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Columbian Gold 72


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ I wondered if you were a vet and so you are. I was not in Vietnam, too young by a couple years. My brother got drafted and had a breakdown of the mind before being sent over. Just boot camp got to him. He was on the edge before being drafted and they were told, but they wanted bodies so off he went. Never fully recovered.

I read numerous books on the Vietnam war from people that were there, reading one now about a guy that was in SOG. My brother did not think highly of that of course, hehe. I did not romanticize it as my brother thought, but was fascinated by it for some reason. I did not want to go but in a way did? Special ops, not the line grunts setting off boobytraps, getting ambushed and having the enemy run away before they could fire back. That was a war we should not have ever been in, or at least to force draftees to fight in. I could say that of all the actions taken after WW2, that is my opinion anyways. I would have felt bad afterwards I think, killing draftees and people that were sick of unfair capitalistic practices. There were some pretty evil commies too, I know that.

I have or had something like PTSD/panic attack from genetics and life I guess. Best thing was crazy/trippy sativas and powdered magnesium, water, exercise. Bourbon and cigars are good too. hehe The crazy sativas like were common during the Vietnam war are good for stress type disorders. The aftereffects is what I am talking about. They make me freak out a bit on occasion during the high but if I keep at it, after a while I feel more able to deal with things. I got no lasting relief from the calming, narcotic type hybrids common now. Back to the old heirloom strains. Growing Cambodian, Oaxacan, Indian and Mexican sativas now, the Mexican is from 80's so sadly a bit of indica in it I guess, will see when it flowers and I smoke it. The guy who gave me the seeds said it was terror weed, hehe. The Oaxacan is current 'Lime Green' commercial pot, marketed as psychedelic but likely some indica in it?

Have not smoked pot in about 2 months and feel good. The relief I got from heirloom sativa pot was lasting. C99 is good too but still the heirlooms are best I think. I will smoke again pretty soon I suppose. Have to test my crop in a few months.:bigeye:


Well-known member
BCDD, are you using fresh pollen to fill the capsules? I want to try it
Some update
Girl #1
Click image for larger version  Name:	Cg72 fem 1.jpeg Views:	3 Size:	56.6 KB ID:	17847722

Click image for larger version  Name:	Cg72 fem 4.jpeg Views:	3 Size:	52.4 KB ID:	17847723

This is the whorled phillotaxy girl
Click image for larger version  Name:	Cg72 filotaxia (5).jpeg Views:	3 Size:	44.7 KB ID:	17847724

Cg72 fem 5, 7 & 8. All of the plants except the whorled phillotaxy one have same structure and bud similarly, some might be taller, others might flower a little faster but they are all branchy long flowering plants
Click image for larger version  Name:	Cg72 fem 5, 7 & 8.jpeg Views:	3 Size:	89.5 KB ID:	17847725

Have a nice week and enjoy life


Curious Cannivore
So it sounds like the CG72 seeds I got from Tropical Seeds in 2017 or 18 are the real deal? I have not popped any yet but it certainly sounded like something I should have in my stash...wonder how this line compares to CBG Punto Rojo purchased around the same time? My PR female is about 10 weeks or so along and is certainly narrow leaf tropical sativa with long slender stems, very needle like leaves and large but medium density colas that are slowly filling in. Aromas are intoxicating when fingering her underskirts.


Well-known member
Hi Texas
The seeds you got in 2018 from TSco are JGL originals like the ones I am growing. If they are the real deal or not at the moment I dont know, I like what I am seeing though but real test is smoking the buds. After smoking them I will have a better idea, I hope they can keep flowering in the colder months at same pace as now and finnish properly in my environment
I also wonder how it compares with CBG Punto Rojo which I could not source when it was available, you are growing the PR second edition.
At least I will be able to compare Cg72 with Colombian Black,THH and Original Haze which are all growing in the same environment, it should be a good point of reference for quality test


Curious Cannivore
Thanks funkyhorse, appreciate the info. Some of the strains seem to come with a lot of politics, which I respect but could care less about. I'm interested in effects and the experience of growing some of these cool heirloms. Will look forward to your results.


Active member
BCDD, are you using fresh pollen to fill the capsules? I want to try it
Some update
Girl #1


This is the whorled phillotaxy girl

Cg72 fem 5, 7 & 8. All of the plants except the whorled phillotaxy one have same structure and bud similarly, some might be taller, others might flower a little faster but they are all branchy long flowering plants

Have a nice week and enjoy life

Good morning, Funkyhorse. An interesting, albeit disappointing, discovery with my harvested male plant.

