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Gosho Excerpt:

"Question: Why do you alone spew forth such evil words about other people? Answer: I, Nichiren, am not condemning others. I am only pointing out the questionable places in their doctrines. If they want to get angry at me, then let them!"

Letter to Shomitsu-bo,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 867)
Written to Shomitsu-bo in 1277 from Minobu

Daily Encouragement:

Leaders who are responsible for organizing and holding discussion meetings in the SGI must study. If they do not, they cannot hope to satisfy the participants and inspire them with fresh energy and enthusiasm.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/

:woohoo: Sleep well and Wake up Leading your Winning Life! :woohoo:

Hope everyone is well, if not chant earnest daimoku and get well soon, so you can post your expirience! Boku Love, and HELLO BONZ! HELLO SOCAL!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Off work for a bit. Need to go back before to long ... should try to enjoy while I can. Hopefully will lend sometime to chanting and taking care of the outdoor crop a bit . I love you guys and hope to hear from you all soon.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


My wife has been working very hard lately, more than I have ever seen and I know its attributed to her practice. And getting results, she never got a raise in her entire life at any job, and 4 months on a new job she accomplished this goal. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is certainly the foremost teaching in all the land!

Take that to the bank!


Im back and safe

Im back and safe

Hello peeps, justed passin by to say hi and im alive. Missing this place and being able to explain things to people like this, resinly i have been feelin other pain, but not justed people anythink from a ant, to a leaf, to justed walkin by and feelin other pain with out speech. when i have tryed to explain to other they have justed look at me like im a little crazy. I feel its me gettin in touch with my self and other.

I alway seem to have somethink to say when i pass through, i also need to carefuly go throught this thread and gaver some more wisdom. I have also found wisdom comes with time and cing life for what it is..........

I hope all r well, nuff love from me from the bottom of my heart


Nam myoho renge kyo

feel free, let go, let it be an your find yourself being free


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Great to hear your back and safe Marley!! Great of you to stop by and check in. Hope all things are going well for you. So glad to see you friend!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo !!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo !!

Life seems to be one change after another. Know that it is all Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and is all the same energy. Its our own heads and tales of things that make it good or bad!!Except it all as Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and all is good. So much love for you all !! more on this later
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member
High Marley! :wave: I was just gonna post something very similar to yours ( T, this mystic stuff is too fuckin' freaky man, but very cool!) Not kiddin i just woke up from a lil nap and just felt in my heart somethin was wrong, not neccesarily with me (could be) but somewhere or with someone and i felt a very strong feeling that i need/needed to help. I dont know how to explain it but i get those same feelings as well Marley, and here you are postin about it. This has happened to me now multiple times here (on this thread.

Are we really all brothers, in tune with each other without a word being spoken or heard? :confused:

heavy concept eh?! :chin:

WOW! it gets deeper all the time.

really hopin' everyone is good and well and lovin' life.

peace to ALL!!!!!!!!!


Hi Babba! Beautifull veggies bro......wow!!

Hi easy, thanks again my brotha!

Hi Ganjalord, how are ya?

:woohoo: >>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>> :woohoo:

ps. even though i feel like i dont know jack shit, i do know a couple things for sure: my life and state of mind has changed for the better by leaps and bounds by just hangin' with ya'll and chanting everyday.........and thats a fact jack!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :crazy: :D
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Active member
That's Beautiful!

That's Beautiful!

GanjaLord said:
:bigeye: Looks awesome, truly awesome!!

Next year, I'm planting the pickling variety of cucumber. I ended up with so much cucumbers this year, I couldn't give them away. Next year, I'm pickling. And if you love corn on the cob like I do, I grew Kandy Korn variety this year. I HIGHLY recommend them! I turned corn junky.

What kind of carrots are those? They look really yummy :yummy: (if you grew too many like I did (heh, never plant when your stone) I have an awesome carrot cake recipe (yes, yes, I have a sweet tooth).

hehehe, sorry, I get as tickled pick over fruit and vegetable gardens as I do Ganja gardens. :pointlaug

Thanks for sharing. Mrs. Babba!


Active member
Life is a struggle. It is a fight. You just can't stop. If you do the current will wash you backwards. Day in day out. I must not give up. I'm going to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo over and over and try to reach a million Daimoku.

Evening Gongyo calls. Stay strong everyone! Glad to hear of all your actual proof! Thanks again for being here.



Yes this is the real thing! Life at its best, remember to smile and do your best to practice what you preach or believe, do the right thing and chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

I am with you and so is the Gohonzon, if not its time you found your way back..

