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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
scegy said:
why shouldn't the gohonzon be moved?
i have no idea where i'm gonna put the new Gohonzon, gonna have to make some space in my living room and make a butsudan
can i decorate the edges of it with some kind off painted plants?i'd love that.:)

Yes you have to make some space. We refer to the Gohonzon as The Object of Devotion. It shouldn't be touched, breathed upon, disrupted, or enshrined in an unsafe place.

One doesn't move it because it is something that one has declared their devotion to through the process of, seeking their enlightenment by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to it. It's enshrinement should be in a safe and static location.

Of course you can move it if you need to. But the safety and protection of the Gohonzon is paramount. Everytime it is moved, one risks damage. Based on a sincere desire to have the Gohonzon remain undamaged and in its original pristine condition throughout our lives, one is always encouraged to handle it AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE.

can i decorate the edges of it with some kind off painted plants?i'd love that.:)

If you are asking about the butsudan, yes; if you are asking about the Gohonzon itself, ABSOLUTELY NO!

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Active member
socal hehehehhe, u've made me laugh my ass off hehehhehe
that video is true and hillarius :)
and hehe my friend thomas, i won't be painting the Gohonzon hheheh

hitman, don't worry, i haven't done anything like that, you know, you made ur own decisions no matter what other say, that's why i take full responsibility cos i know when i'm doing something.
awsome post man, true words of wisdome

i wish you the best day you can have ppl!:wave:
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Active member
Gohonzon Faces the East if possible.

Least distractions the more good cause. You want to focus your whole self best.

Tonight I watch the flic! Ya.

Make it your best! No giving up. No short cuts!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"You cannot judge the quality of another's friendship by superficial appearances, especially when things are going smoothly. It is only when we have experienced the worst, most crushing of times—when we have plumbed the depths of life—that we can experience the joys of genuine friendship. Only a man of principle, a woman of resolve—a person who stays true to their chosen path—can be a trusted and true friend, and have real friends in turn."

"We each move forward secure on our own earth, not the earth of others. Happiness is someting we must create for ourselves. No one else can give it to us."

by Daisaku Ikeda
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Active member
Tell it like it is SoCal! Hi Everyone, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

When I was young we use to go to a wise Japanese woman's house. She would have rice balls that I would tear up. Anyway, I remember her saying, "Do not stop chanting when you start to get benefit, you're only scratching the surface, chant long and hard to reach down deep into the well of your treasure." Let's all strive for the daimoku, the kind that you reap in the future, years later. When I get home and come on to say hi I get such a good feeling in my belly like bowl full of jelly and my cheeks get rosy like Santa Claus. Right now I could just weep if I let go- there's so much power here. Thanks


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Wow its been snowing for a week. Starting to really build up. Got over 8 feet on the job site since friday!! Wooop!! First we shovel then we work. Forward we go !! Hitman this thread rocks!! So glad we are all here for each other :) Thanks!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
:wave: Greetings All! I have been without power and the Babba's came to our rescue; helped dig us out of the snow and invited us over for a hot meal, hot shower and then hooked us up with some good oak for the woodstove; we are so blessed;THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ooxoxo Babba and Mrs B! protection came in from all directions and just as we got the power back it went back out last night and didnt come back on until just now; so I have much to catch up on but wanted to let you I am thinking of you and sending love and daimoku in all of your directions! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo :rasta:
Before I go though I just wanted to express my appreciation to scegy for creating such dialogue and really making people reach deep into their own study knowledge and experiences to let you know that though your intentions may have been coming from a good place it just crystallizes how important ceremony is; how that we were born to be around others or else we would be mediating and living in a cave somewhere; we are part of this world and to live in this world we must encounter and deal with others and to me most importantly is that I am not saying this directly about you Scegy but just in general as a society that we are so diconnected spiritually that it is no second thought as to print such a sacred object off the internet. And I say this without it being something that I worship that is outside of me but that it is ME it is LIFE; our life; and all life is SACRED thus this makes the Gohonzon sacred. I applaud everyone (from what I have been able to read so far) in what they have said and responded its been great to read and be a small part of. And nobody hides any money and it's not a taboo subject amongst any circle except those who consider it rude to discuss money; but its an open book and glad that it was answered for you because at the time the bigger issue was to address you printing the Gohonzon off the internet.
You all Rock and keep moving onward and upward and forward....2008 Don't Hesitate! Love it....
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
With Deep Respect and Gratitude
GeorgialouWho :wave:
Well I just went and read some more posts so ignore my last post well kind of :) Yes I think much daimoku is needed for the B's; targeted daimoku; bullseye I think Mr. Williams used to say or was it Danny I don't know lol anyway we are here for you guys always oxox
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


