Found some eggs on my plants recently, they are either cyclamen mite or broad mite eggs. Diligence in the garden allowed me to find the eggs before I flowered and any big damage was done... but I was getting all the early symtoms - slight cupping/curling of leaves, some smaller plants acting as if I was giving them too much N, occasional tmv-like symptoms on plants that aren't chem d., etc. My fault for allowing new stuff into the garden without treating it.
I am not fucking around with these bugs, have spent almost $700 on miticides and other bug killers in the past week or so. No pest strips have been hung. Plants were hit immediately upon my first suspicion (before I looked under the scope) with monterey garden spray. Last night all of them were hit with Avid. Forbid 4f and Conserve SC are being shipped to me right now. I have azamax, sulfer spray, ed rosenthal zero tolerance (rosemary oil), etc are also in the arsenal. Going to be getting some Mighty Wash. I've already lost a garden to root aphids once, I WILL NOT lose this fight. I lucked out and spotted them pretty early and will be taking full advantage of that.
Anyone know of anything worth using that I didn't mention? Thanks.
edit: Thank you for the tip bro... for anyone else reading this who is dealing with the same thing, Pylon miticide
hmm.. weird.. ive had the curling leaves and other symptoms for the past couple months.. i hit them with bayers thinking it was the root aphids ive been dealing with..
some strains recovered and look awesome now..
some strains look horrible and wont recover..
I have monetary insect garden spray, bayers, eagle20, neem oil, floramite, forbid, and azamax.
Will any of these kill broad mites? if not whats the sure bet? Thanks!
They seem to prefer some strains over others, sounds about right relentless.
Check the undersides of leaves that look affected with a microscope. I noticed that most of the eggs will be along the serrations, towards the edge of the leaf (at least in my garden). What I'm seeing looks like tiny cloudy/clear looking oval spheres. It is much easier to spot eggs as opposed to the bugs themselves. They will often be in clusters all together.
It seems that you want the same gameplan as if you were hunting spider mites, but due to the BM's tiny size foregoing the lighter stuff is recommended... I'd use that forbid asap if you spot eggs... I been researching these things nonstop for the past couple days, grab all the stuff I mention in my previous post and use it all!
-Pylon (one-and-done spray?)
-No pest strips
-Conserve SC or monterey garden spray
-azamax and/or other neem type products
-SNS 217 or Ed Rosenthal Zero Tolerance (both have rosemary oil)
-Mighty wash
Really sucks guys, I also was just aware I had these things and they're in the early stages I hope these pics can help people diagnosis their problem, and I will be using the list of nutes Vado has mentioned to fight them. Now here are a couple pics of where I am seeing symptoms, I swear I wouldn't be able to tell anything was wrong if it wasn't for good people on this site, the plants in veg look fine and my mom's you would never thing had little eggs on the back side of the leaves, sorry for my poor photo skill but I hope this helps other....
I just gave a good spraying of Avid today and will be trying to kill these things for good starting right now! Remember I am extremely lucky and found these bastards early I am hoping this means it'll be easier to get rid of them seeing as the population is not out of control and the plants are still growing nicely, people with bigger populations will probably have more drastic symptoms.
Leaves curling upwards...
Leaves looking like they are having the start of a nitrogen or cal-mag deficiency
And where those little white hairs grow in veg it like they are being burnt/eaten up turning brown...I am sorry this pic is horrible but I hope you get the point.
I also have some blueberries near the end of harvest that seem to be effect by them too, but it so close to chop I'll be ok, but i will post of pic of those soon.
I recommend that you guys read back a little into this thread. It has been an interesting but frustrating journey for quite a few of us.
AVID kills these Broad Mites (which are Cyclamen Mites) and related to Russet Mites.
Apparently, nothing else works In-Total on these Buggers. AVID at 1ml/gallon - I added a couple drops of Coco-Wet.
It may take 2 or even 4 applications, as AVID does not kill eggs. So, when the existing eggs hatch, you gotta be there with another Spraying to kill the new mites.
Started with Azatrol, no effect. Went to AVID from there. Azamax, even weaker than AZATROL. Mighty Wash, forget it, people above had no effect with this.
Forbid could kill the eggs, (not Floramite, sorry) so that in addition to AVID could help.
I went with AVID only. Plants were pretty infested. Some Strains more than others. Have done 3 applications.
Also, added Silicon to their diet, with the "Protekt" Dynagrow product @ 2ml/g. It should toughen up the plants leaves and basic structure.
Although I am spooked beyond belief, I have seen only one live one, since my last sprating on June 10th, in a garden full of 4 foot tall previously infested plants. Been inspecting them daily, where I think I see BM damage. The worst ones were Indoors, but have been outside for 2 months.. BM's are OK with being outdoors..! Bastards.
Other plants that were not from that group are also occasionally showing mites. SO< it is true that the BM's Vector on the legs of Whiteflies, as in GNOME's Pictures... Gruesome. I have been changing clothes between gardens, not rubbing up on plants, and washing hands diligently.
They are VERY small, very prolific, and occasional evidence of their presence seems to continue, rarely.. SO, one more application, tomorrow, YUK.
The Light Dep garden 2.5 weeks into flower, is not getting any more AVID - These were the ones that had the Broad and Russet Mites..
