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Chanting Growers Group

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wooooffffff dudes!
u'r like typing machines bursting out :)

myoho, brother i'm sencerely happy for you as you are for me, cos you see, when u acted pissed at me not getting something, i was pissed at you being pissed for no reason:) hehe, life's great!

it has become a real joy to chant with the Gohonzon uprfront, a REAL joy, don't have that labouress feeling that i i had before. Gohonzon is special to me, i felt it the first time i saw it and i feel it even stronger now that i can see IT with my own eyes when i chant.

but i must say, it feels cheaper and cheaper to chant to a printed one, like saying vinly plates are the same as CDs, same quality etc. NOT TRUE

i just love these roads dudes, all curvy, up and down, right and left and all around....never, never, never gets boring!

chanting every day is like studying every day before the test, if you take your time to really focus and learn 1h a day, you have that rock solid, smiley feeling when you go to your test

or when you plant new plants and wonder how will this time go, you know you can do it but, still you feel the thrill every time you do it :)

now who's saying men can't talk about personal stuff huh? where r all the girls i'm wondering, no puff mommas around? :D

have a wonderful day ppl or night, where and whenever you are :wave:


Active member
Hi Chanters! Morning Glory! Hunger cramp taken care of for everyone! No it's time to feed the Buddha Nature!

Scegy- Do you understand the million daimoku chart? This is vintage, at least 34 years old. You can copy/redesign/create your own daimoku chart. Every 15 minutes of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo you color in a shape. The way you are chanting for an hour you can fill in 4 square of the colors of your choice. I'm colorin mine with random colors but I'm doing something that I'm not used to. Starting with the least noticed shapes. Sitting there looking at the shapes asking which one deserves to be colored the most. Maybe it will look like a mosaic or a stained glass. Or one can shade them in with the utmost order like rows of corn or a typewriter with the same color. Please do give it a try. You'll elevate your life like no other! I know PTD has seen the diagram of what all the character's mean on the Gohonzon. It's special- All three-thousand realms in a single blink of an eye.

That's it let's make it a point to shakabuku women. I have a couple I can think of. Wow, there are people that I know that I've never shakabukued. There are some extra fine fine ladies chanting on this thread they just haven't been around lately.
Us dudes have been trying to make sure we don't lose you, Scegy.

My mom thought of a nice analogy regarding counterfeit Gohonzons. She wanted me to tell you that you can print money if you want to but you don't. You would cheat yourself out of your own treasure.

Back to the ladies. Women's Division, Young women's division! AAO! That's just like saying Yes! Ya! Wo! AAO is something I used to hear members say when I was knee high to a grasshopper.
Without the women and their sincere efforts we would be adrift without paddles. Man I love the ladies. They are bomb chronic!

PTD- You could possibly have yourself an e-division. When we're encouraging eachother they are mens and womens e-divisions. You're a four e-district leader. E-WD, E-MD, E-YWD, E-YMD! Women's, Young women's, Men's and Young Men's Division! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

MyohoDisco, I was up late and couldn't get to sleep because of your ichinen- You had me hyped!

Like the warriors on this thread, I have to be fearless when conducting shakabuku.

The last community center meeting, Pres. Ikeda at the end of a very nice presentation says to the giant audience, "Let's do One Hundred Daimoku together and that was the first time I ever heard is chanting voice. One hundred Daimoku only took about a couple minutes. Imagine how many millions of Daimoku we can accumulate. You know when we're practicing we are definitely helping each other out. To shakabuku someone is equivalent to saving 10,000 people from drowning! Wow! I have to remember this when I am short of words trying to shakabuku a dime-piece (beatiful Young woman)

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


I only know one dude who printed a Gohonzon, he was on this thread too his name is BOG. He's been gone for a long time, alot of things happened to this Bodhisattva of the Earth, but I dunno what to say besides He is gone. Scegy, I implore you from another corner of the world,return that Gohonzon you have enshrined to the local community center please and go get an SGI one. I will send you a money order to cover the fee so you could also get a subscription to the World Tribune, if you have trouble paying.