I shared my experience in our 2008 Area Kickoff Meeting this Sunday afternoon:

I shared my experience in our 2008 Area Kickoff Meeting this Sunday afternoon:



Inside the Bodhisattva Studio!

I’m your host “Frank” bringing you today’s most bright and shining leaders of the present and the future. Today it’s my pleasure to reintroduce you to our Shakubuku sensation District Leader Myoho MyohoDisco!


Wow, I feel like a champion prize fighter after that introduction! Hi everyone, I’m MyohoDisco, I’m an Aries I love chanting Daimoku and work on shakubuku everyday. 2007 was the year of Advancement and Victory and I am happy to report it truly was for me and my district. I was presented with obstacles unlike anything I have dealt with in my life and came out ahead roaring with momentum into the new year and creating the environment for 2008 to be the Year of Leaders and Capable People. Last year I focused on sharing my Buddhist Practice with friends and others, this is called Shakubuku. When I tell others the amazing benefits and experiences as a result of my Buddhist faith and practice it seems like others can’t help but smile and agree with me most of the time. I have been fortunate enough to develop my faith by growing closer to each friend I encounter on my mission on earth as a Bodhisattva. Shakubuku has really opened the floodgates of totally awesome goodness and it is my good fortune to be able to share this with you “Frank” and everyone else here today.


The word shakubuku is music to my ears, it just love how it rolls off your tongue and how you and I were able to work together this year and introduce friends to the practice and also help other members stay connected with us. Please tell me more about Shakubuku.


“Frank” you used the word “connection”, I have found the best way for me to do shakubuku is to earnest and honest in your actions and intentions. Do you realize that we the SGI are part of the Original My space Network predating the establishment of the internet! The Bodhisattva of the Earth Network has been flourishing since the immeasurable past into the present and its so great how we are born over and over again in each others magnificent company. I look at every new person I meet as someone I already have a connection with and compassion for. It’s not easy to fight your own fundamental darkness let alone someone else’s devil of the 6th heaven, but if kosen-rufu is your mission, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION YOU HAVE NO OTHER OPTION! Gohonzon was so merciful to provide me a hellish environment growing up under the evangelical and catholic persecutions my parents put me through because I knew from an early age non-Buddhist teachings make no sense. Now that I am connected with brilliant Bodhisattvas of the Earth and have Nichiren Daishonin’s Goshos and Orally Transmitted Teachings and especially President Ikeda eloquently fighting for my future tooth and nail, my mission in this life is greater than ever before and I must continue to use the precious tools of my Bodhisattva Network to introduce and connect new members with and also continue to cherish and grow closer to Gohonzon. This for me is a noble way to practice correctly.

As a result of such good fortune the three obstacles and four devils have emerged before every victory. I have been presented when amazing obstacles and struggles to endure and overcome this year.

