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Broad Mites?

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I think I have mosaic

I think I have mosaic

I will put up some pics of clones I took and started to flower tomorrow. My problem is exactly like last time. I destroyed and sterilized everything with bleech and then TSP .Started from seed , my plants look nothing like the cupping and heat stress look of the pictures I have seen that are related to "broad mites". My small clones look just like last time I had this , And I'm not sure I have Mosaic but will put up some pictures tomorrow. My plants have the smaller leaf near the top that are curved and one side looks like it was eaten away. And also some lower leaf has totally black dead tip areas. It's not ph or nutes Been at this a long time. I need someone else to look at these so I don't go crazy. Is avid safe before flower..? and if you get it on your hydroton you will use in flower room..? Thanks.


ok, I was the one the posted the info concerning the water treatment

This involves lowering the plant into water held at 43 to 49° C (109.4-120.2°F) for 15 minutes

15 minutes seems like a long time but it may not take that long depending on the variables.

There's no variable that will make this not detrimental to your plant, even just a minute. That heat for any living organism is excessive especially if they aren't accustom to high heat or dessert areas. Long story short I next to guarantee this will harm more than help your plant(s). But please try it if you so please, I'm not growing your plant you are. But for me I'd just hit them with Avid and call it a day.

Those who complain about the use of certain pesticides make me wonder do they live in a bubble or something? EVERYTHING in this world we live in is a cause of cancer; from the polluted air, genetically modified foods, contaminated water, ect. Consider this have you ever had McDonald's, or even consumed produce from somewhere other than a local who grows 'organically'?...then you've probably been exposed to worse things than Avid. Wasn't it only a couple years back that McD's was proud to announce 100% real chicken, WTF was it before?!? This is your new 100% real chicken somehow...fucking USDA.


"The twisting pink mass that looks like frozen yogurt infected with ectoplasm might look disgusting. It's mechanically separated chicken, chicken nuggets in their primordial form. And it is perfectly okay to eat.

Because it's crawling with bacteria, it will be washed with ammonia, soaked in it, actually. Then, because it tastes gross, it will be reflavored artificially. Then, because it is weirdly pink, it will be dyed with artificial color."

Sorry for the rant, just always wanted to get that out there. Carry on...

the gnome

Active member
There's no variable that will make this not detrimental to your plant, even just a minute. [That heat for any living organism is excessive especially if they aren't accustom to high heat or dessert areas. Long story short I next to guarantee this will harm more than help your plant(s). But please try it if you so please, I'm not growing your plant you are. But for me I'd just hit them with Avid and call it a day

Sorry for the rant, just always wanted to get that out there. Carry on...

the dunking and temps is a quote from the univ. of fla agri. site.
seems like they wouldn't post that if it did harm to plants in.

I'm not advocating only relaying the info.
in my prior posts in this thread I use avid and forbid,
agree with you there.

That heat for any living organism is excessive especially if they aren't accustom to high heat

subjective yes, excessive for "any living organisms"? no
the temps of 109-120F is not excessive for living orgs.
that's pretty much the water temps we all usually take
109F a nice long soaking hot bath in, and hotter.
I just checked mine and its 112.
water temps for activating yeast is a 105° F–115° F (41° C–46° C) :smoke:

but if i had currently plants infected with BMs and they were small enough to dunk i would definitely
give it a go on a few to see if it worked.

its dunking time for some plants!
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Well-known member
for a few bucks you can be BM free No BS !!! im firm believer in these essential oils!


Active member
alternating treatments of Abamectin and Spiromesifen have wiped out broad mites in my grow...i cant even see the dead bodies its like they melted away. i also used SNS209 mixed in with both treatments....also make sure to not spray in flower. my plants were dosed in veg in a seperate room


For the record:
I used a combination of dunking my plants in warm water (40°-50°C) for a few minutes and Amblyseius cucumeris predator mites a week later (or so). The drowning reduced the population significantly, but the eggs seemed more resistive. At first it was just a relief but no cure. On the long term I got rid of them.
I also noticed that some plants didn't have any broad mites on them and others were full, maybe it has something to do with the specific terpenes.


Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
not in my own garden but helping someone else we have found that this combination to make the environment non conducive for the broad mite. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 30 ml Silica per gallon every watering ;and a daily foliar spray of Fulvic acid @ 15-30 ml per gallon.

Doesnt kill them but make them try to leave and i think they die doing that.