Go read Thomas' post again, regarding why you should not have that stolen Gohonzon image, its like a Temple Gohonzon, "bad juju". Go back to the group in your area and chant with them, you will find me there in that Gohonzon.

We have been building this dailouge with you for a many months brother sceggers, your almost there man, only your capable of crossing that obstruction created in your mind.

We sometimes gotta learn the hardway, but hey, you are your own person, I respect you and thats why I say what I say to you. I know you understand me and are bright enough to understand other languages as well, use your brain power to help you work this one out, don't get lazy in the final hour, every moment is crucial.

P.S. I saw this really cute girl frowning once at a meeting at our house, she looked positively mean. I was curious what was going on so after the meeting I said "Hi, my name is Myoho, you don't look as happy as I feel you should, something I could help you with?" "I'm going through alot of shit, my boyfriend is cheating on me with my best friend and I smashed my violin to many pieces from a rage of anger and I dunno, I feel alot better here your home has a really good vibe." She smiled after that.

It is the power of the Gohonzon, some people downplay it, but I guess they don't understand its Nichiren Daishonin. You see Nichiren Daishonin, he was the wisest sage in all of Japan, it was not easy to learn what he learned and to realize and do what he had to do, just like it won't be easy for you scegy.

Hey after you go to the meeting and ask to finally recieve your Gohonzon, give treehuggers a call and wish him a happy new year from me, at the very least! Tell tree to come on back, I owe him a bunch of seeds I made from some crosses and some for you too. Let me know what you think?

"First of all, as to the question of where exactly hell and the Buddha exist, one sutra states that hell exists underground, and another sutra says that the Buddha is in the west. Closer examination, however, reveals that both exist in our five-foot body. This must be true because hell is in the heart of a person who inwardly despises his father and disregards his mother. It is like the lotus seed, which contains both blossom and fruit. In the same way, the Buddha dwells within our hearts."

WND Page 1137
Page 1137 New Year's Gosho
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Active member
hitman, yes i get that picture, i'll be coloring it after my evening gongyo!thank you for that one, me in a puzzle :)

myoho, it's not the money or anything simmilar, it's like thomas's kids, a lot of work on them, and i have a simmilar thing in my life, hard to explain in a simple matter, but trust me, i will get The Gohonzon when i'm ready, and i'm thankfull to you and others that are pushing me to achieve more
as for treehugger i hear or type him from time to time, we stay in touch. it's hard to not step on his splinters as i talk to him, so we often start a hot debate that ends up me shutting up and/or redirecting the conversation. i don't think he's very interested in comming back here cos his mind is pretty straight right now on something else that i'm not fammiliar with, we don't talk much anymore about things like we talk here. his life has gone to another direction right now i think
i mean pm him maybe he'll answear i haven't seen him here for a while, but i will send your regards to him.
sorry but i kinda forgot about what seeds we were talking about?i'm always interested in new varieties but sceptical about mail, i don't have a safe address you know.comming to europe soon? :D
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
EasyMyohoDisco said:
..... bin that Gohonzon you have enshrined

But that's the point. He can NEVER throw this away! Ever! The only thing he can do is exchange it whenever he decides to. It should only be exchanged, NEVER discarded.



Active member
You mean when he has a real Gojukai he'll give them that print, PTD?

Scegy- Gongyo doesn't count for the square- A and C that is. Just straight chanting daimoku, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! over and over. Just in case you did not know. Peace!
Glad you will use the million daimoku chart. :joint: :rasta:
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Active member
Easy-Damn, BOG was chanting to a bootleg. Wo. I hope he's ok. I lost my lsd but managed to develop a loving relationship with bogglegum. He's not doing anything anymore? Maybe he got rich from his book and wrote more. Hope he's off the grid and safe. If you're out there bog-Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

He one described a plant as looking like the Gohonzon.

Beware of bootleg Gohonzons that slander the real deal. Become a member of SGI.