The last week of April in 2007 I find out my mother has multiple myeloma a blood cancer and then in the same week I’m laid-off from work but lucky enough to receive unemployment. It is not easy renting on Long Island these days and trying to get ahead but this was enough stimulus to really take my life to the next level and really go forward and Advance and Create Victory in the year 2007. I chanted more daimoku than ever before and realized I should return to college after a 5 year hiatus, and also find a job that would help sustain my high life condition and help me practice correctly. So I signed up at “the university” to complete my undergraduate degree and quickly completed my paralegal certification and passed my real estate agent’s license test, further boosting my confidence and introducing myself along the way to countless fresh new faces to show what this Buddhism is all about! Everyday I perform my Ceremony of the Air and chant before the Treasure Tower which is Gohonzon and determine to create a positive beneficial outcome in all my endeavors. That’s a general prayer, I also chant to be sincere and have patience to listen to others, as well as keeping Gohonzon with me for the rest of my life as my beacon of hope and mercy for the world.

You see I am so passionate about this Buddhism because it gives results, I will soon be a college graduate and then an attorney and law professor, and this will help me achieve Kosen-rufu in America because I have a bold new vision for SGI-USA to Grow to 1 million Members by 2010. This bold determination helped me secure a better relationship with my mother and improve her condition from very serious to more bearable, and I found a fantastic job which I have already introduced 12 people to Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism.

Incredible! How did you do that?


Well I am working as a corporate paralegal at a great company and everyday there are two separate prayer groups at four thirty in the afternoon; orthodox Jewish employees do their prayers and a group of Christian employees also have a very open prayer group, each in a separate conference room. I join the Christian group and have given all of them SGI-USA Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Cards and when I lead the prayer I offer the most universal compassionate prayer from my heart then encourage them to join me as I chant daimoku for 5 to 10 minutes.

The first time I did it I was really nervous and it was only my second week on the job and, I as I started chanting holding hands in a circle, I heard one person chanting to my left then another to my right then a third directly in front of me, Bodhisattvas of the Earth Emerging before me, and here I stand today proud to say my first shakubuku of the year 2007 and another very close friend whom recently received Gohonzon are here today and they too have shared with me that they have friends also very interested in this Buddhism and looking to come to a meeting!

We must practice correctly in American society but with what model? It’s very difficult to coherently apply Japanese principles and values in American society with respect to the unbridled competitive American arrogance which undermines compassionate value systems off the cuff to John or Jane Doe. Then again it’s very easy to be sincere in your actions and permeate anyone’s skin and talk to their spirit. Telling others it’s okay to chant for a car, a new home, a better career, a better dating life, improved relations with your family and overcoming any obstacle!


We’re almost out of time and I just wanted to ask if you could share some of your determinations for 2008….


In 2008 I will become a more capable and compassionate leader as I chant daimoku to fully cure my mother’s cancer and share that victory with her. I also hope to reassert my ambitious goal to shakubuku forty new members this year as I determined to last year. I also hope to be more creative carrying out my part in the 2nd Act of Kosen-rufu here in the Kansai of the World! I’d like to end this experience with some words by SGI President Ikeda from a recent leaders meeting in Japan:

"Our basic practice includes shakubuku, or sharing and spreading the ideals and principles of the Daishonin's Buddhism. Above and beyond the matter of whether or not each person we talk to takes faith in this Buddhism, our most essential concern should be on furthering understanding of and sympathy for our philosophy as we work together with those around us to construct a happier society for all. In this way, the Soka Gakkai is opening up a great path at the forefront of human history, leading the world towards peace, culture, and education based on the spirit of Buddhist humanism.

"With our gaze fixed on the infinite future and the entire world as our stage, we are carrying out and expanding our grand movement for kosen-rufu in every sphere, and we will continue to do so. Taking utmost pride in this, I hope you will each make your own precious communities and areas into brilliant examples of kosen-rufu that will shine forever."


Thank you so much MyohoMyohoDisco for sharing with us and Thank you all for taking part in this with us.


Thank you! :bows:


Yesterday after that amazing meeting, I received encouragement from SGI-USA Leader Tariq Hassan he was pleased to hear my experience, that was a great honor for me. All the other leaders in the area wrote me emails telling me how happy the members of their districts were after they heard my experience and I reply to all "The Tide is turning in america, lets keep the momentum rolling!"

