I saw that. Never had experience with it. Don't know why any light would harm a plant, but I always go with premium lights. Hortilux are good. Not that expensive. I wouldn't skimp on bulbs. Quality bulbs give more lumens = more growth. I still think you may have a problem with that "expando" foam. I would get rid of that box. I have had problem with that foam once, and learned never to use it. The vapors from it permeate everything. Hopefully you have all good bulbs now and everything will return to normal. At least you know your plants are tough. They have been through hell and survived. Veg them a little extra for recovery time. You're lucky you don't have BMs.
Here, here on the lucky mate, I know.
All plants in recovery now, the ones that have been under the better bulb are looking great and all growth from when they moved under it is healthy and good looking. The other's are a bit behind, but I can see no glossyness at all in any new growth on these either, and they just need catch up time. I'm in the process of potting them into there final pots and start to trim and train. They're messy at the moment as I haven't bothered to cut any of the lower useless growth off or training as I didn't want to stress the plants anymore whilst they were already suffering greatly, and wasn't really expecting to get them to a finish, just hoping to resolve my problems in the room before getting new stock in.
I'll post some pics in a couple of days so you can see the amazing turn around.
Worth bearing in mind for anyone with BM symptoms that are just vegging under a cheapo bulb, and fingers crossed, although a long shot, it might have something to do with it.
Mine might just be a defective bulb, but I suspect its not UV controlled and designed to be in an enclosure with UV filtered glass. I imagine a lot of these chinese bulbs, Trilite 600w bulbs are on the market, and wouldn't be surprised to see more cases eventually springing to light, excuse pun. I can imagine a lot of people buying a tent and just giving up after several attempts to grow plants, just to see them die, and then give up.
Tonygreen put an interesting link on my MH bulb problem thread of two leaves from pepper plants one under normal lighting and one under high UV, and the same distorted growth is clearly shown. . . . very high UV burns plants as it does our skin. Glad I wasn't under the lights as long as my poor plants, I'm a little worried by the exposure I did have whilst being in there for longish durations pondering the problems as it is.