Sensei come to SUA


Active member
Huge Big Giant apologies to all on this thread as well as for the Nagashima family. yes thats Danny Nagashima, not Yamaguchi. I feel terrible but it was an honest mistake. My deepest apologies to Danny and his family and to all of you here.

peace love and deepest respect


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




Too much shooting from the hip, Tom is right this has been discussed before and if your a Temple Member, exchanging your Gohonzon when you decide to is the way to go. Thanks T.

"The Lotus Sutra of the Correct Law says that, if one hears this sutra and proclaims and embraces its title, one will enjoy merit beyond measure. And the Supplemented Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law says that one who accepts and upholds the name of the Lotus Sutra will enjoy immeasurable good fortune. These statements indicate that the good fortune one receives from simply chanting the daimoku is beyond measure."

WND Page 143
Page 141 The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra
Written on 6 January 1266 from Awa - Seicho-ji


Active member
hitman, sorry i'm still not into all the expressions, but when i do gongyo i do the daimoku too. or should i color when i do only the daimoku?
BOG was one of the veterans, i don't know what happened to him, but maybe he just figured out something and went on, because i remember him saying that he's leaving us for an unknown period of time so...something must have happened, so yes if you look through the eyes of a Nichiren believer, you can say it's the bad Gohonzon, but i bet there's more of a story behind this
but i can clearly see what kind of doubts the printed gohonzon brings, so it's very possible to feel the same in daily life and make a mistake, you know, what goes around comes around, it's life itself, we just happened to be so lucky that we know a guy that had the guts to print out Gohonzon and said **** U bad directions and bad things, i'm gonna concentrate on the Good

not a sientific explanation but good for me, i need my own logic

sleepy, rainy sunday...perfect for a chant :D


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Our basic practise includes shakubuku, or sharing and spreading the ideals and principles of the Daishonin's Buddhism. Above and beyond the matter of whether or not each person we talk to takes faith in this Buddhism, our most essential concern should be on furthering understanding of and sympathy for our philosophy as we work together with those around us to construct a happier society for all. In this way, the Soka Gakkai is opening up a great path at the forefront of human history, leading the world towards peace, culture, and education based on the spirit of Buddhist humanism.

"With our gaze fixed on the infinite future and the entire world as our stage, we are carrying out and expanding our grand movement for kosen-rufu in every sphere, and we will continue to do so. Taking utmost pride in this, I hope you will each make your own precious communities and areas into brilliant examples of kosen-rufu that will shine forever."

SGI Newsletter No. 7422, Moving Ever Forward from This Moment On, (From a speech given at a joint training session for representatives from western Japan, the Education Department, and the Academic and Science Division, held on August 21st, 2007), translated Dec. 5th, 2007
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The human mind is inconstant; it is ever-changing and unfixed."

(Reply to the Lay Priest of Ko - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 491) Selection source: Soka Gakkai President Harada's encouragement, Seikyo Shimbun, December 8th, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Let's really cherish those friendships we have kept up for so long and
at the same time let's try to make lots of new friends, too!
The expansion of our circle of friendships with others is
very much the first step towards establishing peace (in this world).
It is the sure and great way of practising humanism

Daisaku Ikeda


Active member
scegy said:
hitman, sorry i'm still not into all the expressions, but when i do gongyo i do the daimoku too. or should i color when i do only the daimoku?
BOG was one of the veterans, i don't know what happened to him, but maybe he just figured out something and went on, because i remember him saying that he's leaving us for an unknown period of time so...something must have happened, so yes if you look through the eyes of a Nichiren believer, you can say it's the bad Gohonzon, but i bet there's more of a story behind this
but i can clearly see what kind of doubts the printed gohonzon brings, so it's very possible to feel the same in daily life and make a mistake, you know, what goes around comes around, it's life itself, we just happened to be so lucky that we know a guy that had the guts to print out Gohonzon and said **** U bad directions and bad things, i'm gonna concentrate on the Good

not a sientific explanation but good for me, i need my own logic

sleepy, rainy sunday...perfect for a chant :D

Who started this fake Gohonzon? Who did this? I have to talk to the people who encouraged BOG, I know who he is, I bought his freakin beanS! I love bogglegum. It's so unique but now it is tainted. I hope BOG returns and tells us that he the real deal. This has definitely affected my get high. I'm not going to revere it as I always have. I'll be sad now when I smoke my Bog.

