^^ that pretty much sums up GJ pretty accurate, blazin you must have spent some time there....GJs only dispo is Palisade. I wish their quality was up to par. The closest rec store is Kush Gardens and even then. I'm still not impressed. Glad I grow my own. The cost if living isn't that bad but the cost will get lower in more ghetto parts of the town. The town is known more for the weird cracked out meth heads roaming around more than pot smokers. It's nice not being in a large city but at the same time its a drag. Your looking for good quality? Good luck unless you know someone who is doing it right. I grow only for personal. It's hard to get the quality you want unless you produce it yourself.
i heard that a mental hospital closed it's doors and released everyone like 5 years ago, and the place hasn't been the same since... duno if that is TRUE or not, but it certainly fits the description.
i really like the western slope because it still feels like there ain't alot going on out here... GJ is the busiest place, and it's pretty rinky-dink.
certainly don't miss the traffic of denver/cos
prolly just getting old