We are in this together, prepare for a better tommorrow and remember Nichiren Daishonin and Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Its here in the thread if you need references, but the truth is within you, always has been.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

p.s your very welcome my brother!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Peace to my Brothers and Sisters! All is well with me and my family! Thanks for the PM's! Wisdom comes from compassion, and I'm having to dig deep to find mine. But just so you know, nothing but smiles on this end!

I'm too busy, and my priorities are changing as all things change. The last thing I have time for is a pissing contest. I'll make sure everyone's bladder is empty before I re-enter the room.

What did I do to get pissed on? I relaxed.

Hey I've got six kids! I'm fucking tired! So don't hold your breath


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Even if my counsel is heeded, if I am not given due respect as the votary of the Lotus Sutra, then the country will perish. How ominous that the authorities have turned hundreds of persons against me and have even banished me twice! This country is surely doomed, but since I have asked the gods to withhold their punishment on our land, it has survived until now. However, that punishment has finally descended because these unreasonable actions continued.

[ The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra, WND Page 773 ]


A real eye opener indeed. I must say that I have been trying my best to break down and abolish alot of misconceptions and deluded illusions I succumb to by habit. Reality is where the heart is and when I obscure the truth it beomes almost impossible to make progress without yet again finding myself in hell so to speak. Self Imposed Hell! So I strengthen my resolve to conquer the Devil of the 6th Heaven and really embrace the Mystic Law in my own Unique way.

So, I must admonish those whom have come here blatantly disrespecting and slandering The Mystic Law which I am working hard to uphold here on my end and must rescind much of my psuedo-compassion for those against me. Not everyone against The Mystic Law will find themselves in the "Poison-Drum" and thus become enlightened. I have been zealous in my shakubukuing trying to approach anyone and everyone and missing the fact that there are some people out there who are not going to be receptive, nor compassionate and its my decision to move forward without the crutch of feeling some sort of "christian/catholic guilt" fueling me to piss in the wind and sully the TRUTH! Fuck that, I'm sick of my faith like fire ways even though I felt I wasn't being so firy! Let me elaborate, I have been trying very very hard to shakukbuku someone who I really convinced myself would be practicing very soon and it would just be a matter of time, the results have been hurtful in my life because she is constantly slandering herself her environment and my life and I BEEN PUTTING UP WITH IT! So like a bad habit I resolve to just work through it and seriously move ahead sans the further, bullshit encouragement and water treading I have been doing as of late. I already feel a great burden lifted off my shoulders that was actually self imposed! However cunning the Devil of the 6th Heaven is I resolve to dominate his insidious nature and really really try even harder, but with a more level headed clear composed stance. Faith like water.

Its a shame I had to invite someone here ignorant to the fact that he or she could never even be sympathetic to The Law and thus slander the Great Vehicle and my own Buddhanature. I am sorry but through realizing reality and seeing things for what they are my friends, its apparent that I have overstepped my bounds on a few occassions and not have not taken the proper steps to overcome these demons (if you will) or rather vile manifestations of my bad karma. I can tell you all with complete honesty I have not been a saint all my life and have accumulated seriously bad Karma as I have also worked hard to expiate that Karma with a more "positive"
good cause creating approach, yet I am a youthful revolutionary in the midst of an infinate number of variables that I can really quantify and approach now because I have embraced the Mystic Law.

So I must say " Do Not come HERE with a disrespectful or biased negative view of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. THIS IS NOT THE PLACE! THIS IS A SACRED THREAD on the internet and must be respected and protected by us. " If someone wishes to slander and attempt to sully anything or anyone involved or associated with this thread, please take it elsewhere and rest assure the demon daughters will split your head into seven pieces and you will fall (further) into the avichi hell. This I say with a mercy & compassion that Nichiren Daishonin has for me and that I embrace and work to emulate in even a greater ability because I have that ability and my Bodhisattva nature fuels that passion for all humans, so much so that it has caused me to find myself selfmanipulated and clouded!

I am working on destroying that delusion and join you all in spirit. If you wish to deny yourself The Mystic Law, FINE WITH ME! I must focus more on my unique relationship with The Law and really approach life as I should and not let my judgment be swayed so easily by the Devil of the 6th Heaven or my own Fundamental Darkness!

Be strong, work hard, always smile, and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Deep Respect,


Active member
Hi T! glad your smilin!!!! I only hold my breath when i have to go under 10 of these in a row. Its called gettin caught inside:

Hope everyones day is golden ...........and GREEN!



