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Butte's 2007 Outdoor - "In the trenches..."


Them "no growth" pockets in your soil sound like the soil was not properly mixed if I had to guess, that is too say if them pockets were moist. If they were dry than obviously it is a water thang.

As much as I hated the work, and WTR can concur, its always better "piece o mind" mixing soil on yer own as that way you are 100% factual in what you have in your soil. We each purchased a 15 cu ft gas powered cement mixer and went too town. Since I bought them I have found much bigger mixer's for sale.

BTW- my two of my neighbor's had his mixed at a reputable place, and it was quite c clumpy upon close examination. If the soil or constituents are at all wet, the mixing process is a lot longer, as we found out on the second day of mixing when it rained on us.

Anyway, thats all thet comes to mind as the ingredients look great.

TomH- Thanks for the Hortanova tip as I trelised most the plants this weekend.


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do those plants put a smile on my face?? oh yeah :rasta: they are loving life

wow butte ...



How many direct sunlight hours are you folks getting in your plots?

I am getting ~5 on my hillside... pretty shitty.


Active member
Hello all

Some interesting developments in the garden...

First off, four plants finally gave it up and I pulled them to check out the root structure and conditions. The soil I got came in two batches and I could tell pretty fast that the two batches had big differences. The second batch turned out to be a lot less ‘conditioned’ and it is still composting. The temps at ~18 in below the soil measured 105.5 F...way too hot for roots. In fact, the plants we pulled only had root systems extending ~4-6 inches below the soil and no roots whatsoever coming from the bottom of the rapid rooters. The lesson here is get your soil early and get it tested. The sample I sent off with a friend hasn’t come back yet, so I dropped off a different one yesterday and should hear back in a week or so.

So, I put some Purple Sour Diesel and a Blue Dragon in bagged soil and we’ll see. I know it’s late, but the plants I pulled weren’t going to finish, so might as well try something different, right? I also saw some shots of some of the gardens I showed earlier and they are doing really well. Sorry I forgot to grab a couple before they left, but the super nice Jedi I showed a while back may have been overtaken by the plants around it and most of those ladies are MONSTERS now!

Hopefully a photo update and soil results soon...

Happy growing - Butte
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Active member
Neptune – In the height of summer the sun starts around 7:30-8:00 and leaves the garden around 8 pm, so ~ 12 hours of full sun. Right now it’s probably more like 6-8 hours of full sun. Almost all of the gardens I’ve shown here get 8 or more hours of full sun a day during the height of veg...


- Butte

Tom Hill

Active member
I only get about 6 hours, I traded in sun for water some years back. The crop suffers, I'll never be able to keep up with the plants I'll show from other gardens, but now I get to grow food too :)
I think it's safe to say you've nailed it down Butte. Uncomposted material is quite common in the spring rush here in California with bulk mixes. What was the bulk of the mix? Shroom compost?

PS, right on Elk, the ease of application is its most valuable asset, I can't believe we used to tie these things one branch at a time by hand, lol.
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Dear lord.... You guys are some amazing outdoor growers. I can only hope that one day I'm able to grow monsters outside somewhere like all the people in these pics. Great journal.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Man you guy's/gals sure do it up right out there in the PNW! Awesome! Gets the blood pumping........freedom is ringing!


High Stakes Butte, but at least you learned something. We live and we learn.


Get two birds stoned at once
I so want to move to the north west, the north east sucks in some states... including mine. Just would have to find a inspection station to pass my car, cant live without a wicked car :whip:.

Sucks about your soil, always a great idea to get it tested by a state agro school, they often do it free or for just a nominal charge... they know good gardeners are cheepskates :D.


Active member
Good morning all

Things are plodding along in the garden. I’ll be talking to my soil person this afternoon, so I’ll let everyone know. Secondhand info said “…something was so high they didn’t even go to the second round of testing” We’ll see...

Elk – How would the oyster shell buffering pH slow down the composting action of a too-new mix? This is a new one for me and I would like to understand more.


Here’s a couple shots of one of my Mendo Purps back on the 2nd. Nice to see some calyxes packing on!



Here’s a garden I’ve shown many times. Doing well as always.


And last but not least, I went up north and visited with the friend that had that massive Jedi. Here it is now...


...and how about this California Cheese?!?


And, overall, his entire garden is doing really, really well. The dewpoint was so low this morning it was practically raining...hope there aren’t any issues with mold up there.


So, happy growing all and I’ll get back to everyone about the test results – Butte
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Excellent Butte hehe!
Nice to see some buds there, indeed.. :D
Plus some nice and heavy ones!
Other gardens are great too!

Good luck,
thanks for sharing!



He does the mash, dee do do de dodo de do de....
dee dodo de do do de dodo de do deeee weeeeeeeeee!!!
He does the mash very well doesnt he folks,about halloween too!
Can ya tell im high..haha!


Mourning the loss of my dog......
These grows make me proud, just beautifull! some of the plants in some of the pics are so big that they almost look planted too close together, which is a good sign of largeness!

Big poofy bushes of goodness!!

Of course feel free to ignore this question, but are you in the Sierra foothills or at the north end of the Sacremento valley?

Deft said:
I so want to move to the north west, the north east sucks in some states... including mine. Just would have to find a inspection station to pass my car, cant live without a wicked car :whip:.
You'd only have to worry about that if you moved to California, there is no SMOG BS in Oregon(PNW).


Active member

this dude uses a fricken backhoe to setup is grow!
he knows other people with equally awesome grows!
like one of those other ones looked like there was 100 plants on that one hillside

and most of them big as you are!

like seriously. im sorry for being a newb. but this thread is in HEAVY CONTENTION for the best thread on the site.

butte K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ ...