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Cinderella 99 The Come Back


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Testers about 51 days. I would say they ought to finish up around day 58. Thats were I take the moms. If you take them earlier they are a bit racier buy you lose a bit on the yeild.






Pics courtesy of @flylowgethigh


Active member
View attachment Mango Haze x C99 male.JPG
This is a Mango Haze x C99 male plant from the male C99 I posted pictures of a few days ago. I selected based on a lack of skunky odor and overall Sativa look. It is low odor. If you zoom in, you can see that the leaves have visible crystals - hopefully that is a good sign. I will be breeding it back to a Mango Haze female to make sort of a bx cross and doing one or two other experimental crosses. It has a lot of vigor, including the roots. You can see the same/similar leaf pattern aberrations as in my other photos of its male C99 parent.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I am growing OHaze in the other tent and knocked up the girls with some pollen from a male OHz, and Cindy 99 male pollen, both punch and metal. Seeds are starting to mature. I tried to segregate which parts of the girls got hit, but no guarantees that some seeds arent pure OHz. We should know by the leafs.

Who wants to run these and show us what hazy Cindy looks like? Send a PM if so. All I ask is a diary with photos.
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Well-known member
This is a long thread and even longer read, I've only browsed the first few pages and the last few. What is the verdict on all the current offerings of C99? Is the now defunct peak seeds the best version? I have C99 from many many years ago, gifted by gert lush around 2010. It came with a label saying 8 years old. Around 2012 I germinated them and grew them out. I got pure pineapple with an undertone of rotting fruit. Once dried and cured, there wasn't much flavour to it, just a smooth smoke that gave me a high that I can still remember today. It had a little bit of body that felt like a warm blanket wrapped around me, but the cerebral head space was nothing short of stellar, extremely uplifting, a grin from ear to ear. It sort have had a dreamy effect to it but also enhanced my vision and hearing. Everything looked like it was in 4K. Awesome stuff done in 50 days. I made around 100 seeds, not sure if they will germinate now


Active member
Hi Need4,
If you keep beans airtight they can pretty easily last 5-7 years without refrigeration if kept cool, dry, out of sun. They can last much longer if kept chilled (fridg or freez). I tend to avoid freezer because you must be uber careful when unthawing, and even then it can be iffy. But, it is a weed, and has tremendous adversity strength. Curing can be tricky, and if they dry out somewhat quickly some of the smell/taste can dissipate. I think the strongest brand I ever had was grown about 7-8K feet, and was just a mass of black. It looked like it had been dried in someones back pocket. Could hardly differentiate anything - almost resembled a flat piece of 00 hand tar. I partook at about 10K feet and me and a friend both puked afterwards. It was nothing but dank, so no hanky panky about contents. First time for everything and likely the only time. No way to tell if it was a sat or indy, or combo. Just 100% pure dank.

Though I have heard it said no need to do so I typically soak 4-6 hours using 80 degree F water that has sat for at least 48 hours. If they sink then pop them immediately into loose but constant moist dirt / cube. Put them at least 1/4 inch down, and never more than 1/3 inch. Be sure to not let them dry out. Tend to 'em daily. And avoid heat.
Cindy's are a bit too racy for me but I am a total believer in preservation. Nice to see that some of the old time members of this board, that were passing around S1 stock and it derivations, have gone back to old school thinking, using open pollination with as many examples as possible unless you have a very large gene pool. Crossing brothers and sisters is what Neville knew, practiced, and preached. Before him the Afghans/Chinese did so for 5000 yrs plus.
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Crazy Chester

Well-known member
This is a long thread and even longer read, I've only browsed the first few pages and the last few. What is the verdict on all the current offerings of C99? Is the now defunct peak seeds the best version? I have C99 from many many years ago, gifted by gert lush around 2010. It came with a label saying 8 years old. Around 2012 I germinated them and grew them out. I got pure pineapple with an undertone of rotting fruit. Once dried and cured, there wasn't much flavour to it, just a smooth smoke that gave me a high that I can still remember today. It had a little bit of body that felt like a warm blanket wrapped around me, but the cerebral head space was nothing short of stellar, extremely uplifting, a grin from ear to ear. It sort have had a dreamy effect to it but also enhanced my vision and hearing. Everything looked like it was in 4K. Awesome stuff done in 50 days. I made around 100 seeds, not sure if they will germinate now
Peak Seeds, Fleur Du Mal, Joey Weed, Wally Duck, Nirvana, and a few others I'm forgetting right now, all were seeds made with original turn of the century Brothers Grimm seeds. They all had popped the original seeds and crossed one or more sisters with one or more brothers, making Cinderella 99 F2 seeds, so to speak. From what I can tell, there are growers that have gotten plants that are like the original from all those F2 seeds that were commercially available at one time or another. But, each of those F2 offerings also suffer from being limited to the genetic expressions of the parents used, with, in most cases, each producer using different parents than the others. Given the timing you've outlined, it's quite possible the seeds you've described are F2s from original Cinderella 99 F1s produced by Brothers Grimm on their first go around. Any of your F2s that germinate have the chance to be as good or better than the others. I wonder how the seeds would turn out if everyone who currently has original male(s) and/or female(s) put them all in a room to breed. I wonder if it would lead to even better phenos than we've seen so far from the afore-mentioned F2 seeds.