Scegy please don't be afraid to ask questions that you don't know. If you don't know what a word means then ask someone hear. Daimoku is to chant the words Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Every fifteen minutes of true daimoku, you don't stop and look around you just focus on an authentic scroll Gohonzon from the organization of SGI. If not you are going to have personal property, copyright Karma that you won't be able to get rid of. You are affecting your son's son's son's by stealing a Gohonzon and then doing daimoku. Daimoku is what those little squares get filled in by. Gongyo, is to recite a prayer from the SGI little booklet from the Lotus Sutra. Do you have a booklet. Is it also a computer print that you've down loaded. Guaranteed that if Bog would have been an authentic member of the Sokka Gokai he would not be in the state he is in now.

Please stop being so stubborn. You're only hurting yourself. You are still trying to justify counterfeiting. The Gohonzon is a pure mirror it is you it is your buddha nature. I know you're not a fake person- I hope that you are not. I need to chant more because you're breaking my heart. You're trying to have your cake and eat it too. You're trying to obtain the fortune without making the cause.

That million daimoku chart will help you make the cause to be an honest, capable individual and it will also speed up the process starting your human revolution. Right now you are stuck but we'll get you unstuck.

Please chant just Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to that vintage authentic , ancient million daimoku chart that has been close to so many true Gohonzons of real members. It is the only thing that's worth anything until you get rid of the counterfeit. Please don't mention that you can print a Gohonzon here. You're going create bad karma for who knows how many people that come here to learn to truly practice. You're playing with fire and screwing up your future. If you don't want to reap the benefits of this mystical law then don't - It's your choice. You are at the trough and no one but you can drink. Please join the young men's division as soon as possible. I'm done-that's it. I can't keep pouring out my insides to you because you are stuck in your way. More senior leaders can help you. I'm just glad you didn't run off and disappear too. We are all just trying to help you but you don' hear us though.

I'll start with today's guidance from a published book from the heart of President Ikeda's buddhist practice of the true law of the universe. Karma ain't nothing to mess with. Save yourself. I'm going to contact the better business burea and try to put a stop to these counterfeit artists who are spreading bad karma around. I know this is not the first time this has happened and I know there is someone out there that can convince you of what is happening. You are never supposed to take a picture of the Gohonzon. I can't believe how long this e-struggle is lasting.

Jan 6- The splendor of the rising sun can truly be appreciated when you have hope for the future. My wish, therefore, is for you who live for the future to live this lifetime always with abundant hope that burns like the sun.
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Active member
After eating breakfast and supressing the ache with food and coffee I now realize that I sort of lost my patience and I'm sorry scegy. We are all works in progress! I know I am.
The Steelers lost, more struggles for tommorrows day, everyone is hunger. The concession stand is now open. Faith will help me turn this day in a positive direction. I need to do Morning Daimoku.

Have a nice day everyone. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

I need to practice what I preach!


Active member
hey hitman,
again, I'M NOT ENCOURAGEING anyone to print it out, please get me there

and i'm not convincing myself in any other way believe me, i do have a booklet, which was given to me by a SGI member
printed with a printer, and translated into our language

and yes you'r right, i've printed out the booklet at first, and it was from the DOWNLOAD section on www.sgi-usa.org, where you can also download the audio gongyo sections and so, says nothing about NOT downloading a copy

i think you'r taking my words to the extreme here, maybe it's the language leap or just me, but i really don't think much beyond the words i put out my mouth(fingers) if i'm talking normally(am not angry or something)

unless you want me to burst another debate about SGI please have patience, I AM ON MY WAY and you'r tickling me ;)


hehe hitman, you gave me a good laugh now filled with tears :muahaha:
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Active member
You're playing with my emotions. I'm going back into my shell and under my rock. I have to go feed everyone. Indica at this point would be real nice. It's tough for me to only have Sativa. Uggggg!
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