The process: The plant was literally covered with pollen sacs almost overnight. I stripped a couple of limbs within a couple of days, dried them slightly in a brown paper bag overnight and then ran them through my Nova for decarb. The material still had such a high moisture content that it was a soggy mess. I spread the material out on the tray of my convection toaster oven and ran a 10 minute cycle at 150°. Nice and toasty now. Pulverized it to a fine powder in my Mr Coffee grinder and capped it. The experiment turned out much better than expected so there was no question I was going to reap the remainder of the plant. Unfortunately, as often happens, life got in the way of plans and it was almost 2 weeks later before I was able to complete the harvest.

Well last week I ran out of my highly successful initial harvest and processed part of the later harvested material. To my chagrin, the results were a miserable fail. Only 25% as potent and the effect was totally foreign to the effects of the first batch. Most disappointing!!

The greatest difference in the two batches was the fact that within the two weeks between harvests, the vast majority of the pollen sacs on the later harvest had ruptured and lost most of the pollen. So, could it be that the pollen is actually what holds the goodness?!? More experimentation required!



Well-known member
The difference of 1/4 of the Effect of the earlyer harvest sounds like you done something wrong. Well, normally one dont smoke pollen, (i mean i did, and the effect is similar to smoking bud if the male is resinous) .
Just harvest the buds i would say. You can harvest some earlyer, some later if you unshure when to harvest.
What is the deal with Jahgreenlabel ? Go to ground or pass away ? I had a few of his CG 72 several years back , I did not keep them going . Does anyone still carry an authenic CG seed any more. ? thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Like GMT has predicted, the phillotaxy girl is the fastest CG72. She is also different from her sisters, she is columnar, all her sisters are branchy, pine looking plants
The top shots have been picked today and the plant is still alive, all lowers are making a few seed
CG72 phillotaxy girl top shot
Cg72 filotaxia (6).jpeg

Plant structure, the second branch tied to the bamboo was done by the plant itself in veg while trying to survive, she had a very difficult germination and over 3 months in veg
Cg72 filotaxia (8).jpeg

Some top bud close ups showing some resin
Cg72 filotaxia (7).jpeg
Cg72 filotaxia (9).jpeg

Have a nice week everybody


Well-known member

I got really stoned once early in the 1970’s on Colombian Gold. It lasted about 10 years!! Landing a government position required abstinence however.

When I rediscovered cannabis in 2015 in an attempt to ease the symptoms of PTSD, I was so hoping that I could replicate that beautiful picture my mind was painting of that era. After 5 years of constant gardening and sampling nearly 30 different strains, my utopia remained elusive.

Last year, I was ecstatic to score some CG72 seeds from USC. Could this possibly be my Eureka? After 3 1/2 agonizing months, my first plant “flowered”. 2 weeks later, I harvested it. (More on that early harvest in a bit)

I’ve recently embarked upon my 73rd glorious trip around the sun. A lifetime of hard work and even harder play without observing proper safety precautions has left me with a pulmonary system incapable of smoking anything with any efficacy. My modality of choice these days is “DinkyDow Dust”. A size 1 capsule loosely filled with decarbed, finely ground material has proven to be an adequate dose for my needs.

While I haven’t experienced a “What a Beautiful World” type of day, the experience has been most pleasant! An astutely increased sense of awareness of life around me has been amazing. An intense, clear-headed focus of incidental things brings a new light to matters that generally escaped my notice. I found myself deeply pondering things of significance that would normally garner no attention at all.

Without notice, I occasionally track through an area of town in which I was raised in my early years.This past week while traveling through the area, recollections of times past were everywhere I looked; my elementary school, the church I attended, the street corner I experienced my first fight and on and on. It was amazing the things that were popping into my mind that I hadn’t thought of in decades.

I’ve learned my new found treasure has been most advantageous for socializing, as well. For years my speech has been broken and slow while my mind plays “search-a-word”. It has become such a problem I refrain from engaging in conversation. Now, I find myself mentally fluid and my speech follows suit. Very refreshing!!

I suffer from extreme anxiety and often find heavy sativas counterproductive to my needs. Yesterday, I found myself in an environment that would normally evoke anxious feelings. Surprisingly, I weathered the experience with only minor negative effects.

The one negative I’ll have to aver is the fact that this is not complimentary to achieving manual tasks. I don’t sense any type of body buzz as such but I’m just not mentally motivated to get off my ass and get to work on some, perhaps, undesirable projects staring me in the face.

