When you show us all ONE other time in the history of all things,
someone heated a light-warmed rock hotter PUTTING it in a light blocking bath of frigid refrigerants,
than BEFORE it was put in it,
you'll have shown it happened. Once we all verify it being done.
Challenge accepted.
Some claim that the explanation for global warming contradicts the second law of thermodynamics.
But does it? To answer that, first, we need to know how global warming works. Then, we need to
know what the second law of thermodynamics is, and how it applies to global warming.
Global warming, in a nutshell, works like this:
The sun warms the earth. The earth and its atmosphere radiate heat away into space. They radiate
most of the heat that is received from the sun, so the average temperature of the earth stays more
or less constant.
Gases trap some of the escaping heat closer to the earth's surface, making it harder for it to shed
that heat, so the earth warms up in order to radiate the heat more effectively. The added gases make
the earth warmer - like a blanket conserving body heat.
The second law of thermodynamics has been stated in many ways.
For us, Rudolf Clausius said it best:
"Heat generally cannot flow spontaneously from a material at lower temperature to a material at higher temperature."
So if you put something hot next to something cold, the hot thing won't get hotter, and the cold thing
won't get colder. That's so obvious that it hardly needs a scientist to say it, we know this from our daily lives.
If you put an ice-cube into your drink, the drink doesn't get hotter.
The skeptic tells us that, because the air, including the greenhouse gasses, is cooler than the surface of
the Earth, it cannot warm the Earth. If it did, they say, that means heat would have to flow from cold to hot,
in apparent violation of the second law of thermodynamics.
So have climate scientists made an elementary mistake?
Consider that blanket that keeps you warm. If your skin feels cold, wrapping yourself in a blanket can
make you warmer. Why? Because your body is generating heat, and that heat is escaping from your
body into the environment. When you wrap yourself in a blanket, the loss of heat is reduced, some is
retained at the surface of your body, and you warm up.
You get warmer because the heat that your body is generating cannot escape as fast as before.
If you put the blanket on a tailors dummy, which does not generate heat, it will have no effect.
The dummy will not spontaneously get warmer.
Is using a blanket an accurate model for global warming by greenhouse gases? Certainly there are
differences in how the heat is created and lost, and our body can produce varying amounts of heat,
unlike the near-constant heat we receive from the sun.
But as far as the second law of thermodynamics goes, where we are only talking about the flow of heat,
the comparison is good. The second law says nothing about how the heat is produced, only about how
it flows between things.
To summarise: Heat from the sun warms the earth, as heat from your body keeps you warm. The earth
loses heat to space, and your body loses heat to the environment. Greenhouse gases slow down the
rate of heat-loss from the surface of the earth, like a blanket that slows down the rate at which your
body loses heat.
The result is the same in both cases, the surface of the earth, or of your body, gets warmer.
Global warming does not violate the second law of thermodynamics.