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Broad Mites?

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I saw that. Never had experience with it. Don't know why any light would harm a plant, but I always go with premium lights. Hortilux are good. Not that expensive. I wouldn't skimp on bulbs. Quality bulbs give more lumens = more growth. I still think you may have a problem with that "expando" foam. I would get rid of that box. I have had problem with that foam once, and learned never to use it. The vapors from it permeate everything. Hopefully you have all good bulbs now and everything will return to normal. At least you know your plants are tough. They have been through hell and survived. Veg them a little extra for recovery time. You're lucky you don't have BMs.

Here, here on the lucky mate, I know.

All plants in recovery now, the ones that have been under the better bulb are looking great and all growth from when they moved under it is healthy and good looking. The other's are a bit behind, but I can see no glossyness at all in any new growth on these either, and they just need catch up time. I'm in the process of potting them into there final pots and start to trim and train. They're messy at the moment as I haven't bothered to cut any of the lower useless growth off or training as I didn't want to stress the plants anymore whilst they were already suffering greatly, and wasn't really expecting to get them to a finish, just hoping to resolve my problems in the room before getting new stock in.

I'll post some pics in a couple of days so you can see the amazing turn around.

Worth bearing in mind for anyone with BM symptoms that are just vegging under a cheapo bulb, and fingers crossed, although a long shot, it might have something to do with it.

Mine might just be a defective bulb, but I suspect its not UV controlled and designed to be in an enclosure with UV filtered glass. I imagine a lot of these chinese bulbs, Trilite 600w bulbs are on the market, and wouldn't be surprised to see more cases eventually springing to light, excuse pun. I can imagine a lot of people buying a tent and just giving up after several attempts to grow plants, just to see them die, and then give up.

Tonygreen put an interesting link on my MH bulb problem thread of two leaves from pepper plants one under normal lighting and one under high UV, and the same distorted growth is clearly shown. . . . very high UV burns plants as it does our skin. Glad I wasn't under the lights as long as my poor plants, I'm a little worried by the exposure I did have whilst being in there for longish durations pondering the problems as it is.

Thanks for the kind words. After the frustration of dealing with these for years, I saw that greenhouses/commercial growers were using hot water dunks as standard treatment for BMs on various fruits & vegetables, but when I tried hot water on cannabis, I found they don't like it. I was using chems on my 7 foot plants and it was a pain in the ass spraying them every three days. Delayed the flip because of them, but then decided to take a chance on the whole crop by just heating the room up, as you can't spray in flower. I didn't know what the result would be, but I sat in that room to watch in case of impending disaster. I was pleasantly surprised to see plants perk right up after treatment, and nothing but dead bodies under the scope. Plants weren't harmed at all. Saved that grow for sure. Just don't go too high on temps and no fans blowing on the plants, and you are good.:tiphat:

I have to agree absolutely with Some Old Dude here, Retro, you are an absolute star. Great work developing the method, and then to save people's grows and give people the opportunity to go chem free, by doing some great work on these pages. Although I'm lucky enough to not have BM's after all, I can surely testify to my plants receiving a sustained period of time at temps up to very close to 130f without any signs of stress whatsoever, just make sure as Retro says, no air movement in the room at all.

5 stars on Retro from me :tiphat:


So almost two weeks in, and my moms almost look like they never had BM. I flipped my room that was waiting 3 days ago, and we will see how they do. I have harvested a room that did not get hit, and I am going to harvest another in a few weeks that got the worst of it. Even those are starting to fill out again. I gotta say that using the OGbiowar foliar pack was the best thing I could have done. "People" on here can say what they want about the BM toxin, but that is not the point of the thread. I feel the point is to get rid of the BM. This product does it so easily. I am foliar feeding, and soil drenching compost tea twice weekly right now, and all of my plants are looking bad ass compared to how they were. Most of them you would not have know they had BM.

Fuck it though I think I am going to start using 10 different chemicals because that is the only way to get rid of the BM. :)

Who cares who ends up smoking it, and who cares at what stage of growth the plants are in. Jesus!