To be continued....... (pardon my lack of brevity)

I really love your description of effects BooCoo.
The heightened awareness of (and connection with) life around us is something I have written about quite a bit regarding Haze (also Colombian.)

Your description of the powerful experience of tapping into old memories is also very familiar to me.
It's as if you had walked back into a room where you had just been hanging out with friends or loved ones, and you can still feel/sense the presence of those others who were JUST THERE but are now absent. But the moment you are sensing could have been decades ago. Residual energy from that moment, invisible to any who were not there at the time, still lingers in the air like a shimmering cloud.
The ability to perceive this energy, apparently dormant and inaccessible to us until unwittingly activated by our favorite Colombian cannabis, is a gift that I wish the whole world could experience.

I hope you will continue writing about your perception of the world through cannabis.
Reading these descriptions can sometimes help people better appreciate their own experiences with the plant, and seek out strains that help them achieve these powerfully positive effects.
All the best to you in your journey.



Well-known member
and you can still feel/sense the presence of those others who were JUST THERE but are now absent. But the moment you are sensing could have been decades ago. Residual energy from that moment, invisible to any who were not there at the time, still lingers in the air like a shimmering cloud.
The ability to perceive this energy, apparently dormant and inaccessible to us until unwittingly activated by our favorite Colombian cannabis, is a gift that I wish the whole world could experience.


Thank you for expressing in words one of the two alchemies I look for in ganja. The other alchemy is to bring back and smoke again stuff I smoked in my past
What you are describing I call Santa Maria experience. I found this capability in paraguayan ganja of old too, but nowhere else in the world, together with the ability to work so well with other entheogens. I always thought it is a south american thing that the best entheogens are native from the continent, these varieties today are extinct
I believe the war on ganja was in fact a war against these effects. I hope I can find Santa Maria quality in some of the colombians I am growing.

There are other gates for the same perceptions, not only with ganja or entheogens. Those gates are located in your nose and your throat. Breathing, singing, hyperventilating works for other people too. But I prefer ganja. And if you realize, ganja goes through your nose and throat, it is more complete than other gates

The reason I grow is to find Santa Maria again
I was worried if I could finnish properly these plants in my environment.
After 3 years learning to grow now I am worried just to find Santa Maria, the plants will finnish in the environment created for them here in the greenhouse, they grow in the cold too
CG72 Punto Rojo pheno, I just call it Punto Rojo pheno because is the tallest plant at 2,8 meters
Top shot
Cg72 punto rojo feno (2).jpeg

Lower bud
Cg72 punto rojo feno lower bud.jpeg

CG72 fem 2
Cg72 fem 2 (2).jpeg

CG72 fem 3
Cg72 fem 3.jpeg

CG72 fem 4 red stem pheno
Cg72 fem 4 (2).jpeg

CG72 girls #5, 7 and 8
Cg72 fem 5 7 8.jpeg

CG72 #5 lower bud
Cg72 fem 5.jpeg

CG72 #8 lower bud
Cg72 fem 8.jpeg


  • Cg72 fem 5.jpeg
    Cg72 fem 5.jpeg
    50.2 KB · Views: 63


Well-known member
Thank you for expressing in words one of the two alchemies I look for in ganja. The other alchemy is to bring back and smoke again stuff I smoked in my past
What you are describing I call Santa Maria experience. I found this capability in paraguayan ganja of old too, but nowhere else in the world, together with the ability to work so well with other entheogens. I always thought it is a south american thing that the best entheogens are native from the continent, these varieties today are extinct
I believe the war on ganja was in fact a war against these effects. I hope I can find Santa Maria quality in some of the colombians I am growing.

There are other gates for the same perceptions, not only with ganja or entheogens. Those gates are located in your nose and your throat. Breathing, singing, hyperventilating works for other people too. But I prefer ganja. And if you realize, ganja goes through your nose and throat, it is more complete than other gates

The reason I grow is to find Santa Maria again
I was worried if I could finnish properly these plants in my environment.
After 3 years learning to grow now I am worried just to find Santa Maria, the plants will finnish in the environment created for them here in the greenhouse, they grow in the cold too
CG72 Punto Rojo pheno, I just call it Punto Rojo pheno because is the tallest plant at 2,8 meters
Top shot

Lower bud

CG72 fem 2

CG72 fem 3

CG72 fem 4 red stem pheno

CG72 girls #5, 7 and 8

CG72 #5 lower bud

CG72 #8 lower bud

Beautiful garden Funky.
Your reply made me think some more about the experience we're discussing, I am thinking that the "residual energy" from the moment actually exists, not in the place itself, but in a part of our brain like a memory buffer. as an extra layer of memory/data that can only be accessed when the engine is properly "primed" or prepared for the experience.
Who knows though . . .
Just a thought.


