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Chemdawg 101



Dusty Bowls said:
yea you wouldnt need a refrence if people kept their words youd know it was real if you got it from a real source

now that's funny!
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Back from a long break and I see that the same people are on here spreading misinformation. I remember back when there was only 1 OG kush and now look lol. Way to go busters!


The only person that has ever heard of Larry is Jdogg, one of the biggest spreaders of misinformation on any kush thread. The only other Larry I know is the one from My Posse's On Broadway, "Larry's the white guy people think he's funny, a real estate investor who makes a lot of money". No offense Jdogg, but I mean do you even read your own posts? You've flipped flopped on so many issues I don't even know what to believe. You might be a damn good grower but leave the genetics to people that do more than make guesses and listen to heresay.

Anyways to Nspecta much respect on keeping it real so that people know the truth.
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two left shoes kush has me blizzled. the alphonso cut is making rounds in puerto rico, the fugazi oval stomps the emerald triangle.=)
Turbo Postin Newbs

Turbo Postin Newbs

Most people can spot the FAKE from the REAL a mile away. I pay attention to the ORIGINALS...not the ones who CLAIM ORIGINAL. :joint:


Johnny Rotten said:
Most people can spot the FAKE from the REAL a mile away. I pay attention to the ORIGINALS...not the ones who CLAIM ORIGINAL. :joint:
we gotta detective here,,,,,,its Rockford files.


The higher the pot makes you the more you mislabel, for the better the pot the more fakes... well for one reason or another :D


Who you know and how good you bs is what you gets most people by,

and you find that those who know, know because they are past bsing and on to knowing, and that confidence usually comes from finding the truth.

And as much as people say this or that about bitching or flaming, which both happen , a discussion will only bring about the truth so air it out. :rasta:


ojd said:
looking sweet cedabery
hows the smells on her

kinda astringent at this point. underground summer heat, OPs hoverin around 84/86 and think that may have somethin to do with the aroma not bein to strong.

heres a shot of the #4 @ 4 weeks



Cedarberry said:

damn bro, that's a great pic! what did you seed her with?


That is certainly NOT the fake ChemD that you have Cedarberry. :smile: You did a sweet job with her. How would you compare the the smell of the D to the #4? You said the #4 doesn't smell strong?....the D should be a stinker. Your right about high heat/humidity, it can lessen tastes and smells. A/C is my best friend, LOL!!


thanks jimmy, Chems are nice plants, easy growers, and the D so far is gonna put out a decent yield for sure. nice yields compared to alot of cuts about.

nothins got much funk in my spot right now, have had wierd humid weather here, and below ground its thick. and this global warmin shit is gettin outta hand, LOL its been damn hot around here.



what up chem , what up orgoglio thought i would add a pic to this thread for chem , i know ur watching homie

chem d in veg outdoor norcal

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