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climate change

Sea level rise is measured by satellite .

if you get a chance, check out the power point presentations in the left hand column on the Holocene sea level history of Hawaii.
It provides some interesting information.

Funny, because when global temps were taken with satellites, that info was dismissed.......

I also notice you didn't even attempt to answer any of my questions, and you throw up a study that doesn't prove a single thing, as Trichrider proved in the articles own words.....Epic FAIL

Genghis Kush

Active member
if something sink the water has risen or atleast there is now more of it that what it has to do with it..i have kayaked all over florida especially the keys and most of the usa coastline...I have caught about ever kind of fish sitting in it at one time or another..even some tarpon..now that was awesome.....sink baby sink....yeehaw...I would paddle over where new York was and take a pee

Have you kayaked in Hawaii?

some really great kayaking here.

Im thinking about getting one


Don't take this the wrong way but you guys who kayak salt water are something else. You are in a craft that looks like food. You are now on the menu. I'd much rather face any land animal than what's in the sea. At least on land I can try to escape or even fight back. I could only thrash about and possible splash a Tiger Shark in the face. Hopefully the massive amounts of my urine and feces in the water would send it away.

I'm in the woods a lot and these last few years I have noticed many Old Growth Doug Firs dying. These are not quite Old Growth yet, some would call them second growth as the area was logged early last century. Fact remains though needles are burnt and not seeing a natural replenishment in the under story of the forest. Rather what is growing instead is a Western Hemlock. So what I'm saying is that where the Doug was thriving in the past is now moving to the North for some reason. This is on the Divide between the Southern Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon.


Kiss My Ring
In summary, it is widely agreed among researchers that the rate of global mean SLR has accelerated (approximately doubling) over the 20th and 21st centuries and reached approximately 3.2 mm/yr. Since the beginning of satellite altimetry (1992) there is no sign of further acceleration. The rate of global mean SLR will have to increase if the predictions of 32 cm (1 ft) by 2050 and 75 to 190 cm (2.5 to 6.2 ft) by the end of the century are to be realized.


from 'your' proof...


Active member
So your saying the beaches are disappearing due to global warming, or erosion? Pretty sure it's erosion, and the beaches looked the same. End of fake global warming story. Now slap yourself. You guys can learn from immigrant taxi drivers about the complexities of the world, I choose to keep common sense.

So all you guys that are global warming experts.....How did the ice age happen? How did the mini ice age in the 1800's happen? Why are there not more hurricanes after global warming experts claimed they would be happening at an exponential rate? Why did the research teams that were searching for ice depletion, get stuck in the ice hundreds of miles from where they were supposedly going to find no ice? Why is everything Al Gore (and all global warming scientist) has said not happened? Why has the global temperatures not risen in 18+ years? Why is the solar system heating up? Jupiter, mars, Neptune, is that because of humans as well?

One medium size volcanic eruption produces more c02 gas, than the human population was able to emit in 50 years. Medium size volcano's erupt on average about 5-10 times a year.......

Let me clue all you suckers in on something, there is something called a burning ball of gas in the sky causing these fluctuation. That is why we see celestial heating across the solar system.

Since we now know the sun isn't some bundle of firewood, slowly going out, and know its a nuclear fusion reactor, we also know the sun will continue to heat until it goes super nova. Those are the facts. And "scientist" are using it against you.

Waiting for an actual rebuttal. Not some chicken leaving neg rep with nothing to say. @mugenbao

I concede that Al Gore's claims about the "rates" of ice melting seem to be always be exaggerated by him. The scientist he's referring to was talking about "nearly iceless summers". 50's claim here seems to hold some water, as always colorful as it is. Its happening, but a lot slower than expected. But fuck oil and coal anyway. :biggrin:


Well-known member
the problem again is equating AL Gore to being the voice of climate science
he's not, just not a title he should have ever had
he was quoting a small subgroup of climate scientists, obviously that prediction was incorrect
but that was not a scientific consensus, by no means
climate scientists do not know everything, that's plain
just because they don't know everything doesn't mean they know nothing

Genghis Kush

Active member
In summary, it is widely agreed among researchers that the rate of global mean SLR has accelerated (approximately doubling) over the 20th and 21st centuries and reached approximately 3.2 mm/yr. Since the beginning of satellite altimetry (1992) there is no sign of further acceleration. The rate of global mean SLR will have to increase if the predictions of 32 cm (1 ft) by 2050 and 75 to 190 cm (2.5 to 6.2 ft) by the end of the century are to be realized.


from 'your' proof...

proof of what?
I never made any claims.

I knew before I posted the link that you would pick pieces out and present them out of context.