P.S. A certain person said that this foliar pack does not work. Well that person is 100% wrong. He has no idea what the fuck he is talking about. Not only have my broad mites cleared up, but it has also gotten rid of almost every grasshopper in my outdoor veggie garden along with the caterpillars. Amazing what science will do huh?:)

Fuck chemicals!

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
For all my fellow Real Growers who are out there to make $tack$ and don't even here what these broke ass hippies are saying....the echos from the Closets must be loud....I have another weapon in the arsenal against these evil bastards...

Chemical Pimipin

Lambda-cyhalothrin....labeled for broad mites...cheap as fuck....for veg only...has a very long residual....so another MOA to attack these devils.....

Don't lose the battle...take it from someone who grows 1000's of plants a year inside/out

If these people are so concerned about their health lol your entire human diet is 95% High high fructose corn syrup.... Do some more research before you take bro science and start mixing it with reality


For all my fellow Real Growers who are out there to make $tack$ and don't even here what these broke ass hippies are saying....the echos from the Closets must be loud....I have another weapon in the arsenal against these evil bastards...

Chemical Pimipin

Lambda-cyhalothrin....labeled for broad mites...cheap as fuck....for veg only...has a very long residual....so another MOA to attack these devils.....

Don't lose the battle...take it from someone who grows 1000's of plants a year inside/out

If these people are so concerned about their health lol your entire human diet is 95% High high fructose corn syrup.... Do some more research before you take bro science and start mixing it with reality

I eat an all organic vegetarian diet. I don't eat processed sugar, food coloring, anything with fluoride, I haven't ingested caffeine in more than 13 years, I haven't eaten meat in more than 15 years. I have not had a sugary desert like thing in over 2 years. I don't own a cell phone because of the radio waves. I don't buy canned goods with BPA in them. I have not drank anything form a plastic bottle in over 5 years. I could go on for days. I would watch you say about people when you have absolutely no idea who the fuck they are.

Fact, You said the foliar pack is a scam,and it doesn't work. Fact I have used it inside, and out, and it has worked better than any other product I have ever used.

When you start to justify yourself by how many plants you grow it makes you sound like you have no merit to your arguments.

This is not a dick measuring contest.

Fact is this shit works, and you don't have to use chemicals. I walk the walk dude. You picked the wrong motherfucker to try to talk about health with.
Avid Free

Avid Free

My jars will have an "AVID FREE" sticker on them. When people ask what this is I will tell them and then they will learn that they have a choice. No reason to fight over this it's just a choice. Here are some pic's of plants that the mothers had BM infestation only four months ago these plants are on water only now and getting more trics every day and smell great...! a few more weeks.And they are yellowing from the bottom up with some pistols dying from the bottom up (not like the "Toxin" does from the "top down" and I used heat, swirkii mites , and aspirin ONLY.These plants are about 90 -95 % of normal as I get better with this new anti-poison methods they will be 100% or very close.(Next grow). There is a very good looking "Chocolope' and "Blue Venom" I have but the pic's did not turn out well, so next time.

SSH, Liberty Haze,
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Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Hey Amish Buddy.... its all good... I never said the product was a scam...I said buying through CAP was scam...hence the reason I PUT UP THE DIRECT LINK...Of course those products work.... just not enough to get the job done....you'll soon find out soon enough ROOKIE...Soon you'll be familiar with the term DUD...and then you'll turn the darkside of the force my vegan bamboo shoot eating friend

So do you live in a Cave away from radio and microwave frequencies.. I hope u don't live near automobiles and have to be forced to breath its byproduct... maybe you live with Yoda on a all organic swamp planet?