>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>


Thats a thick trunk Bonzo :chin: Very Nice, I hope to have some thick trunks too very soon! I'll chant for it and a bountiful harvest as I chant for Hitman's Plants, Your Plants, Babba's Bushes, and Kosen-rufu through our marijuana related endeavors.

Like the roar of the lioni, NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
A warm greeting to all sisters and brothers showing actual proof of the Mystic Law - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo in their own individual lifes. Life is full of challenges, sometimes seemingly never-ending but where else can you continually without fail muster up hope and courage just 'one more time' to face your negative karma head on and change it. This is what those practicioners of Nichiren's Buddhism are guaranteed and I am proud to be associated with all here on this thread upholding the Law in their life.

SoCal Hippy

Active member
An Experience

An Experience

Winning Over Hopelessness

By Gwyneth Congon

[from the Jan 1, 2000, World Tribune, p. 11]

If I had not decided to practice Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, I
would probably not be alive now to share my experience.

By the time I started school, I had given up looking for hope.

I went to Catholic school because I am visually impaired, and St.
Lucy's offered visual support services. I learned to compensate for
my visual impairment there, but the religious indoctrination set my
hopelessness in concrete. I learned that because I wasn't Catholic, I
wasn't good enough, I wasn't smart enough, and God did not like me. I
already felt doomed. And now a major world religion agreed with me!

I had always entertained thoughts of suicide, but I didn't think I
was even capable of that. By the time I was 14, my despair was out of
control, so I was hospitalized to prevent my own suicide.

Every time I sat on the hard little couch during therapy, I was
forced to poke and prod at the things that hurt the most. But I knew
I had to do it.

Two years after I consciously began to wage guerilla warfare against
depression, I was introduced to a philosophy of unrestrained hope and
optimism. The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin was an exact
confirmation of what I thought the world should be like and it was

I wasn't really down with the idea of chanting, but I figured I'd sit
though that (like I used to sit through church) and just take the
useful philosophy. I'd treat it like a Buddhist buffet.

I wholeheartedly applied Buddhist principles to my life. How could I
just bypass a philosophy with a fundamental belief in the infinity of
human potential for happiness and creativity? Still, I only chanted
to be polite. If living by Buddhist ethics was working so well, what
was the point of repeating Nam Myoho-renge-kyo over and over again?
Couldn't I just embrace the philosophy without having to chant the

One afternoon I was feeling especially unpleasant and I had exhausted
all other options. I was too upset to study, listen to music, talk to
anyone, or even read the back of a cereal box. So I shouted "Nam
Myoho-renge-kyo!" and it was so cathartic and wonderful that I tried
it again. Then I felt silly standing there in the dorm room, alone,
shouting, so I sat down and chanted for a whole minute. No miracles
happened, but I did feel a bit better. I was starting to generate
ideas about how to solve some of my problems.

I started chanting consistently. At first, I would chant on the way
to the bus stop to slow the bus down if I was late. Then I tried
chanting for things like being calm during an especially grueling
exam. It worked so well that I couldn't think of a good reason not to

As I steadily became a happier person through practicing this
Buddhism, I resolved to learn Gongyo. At that time, which was about a
year ago, Gongyo was a once-a-week occurrence because it took me so
long to get through it that I was never motivated to do it.

My brother, Art, really pulled through for me. He would arrange his
schedule so that we could do morning Gongyo together in an obscure
computer lab in the physics building. He always went out of his way
to do Gongyo with me, and he let me do it as slowly as I needed to.

Now, I am proud to say that I have a fully self-motivated practice.
By living my life by Buddhist principles, I am taking concrete
actions every day to become a stronger, happier person, and by so
doing I hope to encourage other people to do the same. I can say with
complete sincerity that I am a truly happy person. I have won over hopelessness, one of the most potent poisons in life.
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Thanks Socal

Thanks Socal

Gosho Excerpt:

"These passages from the sutras speak of powerful enemies of the correct teaching. Such enemies are to be found not so much among evil rulers and evil ministers, among non-Buddhists and devil kings, or among monks who disobey the precepts. Rather they are those great slanderers of the Law who are to be found among the eminent monks who appear to be upholders of the precepts and men of wisdom."

The selection of the time,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 584)
Written to Yui on 10 June 1275 from Minobu

Daily Encouragement:

Young people in school should make study their first priority. It goes without saying that faith is important, but faith is something we practice throughout our entire lives. There is a certain period and age when we should study. If we don't work hard during that period, we may fail to acquire important knowledge and skills, and we may come to regret it deeply later. Faith manifests itself in daily life. For young people in school, faith manifests itself in their studies. During this period, to devote themselves to study represents an important part of their practice of faith.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/
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