I wonder if its because you have poor reading comprehension skills or if its selective retardation induced by zealotry?

did you check out the power point?
It has some cool info on climate fluctuations over the last 10,000 years. All of known human civilization has occurred during that time and most of it has been warmer than now.



if it smells like fish
Don't take this the wrong way but you guys who kayak salt water are something else. You are in a craft that looks like food. You are now on the menu. I'd much rather face any land animal than what's in the sea. At least on land I can try to escape or even fight back. I could only thrash about and possible splash a Tiger Shark in the face. Willamette Valley and .
that's what makes it fun...you realize how small and insignificant you truly are..i have had hammerheads bump my yak and pissed off sea lions too...thats the fun..getting close to whales is awe inspiring and raises my adrenaline a lot....if it weren't for the sharks and dangers it wouldn't be any fun..having sharks and big fish tow ya around is awesome..i chum a lot and catching sharks is the norm...yeeehaw...let the water rise baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!..being blue my yak blends in well in the ocean


Spent lots of time out Blue Water chasing Tuna and Halibut. Seen some cool stuff and a lot of garbage floating. Calm days when the surface is like glass there is this scum film on top. Sad really. The dead zones here off Oregon are getting larger.

I nearly died 3 times in one day out there. First almost went OB while Skip was sleeping below deck. I was slow trolling and went off the Stern, hooked the ladder for the save. On way back he had stereo blasting up on plane and tried to cross in front of CC Cutter. When I saw the deck gun swing our way I lost it, turned off the radio to hear them hailing us frantically. I think they were seconds from putting one across our Bow. Crossing the bar in the Fog we wound up on the South side of the South Jedi nearly rolled it in the breakers. Gave away all my Salt water gear and took up fly fishing. Never set foot on his boat again.

We've had poisonous Sea Snakes washing up here this year. I know the warm current runs up here in the Summer but never had Sea Snakes. Your right even in a 27' Sea Ray I felt pretty small when a couple Hump Backs swam under us. Couldn't imagine that in a Kayak.

Sorry not at all trying to derail thread. It is warming up here and it shows in the Ocean first. Lots of die offs here. New viruses showing up in many species. Plankton definitely reduced, dead zones there's none at all. Scary.


Kiss My Ring
I knew before I posted the link that you would pick pieces out and present them out of context.

I wonder if its because you have poor reading comprehension skills or if its selective retardation induced by zealotry?


isn't it obvious that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
i present my arguments the same as the c(LIE)mate scientists...except for making stuff up...to bolster my position, as does everyone.
why would you even wonder that?
you even said 'I' cherry picked my presents...so 'I' must have some reading comprehension skills.

could you please point to an example, 'I' may have missed it.

now the part about zealotry is more or less insulting.
more if you're talking about the goose and less if talking about the gander.

ma halo

Genghis Kush

Active member
@ trichrider
sorry if you found me offensive, I seem to maybe have mistook you for those who are not concerned about human caused environmental degradation.

unfortunately, your position is championed by the people who are causing the destruction of the ocean, sky and land.

Pumping the sky full of man made chemicals can only hurt us. No intelligent scientist thinks that all climate change is man made. What they are saying is that pollution is screwing up the delicate balance of the earths ecosystem and we need to stop.

That's what their agenda is.

to save the beauty of the earth.


3rd-Eye Jedi
The study I referenced really puts all things human into perspective. I posted the study, from climatologists, some times ago.

The bottom line is this, and it runs analogous to our grows, you cannot measure the effect and efficiency of an ecosystem by single factor. Conversely you cannot judge the health of one that way either.

Being the study highlighted climate scientists being divided upon views that sat outside the sciences and that to know the true state of the climate the reasonable consensus was that all sciences related to the earth and it's ecosytems need be involved.

The data from all of them juxtapose brings other conclusions, and the paid misinformation from corporate shills, know how to divide opinion by putting focus on only one variable.

The fact that much media and news is designed to shape public opinion and that arguments are based on those perceptions baffles me still.

How can someone have a healthy level of cynicism become a conspiracy theorist where the arguments are so polarized? Maybe, they can't.


Kiss My Ring
@ trichrider
sorry if you found me offensive, I seem to maybe have mistook you for those who are not concerned about human caused environmental degradation.

unfortunately, your position is championed by the people who are causing the destruction of the ocean, sky and land.

Pumping the sky full of man made chemicals can only hurt us. No intelligent scientist thinks that all climate change is man made. What they are saying is that pollution is screwing up the delicate balance of the earths ecosystem and we need to stop.

That's what their agenda is.

to save the beauty of the earth.

honestly i was not offended, disappointed but not offended. we are sometimes blinded by science, particularly the science surrounding climate change.
we are misinformed on almost everything but especially climate change aka 'global warming'.
there are big dollar signs attached to this fraud, and perhaps if there had not been so much money involved i wouldn't have scrutinized so closely the evidence (which by the way is hidden and not easily discovered).
i doubt that anyone 'championing' this cause is responsible for climate change regardless.
it is, as Weird said, consisting of variable parameters, of which we know little and most likely some we lack any knowledge of.

imo pollution is not causing warming and should not be considered a factor.
i know it's easy to blame because it's visibly evident, but don't be distracted by its visibility.

btw...Hawaii beaches are on the sides of very large mountains.:tiphat:


Active member
honestly i was not offended, disappointed but not offended. we are sometimes blinded by science, particularly the science surrounding climate change.
we are misinformed on almost everything but especially climate change aka 'global warming'.
there are big dollar signs attached to this fraud, and perhaps if there had not been so much money involved i wouldn't have scrutinized so closely the evidence (which by the way is hidden and not easily discovered).
i doubt that anyone 'championing' this cause is responsible for climate change regardless.
it is, as Weird said, consisting of variable parameters, of which we know little and most likely some we lack any knowledge of.