Do or do not ...there is not try :)

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
My jars will have an "AVID FREE" sticker on them. When people ask what this is I will tell them and then they will learn that they have a choice. No reason to fight over this it's just a choice. Here are some pic's of plants that the mothers had BM infestation only four months ago these plants are on water only now and getting more trics every day and smell great...! a few more weeks.And they are yellowing from the bottom up with some pistols dying from the bottom up (not like the "Toxin" does from the "top down" and I used heat, swirkii mites , and aspirin ONLY.These plants are about 90 -95 % of normal as I get better with this new anti-poison methods they will be 100% or very close.(Next grow). There is a very good looking "Chocolope' and "Blue Venom" I have but the pic's did not turn out well, so next time.

SSH, Liberty Haze,
whoa nice grow man, don't let those broads keep you down!

someone else

New member
Hi all I believe I'm currently battling the dreaded broad mite, not sure though never seen one just some eggs that seem to be on every leaf and spread out one at a time. I started a thread on another forum and had no takers so I did some research and found this thread and my first glimpse of hope. I'm gonna cut and paste my old thread on here so it may seem redundant and unnecessary but whatever thats what I'm doing. Also a HUGE thanks to grow tech and Storm shadow for the work they put into this thread and the renewed optimism I feel. BTW I thought they were russet mites when I started this so just disregard that please. Also please disregard the gallows humor in my first post, I was feeling quite dark and in no mood for nonsense.

Ok first let me please ask all the organic way ie ladybugs, garlic, dish soap people to refrain from judgment for I used to be one of you but I can promise you haven't had russet mites yet. I've been battling for about 6 months now and I recently stepped it up a notch from the mighty wash, azatrol-azamax type of products to avid and floramite only in early veg. I'm only using the avid because I heard floramite is for spider mites and not these devil bugs, I applied the avid 3 days ago and am suiting up soon for round two. Will this work or should I scrap it cut my losses and start from seed? I dont live at my grow currently so I'm spraying walls and everything with the avid. Im also interested in the heat treatment but my grow area is rather large and I'm not sure how I could raise the temps to 120 for an hour. This is TOTAL WAR and I'm open to any and all people who have successfully battled these, but I swear if you recommend lady bugs or some stupid shit I will find you and cock slap you, JK but seriously please dont.

Nobody beat these buggers yet? I've decided to keep a journal on these things, for the time being I will do it here. So first let me say I'm not sure if they're russets, cyclaman, or broad mites but I'm 99% it's one of them. I've been chasing phantom deficiencies, suffering from poor yeild, bad smoke-taste, and the distinct crackling I had back in the day when I was new and couldn't beat spider mites. The thing is I had no webbing, none of the distinct spider mite damage marks most of us suffered to some degree when we were new, and I've been on the same nutrient program for years and it's dialed in pretty good, so none of this made any sense. I did some research and found this is happening more and more of late so I'm gonna do the community a solid and document exactly how I combat this, win loose or draw.
First of all the symptoms Ive seen are
1. Loss of vigor, plants not as thirsty, deficiency like symptoms
2. decreased quality, not as bad as regular untreated spider mites but still a noticeable difference.
crackling when smoked.
3. leaf tips curling under, rust spots that will even turn black on my white widow.
Phantom cal mag def is the worst but other deficiencies also. I grow in coco so I chased this non issue for some time. Leaf deformities, all of my ak47 fan leaves have one blade only, my purps have three. general leaf tip twists etc.
4. From what I've seen or really havent seen they're small, very small. they may even hide I'm not sure but I use a 60-100x micro and I only seem to find eggs and Ive seen a few translucent looking things but they didnt move so I dont know if they were anything. I have noticed black looking flakes or something that could be dead ones or poop. this seems to concentrate on the main vein on the underside of the leaves.
5. Likes to pick on certain strains, my lemon haze and widow cant take it but my old school super skunk and bubblegum take it like a champ but still suffer from decreased vigor, taste and have that unacceptable crackle.

I run a pretty in depth IPM system so my problem never got out of control. I've been able to pull three harvests that were good enough but this is not something I'm willing to live with.

