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Columbian Gold 72


Well-known member
Excellent landrace resistance strain and this year no fungus issues at all
CG72 revegged cut from last year
Cg72 fem 3 (6).jpeg

Same revegged cut carrying seed from Northern Thailand 2008 x CG72 for some CG72 BX in hopes to bring vigor back.
I have endogamy problems in my pack of Cg72
Cg72 fem 3 x n Thai x cg72.jpeg

CG72 purple girl F2
Cg72 purple f2 (2).jpeg
Cg72 purple f2 (3).jpeg

CG72 purple x (Seedsman Hz x Golli Ohz90)
Cg72 purple x seedsman hz (2).jpeg

Pachamama Haze x CG72. This is the only one so far with a few PM issues, I will vape her anyway
Pachamama haze x cg72 (2).jpeg
Pachamama haze x cg72 (3).jpeg

Excellent landrace resistant cross and excellent vigor. Outcrossing with landraces seems to be the way
Northern thailand 2008 x CG72
N Thai x cg72 (4).jpeg
N Thai x cg72 (5).jpeg
N Thai x cg72 (6).jpeg

Have a nice week everyone


Active member
Just want to make sure in this thread my being a New Englander and of American descent is okay I don't want to have that used against me later in the thread or later when I'm trying to ask for help or advice you use the fact that I was born in America as something to hold against me


...como el Son...
Muy bien dicho !!
Y yo quisiera aprovechar este alegato repentino de Petrochemical, para denunciar y quejarme de la dura y silenciosa discriminación que sufrimos los feos para ligar...: Feos del mundo, uníos !! Abajo la opresión!! :
Si los feos no existieramos, los guapos no tendrían ningún privilegio especial, no se les dedicaría tanto tiempo y atenciones, y en lugar de "guapos" se les consideraría y denominaría "gente normal y del montón"...

Very well said!
And I would like to take advantage of this sudden allegation of Petrochemical, to denounce and complain about the hard and silent discrimination that we ugly people suffer to flirt....: Ugly people of the world, unite !!! Down with oppression! :
If we ugly people did not exist, the handsome ones would not have any special privilege, they would not be devoted so much time and attentions, and instead of "handsome" they would be considered and called "normal and ordinary people"....

Last edited:


Well-known member
Well my bad run of luck with CG '72 carries on even through his progeny ....

Yet another male!

He was grown outdoors over winter in a small pot and is likely bonzai-ed as a result of the harsh conditions.

This was from the more purple male I had and has a bit of stick about the stem.





Active member


Well-known member
What do you mean bad luck, that's a nice male. many peeps would be happy to get one of those

Well bad luck for me since I don't get to taste the CG '72 yet even in it's hybrid form 😉

But yes the males for me seems to be sexually stable but I didn't stress test them.

So question still remains if they are genetically or environmentally male ... 🤔


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Anyone have chiba-chiba seeds? I have read and heard that it was better than the gold. Never heard of anyone growing it. Wacky weed as well.


Well-known member
It seems CG72 is not a popular strain for outcrossing in the canna world

(Lemon Thai x THH) x CG72
Only 2 seeds made so I sprouted them to see what the CG72 male can do and compare it with the Lemon Thai x (Seedsman Hz x Golli Hz) cross which came out Lemon Thai dominant
Day 74 since shown first pistils and grown 11/13 from seed. This amount of resin on the stems I didnt see in the Lemon Thai x Ohz cross. A little bit on grandma but not like this. Fan leaves on this one are leaning to CG72 as opposite to the Ohz cross which are coming out leaning to Lemon Thai size fan leaves
View attachment 18063360 View attachment 18063361
Lower bud, she will stay until the end of the month indoors and then she will finnish outdoors hoping she wont reveg and keep flowering when photoperiod is on 13/11. Granma and mom were ready in 11 weeks. At 11 weeks here it seems a long way to go yet. The Lemon Thai x Ohz crosses are much faster, almost like mom, just a week or 2 longer dependeing on pheno
View attachment 18063362
After seen this feature I sprouted a few seeds made with the CG72 male to see what happens
Seedman Hz July pheno x CG72, I am curious about this one
View attachment 18063363
Have a nice weekend everybody
Not dure why its not considered God fr outcrossing, by all accounts the 72 gets great reviews


Well-known member
Anyone have chiba-chiba seeds? I have read and heard that it was better than the gold. Never heard of anyone growing it. Wacky weed as well.

The only thing ive seen like chiba in decades is in some phenotypes of oldtimers haze....I believe it has been used in it.........not seen anything close anywhere else.......I think mel had some nice pictures of the old chiba

Found it mels pic....chiba lumbo

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