Active member
not sure of the SNS 209 pricing all my bottles were free samples....but i do remember SNS217 for spider mites being pretty damn pricy for some rosemary oil...


Not sure if it's the same company but I bought the fucking PM wash because I got a little PM late in flower recently and that shit sucked. I used the whole $40 gallon of "high frequency" water and that stuff was back in 3 days.

$40 for some water? Cmon man! I know the same complany makes a mite wash too but I'm def not buying....

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
the main additive in the whole "Wash" Line up is Yucca Extract.... just add something like ThermX 70 as a wetting agent to your Foliars and it works solid... The Yucca breaks down their exoskeleton ... Nothing is like System Chems... If money is no issue...

PYLON! one and done with that shit
just do a simple yahoo image search for broad mites, you'll get 100s of pics.
the eggs are much easier to spot and have a distinctive pattern on them, oval with a sort of diamond spots over it
also after you spray and kill the mites Ive had the eggs stick to the leaves for months!
its un-nerving to scope the plant out and see those damn egg sacs everywhere.

I have seen lots of images, but i think it would be really helpful for someone to post a picture of one on a cannabis plant, so that one could get an idea of the size comparison to a trichome or hair, and to understand the color to look for.

Most pictures Ive seen are on a leaf that has a totally different texture so it is hard for me to understand the scale. Again, I haven't seen any pictures of them on the undersides of the leaf near the center vein, where everyone says they hide out.

Also listing the magnification power would be great, because when you've never seen them before it is hard to tell how big they will look under a 40x or 100x. My scope goes from 40x to 800x and I have tried looking at all different powers, but im not sure if im looking to close or to far.

I would be very grateful, If someone gets the chance to post an image or video of a broad mite on a cannabis plant. Ive been looking everyday for over a month now and the symptoms wont stop. I'm starting to get really depressed and contemplating quitting growing altogether. Between root aphids, parasitic nematodes, and maybe broad mites I have been struggling to get plants through a cycle and make ends meet for over a year and a half.

Peacemonger, Im having the same symptoms, distorted growth, leaves that look like they were eaten by a caterpillar, upwards and downwards cupping, yellowing, etc, but no bugs to be found anywhere.
I started over with new seeds and a sterile grow room comparible to a lab and now this shit again. Maybe it is some disease that is in my area, like how all the outdoor tomatoes get the blight at the same time.
Ill let you know if I find any solution.


Well-known member
from the web

from what i understand these are broad mites on the legs of the whitefly i think this pic has already been shown here.
Well , Hot shot pest strips

Well , Hot shot pest strips

I have seen lots of images, but i think it would be really helpful for someone to post a picture of one on a cannabis plant, so that one could get an idea of the size comparison to a trichome or hair, and to understand the color to look for.

Most pictures Ive seen are on a leaf that has a totally different texture so it is hard for me to understand the scale. Again, I haven't seen any pictures of them on the undersides of the leaf near the center vein, where everyone says they hide out.

Also listing the magnification power would be great, because when you've never seen them before it is hard to tell how big they will look under a 40x or 100x. My scope goes from 40x to 800x and I have tried looking at all different powers, but im not sure if im looking to close or to far.

I would be very grateful, If someone gets the chance to post an image or video of a broad mite on a cannabis plant. Ive been looking everyday for over a month now and the symptoms wont stop. I'm starting to get really depressed and contemplating quitting growing altogether. Between root aphids, parasitic nematodes, and maybe broad mites I have been struggling to get plants through a cycle and make ends meet for over a year and a half.

Peacemonger, Im having the same symptoms, distorted growth, leaves that look like they were eaten by a caterpillar, upwards and downwards cupping, yellowing, etc, but no bugs to be found anywhere.
I started over with new seeds and a sterile grow room comparible to a lab and now this shit again. Maybe it is some disease that is in my area, like how all the outdoor tomatoes get the blight at the same time.
Ill let you know if I find any solution.

I have found nothing in my thirty years of growing that was this horrible. But the God dam carcenogenic nerve gas Hot shots seem to be working. I may tell myself about the half life and that the agent was used on "dog and cat collars" years ago for fleas. Damm ....!

Shan Diego

If: I had a dollar for every time I said 'just start at the top and read everything...'

Then: I would have some dollars.

On a completely unrelated and separate tangent... Storm Shadow, the knowledge, experience, and co-related Frugality you have displayed in this thread has completely earned utmost respect. I like your style.
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