First let me run through some of the products that have helped me knock it back but cant seem to finish the job like they always have with standard spider mites. Azatrol is an excellent product and the cornerstone of my IPM system when things are running as they should. Mighty wash, liguid ladybug, azamax, and neem. I'n my opinion all of these products will serve your purpose with standard spider mites, but they're unable to finish off whatever I'm dealing with.

As my first post mentioned I recently bought avid, floramite, and just last night I ordered forbid. My plants are in veg and I'll veg one week more once I feel like its safe to go to flower. Last nite I did a second round of avid with dutch masters perpetrator, followed by a watering with plain aspirin water with cal mag, I use ro water. The aspirin offsets the negative effect of the venom or juices or whatever these little devil bugs put into my girls. Today my plants look great, No new leaf curls, no new cal mag def really night and day difference. I'm still going to follow up with two rounds of forbid just to make sure. I will also use something around my house on all the bushes and even my lawn. I'll do this last because I have rabbits squirrels and other creatures that I'd rather not disturb but If it comes down to them or my girls in my basement it's gonna be them.
If any of you use these products I strongly suggest you read the safety instruction thoroughly. I will not be staying at my grow while this spraying is taking place. I will also allow a minimum of 70 days between the final application and harvest. I wont go into detail on the cleaning but I bleached everything and am throwing out all old stakes, pots can filters etc.
For those of you suffering sleepless nights trust me I feel you. I take great pride in what I do and these fuckers can get the best of anyone in my opinion. I've been in this since the late 90's and I've never seen anything like it before. I honestly thought all the super mite stuff was just bunk spewed by lazy people that couldnt deal with two spotted or red mites but thats not the case. If your chasing deficiencies, changing water sources buying new hoods, nutes, and growing medium like I was and still nothing changes you may be dealing with this.
I plan on frequently updating this and I promise to do so till the end, I hate how some of these posts just fall off. Some days there wont be much to report so I wont. I didnt have any notes or organisation so If I left something out please sound off. I will be applying forbid on wed so Unless anything substantial happens I'll post wed night or thurs. I should mention that the probable reason these arent as bad on the buds as classic spider mites is because when I had spider mites I didnt know what I was doing and they pretty much had free reign. If left unchecked without an adequate IPM system I'm confident these would be much worse.

It's become evident I'm talking to myself but I'll continue anyways for now. I've applied avid twice and they do look noticeably better although I did notice some new leaf twists but it may take awhile for the poisons to make this happen. I'll be applying forbid tomorrow hopefully this will also kill eggs as promised. I'm still not sure if I've seen one of these creatures but I have seen eggs. I'm also looking into some sulphur sprays that some have reported worked fairly well.

Just applied forbid fingers crossed, I wish I believed in something I would definitely pray to it, these things are ruining my life I literally dream about them. I think I'm going to have to toss my super lemon haze it just cant take the abuse and looks like that is where the majority of activity is happening. It really is a shame it's a fan favorite, and I cracked 30 beans to find that special girl. Some of my plants look thirsty but their not, could this be from 2 avid and one forbid app in a 10 day period?


hey someone else, welcome, I feel your pain but you're on the right track. I recommend reading this entire thread if you haven't. I've had BM's 3+ mos, only proper diagnosis 3 weeks ago with help from this thread. here's my update on 3 weeks of treatment:

1. infestation was severe -- misdiagnosed as nut deficiency. lost all mothers, hvst duds, have had clones rooting and dying or straight out dying for 4+ weeks. got 60-100x scope to confirm BMWs
2. decided to go with storm's prescription: (non-flowering ladies only; mix with RO water)
"Forbid 3ml a gallon mixed with Indicate 5....3 days later....Avid 2.5ml per gallon mixed with Indicate 5.... 3 days later Spinosad 60ml per Gallon mixed with INdicate 5.... 2 days later Triple Action Neem Oil mix per label DO NOT Use with any wetting agent....2 days later Azatrol or Azamax 30ml per gallon mixed with Indicate 5.
CLONE dip: 1/2 gal RO water, add 3ml forbid; add second 1/2 RO and 2.5ml avid; 5ml indicate.