Active member
Since we are talking Cindy on this thread, I wanted to bring up a recent (or somewhat recent) video that Soul posted on his website:

This is a pretty long blurb which I somewhat skimmed through it. I have been around enough from the days yonder, and am old school enuf to know what Soul (Rick C.), and his comeback are truly about. The beginning, some of the middle, and some of the end, are about as self-aggrandizing as you can get, IMHO.

I remember reading a long time ago that RC was scrounging around for some of his long lost material, and read others questioning and discussing that the validity and authenticity of his C99 resurgence claim, which was was being much more than less somewhat decimated and disparaged.

I also specifically recalled reading that RC himself asked himself one day at his 8-5 engineering job just what was he doing there, wondering why he had forgotten about his previous bean production project for so long.

Anyway, it appears if it was not the main focus before, greed has come full circle. Soul is now apparently become a major commerical advocate of feminization and S1 dissemination. I am just waiting for him to go full auto-fem now. The rationalization used in the video for this is just astounding to me. The guy claims to be totally science based, however the postulates he uses as knows are not knowns at all. Just a money grab sell job.

As some here genuinely know first hand, and are aware, I am, and have been, a long term advocate for preservation, using males and female siblings, in the most classical sense of the word. If I had ever thought recently about sending any of my hard earned funds his way, RC's most recent full circle has dissuaded me from doing so entirely. I am not here to knock anyone, but we all speak with out wallets and our resultant actions.


Well-known member
Peak Seeds, Fleur Du Mal, Joey Weed, Wally Duck, Nirvana, and a few others I'm forgetting right now, all were seeds made with original turn of the century Brothers Grimm seeds. They all had popped the original seeds and crossed one or more sisters with one or more brothers, making Cinderella 99 F2 seeds, so to speak. From what I can tell, there are growers that have gotten plants that are like the original from all those F2 seeds that were commercially available at one time or another. But, each of those F2 offerings also suffer from being limited to the genetic expressions of the parents used, with, in most cases, each producer using different parents than the others. Given the timing you've outlined, it's quite possible the seeds you've described are F2s from original Cinderella 99 F1s produced by Brothers Grimm on their first go around. Any of your F2s that germinate have the chance to be as good or better than the others. I wonder how the seeds would turn out if everyone who currently has original male(s) and/or female(s) put them all in a room to breed. I wonder if it would lead to even better phenos than we've seen so far from the afore-mentioned F2 seeds.
Hey Chester, you are pretty spot on. I still have the note that came with the seeds. It says brothers grim, cinderella 99 f2's, 8 years old. There are still a few f2 seeds left, I've tried over the years with no success. I guess the few seeds I made are f3's. Although all the cubing that went on you would think the original c99 would have been stable but as you say with all the variations it certainly wasn't an ibl. I've sewn 6 seeds of the f3 to see of they will germinate. I cracked another and removed the outer shell, they still look quite fresh inside, white with faint green. Fingers are crossed


Well-known member
Peak Seeds, Fleur Du Mal, Joey Weed, Wally Duck, Nirvana, and a few others I'm forgetting right now, all were seeds made with original turn of the century Brothers Grimm seeds. They all had popped the original seeds and crossed one or more sisters with one or more brothers, making Cinderella 99 F2 seeds, so to speak. From what I can tell, there are growers that have gotten plants that are like the original from all those F2 seeds that were commercially available at one time or another. But, each of those F2 offerings also suffer from being limited to the genetic expressions of the parents used, with, in most cases, each producer using different parents than the others. Given the timing you've outlined, it's quite possible the seeds you've described are F2s from original Cinderella 99 F1s produced by Brothers Grimm on their first go around. Any of your F2s that germinate have the chance to be as good or better than the others. I wonder how the seeds would turn out if everyone who currently has original male(s) and/or female(s) put them all in a room to breed. I wonder if it would lead to even better phenos than we've seen so far from the afore-mentioned F2 seeds.
I think it would lead to degradation as a whole as canabis turns weedy on its own .The best are standouts and unless the best are selected potency will decrease.jmo


