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Broad Mites?

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Well-known member
what rates r u guys applying phantom/ pylon generic? anyone heard or tried m-pede? 45 % potassium salts insecticidal soap.


My flower room is 10 days in, and they look awesome. They are growing a bit better than normal. However I am applying compost tea soil drenched, and foliar sprayed twice per week. I am mixing in OGbiowar pack in my foliar spray. I will continue to do twice weekly treatments until August just to make sure they are gone. I would wager that most people that are having problems after the fact are still having the BM on their plants for some time, and getting more, and more toxin in their plants. I can see the effects on a few plants in veg. They were younger plants started form seed. Other than those my garden is growing like crazy.
I know man, people who have ridiculous luck with pests don't seem to understand that one or just a few treatments are never going to wipe out a population except in the most ideal circumstances, the average user is stuck with religiously regular sprayings if he ever wants his garden to go back to being clean.


Active member
Heat is the only damn thing that killed them for me, that and putting them outside. I had one OG with minor BM damage and I never sprayed it or gave it heat treatment, just planted it and put it outside. BM were dead within a week, granted during that week we had high highs and low lows but still, ladies are looking good, not throwing dead clones and no brunt hairs.



Chitosaccharides are very helpful with Broad Mite Toxin and help with Duds

I used phantom at .5 ml per gallon...I mixed it with another pesticide and a wetting agent...nothing but pretty looking ladies

Been trying to find a "Brick and mortar" local nursery or place to buy this stuff. Can't find a source. Been interested in this stuff for years. I started putting our "shrimp shells" whenever we have shrimp for dinner in our rose bush's and people comment you can smell the Rose's sweet perfume smell way down the street. And it makes them grow like crazy. Wish I could find a local store somewhere as I don't like buying stuff online. Interesting read.Wonder if the health food store stuff would work.


Sounds like they never left. Continue treatments, regularly, that's one of the keys to beating these monsters, like any pests, never let up, spray spray spray, heat heat heat, dip dip dip, whatever your chosen method of fighting them, do it as often as you can, don't let healthy growth fool you, your enemies are in hiding, continue your assault until their species is utterly ruined, giving them even a week without a treatment is a recipe for a relapse.

Definitely. I haven't given up. Forbid/avid/spinosad/3x neem/azamax in 2nd rotation. Pylon, Conserve, and sulfur in arsenal as well. seeing fewer eggs.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
I don't really understand this residual toxin thing, if you have clones in veg that show the first signs of damage and you manage to eradicate the broads. New growth pushes through and you flip them.
Will toxin build up still affect the buds on theses plants?


I don't really understand this residual toxin thing, if you have clones in veg that show the first signs of damage and you manage to eradicate the broads. New growth pushes through and you flip them.
Will toxin build up still affect the buds on theses plants?

I don't really understand it either, but recently learning it's worse than I imagined it could be

I am now flowering out plants cloned from mom after I (what I thought at least) had cleared it of broads - mom bounced back and grew very well with strong vigor, then I took clones.

These clones never had the vigor they should have and also got reinfected with broads. I am on the fence whether to tear everything down and just start 100% from scratch after steam cleaning my entire house.


and also got reinfected with broads.
This would indicate the broads were never wiped out on the mother / in the grow, not totally. Stick to a known effective like high dose azadirachtin (weekly at 60ml / gal works for me when combined with a short quarantine outside the grow for a heavy chem spray), don't let up, repeat treatments until well after you think the problem is gone, and a couple months after you stop noticing symtoms, if you're lucky, you can stop treatments, but until then the fight remains on.


Active member
I don't really understand it either, but recently learning it's worse than I imagined it could be

I am now flowering out plants cloned from mom after I (what I thought at least) had cleared it of broads - mom bounced back and grew very well with strong vigor, then I took clones.

These clones never had the vigor they should have and also got reinfected with broads. I am on the fence whether to tear everything down and just start 100% from scratch after steam cleaning my entire house.

The broads are always going to come back, so repetitive treatment is essential. If you continuously apply aspirin, the effects of the toxins will be mitigated. Aspirin with every feeding/watering. You can't give them too much aspirin. It's essential to beat back the effects of the broad toxins.


If you continuously apply aspirin, the effects of the toxins will be mitigated. Aspirin with every feeding/watering. You can't give them too much aspirin. It's essential to beat back the effects of the broad toxins.
Ditto for Silica, seems to amplify the effectiveness of the aspirin.

Also, make sure to add aspirin to your res when you would normally add acidification, it drops ph.


Been trying to find a "Brick and mortar" local nursery or place to buy this stuff. Can't find a source. Been interested in this stuff for years. I started putting our "shrimp shells" whenever we have shrimp for dinner in our rose bush's and people comment you can smell the Rose's sweet perfume smell way down the street. And it makes them grow like crazy. Wish I could find a local store somewhere as I don't like buying stuff online. Interesting read.Wonder if the health food store stuff would work.

This is the stuff you want.....shhhh don't tell anyone! ;)


Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Been trying to find a "Brick and mortar" local nursery or place to buy this stuff. Can't find a source. Been interested in this stuff for years. I started putting our "shrimp shells" whenever we have shrimp for dinner in our rose bush's and people comment you can smell the Rose's sweet perfume smell way down the street. And it makes them grow like crazy. Wish I could find a local store somewhere as I don't like buying stuff online. Interesting read.Wonder if the health food store stuff would work.


A Kilo cost $70 and express shipping 4-7 days was $65 total $135

I paid $25 for 30ml of the AgriHouse ODC Colloidal Chitosan ....

I guess having to pay for EPA labeling gives them the right to make that 1000000000000% mark up? :)


Active member
I don't really understand this residual toxin thing, if you have clones in veg that show the first signs of damage and you manage to eradicate the broads. New growth pushes through and you flip them.
Will toxin build up still affect the buds on theses plants?

Not if you use aspirin continuously to boost the plant's natural immune response to the toxins, in my experience.
No aspirin=problem.


Active member
Ditto for Silica, seems to amplify the effectiveness of the aspirin.

Also, make sure to add aspirin to your res when you would normally add acidification, it drops ph.

Right. Silica always. It toughens up the leaves and makes them more resistant to insects. Some people swear that silica improves trichome production also, although I don't know how that can be proven. Anyway, always silica & aspirin in the rez.


Well-known member
Whats a good scout loupe brand? I bought this one at the grow shop that attaches to an iphone 4 for 30 bucks, shit is SUPER fuckin blurry and I don't even feel like I'm zoomed enough to see shit... Its only clear at the absolute lowest zoom setting... Need a reliable scope, any ideas I'm open to em :D


aka "Doc"
These are 45x magnification with LED light and work great. Recently bought two (less than $4 each) to get my Amazon order over $25 for free shipping. They came 2 weeks later---directly Hong Kong....lol




New member
Not if you use aspirin continuously to boost the plant's natural immune response to the toxins, in my experience.
No aspirin=problem.

I havent been able to find in this thread if anyone has been using the aspirin during the flowering stage.

Im figuring you guys are only using it while in Veg time.?

I have also read that aspirins active ingredient has been used to produce hermie flowers.
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