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Yes! The Gohonzon we have, the real ones, are a tiny piece, figuratively speaking of the Dai Gohonzon! AAO!

My mom flipped after seeing someone filming their Gohonzon with a video cam. That is like going to an Indian Tribal Dance and filming their sacred ceremony. You're not supposed to take a picture of the Gohonzon. Never turn your back on the Gohonzon. Supremely respect it. When I was little and friends would be over my mom would always find finger prints in the ash containter where incense would burn. She say "Who did this?!?" They were just curious. One last thing. Always elevate your Gohonzon above your eye level- Never look down at the Gohonzon- Raise your Butsadan if you need to by placing something underneath that is sturdy. Keep your wall that your Gohonzon is on distraction free. The object of devotion is the Gohonzon, we are chanting to it, not the lava lamp ion the adjacent wall.

Tomorrow is President Ikeda's 80th Birthday! Happy Birthday! I'm going to chant at the community center. I can't believe I'm saying this. I'm the most introverted dude in the world. Being with people required mad down time. The Grand Gohonzon and the sound of group chanting and most of all the Good Cause is what I'm doing it for. I know I receive actual proof.

Thomas- Your quote you posted about seeing tommorow's effects by studying today's causes was also read this morning at the meeting - you were with me.

Bubba- Your quote was also read about the rice and cake that was received on New Year's Day- The New Year's Guidance!

Georgia- Happy New Year

Happy Happy Human Revolution to all Chanter and all G'ers- Thank you for being here for me!

This Hits for you!


Active member
Hello my friends, wow freakin wow!! what an event, first of all the theme was Daisaku Ikedas 80th birthday, they really put on a show with period dancers to youth division performances to modern art typs dancing drums and a violinist that was insane. But that was just the enetrtainment, Orlando Bloom had a lot to say about president Ikeda, really bringing forth what an incredible man he is. Oh bouy a thousand people ther i would say and more shoed up and were seated in an adjoining aditorium wand they watched via live video feed or however it is they do that nowadays but needless to say it was absolutely packed!

Towards aboy 2/3rds of the way through they did the Gohonzon presentations and over 100 people recieved Gohonzon, if not more, very cool. Then it was Mr Blooms turn to talk about President Ikeda, he went on for awhile but he is a relly sincere dude and was a great mix of funny stories and serious to very heart stories of him hangin out with President Ikeda, hes a realy nice , humble guy, it was vert cool.

My fovorite person to hear speak was up next: Danny Yamaguchi, who i have seen at the center before a couple times but he never fails to get everyone totally enthused about whatever the subject may be, tonite he just focused on what a great year this is gonna be and after listening to Danny there isnt a person in the place that thinks otherwise, he has just a perfefct mix of jokes and enthusiasm that gets the whole crowd so pumped its really something else.

In a nutshell it was huge, just huge in all aspects, what a way to bring in the new year, certainly made up for last night!

peace and lets not hesitate in 2008!!!


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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A little analogy for scegy, hope this comes out right, in going to say this as if it was me, I was thinking about getting into mountain climbing recently but the equipment is really expensive so i looked for some second hand gear and to my surprise i came accross 2 guys sellin' brand new gear that they cant use due to change of plans.

First guy was a Bisiuness man from newyork who was gonna climb everest for the first time and had been training for 2 years for this trip. Out of the blue his bisiuness is in trouble has to sell all his gear and get back to New York asap.

Second guy has basically all the same gear but its just a few dollars more than the first guy, This guy had conquered everest a few times among many other world famous climbs. Well he gets word that his wife is going to have a baby and pulls out of his climb.

So i could get the guys gear who has never climebed Everest before OR i could get (for just a few bucks more )the gear from the guy who has made the clime several times successfully allready.

I think withiut hesitation, im gonna get the guys gear who has made the climb several times and been through the tests it puts on mind, body and soul. Just feels like the right choice.