Well-known member
Beautiful garden Funky.
Your reply made me think some more about the experience we're discussing, I am thinking that the "residual energy" from the moment actually exists, not in the place itself, but in a part of our brain like a memory buffer. as an extra layer of memory/data that can only be accessed when the engine is properly "primed" or prepared for the experience.
Who knows though . . .
Just a thought.

Hola Raho
People in the past were more connected to nature and it was easier for them to think and understand when contemplating nature, something that seems lost today in the modern world
It is very difficult to put this into words. Sometimes words are a cage when you need to express what we really feel

Your description is very similar to what Rudolph Steiner and his anthroposophic school thinks about this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akashic_records
I do agree that all events from past, present and future are all written/encoded somewhere. You can call this somewhere Akasha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akasha or whatever beautiful name you might choose for this. It is not a mental plane as they claim, I totally disagree with that.

I totally agree with your claim that we can access this place when our engines are primed or tuned or prepared for the experience. Those memories you access are not yours. They dont live in your brain. It is a synesthesic experience. Synesthesia is another sense like see, touch, hear, smell, taste. Like senses, You feel it, you dont think this. You think how to touch or what to touch, but the touching experience belongs to the senses and senses are processed and interpreted by the brain, so maybe thats when this mental thing comes in.
Proper decent ganja opens synesthesia feelings and you can fine tune them into perceiving events, feelings and thoughts that happened in that certain place you are in at a different time, which can be wherever in the scale of time.
I miss this ganja, I want it back in my life


Active member
I really love your description of effects BooCoo.
The heightened awareness of (and connection with) life around us is something I have written about quite a bit regarding Haze (also Colombian.)

Your description of the powerful experience of tapping into old memories is also very familiar to me.
It's as if you had walked back into a room where you had just been hanging out with friends or loved ones, and you can still feel/sense the presence of those others who were JUST THERE but are now absent. But the moment you are sensing could have been decades ago. Residual energy from that moment, invisible to any who were not there at the time, still lingers in the air like a shimmering cloud.
The ability to perceive this energy, apparently dormant and inaccessible to us until unwittingly activated by our favorite Colombian cannabis, is a gift that I wish the whole world could experience.

I hope you will continue writing about your perception of the world through cannabis.
Reading these descriptions can sometimes help people better appreciate their own experiences with the plant, and seek out strains that help them achieve these powerfully positive effects.
All the best to you in your journey.


Very eloquently stated. Thank you.


far beyond driven...
CG72 are finnishing faster than I expected
The last one to sex was chopped
CG72 girl #8

This is girl#7, the only colourful one so far, all the rest produce round green buds

Have a nice month everybody

looking superb'
and many thx for all the documentation & work...
much much respect
and we see the OHz also in CG72 ;-)
but OHz is little nicer ... still the best high i'll also discovered ....
all the best & keep it up


Well-known member
Let it cure a long time, it's really worth it. Columbian Gold 1972 is truly a gem. I keep it for week-ends and for special occasions.


Well-known member
Let it cure a long time, it's really worth it. Columbian Gold 1972 is truly a gem. I keep it for week-ends and for special occasions.

For me everyday is weekend and everyday is a special occassion
How long is long cure?
I am noting after 50 day cure they get very nice, it is the strain i like most of the stuff I grew so far, it is a surprise. The best of it is on par with paraguayan weed of the beginning of this century, very nice weed.
Organolleptically they are all the same and it is for me the tastiest strain too
I kept most of the plants. They all look similar and taste similar. But some of them stay green on cold and others do purple
The ones that stay green are a step up the rest
My #3 is clearly the winner of the lot. If I succeed to clone and reveg I will run again next year

This is #1 on cold growing unexpectedly on winter in ascending sun hours
Click image for larger version  Name:	Cg72.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	67.8 KB ID:	17929551
Click image for larger version  Name:	Cg72 (2).jpeg Views:	0 Size:	41.5 KB ID:	17929552
Click image for larger version  Name:	Cg72 (3).jpeg Views:	0 Size:	57.3 KB ID:	17929553

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