So then yesterday, a co-worker whom I requested some files on someone else to commence a lawsuit against writes to me:
I will check in a min - I would like to know the name of your religion, I
believe that Tina Turner is also in the same religion you're in but I would
like to look into it. Right now I am in no religion it's confusing to me but
I grew up going to Catholic Church and then my Family changed to Christian,
I don't go to church but I do believe that there is a higher power - let me
know - Thanks

She got some encouragement from me and wrote to me today....

Wow, Thank you Myoho! Last night I did a little research on my own and I came across this site and last night I started chanting on my own also – Thank you for chanting for my happiness, I really appreciate it because happiness is what I’m searching for. Last night I burned some insects and I first relaxed got lost in my thoughts, everything that is going wrong for me in life went by head and then I started chanting. I also chanted this Morning – Please continue your chanting for me because lately I’ve been feeling very distressed and uneasy.

Anything that has to do with meditation and relaxing I’m all about – I also Yoga and try to be relaxed but sometime you have those disturbing days you know…

Thank you!

I almost dropped on the floor, this lady shakubukued herself spontaneously! Heavens to betsy, she's not even in the daily prayer group!

I tell ya my friends, when you chant with faith and change your karma amazing amazing chit just starts happening. I'm so happy to be a part of this thread and be able to share this with Thomas, I really have followed your example because I identify myself more with you than with Ikeda, but now I learned to respect him and others much more than I ever could without chanting enough daimoku.

My friends, lets keep chanting for our brother and sister Babba, we're approaching an amazing victory here and we need everyone supporting this huge victory just like we are over here at Casa De Myoho!

My friends, I got alot of love for you guys and gals, keep fighting the good fight ya hear!


*Thank you all for the recent participation I swear its been adding more to my life in a really good way*
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Active member
I'm blown away and bowing to you right now, EasyMyohoDisco. You are solitary force of Good Karma and Kosen Rufu. The Buddhist Gods are smiling all around you. You be careful young man watch your asteroid with Sanshoshima. You have inspired me beyond belief! Fearless shakabuku-my goal is to have one percent of your fearlessness, Myoho.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

If anybody asks, I just come here for the encouragement. I mean if the man ever asks I'm going to say, "No, I don't smoke, me, no. I just hear the encouragement and walk away singing like a meadow lark." We divulge so much of ourselves and still want to be more personal- I have to chant to not be afraid. What am I afraid of? Dying, gettin' popped? Your story blew me away- I want to give you my name and address so you can come to my community center. Three Cheers for MyohoDisco!

This Hits for Youuuuu, it's going to have to be a big one! (My coals are glowing for you- of my heart!)


Active member
MyohoDude- I just clicked on the sunspark and listened - That is downright Bad to the Bone! Truly Awesome, I wish I could get it to loop. Wow!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well done Myoho! We are all infinitely proud of you! Continue to light the path and show the way. Actual proof is the most powerful teaching of all~!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I am SOOOO glad that I started practicing before the digital age brought such enormous opportunites for slander that are beyond my comprehension. To disrespect the Gohonzon is one thing, but to record it to show the world is another. I hope everyone who reads this thread will never disrespect the Gohonzon.

I am absolutely convinced that the individuals responsible for this are creating karma more enormous than anything one can imagine. When we go through life and we see human beings in life states or circumstances that are FUBAR'ed, we may sometimes wonder, what in the world could a person do to create such a terrible karma? The Lotus Sutra spells all of that out.

The Sutra says that the karma for this behavior appears in ones next existence from birth and continues for countless lifetimes.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"You must simply make up your mind. Look at the world this year as a mirror. The reason that you have survived until now when so many have died was so that you would meet with this affair."

(Reply to Yasaburo - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 829) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, December 11th, 2007
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