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climate change

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
The warming of the seas and the associated expansion of their waters
account for about one-third of sea level rise around the world.

Warm water has more volume than cool water.

The remaining two-thirds of sea level rise is occurring as a result of
melting from ice sheets in Greenland, Antarctica and mountain glaciers.

When you add ice cubes to your cocktail the level increases.

The really interesting things that hurt coastal cities and island
nations even more is the removal of ground water for use causes
those areas to sink.

Think Miami, Jakarta, Venice, Maldives, New York City, etc.

Those evacuations will add to the enormous immigration/migration
of millions of folks displaced, further adding to the stresses already
in place by political/economical factors.

Skeptics will just say, hands on hips and all pouty, no it won't!

The warming of the seas and the associated expansion of their waters
account for about one-third of sea level rise around the world.

Warm water has more volume than cool water.

The remaining two-thirds of sea level rise is occurring as a result of
melting from ice sheets in Greenland, Antarctica and mountain glaciers.

When you add ice cubes to your cocktail the level increases.

The really interesting things that hurt coastal cities and island
nations even more is the removal of ground water for use causes
those areas to sink.

Think Miami, Jakarta, Venice, Maldives, New York City, etc.

Those evacuations will add to the enormous immigration/migration
of millions of folks displaced, further adding to the stresses already
in place by political/economical factors.

Skeptics will just say, hands on hips and all pouty, no it won't!


Got any facts to back up these ridiculous claims?
Double post

What I find funny also, are the claims of land base masses sinking. Has anybody taken into account the continuing desegregation of our soils integrity due to petroleum farming? It's called compaction. Nothing is sinking. Fear mongering at it's best

Genghis Kush

Active member
What do you mean? New York is underwater, Hawaii has been gone for a while now. Central cali is now the coast.......

Wait a minute, none of this has happened........hmmmmm...

I laughed out loud at a taxi driver in Hawaii. He was talking about how the beaches are disappearing in Hawaii. He told me he had been driving there for five years, and in those years ALL the beaches are disappearing. When I got to the hotel, a huge poster of the beach in 1950 was hanging. I looked at the guy and laughed, "this was 60+ years ago, looks the same to me." Then threw him a small tip and asked "next time if you want a bigger tip, then you shouldn't spew that nonsense."

Has anybody noticed that Mother Nature has become many people's God?

That taxi driver should have bitch slapped you right back to the main land!

Typical ignorant asshole tourist that shits on where ever he goes.

The beaches in Waikiki are man made because of the erosion.
The sand comes from Australia and is replenished periodically.


Active member
That taxi driver should have bitch slapped you right back to the main land!

Typical ignorant asshole tourist that shits on where ever he goes.

The beaches in Waikiki are man made because of the erosion.
The sand comes from Australia and is replenished periodically.

^^^^^^this.....complete dick move, that's their livelyhood.


Kiss My Ring


If one cubic kilometer of water (i.e., one gigatonne of water) is spread evenly over the entire 361 million square kilomters, the thickness of the new layer of water will be given by:

1 km³ / 361 x 106 km² = 2.78 x 10-6 meters = 2.78 microns.

Or, in terms of gigatonnes:

1 Gt x (1 km³/Gt) / 361 x 106 km² = 2.78 x 10-6 meters = 2.78 microns / Gt

That is, one cubic kilometer of water (i.e., one gigatonne of water) will add less than 3 millionths of a meter to the oceans!

From the press release, we are seeing about 159 billion tons/year of ice converted to meltwater (unless it sublimates), so the effect on sea level would be 159 x 3 millionths of a meter, or 477 millionths of meter of sea level rise per year from this. (or in other words 0.47 mm which works out to 47mm/century or ~1.85 inches/century)

For another perspective, a gigatonne of water is approximately one cubic kilometer. Frozen as ice, it would be expanded slightly, but for the purposes of perspective lets just say that is negligible. So, the ice loss per year would be 0.159 cubic kilometers.

According to the British Antarctic Survey BEDMAP2 project:

The derived statistics for Bedmap2 show that the volume of ice contained in the Antarctic ice sheet [is] 27 million km(3).

And so, the loss of 159 cubic kilometers of ice per year is apparently headline worthy, because at that rate of loss, it would take 169,811 years to lose all the 27 million cubic kilometers of Antarctic ice.

Since the end of the Little Ice Age, sea level has been rising at a rate of about 7 inches per century:


(fresh water in glaciers =1.75% of all water )

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
When I was a kid we all went kayaking in the ocean,
super fun shit right there, what fish you catching anyways
I used to kayak in the lightning capitol of the USA (or the world?) it would be sunny out on the river then all of a sudden death is imminent black clouds rolling in like poisontongues or dragons breath thunder right above you flash FLASH theres an abandoned-to-no-funds half-mansion we can hide in...GO! I once kayaked to a party too---with beer---what does this have to do with climate change? Well *tips hat* not a god damn thing kayaks rule. Saw crocs jellys dolphins but never a single fatass manatee in the whole entire river ever. Next stop: pacific ocean
That taxi driver should have bitch slapped you right back to the main land!

Typical ignorant asshole tourist that shits on where ever he goes.

The beaches in Waikiki are man made because of the erosion.
The sand comes from Australia and is replenished periodically.

