i dunno man...
i've already stated that water is created in the stratosphere chemically. thought i posted the link too.
i dunno man...
the trillions of gallons of petroleum extracted from the earth creating subsidence? fat floats....
i dunno man...
whether or not you'd even believe if i did post the source .... but here ya go:
Evolution of Water Vapor Concentrations and Stratospheric Age of Air in Coupled Chemistry-Climate Model Simulations
John Austin, John Wilson, and Feng Li
NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey
Holger Vömel
CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
Stratospheric water vapor concentrations and age of air are investigated in an ensemble of coupled chemistry-climate model simulations covering the period from 1960 to 2005. Observed greenhouse gas concentrations, halogen concentrations, aerosol amounts, and sea surface temperatures are all specified in the model as time-varying fields. The results are compared with two experiments (time-slice runs) with constant forcings for the years 1960 and 2000, in which the sea surface temperatures are set to the same climatological values, aerosol concentrations are fixed at background levels, while greenhouse gas and halogen concentrations are set to the values for the relevant years.
The time-slice runs indicate an increase in stratospheric water vapor from 1960 to 2000 due primarily to methane oxidation. The age of air is found to be significantly less in the year 2000 run than the 1960 run. The transient runs from 1960 to 2005 indicate broadly similar results: an increase in water vapor and a decrease in age of air. However, the results do not change gradually. The age of air decreases significantly only after about 1975, corresponding to the period of ozone reduction. The age of air is related to tropical upwelling, which determines the transport of methane into the stratosphere. Oxidation of increased methane from enhanced tropical upwelling results in higher water vapor amounts. In the model simulations, the rate of increase of stratospheric water vapor during the period of enhanced upwelling is up to twice the long-term mean. The concentration of stratospheric water vapor also increases following volcanic eruptions during the simulations.
Keywords: Greenhouse gases, Chemistry, atmospheric, Water vapor, Stratosphere, Coupled models
Received: October 27, 2005; Final Form: July 5, 2006
Corresponding author address: Dr. John Austin, NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ 08542-0308. Email: [email protected]
"b. Methane oxidation It is recognized that methane oxidation is an important source of stratospheric water (Jones and Pyle 1984; Remsberg et al. 1984; Le Texier et al. 1988). This issue was investigated by exploring the total hydrogen in the model, which is conserved under mixing and transport. The quantity is given by H = H2O + 2 × CH4 + H2CO + H2 (plus additional radicals). Le Texier et al. (1988) provide a comprehensive analysis of methane oxidation and the number of water vapor molecules produced per methane molecule oxidized, here denoted by α. Conservation of H implies that α may differ from 2.0. Over long time scales in the absence of nonconservative processes H should then be uniform. An approximation of H by neglecting the last two terms has indeed been shown to be uniform in the stratosphere (e.g., Jones and Pyle 1984; Remsberg et al. 1984; Randel et al. 2004). However, this is not a particularly demanding test of conservation. Figure 5 shows model results from run TRANSA for January and July 2000 of the water vapor and H′ = H, but with the last two terms approximated by a constant 0.5 ppmv. The contour interval of H′ is one-tenth the contour interval for H2O, indicating that in the absence of nonconservative processes, H′ is uniform in the model to a much higher precision than can be measured. In the stratosphere there is some structure in the fields due to the approximation of the last two terms. Nonconservative processes, condensation, and evaporation occur in the troposphere and in the winter Antarctic lower stratosphere, as can be seen in the figure panels for July. Similar results occur for other years examined. This confirms that to a precision of about 0.05 ppmv, CH4 oxidation can be taken as the major source term for water vapor.
"The structure and variability of H2O and CH4 are tightly coupled in the stratosphere, because CH4 oxidation is a principal source of stratospheric H2O (e.g., Remsberg et al. 1984)."

i've already stated that water is created in the stratosphere chemically. thought i posted the link too.
i dunno man...

the trillions of gallons of petroleum extracted from the earth creating subsidence? fat floats....
i dunno man...

whether or not you'd even believe if i did post the source .... but here ya go:
Evolution of Water Vapor Concentrations and Stratospheric Age of Air in Coupled Chemistry-Climate Model Simulations
John Austin, John Wilson, and Feng Li
NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey
Holger Vömel
CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
Stratospheric water vapor concentrations and age of air are investigated in an ensemble of coupled chemistry-climate model simulations covering the period from 1960 to 2005. Observed greenhouse gas concentrations, halogen concentrations, aerosol amounts, and sea surface temperatures are all specified in the model as time-varying fields. The results are compared with two experiments (time-slice runs) with constant forcings for the years 1960 and 2000, in which the sea surface temperatures are set to the same climatological values, aerosol concentrations are fixed at background levels, while greenhouse gas and halogen concentrations are set to the values for the relevant years.
The time-slice runs indicate an increase in stratospheric water vapor from 1960 to 2000 due primarily to methane oxidation. The age of air is found to be significantly less in the year 2000 run than the 1960 run. The transient runs from 1960 to 2005 indicate broadly similar results: an increase in water vapor and a decrease in age of air. However, the results do not change gradually. The age of air decreases significantly only after about 1975, corresponding to the period of ozone reduction. The age of air is related to tropical upwelling, which determines the transport of methane into the stratosphere. Oxidation of increased methane from enhanced tropical upwelling results in higher water vapor amounts. In the model simulations, the rate of increase of stratospheric water vapor during the period of enhanced upwelling is up to twice the long-term mean. The concentration of stratospheric water vapor also increases following volcanic eruptions during the simulations.
Keywords: Greenhouse gases, Chemistry, atmospheric, Water vapor, Stratosphere, Coupled models
Received: October 27, 2005; Final Form: July 5, 2006
Corresponding author address: Dr. John Austin, NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ 08542-0308. Email: [email protected]
"b. Methane oxidation It is recognized that methane oxidation is an important source of stratospheric water (Jones and Pyle 1984; Remsberg et al. 1984; Le Texier et al. 1988). This issue was investigated by exploring the total hydrogen in the model, which is conserved under mixing and transport. The quantity is given by H = H2O + 2 × CH4 + H2CO + H2 (plus additional radicals). Le Texier et al. (1988) provide a comprehensive analysis of methane oxidation and the number of water vapor molecules produced per methane molecule oxidized, here denoted by α. Conservation of H implies that α may differ from 2.0. Over long time scales in the absence of nonconservative processes H should then be uniform. An approximation of H by neglecting the last two terms has indeed been shown to be uniform in the stratosphere (e.g., Jones and Pyle 1984; Remsberg et al. 1984; Randel et al. 2004). However, this is not a particularly demanding test of conservation. Figure 5 shows model results from run TRANSA for January and July 2000 of the water vapor and H′ = H, but with the last two terms approximated by a constant 0.5 ppmv. The contour interval of H′ is one-tenth the contour interval for H2O, indicating that in the absence of nonconservative processes, H′ is uniform in the model to a much higher precision than can be measured. In the stratosphere there is some structure in the fields due to the approximation of the last two terms. Nonconservative processes, condensation, and evaporation occur in the troposphere and in the winter Antarctic lower stratosphere, as can be seen in the figure panels for July. Similar results occur for other years examined. This confirms that to a precision of about 0.05 ppmv, CH4 oxidation can be taken as the major source term for water vapor.
"The structure and variability of H2O and CH4 are tightly coupled in the stratosphere, because CH4 oxidation is a principal source of stratospheric H2O (e.g., Remsberg et al. 1984)."