Hmmmm the way i relate that to my Gohonzon is the lady who was my sponsor and who i still see all the time at the center has put her faith in nicherin for 40 years and it shows. In a sense my faith was tested in just recieving it as i had to get up on stage with about 20 other people in front of a crowd of about 250 people. I have absolutely paralyzing stage freight but Audrey just kept putting me at ease and saying "have faith" so i did. Probably the most incredible feeling ive felt in my life was when Audrey handed me my own Gohonzon personally, coming from a person with her HEAVY Buddha nature and 40 years of faith, that Gohonzon immediatly felt warm in my hand, it commanded my respect and i was more than willing to give it, this was not just a peice of paper? This felt like the piece to the puzzle in my life that had been missing, a key to unlocking my dreams and making them realities.

When Audrey and about 12 other strangers at that time came to my house and performed the enshrinement, well i can hardly describe the feelings that night except that i truly felt all the people that attended TRULY CARED and couldnt wait to see my life start to transform.

Ive said this before many pages back now, but when everyone had gone and i opened the butsudan doors for myself for the first time , i felt as if i had come face to face with my destiny.

If i was by myself at home and this thing spit out of a fax machine i dont think i would have quite the same respect for it that i do now. I know for a fact that i wouldnt have met and formed the relationships with the people that were there that nite, and sincerely care, i saw em all tonite!! Or would i have that special connection i have with the Friendship Center and everyone i run into there were all there for the same thing and all equal. Great feeling!

just my opinion on the subject.

peace, love and deepest respect


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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I have much to say but no time to say it right now except we did have another awesome new year's eve; chanted from 11p -12a then did gongyo at midnight just beautiful. Thank you Babba and Mrs. B thank you! Happy New Year to all and to all a goodnight!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bonz...u brought tears to my eyes and filled my heart with joy with your two posts and i want to expound more but eyelids are getting heavy and fingers are getting tired.
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Active member

thank you all for contributing again and strenghtening me, i do have a question though that wasn't answeared

who fonds SGI centers?Gohonzons, scripts given to us ? Do ALL(presidents, co presidents, "board" members etc., and everyone in a SGI institution) SGI member live on their own income ?
How does a SGI center(in a physical way) work, someone must do all the printing and reproducing scripts, gohonzons etc.?

i mean what is the difference if Gohonzon is printed with their printer or on my printer?
except if the gohonzons are sent throughout the world for free and as an act of good will power?

that would be different and i would agree 100%, please put some light on this topic i really want to know more, or point me somewhere, i really need ur help.

In a sense my faith was tested in just recieving it as i had to get up on stage with about 20 other people in front of a crowd of about 250 people.

you see this is what i'm afraid off, loosing my so called anonymity, if i get my name on the SGI list of members, i will be known as a SGI representative.....i'm SCEGY and i don't wanna loose that, for secure perpuoses too

do you have to sign something? take a picture for a fool proof?
i mean I can be as stupid as anyone that seeks these answears and he thinks he has found the answear and the tool to make things better. then he realizes he's just another freemason who has joined the group but he's too comfortable to get out.
isn't that the same thing that nichiren was trying to prevent?
you see me joining an organisation means to me that i give power to someone that i don't even know, power of information i mean

it's not that i don't believe in the gohonzon, it's my gut that wants to know all that i asked up there and it's the kozen-rufu that tells me this is the way to go....but again, i need to know more before i go on, do you understand me?

thank you all for all new year's wishes, but i'm actually far more gratefull for all u've done during the year for me on this thread so i thank you for that!

all good from me to YOU till the end


Active member
was asking myself the same thing while i was chanting a few moments ago

and i realized that a more important question would be, how can i be certain that the gohonzon i get at the SGI center is the real one? i mean there's a difference among them as i looked at different prints, why is that? I'm almost affraid to chant to my printed gohonzon now as i know that there is doubt

please answear me about the fonding issues i would really like to know

what should happen to it?i feel bad just thinking on throwing it away, but again i wanted to have a test at how it feels to have a gohonzon up front, and today as i elevated it above my eye level i felt that there shouldn't be a printed copy standing in that card box as it will degrade quickly in time and i would have to print another one

maybe that's the problem with me, i never knew how someone could charish things, a teddybear for instance....i mean i had one when i was a kid, but soon i had no more time to play with him, and he was left behind and i kind off remember of him from time to time, but there's no guilt--> not putting a TB on the Gohonzon level, just trying to show ya something

maybe a much better case would be me deleting my hard drive by an accident. i had like 4-5 years of my life in digital photos there, all so called friends, good partys, good times etc.