So your saying the beaches are disappearing due to global warming, or erosion? Pretty sure it's erosion, and the beaches looked the same. End of fake global warming story. Now slap yourself. You guys can learn from immigrant taxi drivers about the complexities of the world, I choose to keep common sense.

So all you guys that are global warming experts.....How did the ice age happen? How did the mini ice age in the 1800's happen? Why are there not more hurricanes after global warming experts claimed they would be happening at an exponential rate? Why did the research teams that were searching for ice depletion, get stuck in the ice hundreds of miles from where they were supposedly going to find no ice? Why is everything Al Gore (and all global warming scientist) has said not happened? Why has the global temperatures not risen in 18+ years? Why is the solar system heating up? Jupiter, mars, Neptune, is that because of humans as well?

One medium size volcanic eruption produces more c02 gas, than the human population was able to emit in 50 years. Medium size volcano's erupt on average about 5-10 times a year.......

Let me clue all you suckers in on something, there is something called a burning ball of gas in the sky causing these fluctuation. That is why we see celestial heating across the solar system.

Since we now know the sun isn't some bundle of firewood, slowly going out, and know its a nuclear fusion reactor, we also know the sun will continue to heat until it goes super nova. Those are the facts. And "scientist" are using it against you.

Waiting for an actual rebuttal. Not some chicken leaving neg rep with nothing to say. @mugenbao

Genghis Kush

Active member
"The rate of sea-level rise (SLR) has accelerated since 1990, approximately doubling"


"Some scientific conclusions have been so thoroughly examined and tested, and supported by so many independent observations and results, that their likelihood of being found wrong is vanishingly small. Such conclusions are then regarded as settled facts. This is the case for the conclusions that the Earth system is warming and that much of this warming is very likely due to human activities…strong evidence on climate change underscores the need for actions to reduce emissions and begin adapting to impacts.”
America’s Climate Choices, U.S. National Academy of Science, National Research Council, 20111"
"The rate of sea-level rise (SLR) has accelerated since 1990, approximately doubling"


"Some scientific conclusions have been so thoroughly examined and tested, and supported by so many independent observations and results, that their likelihood of being found wrong is vanishingly small. Such conclusions are then regarded as settled facts. This is the case for the conclusions that the Earth system is warming and that much of this warming is very likely due to human activities…strong evidence on climate change underscores the need for actions to reduce emissions and begin adapting to impacts.”
America’s Climate Choices, U.S. National Academy of Science, National Research Council, 20111"

So you post something about sea levels on islands? Missed the point much?

From the story.....

To avoid this future requires commitment and action. What can you do?
Live a low carbon lifestyle as your part to help stabilize warming.

Encourage elected officials to implement SLR adaptation programs.

Enact a SLR planning guideline of 1 ft by mid-century and the low end (3 ft) of 2.5 to 6.2 by the end of the century.

Consider the impact of a worst case SLR scenario of 6.2 ft by end of the century. Use this in the planning of appropriate projects such as hospitals, waste water treatment, coastal highways, and other cases where public health and safety are at risk.

Expect that hurricanes and tsunamis will make direct landfall in Hawaii under conditions of higher SLR. Plan and redevelop communities to improve resilience.

Invest more funds to purchase key vulnerable lands.

Promote a state-wide retreat from our moving shoreline.

Order state and county agencies to consider climate change, especially SLR, in their missions and to define fundable projects and programs that lead to adaptation.

Hawai’i must adapt to global warming if we want to avoid the most serious impacts.

So the fix according to this nonsense, is to vote for more restrictive laws in America, Hawaii actually. While the entire world catches up to America and pollutes the planet? Sounds like redistribution to me. Did you even read what you posted? I know it's hard, but can we talk history, and not some idiots view of the future? Where is the proof people?​


if it smells like fish
if something sink the water has risen or atleast there is now more of it that what it has to do with it..i have kayaked all over florida especially the keys and most of the usa coastline...I have caught about ever kind of fish sitting in it at one time or another..even some tarpon..now that was awesome.....sink baby sink....yeehaw...I would paddle over where new York was and take a pee

Genghis Kush

Active member
Epic argument from global warming experts: The science is settled.

Almost as good as: I know, but I'm not telling you.



Kiss My Ring

here's the proof!

see how that 1 mm rise doubled to 2 mm?
and so on and so forth?

from your 'proof':

A map of altimeter measurements (Figure 2) reveals the localized rate of sea-level change since 1993 on the world’s oceans. Rates are contoured by color: light green indicates regions where sea level has been relatively stable; yellow, orange, and red show areas of SLR; blue and purple indicate areas of sea-level fall. This complex surface pattern largely reflects wind-driven changes in the thickness of the upper layer of the ocean, and to a lesser extent changes in upper ocean heat content driven by surface circulation.

consider the source. water will always seek the lowest point and level out. tides, wind, storm surge.... ALL affect how those measurements obtain. ambiguous at best.

you will notice these measurements are in millimeters over a ten year period.
...and then notice that their claim in the first sentence following the graph is:

"Most noticeable on the map is the trend of SLR in the western Pacific approaching, and in places exceeding, 10 mm/yr (0.4 in/yr)."

to blame global warming....well, the shame's on you.

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