imo pollution is not causing warming and should not be considered a factor.
i know it's easy to blame because it's visibly evident, but don't be distracted by its visibility.

btw...Hawaii beaches are on the sides of very large mountains.:tiphat:

Trichrider, you seem like a wicked smart dude, but there is a ridiculous consensus among scientists that maybe we should stop with the Hummers....and coal burning stoves. My power bill sucks in FL. As a fail safe shouldnt we be building fields of solar panels? Does "free" suck or something? Our mother star would like to write a check to our government for free energy forever. And I'm drunkipants, but still...and don't mess with Hawaii, they are the lotus flower of earth, where can you see those colors anywhere....Frankly I would like to take my beautiful wife there someday, and stick her toes in the sand, and not see any rotting erosion....and only me falling of a surfboard because I have terrible balance..... :biggrin:


Kiss My Ring
hi maraxes.
you have confused me with someone else, i'm an average shmoe with time to look around.
what i see is very many peeps who bought into the hysteria....a consensus, if you will.
it's been shown in this thread that the parameters of the IPCC 'studies' allowed only investigation of MANS INFLUENCE on climate. they were paid to point to CO2.


yes i agree we need to reduce pollution, it's despicable. and i'm all for free energy from solar, wind, tides/waves, geothermal, gravity, etc.

i've stated over and over that the sun is controlling our climate. should i say it again?

the sun is controlling our climate.

not the IPCC, not Gore, not the CCE, not scientists.

it isn't controlled by the flora and fauna. sure we make alot of CO2, but consider the biota that doesn't walk upright and cannot even be seen...

"A large amount of available carbon is found in land plants, which are producers that use carbon dioxide from the air to synthesize carbon compounds. Related to this, one very significant source of carbon compounds is humus, which is a mixture of organic materials from dead plants and prokaryotes that have resisted decomposition. Consumers such as animals use organic compounds generated by producers, releasing carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Then, bacteria and fungi, collectively called decomposers, carry out the breakdown (decomposition) of plants and animals and their organic compounds. The most important contributor of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is microbial decomposition of dead material (dead animals, plants, and humus).

Source: Boundless. “The Role of Prokaryotes in Ecosystems.” Boundless Biology. Boundless, 08 Jan. 2016. Retrieved 31 Jan. 2016 from https://www.boundless.com/biology/t...-role-of-prokaryotes-in-ecosystems-565-11778/

so don't be so hard on yourself, we are not the major contributors of carbon dioxide.

take your beautiful wife to the islands and stick her toes in the sand, have another beer, and forgive those who made you feel bad about breathing.


Active member
hi maraxes.
you have confused me with someone else, i'm an average shmoe with time to look around.
what i see is very many peeps who bought into the hysteria....a consensus, if you will.
it's been shown in this thread that the parameters of the IPCC 'studies' allowed only investigation of MANS INFLUENCE on climate. they were paid to point to CO2.


yes i agree we need to reduce pollution, it's despicable. and i'm all for free energy from solar, wind, tides/waves, geothermal, gravity, etc.

i've stated over and over that the sun is controlling our climate. should i say it again?

the sun is controlling our climate.

not the IPCC, not Gore, not the CCE, not scientists.

it isn't controlled by the flora and fauna. sure we make alot of CO2, but consider the biota that doesn't walk upright and cannot even be seen...

"A large amount of available carbon is found in land plants, which are producers that use carbon dioxide from the air to synthesize carbon compounds. Related to this, one very significant source of carbon compounds is humus, which is a mixture of organic materials from dead plants and prokaryotes that have resisted decomposition. Consumers such as animals use organic compounds generated by producers, releasing carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Then, bacteria and fungi, collectively called decomposers, carry out the breakdown (decomposition) of plants and animals and their organic compounds. The most important contributor of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is microbial decomposition of dead material (dead animals, plants, and humus).

Source: Boundless. “The Role of Prokaryotes in Ecosystems.” Boundless Biology. Boundless, 08 Jan. 2016. Retrieved 31 Jan. 2016 from https://www.boundless.com/biology/t...-role-of-prokaryotes-in-ecosystems-565-11778/

so don't be so hard on yourself, we are not the major contributors of carbon dioxide.

take your beautiful wife to the islands and stick her toes in the sand, have another beer, and forgive those who made you feel bad about breathing.

Humus lol. Woah, I was riding high last night eh? Lotus flowers and mother stars...:laughing:


if it smells like fish
I suppose maybe one has to spend time down at the beach on the ocean to get a real sense of what we are dealing with.

I spend lots of hours on the ocean ..during a normal week prob 3 times a week minimum at 8 hours a trip usually...lots of weird shit this year..species close to shore that shouldn't be and species that don't even belong here..some jelly fish and hammerhead sharks to name a few...weird year here ..the sandcrabs were scarce this year too making surf fishing not so good...yeehaw..the pollution is see is saddening to me...

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