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Broad Mites?

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the gnome

Active member


Active member
just do a simple yahoo image search for broad mites, you'll get 100s of pics.
the eggs are much easier to spot and have a distinctive pattern on them, oval with a sort of diamond spots over it
also after you spray and kill the mites Ive had the eggs stick to the leaves for months!
its un-nerving to scope the plant out and see those damn egg sacs everywhere.

Question is, are those eggs alive or dead?


2 BMs and 2 egg sacs


egg sacs

as Ive said in my other posts in this thread, i had a bad white fly infestation and then read that BMs love hitch hike on WFs.

white flys are a vector for broads
check this shit out, bad ass pic!

The 64,0000$ question....Do you still have broad mites..? How did you get rid of them...? I'm a very clean organic dude but if I get them, I want to know how to destroy them completely. I don't care If I have to use Lead based paint, Nuclear isotopes, DDT, Burn my house down....?


Well-known member
i had plants that looked like this
and i got them to grow perfect again with new growth using 1ml. each essential rosemary & cinnemon oil with a lil dish soap per gal. sprayed about twice about a week apart plants are healthy as can be i was stumped as to what this weird growth was on my plants they were near dead this mixture works it did wonders for my girls !
Broad mites

Broad mites

If you take one apart under a electron microscope you will see they actually have a very small government stamp. Saying "got-ya sucker".They are actually tiny microbots that can't be destroyed...! The new model that just came out is called Borgagedon...! Resistance is retarded. And , because I have no sign of any bugs now I think I should prolly have an accidental lighting strike that cause's a brush fire around my grow room for about ten miles.What do ya think..? good idea? accident...? fire...?...it could happen.See, this is what happens most people don't understand. They crawl into your ears at night when your sleeping and make you think these things.


i had plants that looked like this View Image and i got them to grow perfect again with new growth using 1ml. each essential rosemary & cinnemon oil with a lil dish soap per gal. sprayed about twice about a week apart plants are healthy as can be i was stumped as to what this weird growth was on my plants they were near dead this mixture works it did wonders for my girls !

Man those plants look like heat stress to me. But can't argue with results. Never heard of spice rack remedies working for the borg. But all the power to ya bro.


Well-known member
rose mary oil is an active ingredient in many organic pesticides like zero tolerance , sns 217 etc. lots of info on university ag studies read theres lots of info out there not from pot growers but actual Integrated Pest Management programs like UC Davis ... good luck

Dave Coulier

Active member
Man those plants look like heat stress to me. But can't argue with results. Never heard of spice rack remedies working for the borg. But all the power to ya bro.

Peacemonger, I had the very same symptoms on some clones long ago. If anyone sees new growth cupping badly like that, you better be worried.



Registered Non-Conformist
Same thing happened to me Dave.. My Cherry Pie Mom was all bleached and fuzzy edges on the leaves at the top.

Peacemonger.. You're a funny Guy... I said the same sort of things when a friend suggested that I had the Buggers.

Posted photo above (#286) is EXACTLY what happened to my plants.. Only certain ones looked that bad (the Cherry Pie Mom), but they all had 'em. This Bleaching happened up near the lights,. so it is understandable to think it was Heat Stress. It also showed up like this on the warmest week of the Early Spring..! Fooled me..

Barely was able to save the CP strain, which is worthy. I now have only ONE CP outdoors, and I will need to salvage some clones off of it.

It started out in a hot attic indoors..
I thought it was Heat Stress too, initially. I was way wrong. These Bugs are really making the rounds, Guys and Gulls...
People are not ready for them. By the time One realizes that it is NOT Heat Stress or some Nitrogen Issue, it is a full-blown BM Free-For-All. Killing ALL of them is necessary, and quite difficult. I refused to give up, because the worst of it affected my Veg room, and that was to be my Light Dep Crop.>!!

Now, all plants are in a greenhouse.. So Far so Good. But the Eggs and some of the leaf-deformities remain. It's a touch nervewracking.

I submit that the photo above (#286) is a bad infestation, and most probably ALL BM's were not exterminated. They are good hiders. Curling leaves offer the micro-bugs many places to hide.

Keep Checking the plants daily especially if you see canoe-ing leaves, or yellowish NEW growth at the nodes. And TREAT again, to make sure. I would be surprised if Anything other than AVID can kill all of them. Azatrol did not phase them. They thrive where and when Spider Mites cannot. Indoors or Out. And can hide in places that a SM is too big to hide in.

I have applied my 3rd treatment of AVID, and I think one more may just get 'em all. Eggs all over the place, no way to know if they are alive or not.. Haven't seen a live BM (or Russet Mite) since I treated last, 6 days ago.

Thing is, they are migrating (outdoors) on the legs of Whiteflies, as my Friends have stated above..

See GNOME's Photo above... Crazy Gruesome, like a Bad Monster Movie, but true.