i kind off grieved for almost a year no shit, but i constantly talked to myself that they were just photos of things happening to me, the good important things stayed in my head and other good things that will happen, will fill the void somehow, i actually still believe and have achieved that and it feels good not weeping about some photos of my puberty.
to protect myself from the dissapointment ---> to realize one day in my life that Gohonzon is false or that i lost it somehow, i would feel foolish to let myself believe in someThing so strong that it actually can effect me again

In the gosho Nichinyo Gozen Gohenji, Nichiren said, "Never seek this
Gohonzon outside yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal
flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo . . . The most important thing is to chant only
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and attain enlightenment. All depends on the strength of
your faith. To have faith is the basis of Buddhism . . . The Gohonzon
is found in faith alone."


why do i NEED that protection in my mind?i mean it has been a real helper sometimes, but a real stopper at some other times, i would REALLY like to know, why do i rather believe in my disbelieving in everything then in something that makes me feel good but i'm not sure in it
wish some off you knew me more, i'd had far more leverage

it's the same with my appearence, i hate to go much beyond hygene in that case, i hate to be judged by my clothes, that's why i often go out "like a bum" in the BIGcity terms, to bring the worst out off the ppl, to make them judge, and sometimes i can show them the opposite if we interact.

this is really like a dead end to me, "jump if you want to swim" comes in my mind though....

another question that popped out while i chanted, what if my gf wants her gohonzon too, we will chant to two gohonzons if we chant togheter?

t r y t o g e t m e
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Active member
I like the Idea of the family Gohonzon. Family members chanting to seperate Gohonzons in the same house is not comfortable to me. Sceg, I had the same question about 2 in the same house. Some people did chant to their individual Gohonzons, room mates and such. When your GF gets her own and goes her seperate way, don't want to sound like a pessimist, she'll have her own. Until then she will chant to yours or visa-versa. I also can remember feeling the way you did about why do people need this? In time it will all come to you. I remember when I truly plugged in and did gongyo for the first time and yo, don't laugh, but tears of joy were just flowing out of my eyes. At first I got scared but then I relaxed but still couldn't believe what had just happened. People react to the Gohonzon and chanting based on there past existence. I know I chanted in somewhere long ago because it felted like I had been hooked up or plugged in. This may sound silly but at first I was like is this like a vampire sucking the life out of me but now I realize that it was Nam Myoho Renge Kyo filling my chest up like a helium balloon. It was like I was reunited with some great mystical force. No joke. So I can't wait until you have a similar experience of your own and be able to share it with us.

You're there Scegy, just chant to the Nichiren Gohonzon. The effects will be tremendous. This is the crucial time to chant and all questions will be answered until you are satisfied.

I'm going to chant to Sensei, I don't have anyone to take so I'm going alone! WooHoo!

On his 80th I can't think of a better thing to do!

One hit and I'm out.
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1947, August 24th, is the day President Ikeda, Sensai, received his Gohonzon. 60 years of practice is what he has under his belt. The foundation for Kosen, Soka Gokkai is complete. We are worldly. PasstheD, Big T- Can you imagine it? "The International Chanting Growers thread" Members world wide. You can do it, Big Daddy! That's why I'm asking you because I know you are capable. And you know what else is going to be amazing- When legalization-total liberation- occurs and I won't have to worry!
Until then it would have to be the IC-International Chanters thread. Buddhists world wide. See we have to looked down upon for the chronic-that's jive! Chant on Brothers and Sisters! I hope I'll be able to go to sleep. My ichinen level is sky high. I just wish I could have gotten in touch with my shakabuku and someone else who is just impossible to pin down to tell him the wonders of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! Oh one more thing- Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the Japanese ladies who are the true pillars of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo world wide from the beginning! Chanting in the same room as you is an honor. Your wisdom encircles all.

This hit is also for you!
From WND, On Attaining Buddhahood, written to Toki Jonin, official of the military tribunal at Kamakura, 1255.

