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Canada – Cannabis Regulation Changes Proposed


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ICMag Donor
Well, hallelujah.

Some changes – albeit very small ones – are coming . . .

When Canada legalized, the legislators deemed it absolutely necessary to hide all cannabis products from consumers – even when they are in an adults-only cannabis store buying cannabis. They thought that if we could actually see a product – rather than just nondescript envelopes and opaque containers - it might make us go crazy and actually want to buy it. And we would take that product and its pretty package home where are children would snatch it from our hands as soon as we walked in the door, consume it and turn into heroin addicts and die of a fentanyl overdose. Or something.

Anyways, they are going to allow clear windows on packages so we can actually see bud or seeds in the package! Not on concentrates or edibles – because of the children of course.

The other big packaging change is a bit silly but it is something . . . for the first time. they will allow more than a single 10mg edible in a consumer package – as long as inside the outer package each 10mg unit is still in an individual interior package. So like a pack of Juicy Fruit – each stick of gum can be 10 mg, inside an outer package that contains 100 mg.

And last but not least, they will simplify the numbers on the package and drop the requirement for actual THC and CBD and allow producers to show only the Total THC or CBD numbers. Confused? We always were . . . ;)

See Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 23: Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning Cannabis (Streamlining of Requirements)

So . . . they are throwing us a few crumbs . . . :rasta:


Well-known member
Well, hallelujah.

Some changes – albeit very small ones – are coming . . .

When Canada legalized, the legislators deemed it absolutely necessary to hide all cannabis products from consumers – even when they are in an adults-only cannabis store buying cannabis. They thought that if we could actually see a product – rather than just nondescript envelopes and opaque containers - it might make us go crazy and actually want to buy it. And we would take that product and its pretty package home where are children would snatch it from our hands as soon as we walked in the door, consume it and turn into heroin addicts and die of a fentanyl overdose. Or something.

Anyways, they are going to allow clear windows on packages so we can actually see bud or seeds in the package! Not on concentrates or edibles – because of the children of course.

The other big packaging change is a bit silly but it is something . . . for the first time. they will allow more than a single 10mg edible in a consumer package – as long as inside the outer package each 10mg unit is still in an individual interior package. So like a pack of Juicy Fruit – each stick of gum can be 10 mg, inside an outer package that contains 100 mg.

And last but not least, they will simplify the numbers on the package and drop the requirement for actual THC and CBD and allow producers to show only the Total THC or CBD numbers. Confused? We always were . . . ;)

See Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 23: Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning Cannabis (Streamlining of Requirements)

So . . . they are throwing us a few crumbs . . . :rasta:
Sounds like an improvement to me. You guys are lucky.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
sounds like useless fluff to me but then again I don't support government sanctioned weed stores.
Canada's legalization is a sham, we all know it but we act like we are grateful for it.
All this does , re: edibles packaging , is create more plastic garbage in our landfills.
If other nations only knew how much non recycleable trash is being produced by Canada's Legal cannabis market they would wonder if we are doing anything positive for the environment at all.

Throwing us a few crumbs....... what crumbs is that?
I don't care about being able to see the weed in the government licensed stores..... if that's throwing us a few crumbs..... oh boy are our standards low

Fuck Legalization. It's a straight up joke.


Active member
sounds like useless fluff to me but then again I don't support government sanctioned weed stores.
Canada's legalization is a sham, we all know it but we act like we are grateful for it.
All this does , re: edibles packaging , is create more plastic garbage in our landfills.
If other nations only knew how much non recycleable trash is being produced by Canada's Legal cannabis market they would wonder if we are doing anything positive for the environment at all.

Throwing us a few crumbs....... what crumbs is that?
I don't care about being able to see the weed in the government licensed stores..... if that's throwing us a few crumbs..... oh boy are our standards low

Fuck Legalization. It's a straight up joke.

Weed got legalized all right - now you face up to 14 years in prison for simply being caught passing a joint to someone under the age of 18. Same type of time you could expect to do for almost decapitating someone.

Before 'legalization' the most severe marijuana related penalty you could face was 7 years in prison, for a GROW OP - hundreds or thousands of kilos of weed. And Idk about you guys, but the shit I bought off of dealers back in the 2000's was the kind of piff you'd wanna DIE FOR. The shit they sell in dispensaries is an absolute fucking JOKE; a travesty, really.

And it doesn't matter what the fuck you buy - paying upwards of more than $400 for a fucking OUNCE for 'just' okay smoking weed, when you could've got an ounce of primo for less than $200 back in the day.

And for what? So a bunch of socially awkward, nerdy kids who get a plug connect?? Fuck legalization!!


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ICMag Donor
I was a pot consumer – I didn’t grow until a few years ago. I had a career outside of the pot industry and a family and a city house – and a long ago (1970) possession conviction - so growing was never an option. In the days before the lid blew off with illegal dispensaries playing wack-a-mole with the police, every 2 months or so I had to go on a pot hunt. Years ago, I would phone one of my many contacts and solve my need – unless we were in a seasonal drought. Remember those months? I do. Anyway, in later years, my contacts dwindled until I was just down to just one, so he would get my call. He in turn, called his contact and sooner or later – sometimes weeks later when I was down to stalks and seeds – I would end up with an oz. I think the last street price I paid was $300 – maybe in 2016? And this was increasingly for a bag of pot that was still so damp and uncured that I had to air the bag out to make sure that it didn’t mould. So for many of us, your vision of “the kind of piff you’d wanna DIE FOR” wasn’t reality. I would usually only end up with a bag of that once every two years.