Good Luck..!!!!
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Active member
Got the Broad Mites as well....via some clones, goddamn I'm a slutty grower. :biglaugh:

SNS-217 has been working really well at knocking them back for me while I get prepared to spray some Avid- damn I never thought that I'd have to use Avid, I'm actually pretty worried about using this shit...ugh.


Registered Non-Conformist
Totally, I hate to use it.... Nasty Stuff.... I think as a Dunk, it is a good idea. Especially if we continue to accept Others' Clones...

These Buggers are taking up residence in so many gardens..

A Few People in this local "Ag" community lost whole Indoor crops, and decided that BMs were the last Straw. They have quit growing.

A New Seed Project is a way out of this morass. While I save clone-onlys Cherry Pie, GSC, Soma A+, & Blue Cheese. The Seed plants look great. I WILL dip all my Picked clones in AVID.

the gnome

Active member
Question is, are those eggs alive or dead?

not sure what eggs your talking about in partiuclar retro...
here is the deal on the eggs in my case,
while waiting to get the avid and forbid I tried other things like Volck oil and that's an ovacide and kills mites but not Broads.
so I think the eggs were dead before i applied avid.

reading on the avid flyer that came with it, the broads have a 21 day reproductive cycle so any new hatchlings should get done in by the 30 days residuals in the avid. they key word here is *should*
after 30 days i hit em again but with forbid.
forbid has an ovacide in it I'm nearly sure.

they all seemed to clear up but two moths later they resurfaced in the veg room again,
not very bad but it doesn't take long and they are teeming.,
they can live on dead leaf material s a few may have survived in the room in general.

I sprayed the floors, carpets base boards and walls 4ft up and also the entrances any intake screens, everything!
we'll see if they come back again but I now spray as I described above in early veg and when i flip into 12/12 proactively,
between harvests I spray the room down and bomb it twice over a few days.
in the long run being consistently proactive is the only way to really beat
these spawn of satan!

The 64,0000$ question....Do you still have broad mites..? How did you get rid of them...? I'm a very clean organic dude but if I get them, I want to know how to destroy them completely. I don't care If I have to use Lead based paint, Nuclear isotopes, DDT, Burn my house down....?

I think they're gone peacemonger
haven't seen any for 3 months now.
but I will still keep spraying now regardless, once you get stung like i did and lose *over *a years worth of grows to thee evil bastards you'll feel different, just like i shudder just seeing the egg sacs in the scope knowing they are dead

and somewhere in this thread, i'm sure there is a post with a link to a university/college or state AG extension web site on braod mites that lists tons of info on them,
one on eradication methods mentioned they are very sensitive to heat and that watter at something like 105 or 115 degrees kills them dead!, a member said he dunked his small infested plants in water at the proper temps and... Success!!!

I thought of getting a heat gun used to strip paint and quickly go over the foliage and see how that would work.
lots easier than spraying each plant

Shan Diego

Avid is a spray. I would not dunk in Avid...you will get it on you, and that is a no-no... Think about it...how will you avoid the drips on your hands/arms when you flip it back over? Just leave it upright, spray it, and walk away for 12 hours...just like the directions say...


Registered Non-Conformist
I could wear gloves... Dunks are g'teed to cover the whole surface, was my reasoning. But, yes, you are correct of course... No contact with that shizzle is desirable.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
and somewhere in this thread, i'm sure there is a post with a link to a university/college or state AG extension web site on braod mites that lists tons of info on them,
one on eradication methods mentioned they are very sensitive to heat and that watter at something like 105 or 115 degrees kills them dead!, a member said he dunked his small infested plants in water at the proper temps and... Success!!!

Pretty sure that was my post(s) with the info about heat. Unfortunately you missed the follow up posts that talk about the plants not surviving the heat treatment ( or if they did survive they took a long time to get back to a healthy state)

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Avid is a spray. I would not dunk in Avid...you will get it on you, and that is a no-no... Think about it...how will you avoid the drips on your hands/arms when you flip it back over? Just leave it upright, spray it, and walk away for 12 hours...just like the directions say...

Im actually a fan of dunking...but only small plants & cuts. I think you and I are on the same page when it comes to safety with avid.

the gnome

Active member
Pretty sure that was my post(s) with the info about heat. Unfortunately you missed the follow up posts that talk about the plants not surviving the heat treatment ( or if they did survive they took a long time to get back to a healthy state)

yeah, you may be right retro :chin:
somewhere I read the same thing on an AG extension site.

the gnome

Active member
ok, I was the one the posted the info concerning the water treatment

This involves lowering the plant into water held at 43 to 49° C (109.4-120.2°F) for 15 minutes

15 minutes seems like a long time but it may not take that long depending on the variables.
I would also use a wetting agent with the dip

something interesting about the mating habits that I actually observed.
a male will pick up and actually carry a prospective mate to new leaves and this accounts for the much of the spreading of BMs.
they have a toxic saliva that is responsible for the damage we see.
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