What then does myo signify? It is simply the mysterious nature of our lives from moment to moment, which the mind cannot comprehend nor words express. When you look into your own mind at any moment, you perceive neither color nor form to verify that it exists. Yet you still cannot say it does not exist, for many differing thoughts continually occur to you. Life is indeed an elusive reality that transends both the words and concepts of existence and non-existence. It is neither existence nor non-existence, yet exhibits the qualities of both. It is the mystic entity of the Middle Way that is the reality of all things. Myo is the name given to the mystic nature of life and ho to its manifestations.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


ps great posts hitman and I agree with you wholeheartedly those Japanese Pioneer Women Rock; they truly are the spiritual warriors! WOOHOO


Active member
You're welcome, Georgialouwho, have a wonderful day!

You're welcome, Bubbabud.

Bonzo, nice experience, you made it happen for New Years!

I'm going to do morning gongyo and chant for my district leaders of the world.

We're all striving together!

Today's guidance- Jan 3- You have to face some challeges, no matter what the undertaking, in order to open a path in life. If you have stopped fighting against evil or no longer wage a battle for justice, your spirit is no longer youthful.

I was so up at the meeting last night that now I am at the bottom again this morning. Self doubt is trying to turn me into mush. I'm going to think of you all for the strength to succeed today. There is nowhere to hide - full speed ahead- scared or not- Like a Lion!


Active member
hello hitman

i did have simmilar experiences, i wrote them down a few pages ago, but deleted them since there was some confusion of what i was trying to say
and i had a lot of them since i'm chanting, even more since i'm chanting regularry
i really do understand all that u'r saying and u'r right about most of it(couldn't think of what was wrong)

but still, why nobody answears the money question?or am i beating the wrong stone?
is this unimportant for you to know? i don't have a reasonable doubt that any of the SGI members is lying, but that's why i'm asking you how things actually work since i don't know much about the administrative work in sgi?

still and will roar like the lion no matter what!
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Active member
Morning Scegy, nice to hear from you. It doesn't seem like the District leaders are getting paid. They all have other jobs. It's not an employer, the SGI, it's a not for profit religious organization throughout the world. One thing's for certain, a basket has never been passed.

Chant for your life and don't worry about everybody else. That is what I am trying to do personally. You have to take the good with the bad even with the distict leaders. That is why they are in that position. Their evolution would be way slower if they were not put into bigger shoes.

Check it out. Some organizations want you to hang your Gohonzon without a Butsadon. That is strange and disrespectful and you shouldn't have to put a hole in your wall either. We have to do what you feel is right and be honorable and respectful

Have a nice day, Scegy and everyone else. I look forward to reading your posts.


Big Hugs and Kisses for all my friends here! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Big Hugs and Kisses for all my friends here! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

scegy said:
still and will roar like the lion no matter what!

First of All, I wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Scegy, what the **** are you doing brother? You want to start off the year building foundations of doubt or faith? You sir are a borderline dude and need to get away from the computer and experience life for yourself and stop asking for "Cheat Sheets", if you have enough gumption to download Gohonzons you should also be bold enough to enter a community center. Be careful dude, I'm doing my best here on my end to practice as best I can and I had to tell you that, you better realize I say things with love here on the thread and Thomas reflects truth in his posts. Be very careful amigo, looks like your looking to slap yourself and I hope you get it out of your system and move forward. The KEYWORD IN THIS THREAD (among others) is FAITH.

Faith is key.

Here is a special quote to begin an awesome new year:

While deluded, one is called a common mortal, but once enlightened, he is called a Buddha. Even a tarnished mirror will shine like a jewel if it is polished. A mind which presently is clouded by illusions originating from the innate darkness of life is like a tarnished mirror, but once it is polished it will become clear, reflecting the enlightenment of immutable truth. Arouse deep faith and polish your mirror night and day How should you polish it? Only by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

What then does myo signify? It is simply the mysterious nature of our lives from moment to moment, which the mind cannot comprehend or words express. When you look into your own mind at any moment, you perceive neither color nor form to verify that it exists. Yet you still cannot say it does not exist, for many differing thoughts continually occur to you. Life is indeed an elusive reality that transcends both the words and concepts of existence and nonexistence. It is neither existence nor nonexistence, yet exhibits the qualities of both. It is the mystic entity of the Middle Way that is the reality of all things. Myo is the name given to the mystic nature of life, and ho to its manifestations.