I am seeing some plants in the Full-Season Greenie going into Flower, so cannot continue spraying this nasty stuff. Avid's Supposed 60-70 day half-life must be considered..
well...Avid does remain in the plant for a chunk of time ( and thats why people get so concerned about it's use) and at least in my case that residual was enough to eradicate the population after one treatment ( eggs included). A cut & paste-
"Through translaminar activity, Avid actually penetrates the plant tissue and forms a reservoir of active ingredient inside the leaf cuticle. This reservoir protects the plant against pests that feed on foliage."
Ahhh shit...I just realized i said not to use Forbid. I ment-
Dont waste your time with Floramite.
Forbid actually did work for me some but the fuckers came back. Avid has been the only chemical that worked "one & done" for me.
Ottoman, what makes you think you have broad mites? The telltale sign is downward curled leaves, which I am not seeing in your pics. Your plants need Magnesium, but that's it as far as I can see. Broad mites don't lay eggs on leaves, they don't even venture out there. Are you sure you id'd them correctly? That upward border leaf curl looks like what I always see in Alien-derrived strains, but that's a genetic thing (or a heat issue) but not a deficiency. I don't see anything of concern going on in those pictures other than they are Mg hungry...
Ottoman, I dont see any signs of broad mite damage on those plants. You have a nutrient deficiency with one plant, but the rest look pretty good to me.
Shan Diego, the reason I believe I am having broad mites and these are early examples are because I have received a cut where other people are receiving broad mites. Since I got the cut a few weeks after my friends and they have confirmed they've had it, on top of that there is not heat stress whatsoever in my mother rooom/veg rooms and that curling has been happening more and more often, also that mag problem in a few more days will look more like TMV, it happen late to some of my flowering plants.....Now I used a 60-100X microscope and searched all over the back of leaves and I found spots of little translucent balls, couldn't find a mite for the life of me tho. I hope to God I don't have them guys but and all my rooms are in check heat/humditity wise, on top of that all my plants are always ph'd the same and PPMs are always in check. Maybe I have some sort of other bugs? All I can say is with the naked eye you really couldn't see anything wrong with my plants since I am around a bunch I just know something is off and i am pretty sure whatever it is I caught it early..... also where do they lay their eggs then cause like i mentioned they're little translucent balls on that back side of the leaves mostly near the edges with no sign of any mite whatsoever, what should I be looking at then?
Hey guys took a couple shots of the flowering plant leaves, some of them a few weeks ago started to look like this and it seemed to spread around to the other plants as the weeks went by, but slowly I have to admit. The way the leaves got so hard and brittle plus my buddy being very alert made me start to do some hard research and I really can't find another explanation for this. Also from what I've been reading seems most growers don't even realize they have anything wrong with their plants or chalk it up to a bad batch of medium as why their crops messed up. I am trying to avoid this, while hoping to save others crops in the future. I will say this I agree much with the leaves curling upwards, cyclaman mites which I guess are the same as broad mites???? they make leaves curl upwards which is what I am seeing. As far as the eggs on the backside of the plants, even at 100X it hard to look at them in detail, wish I could get to 500X or so cause I can't honestly tell if the eggs have all those dots all over them or not. From what I read on cyclamen mites their eggs aren't coated with those 27-32 dots. But with 100% certainty I can say I see groups of small round white to translucent dots with no sign of a mites, just damage.
The mites are 100% in otto and I's gardens. They have much more of a presence in my garden and are very, very early in otto's. Neither of us have even flowered with them around yet. Every early symptom has been displayed in my garden. I first noticed something was wrong when I got some strange tmv growth on a cut that has never, ever done that before. Pulled this pic off google as an example:
A few days later I was tipped off that a cut we are now growing has been getting passed around with BM's, and decided to do some more research. At that point I noticed the cupping of some leaves, just like this (minus the rust):
Went and got my hands on a microscope, and the eggs have been identified. Some strains are more affected by the above symptoms than others...
Frankly we just got lucky and caught em stupid early before any plants were flowered.
Have you actually spotted a broad mite? When you do, that's when you should be convinced that you have them. Until then, you are just guessing, right? Your symptoms are inconsistent with the pests. Read my old posts, I told you exactly where to look and what to do.
Otto those pics of the fan leaves have nothing to do with Broad Mites. They do not affect older already developed leaves. They only feed on new growth. As for the small translucent balls, those are likely very tiny resin glands. Ive seen them on plenty of plants, and they were not eggs. Look for dots on those translucent balls. If you see lots of dots, then its likely a Broad Mite egg, but still from those symptoms I dont think you have BM.
Shan, I admit to not seeing a broad mite yet but I don't think I will with my 60-100X scope, at the same time I don't want to wait til I see one to take action, those little elliptical egg on the back of my leaves are enough. Also it not like the plants that are acting funny I just got, a couple of the moms I've grown for years and never seen them ever do this. I do appreciate you telling me I don't have them but what I read online tells me different.
Dave, those were newer leaves and the tops of my buds have seem to almost stop growing while the bottoms ones seem to be filling out more. Also those balls, are on my Mom's and Veg plants as well and near the tips and edges, I've never noticed them before now. There are certain spots where I can get a good look at those balls and I can see a couple of dots, those are the ones that scare the hell out of me. Like I mentioned even on 100X its hard to get a detailed looks. Thanks for the album I will be taking a look ASAP.