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Cancel Culture

Three Berries

Active member
But you don't reply to all of the posts directed at you....

If you had more money you could fix Chicago.

Don't let us down.

Berries Wan Kenobi, you're our only hope.

How about explaining how the government is not controlled by the people?
No amount of money can fix Chicago. They are driving the big money out. Any funds just go to cronies and their support groups. Chicago just needs to arrest and prosecute lawbreakers. They don't do that now for the most part.

Maybe you can tell me how many more Billions it will take? So far it only makes things worse. Ask Beetlejuice.

How much control you got on the goverenmet?

Three Berries

Active member


Active member
Is the law meant to be used against family members and friends or against employers of underpaid household help? Being Bad Santa pushing it, I’m guessing the first using the latter as an excuse.


Well-known member
Is the law meant to be used against family members and friends or against employers of underpaid household help? Being Bad Santa pushing it, I’m guessing the first using the latter as an excuse.

I wonder when he's going to apply the undocumented rhetoric to Cubans

there must be a reason why he goes light on those immigrants

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Well-known member
Here's as good a place as any for me to jump in.
I have some shit to say about DeSantis.
There's this idea from political philosophy that fascism is an (inevitable?) consequence of a country's history of colonialism and/or imperialism.
This explains Russian/Soviet authoritarianism *and* Nazism as well as some aspects of US history (eg the invention of concentration camps in the Philippines).
It also explains Rick DeSantis.
It is reported by Harpers and by the Independent that instead of ensuring that the fundamental rights of these detainees were respected, as was his job (ostensibly) as a JAG lawyer, DeSantis aided in their torture.
Here's a detainee, Adayfi, as reported by the Independent:

“He came to talk to us along [with] others – medical staff and interpreters. And we explained to him why we were on hunger strike. And he told us, ‘I’m here to ensure that you get treated humanely and properly.’ We were talking about our problems with the brothers, the torture, the abuses, the no healthcare.” “This was something strange, because nobody told us that before,” Mr Adayfi adds. Mr DeSantis was memorable for his appearance, too. “He was handsome with beautiful eyes,” he says. Mr Adayfi recalls that he initially believed Mr DeSantis when he told him he was there to help, but he says that quickly changed after he claims he was present for his force-feeding. On the day in question, Mr Adayfi says Mr DeSantis was standing behind a fence in the yard behind the November and Oscar blocks of Camp Delta, watching him being strapped to the chair and force-fed.

Here's the same guy as reported in Harpers:
adayfi: Yes. And, “If you have any problems, if you have any concerns, just talk to me.” We were drowning in that place. So I was like, “Oh, this is cool. This person will raise the concerns.” But it was a piece of the game. What they were doing was looking for what hurts us more so they could use it against us. In 2006, when DeSantis was there, it was one of the worst times at Guantánamo. The administration, the guards, all of them were the worst. They cracked down on us so hard. When they came to break our hunger strike, a team came to us. The head of the team, he was a general. He said, “I have a job. I was sent here to break your fucking hunger strike. I don’t care why you are here. I don’t care who you are. My job is to make you eat. Today we are talking. Tomorrow there will be no talking.” The second day, they brought piles of Ensure and they started force-feeding us over and over again. prysner: For those who don’t know, Ensure is a thick milky nutritional shake mainly marketed on daytime television to elderly people. It is very hard to drink. adayfi: Yes, and Ron DeSantis was there watching us. We were crying, screaming. We were tied to the feeding chair. And he was watching. He was laughing. Our stomachs could not hold this amount of Ensure. They poured one can after another. So when he approached me, I said, “This is the way we are treated!” He said, “You should eat.” I threw up in his face. Literally on his face. prysner: Ron DeSantis? adayfi: In his face. Yeah.
I write this here because it ought to be obvious that the terms "cancel culture" and "woke" are basically interchangeable, and DeSantis likes to boast that his state, Florida, is where "wokegoes to die."
And I think that the hard-core of what were/are Trump voters in the US, those who were/are committed to Trump because of his capacity for cruelty specifically targeting perceived enemies, that they will see DeSantis as a more effective agent of cruelty.
And that is my stoned, paranoid, wild-ass political rant for the evening.