Renge, the lotus flower, symbolizes the wonder of this Law Once you realize that your own life is the Mystic Law, you will realize that so are the lives of all others. That realization is the mystic kyo, or sutra. It is the king of sutras, the direct path to enlightenment, for it explains that the entity of our minds, from which spring both good and evil, is in fact the entity of the Mystic Law. If you have deep faith in this truth and chant Myoho-renge-kyo, you are certain to attain Buddhahood in this lifetime (The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, pp. 4-5)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
scegy said:
but still, why nobody answears the money question?

Sorry scegs, but with six kids out of school, I won't have a chance to post that until tomorrow.

Thanks for the PM!



Active member
hello hitman and myoho brother

hitman i'm just wondering whose money built SGI centers around the world, i mean there are 30 or more just in middle america, and someone must pay the bills etc.

my faith grows if doubts are cleared, and i know every each of us has his own truth and i respect that
i don't "care" about new years wishes and so on, i do what i have to do, every day, and think off it every day, not just once a year so, for me the start was long long long time ago, i can't see the end though

now this pressure around me because i'm asking those question gives me even more questions than fear

i mean i feel like i ask another thing about ikeda or SGI i will be no longer welcome here.

tell me this, the real and reasonable cause for ikeda rewriting nichiren words is to make things closer to today's world and to ppl that don't know all the expressions used here(me including), what do you think?

in the end i don't wanna fight with no one here, i will find my way without someone being pissed at me because i'm searching my VERY reasonable doubts, considering what's happening with most religions today

so if you kick me out, know that i'm gratefull to everything you gave me here and i will continue to chant no matter what or who or where untill i find something that i agree more with

i must say i am dissapointed not being answeared to my questions, so if you find me a dick because i'm asking all that, i just don't know how to accept that, but i've seen it on tv lot's of times,
so you see my faith towards Nichiren is now as strong as faith in Jesus, i feel and know they were right and someone always tried to use that in one or another way... i just realized now that i never really bought into my parrent's talk about jesus and all that being a joke and stupid etc. i always felt he is a sane man, but abused through the man's history by others

p.s. to thomas
i know i'm giving you a lot to nibb on, i guess i'll ask my second mentor in real what's the deal with all this

and yes myoho u'r right, i gotta start living this way too without a fear, like i do most of the things...an you'r so wrong brother, i'm not trying to cheat, honest just being careful
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You must spread Karma before you can give it to EasyMyohoDisco. I was just back reading and came across your experience and how many wonderful things you are doing. Easy - You are very encouraging. I liked how that man was like what are you doing here and the next thing you were doing was conferring peoples' Gohonzon. Next thing you'll be doing Gojakai! Keep it up, all the great work. I'm going to chant for your Mom.


Active member
To Scegy

To Scegy

So now I'm caught up. First of all I'd like to say like the originator of this thread says, "I bow in obediance to you all."

We all have fear and we all have to stand up to it. I wouldn't be printing a Gohonzon whatsoever. You'd have to touch all over it and it's not an ornament. It comes from SGI. I'm sure if you asked your district leaders these questions you'd sure find the answer. Just the other night at the community center I heard said that if you have questions ask district leader.

President Ikeda who was given the torch by President Toda was not given confidence from the Japanese people. Some said that the SGI would be gone. But Ikeda created all over the world through his humanistic love for all people treasure towers or community centers. Faith and perseverence is what drove him. Toda recorded the writings, all of them of Makiguchi, and Ikeda wrote the writings, well his wife did, she's stay up until 4 in the morning, of Toda.

Yes the community centers take money to exist. President Ikeda is published all over the world in many, many languages. The World Tribune, which you study is given to you- a subscription, only 1 year, with your Membership and Gohonzon. Like any magazine they are published and sold. I'm trying not to be condescending or patronizing in any way shape or form. Even though sansho shima, which are or is negative forces that do not want us do any good would like me to do a www smackdown on my computer.

