter.

now i could collect milk containers and cut them in half and put 20 in my space. they'd be shaped like a cube, so would take more space than your bottles but leave more hight. (with bottles i could surely have 36 plants)

i also have a couple hundred grapefruit x mystery strain seeds that i'm testing now. i would go 12/12 from seed. i know this method would require many runs to dial in, but i'd like to go for this experiment.
do you think it makes sense to work with seeds? i could keep mothers and take clones, but since i have so many seeds (and no mother/clone area at hand) i would like to start with them.

i have a big 125W cfl, but i don't like it very much (it's to heavy for the silly reflector i have and doesn't hang parallel to the ground and takes to much space). will probably make a new box, slightly bigger (but not as high), and put in something to the tune of 150W in small cfl's.

i'm just thinking loud... hope it doesn't bother you. cluttering the thread with my thoughts... dunno what exactly i wanted to ask you. probably: can it work? do you have some advice? particularly: does it make sense to grow from seed? hmmm all strain dependent but i have a good feeling about the stuff i have ;)

ah and here a pic of my current mega cheap set up:

i run out of things to ramble and it's time to go to bed, so i'll just say thank you for the thread and hope you can steer my thoughts a little ;)



DrBudGreengenes- Very nice man :p Iv got my PC grow going now and going to take after your SOG setup :p if you dont mind hehe. I can fit 12-15 plants SOG style in my PC which isnt bad at all. Im hopefully going to have a perpetual grow style like yours soon enough. Im even thinking about turning my CAB into the Flowering area and the PC being the short term vegging :p well see for sure though.

Thanks for the inspiration will be stopping in here and there.
Why aren't I doing this?!?

Why aren't I doing this?!?

Hi there!

Just so I am clear, DrBudGreengenes, you pull over 2 ounces of dried bud every week. You clone off some well-established moms, root the clones in perlite, and flower /finish the plants in a cabinet roughly 2'x3'x2', under five 42W CFL's, which contains 27 plants in soil in cut down 20 ounce pop bottles.

Do you adjust the height of the bottles in the flowering cabinet to get them close to the lights, or do you keep the lights and bottles at the same position the whole time?

You got one hell of a setup!

If my assumptions are correct, I'm going to do this next season!

Mmmmm...2 ounces of bud every week...

I could (almost) quit my job and become a professional smoker with that setup!

Much respect

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