Also: I threw in some heat treatments, 120f for 1 hour (space heaters); and 1x 325 asprin/gal in res's 2/week or per feeding. Cleaned all areas and sprayed walls/surfaces with Bifenthrin

Results so far: round of veg ladies (pics earlier in this thread) 3 weeks ago that looked miserable, now fully recovered, don't look as if had any prior problems. clones from these ladies beginning to root now. things are looking up...


Hi all I believe I'm currently battling the dreaded broad mite, not sure though never seen one just some eggs that seem to be on every leaf and spread out one at a time. I started a thread on another forum and had no takers so I did some research and found this thread and my first glimpse of hope. I'm gonna cut and paste my old thread on here so it may seem redundant and unnecessary but whatever thats what I'm doing. Also a HUGE thanks to grow tech and Storm shadow for the work they put into this thread and the renewed optimism I feel. BTW I thought they were russet mites when I started this so just disregard that please. Also please disregard the gallows humor in my first post, I was feeling quite dark and in no mood for nonsense.

Ok first let me please ask all the organic way ie ladybugs, garlic, dish soap people to refrain from judgment for I used to be one of you but I can promise you haven't had russet mites yet. I've been battling for about 6 months now and I recently stepped it up a notch from the mighty wash, azatrol-azamax type of products to avid and floramite only in early veg. I'm only using the avid because I heard floramite is for spider mites and not these devil bugs, I applied the avid 3 days ago and am suiting up soon for round two. Will this work or should I scrap it cut my losses and start from seed? I dont live at my grow currently so I'm spraying walls and everything with the avid. Im also interested in the heat treatment but my grow area is rather large and I'm not sure how I could raise the temps to 120 for an hour. This is TOTAL WAR and I'm open to any and all people who have successfully battled these, but I swear if you recommend lady bugs or some stupid shit I will find you and cock slap you, JK but seriously please dont.

Nobody beat these buggers yet? I've decided to keep a journal on these things, for the time being I will do it here. So first let me say I'm not sure if they're russets, cyclaman, or broad mites but I'm 99% it's one of them. I've been chasing phantom deficiencies, suffering from poor yeild, bad smoke-taste, and the distinct crackling I had back in the day when I was new and couldn't beat spider mites. The thing is I had no webbing, none of the distinct spider mite damage marks most of us suffered to some degree when we were new, and I've been on the same nutrient program for years and it's dialed in pretty good, so none of this made any sense. I did some research and found this is happening more and more of late so I'm gonna do the community a solid and document exactly how I combat this, win loose or draw.
First of all the symptoms Ive seen are
1. Loss of vigor, plants not as thirsty, deficiency like symptoms
2. decreased quality, not as bad as regular untreated spider mites but still a noticeable difference.
crackling when smoked.
3. leaf tips curling under, rust spots that will even turn black on my white widow.
Phantom cal mag def is the worst but other deficiencies also. I grow in coco so I chased this non issue for some time. Leaf deformities, all of my ak47 fan leaves have one blade only, my purps have three. general leaf tip twists etc.
4. From what I've seen or really havent seen they're small, very small. they may even hide I'm not sure but I use a 60-100x micro and I only seem to find eggs and Ive seen a few translucent looking things but they didnt move so I dont know if they were anything. I have noticed black looking flakes or something that could be dead ones or poop. this seems to concentrate on the main vein on the underside of the leaves.
5. Likes to pick on certain strains, my lemon haze and widow cant take it but my old school super skunk and bubblegum take it like a champ but still suffer from decreased vigor, taste and have that unacceptable crackle.

I run a pretty in depth IPM system so my problem never got out of control. I've been able to pull three harvests that were good enough but this is not something I'm willing to live with.

First let me run through some of the products that have helped me knock it back but cant seem to finish the job like they always have with standard spider mites. Azatrol is an excellent product and the cornerstone of my IPM system when things are running as they should. Mighty wash, liguid ladybug, azamax, and neem. I'n my opinion all of these products will serve your purpose with standard spider mites, but they're unable to finish off whatever I'm dealing with.