The first step towards enlightenment is that you see the good, the potential, the love in all people and you want to save them. That's humanism. That's what makes President Ikeda so lovable, so pure. He wouldn't hurt an ant's feeling. He raises both hands and puts his arms up with peace signs and you can see how he was able in 60 years to create a world force for Kosen Rufu- World Peace. The happiness of all living beings. Ya I know it's sounds wishy washy and idealistic and Utopic but it may happen if I, and you and all of us strive to do this through our own human revolution. How do you make tommorrow better than today. My boss is on my ass and I'm scared shitless. But I have all of you and we have eachother. Sorry to go veer off. Museums are opening around the world dedicated to Peace which is now being seen as most imperative element of our existence. Peace is necessary and until we take the killing out of us then we ain't never going to get there. Ikeda said that his accomplishments from age sixty to eighty were above and beyond his wildest dreams. He is seeing his on mortality. He said recently on a film that they showed that he is so honored to die for this cause. He said that he will go to eternity chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and fighting for Peace.

One time I was chanting out of a window, the window was closed, I was just looking outside. I was kneeling down chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and all of a suddent all these animals came to the window. There were a couple squirrels and different types of birds, pigeons and sparrows and blackbirds or whatever kind they were and they were looking into the window. That's how I know it is Mystical Law of the Universe. They came for the lovely sound. There are things going on that we can't explain. What can we do. I know it affects my environment when I chant and it pulls in what I need. Yes that may happen anyway but not in a manner that it happens when you chant. You are protected by the buddhist Gods when you chant. I have to go chant because I don't even know if anyone is listening anymore. Peace- Beware of Bootleg Gohonzons that just slander the Law of Cause and Effect. The Cause you make is the Effect you get. That is why I love that quote that if you want to see what cause was made in the past then you have to look at todays effects and if you want to see what tommorrow's effects will be look at today's causes. PTD will write it out for you if you don't get it. I just try to keep PTD from losing his temper because he is such a passionate role model-leader. You know he has made some awesomely good cause because look at how we are together! We all had the fortune to meet eachother through PTD's efforts. I'll never forget it! Him and My mom mentioned that they chanted and they both were from back in the days and it was so mystical because my mom smiled and was so happy! You'll have to excuse me for a moment, it's hard for me to say it.

Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo- No one is kicking you away, Scegy, it's just that we are trying to give the best encouragement we can- tough love!

I remember when you first came to the thread and mentioned Christ and I'm not saying you shouldn't study Christianity. Some believe you can't. Old old school wouldn't hang Christmas decorations or do anything to compete with the Gohonzon and their buddhist faith. I love Santa Claus and decorations. I was raised around many religions and I respect them all. I went to a church a couple of years ago with a friend and it was an experience that I'll always remember. I saw people being baptized and the preacher spoke and there were things that rubbed me the wrong way like repeated body and blood analogies but overall I respected the people for their sincerety and kindness who welcomed me into a glimpse of their world and accepted me. All religions accept others. You've never heard of anyone saying "Leave my church!". I listened and was humble but one thing is certain, I couldn't wait to get home and chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! The one that I have seen actual proof! Actual proof is like wo! It has to do with the inseperability of one with his or her environment. No church ever talked about the environment and the universe. Dominant themes occurred but of a entire different nature.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo truely transcends past present and future. 7 generations back seven generation forward is how I picture. Every direction of the compass like a gyroscope. If you think we are the only civilization to have come to existence through the right conditions it doesn't make sense. We are somehow connected and exist again and again and again. Hell is a state in ourselves. Each moment, each milisecond we can take the high or the lower road. It is up to us what we want to be to do and be and one false move can ripple through our lives forever. How do you explain Karma? Why is that we have recurring problems no matter where we go. It is from our past lives. We are paying back for our past bad cause. If you always have people trying to take from you- then you definitely took from others in a past existence. Why is it that I always have to see animals getting abuse no matter where I live. There is always someone who abuses or mistreats an animal and acts like they don't know or care. I have to be the one to experience though. It's like I can't get away from it? That is my Karma! Sadly enough I did some wrong stuff to animals in a past existence and I have evolved from it. You always see things as a barometer around you. I have so much love for animals and I don't want anything to ever happen to any of them. I have evolved in that way. If anyone thinks that what I'm saying is hogwash feel free to advise. Maybe you see it a different way and could help me. All I know is Karma ain't nothin to mess with.

I'm just so glad to have everyone to talk to. If I didn't I might go freaking insane.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to infinity!
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SoCal Hippy

Active member
Hitman, I am listening and what you say is loud and clear. you have a tremendous heart and it is my good fortune to know you from this thread. Keep on keepin on!!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
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