Active member
Hey Chester, you are pretty spot on. I still have the note that came with the seeds. It says brothers grim, cinderella 99 f2's, 8 years old. There are still a few f2 seeds left, I've tried over the years with no success. I guess the few seeds I made are f3's. Although all the cubing that went on you would think the original c99 would have been stable but as you say with all the variations it certainly wasn't an ibl. I've sewn 6 seeds of the f3 to see of they will germinate. I cracked another and removed the outer shell, they still look quite fresh inside, white with faint green. Fingers are crossed
JMHO but I would not take beans out of the shells. They might possibly grow small curling ball tails, but they almost never will actually develop a true tap root. Leave them in the husks as they are designed to do. There is a process there and nutrients that are derived by opening up by themselves. Good luck, and yup, fingers crossed for you bro.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I never do. No need. Gots things to do. That Cindy doesn’t hurt my taste buds, cause I came in and hit some more before lunch.

LOL, if you are waiting for me to say the joint wrecked me, don’t hold your breath longer than a hit takes. I go through a lot of dope and have this tolerance thing going on.

How do I reveg these? I am gonna blow that next run I was gonna do in there, and go for round 2.
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Premium user
You might want to wait a bit for them to finish the bottoms up. But, you will need to leave as much foliage on the plant as you can. I leave buds, alot of them and the plant will eventually start growing little new branches right out of the bud tips.

Go to 24/0 lights on. Stay there is the easiest. I'd say atleast a week if you are going to go back to 18/6. I'd also start running 18/6 and either 12/12 or 11/13 strictly with them to see if the size improves. Once they start to grow new tops you can then remove the remaining old buds and things to clean them up. Leave as much as you can on the lowest parts. It takes anywhere from 3-8weeks depending on strain and conditions. You can alternatively stick a cut off lower top in an aerocloner and it will do the same thing as long as you use this same light cycle.

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
Hey Chester, you are pretty spot on. I still have the note that came with the seeds. It says brothers grim, cinderella 99 f2's, 8 years old. There are still a few f2 seeds left, I've tried over the years with no success. I guess the few seeds I made are f3's. Although all the cubing that went on you would think the original c99 would have been stable but as you say with all the variations it certainly wasn't an ibl. I've sewn 6 seeds of the f3 to see of they will germinate. I cracked another and removed the outer shell, they still look quite fresh inside, white with faint green. Fingers are crossed
It's always worthwhile to take a chance - I hope you get some to pop!

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
How do I reveg these? I am gonna blow that next run I was gonna do in there, and go for round 2.

I've found revegging to be a balance between how much plant you leave and how much you cut away. Often, the lowest grow tips are the least budded, so they will have the best chance at revegging and will also reveg fastest - but, sometimes that leaves too much roots and nutes and the few lower grow tips I left on there burned up. Now I still cut most of the plant down to a handful of immature lowers - but, I also flush the plant with pure ph'd water, prune off a proportional amount of roots, transplant into some new medium and then feed it with veg nutes.
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Well-known member
@flylowgethigh why didn't you finish the first

I've found revegging to be a balance between how much plant you leave and how much you cut away. Often, the lowest grow tips are the least budded, so they will have the best chance at revegging and will also reveg fastest - but, sometimes that leaves too much roots and nutes and the few lower grow tips I left on there burned up. Now I still cut most of the plant down to a handful of immature lowers - but, I also flush the plant with pure ph'd water, prune off a proportional amount of roots, transplant into some new medium and then feed it with veg nutes.
If you know your decided chop day,maybe start revegging a few days before might not hurt.


Well-known member
I still cannot access the phylos galaxy can anyone else check the following if its up?? If not I'll keep this list for varieties that may give access to some clues.

Cinderella 88
Cinderella 99
Apollo 11(Bodhi did a bit f4?)
Apollo 13 (Subcool also did some Apollo work)
Killer Queen Lone Star Cut
Roseta Stone (but fat chance the old one not the "remake" would be in there and of course the new one he used two totally different lines than the original)

I bet that Lone Start Cut might be in there if any. Maybe Apollo.

Anyone have any original Apollo 11 while I am thinking about it?? I have no experience with any of the apollo/genius lines but did get some Apollo XX freebies from another seed purchase which I havent touched)

Another note C99#1 is at 53 days and has really fattened up the last 2 days just impressive 2 liter cola on one side but still a bit fluffy compared to this new one which is very dense.

Stay Tuned for the sandwich baggie stick test coming soon!
@LostTribe I've got quite a few A11, old as fuck though


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Oops looks like the germ test went well!

Well sort of the Punch went nutzo as I expected. The f13 x c99 are very slow and huge nearly black scabie like seeds. Slow to start got one up on those but a few in water with taps got put in a dome and starters to see if that helps them out. I gotta run the f13 x c99 been dreaming about that since @RetardoMontalban was posting up.

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