As my first post mentioned I recently bought avid, floramite, and just last night I ordered forbid. My plants are in veg and I'll veg one week more once I feel like its safe to go to flower. Last nite I did a second round of avid with dutch masters perpetrator, followed by a watering with plain aspirin water with cal mag, I use ro water. The aspirin offsets the negative effect of the venom or juices or whatever these little devil bugs put into my girls. Today my plants look great, No new leaf curls, no new cal mag def really night and day difference. I'm still going to follow up with two rounds of forbid just to make sure. I will also use something around my house on all the bushes and even my lawn. I'll do this last because I have rabbits squirrels and other creatures that I'd rather not disturb but If it comes down to them or my girls in my basement it's gonna be them.
If any of you use these products I strongly suggest you read the safety instruction thoroughly. I will not be staying at my grow while this spraying is taking place. I will also allow a minimum of 70 days between the final application and harvest. I wont go into detail on the cleaning but I bleached everything and am throwing out all old stakes, pots can filters etc.
For those of you suffering sleepless nights trust me I feel you. I take great pride in what I do and these fuckers can get the best of anyone in my opinion. I've been in this since the late 90's and I've never seen anything like it before. I honestly thought all the super mite stuff was just bunk spewed by lazy people that couldnt deal with two spotted or red mites but thats not the case. If your chasing deficiencies, changing water sources buying new hoods, nutes, and growing medium like I was and still nothing changes you may be dealing with this.
I plan on frequently updating this and I promise to do so till the end, I hate how some of these posts just fall off. Some days there wont be much to report so I wont. I didnt have any notes or organisation so If I left something out please sound off. I will be applying forbid on wed so Unless anything substantial happens I'll post wed night or thurs. I should mention that the probable reason these arent as bad on the buds as classic spider mites is because when I had spider mites I didnt know what I was doing and they pretty much had free reign. If left unchecked without an adequate IPM system I'm confident these would be much worse.

It's become evident I'm talking to myself but I'll continue anyways for now. I've applied avid twice and they do look noticeably better although I did notice some new leaf twists but it may take awhile for the poisons to make this happen. I'll be applying forbid tomorrow hopefully this will also kill eggs as promised. I'm still not sure if I've seen one of these creatures but I have seen eggs. I'm also looking into some sulphur sprays that some have reported worked fairly well.

Just applied forbid fingers crossed, I wish I believed in something I would definitely pray to it, these things are ruining my life I literally dream about them. I think I'm going to have to toss my super lemon haze it just cant take the abuse and looks like that is where the majority of activity is happening. It really is a shame it's a fan favorite, and I cracked 30 beans to find that special girl. Some of my plants look thirsty but their not, could this be from 2 avid and one forbid app in a 10 day period?

OGbiowar foliar pack, and they will be gone in a matter of a couple of days. I tried all of the organic shit I could, and this was the only thing that worked completely. I am 2 weeks in, and the majority of my plants don't look like they ever had broad mites. It is simple, and effective. Also no chemicals.


^when shopping for the organics recommended above, do searches on the organisms involved rather than the brand name, OGBio is known for 10x markup beyond lab prices.

someone else

New member
Update from the broad mite front. My plants in coco really dont like all this spraying, theres some burning and droopy leaves but the medium is wet. It's weird the plants in coco were the least effected before the spraying. My plants in a 60/40 ffof, perlite mix are doing better. I'm not even cutting the bleach anymore, scrubbing with straight bleach. If you do this make sure you dont take your goggles off for even a minute, I did and I can say I wont make that mistake again. Obviously you should also wear a respirator. My tacoing leaves do seem to be correcting, also the clawed leaves seem to be straightening out. Next forbid app is sunday or monday, probably monday due to the burning and I'll do it as soon as the lights go out. Last time I did it in the middle of the dark period and that might be why there's some burning, IDK, dont really care either I just want death and destruction. Have a good weekend!
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