Have you even tried today’s legal pot? I agree that legalization’s first years here were pretty grim and while I never buy legal leaf, I have sampled it on a regular basis through friends and it has greatly improved. Even those $99 ounces are not half bad. They look like shit. And the taste is only so-so but the high is acceptable and sometimes even really good. Peanut Butter Breath maybe? Is it as good as Tynehead Tom’s pot or even my own home grown? Of course not. Like any consumable – tomatoes come to mind – the quality of what you buy versus what you can self-produce is massive. So like tomatoes, if you want the best, grow your own.

BTW . . . apologies to @Tynehead Tom for the comparison . . . he has far more experience then I do and I am quite positive that his product would seriously embarrass mine . . . :rasta:


Active member
I was a pot consumer – I didn’t grow until a few years ago. I had a career outside of the pot industry and a family and a city house – and a long ago (1970) possession conviction - so growing was never an option. In the days before the lid blew off with illegal dispensaries playing wack-a-mole with the police, every 2 months or so I had to go on a pot hunt. Years ago, I would phone one of my many contacts and solve my need – unless we were in a seasonal drought. Remember those months? I do. Anyway, in later years, my contacts dwindled until I was just down to just one, so he would get my call. He in turn, called his contact and sooner or later – sometimes weeks later when I was down to stalks and seeds – I would end up with an oz. I think the last street price I paid was $300 – maybe in 2016? And this was increasingly for a bag of pot that was still so damp and uncured that I had to air the bag out to make sure that it didn’t mould. So for many of us, your vision of “the kind of piff you’d wanna DIE FOR” wasn’t reality. I would usually only end up with a bag of that once every two years.

Have you even tried today’s legal pot? I agree that legalization’s first years here were pretty grim and while I never buy legal leaf, I have sampled it on a regular basis through friends and it has greatly improved. Even those $99 ounces are not half bad. They look like shit. And the taste is only so-so but the high is acceptable and sometimes even really good. Peanut Butter Breath maybe? Is it as good as Tynehead Tom’s pot or even my own home grown? Of course not. Like any consumable – tomatoes come to mind – the quality of what you buy versus what you can self-produce is massive. So like tomatoes, if you want the best, grow your own.

BTW . . . apologies to @Tynehead Tom for the comparison . . . he has far more experience then I do and I am quite positive that his product would seriously embarrass mine . . . :rasta:
No offence, but you were getting ripped off something serious. I have never paid more than $200 for a zip, let alone $300 for some trash brick weed.

Yes, I've tried the weed TRASH at the dispensaries. I had myself a little adventure this summer having spent close to $500 sampling different products. It's all shit, albeit just from a different pile. Those $99 zips are especially odious, no different than those ounces they try to sell you for $60. And these are no different than the ones they try to sell for upwards of $160 or more. Only difference is they taste a tad bit better. The 'high' (if you can even call it that) leaves much to be desired.

At the end of the sesh, you're left feeling worse than you did before you smoked, like "why the fuck did I even smoke that?" That experience is common with whatever shit I get in the dispensary. It all smokes the same, tastes largely the same, and the high is almost ALWAYS the same - just makes you fucking dumb and unable to recall events that happened later on.

The weed back in the day was psychadelic, it made whatever you were doing something magical. This shit in the dispensary just shuts something off in your brain, it's weird. And it's not enjoyable.


Well-known member
No offence, but you were getting ripped off something serious. I have never paid more than $200 for a zip, let alone $300 for some trash brick weed.

Yes, I've tried the weed TRASH at the dispensaries. I had myself a little adventure this summer having spent close to $500 sampling different products. It's all shit, albeit just from a different pile. Those $99 zips are especially odious, no different than those ounces they try to sell you for $60. And these are no different than the ones they try to sell for upwards of $160 or more. Only difference is they taste a tad bit better. The 'high' (if you can even call it that) leaves much to be desired.

At the end of the sesh, you're left feeling worse than you did before you smoked, like "why the fuck did I even smoke that?" That experience is common with whatever shit I get in the dispensary. It all smokes the same, tastes largely the same, and the high is almost ALWAYS the same - just makes you fucking dumb and unable to recall events that happened later on.

The weed back in the day was psychadelic, it made whatever you were doing something magical. This shit in the dispensary just shuts something off in your brain, it's weird. And it's not enjoyable.
Like everything ,once the government gets their mitts into it,it turns to shit.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
for me it is about being in 100% control of what I am consuming, from seed to consumption.
I simply do not trust any other source of cannabis, at any price.
I realize that not everyone can grow thier own due to many reasons so I suppose the legal system is thier only avenue to aquire products. So for those people, "legalization" has it's benefits
I suppose 2 things have turned me into a "weed snob" in that legalization makes me only want to consume cannabis grown by my hand and Covid caused an end to sharing joints with anyone. Now when friends come to visit they just get passed a jar to roll thier own

My beef with legalization is that I still can't readily buy clones anywhere near me. I want to sell the work of my breeding to fellow Canadians and the barriers are too many, and too costly to bring a seed company to market in Canada under "legalization". That and the much harsher penalties that were brought in with this legislation. Like anything Trudeau has done, it was all to benefit insiders and pad the bank accounts of Liberal Party faithful like Loyd Axeworthy just to name one of the many.


Well-known member
They pseudo legalized,doubled the penalties,took over,made it impossible for the ordinary person to get into the market ,and then they tell us they want to remove the criminal element. I wouldn't put it past them to go after the seed vendors soon.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
when it comes to the liberal Party...... they ARE the criminal element...... Biggest organized crime group in the nation and they always have been. Look at the shit show in Ottawa right now and how many Billions they are grifting to all thier loyal liberal cronies. Trudeau and his pals belong in prison for a very very long time.

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