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Brittney Murphy died?

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Active member
Wtf is so hard about these people lives that they can't cope without being filled to the brim with all kinds of crap, Heath, Anna Nicole, Jackson, etc......
Christ, there's millions of people who would give there left nut to have what these people had.
Oh, my life's so hard, write me another prescription.


Sad day indeed, I especially loved her in Sin City.

I agree, Sin City was her pinnacle. This whole thing seems really fishy to me. Generally 32 yo women don't just drop from heart attacks. Her husband was a total MONKEY(!), and though I don't know him, he screams low-life in photos. Always in a white hanes t-shirt, scruffy faced and bloated, looking like he just came off a two week bender. She could've had a very good looking partner. The news said there were "Lots and lots of prescription drugs there" belonging to her, her husband, and her mom, but no illegal drugs. So she was probably tweeked out on adipex or something. She was so thin near the end, and looked chocked full of crystal meth to me, I grew up in low income housing projects and I've seen that look a thousand times. And her husband was totally AGAINST an autopsy, which tells you right there how she died. If my spouse died at 32, I would damn sure want an autopsy, hell I'd want two done by two different coroners.
It really is a bummer to go so young, and if it was drug related, it's a shame she didn't have someone around to point her in the right direction.

-edit, I just read that two weeks ago her husband had to be taken to the hospital after passing out on an airplane, when emt's arrived he was incoherent and had to be removed by stretcher and rushed to the hospital, although they didn't say what the problem was. Again, pretty fishy...


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Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Wtf is so hard about these people lives that they can't cope without being filled to the brim with all kinds of crap, Heath, Anna Nicole, Jackson, etc......
Christ, there's millions of people who would give there left nut to have what these people had.
Oh, my life's so hard, write me another prescription.

100% agree.
I feel for her family, but, damn, how hard can the life of a rich famous person be. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've all got our demons, and we're all unhappy in one way or another, BOO Fucking HOO.
Most of us don't have millions of dollars to fall back on when times get tough. Money can't make you happy they say, but it sure eliminates the struggle of living paycheck to paycheck, wondering how to simply pay the bills. I'm willing to bet she knew little of true hard times. One more irresponsible rich person whom I do not feel sorry for.


Active member
100% agree.
I feel for her family, but, damn, how hard can the life of a rich famous person be. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've all got our demons, and we're all unhappy in one way or another, BOO Fucking HOO.
Most of us don't have millions of dollars to fall back on when times get tough. Money can't make you happy they say, but it sure eliminates the struggle of living paycheck to paycheck, wondering how to simply pay the bills. I'm willing to bet she knew little of true hard times. One more irresponsible rich person whom I do not feel sorry for.

This is what I meant gogoplater420

the thing is..
yes drugs are a choice

but how many people are hooked on drugs
I still have compassion for people who got hooked
but how many people are hooked on drugs
I still have compassion for people who got hooked

Not long ago I lost my father to drug related illness... and no matter what all I can do is be mad at the system....And Crystal Meth....and all the other dangerous substances so easily available to ease the pain.

My father was a brilliant, talented and loving man...Drugs took that from me... Sure it was his choice but he was pushed to them by society..

Sad day for another lost to the drug battle.... I for one really liked her and my Father...

I hope this madness changes one day...

But there is no need for disrespect. She is someone daughter, someones sister, Grandaughter and someones wonderful memory of what life really is. and some parent had to find their beautiful young daughter laying in the shower...right during the Holidays.. nothing could be worse!

Merry Christmas everyone...Hug your loved ones today

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Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
My father was a brilliant, talented and loving man...Drugs took that from me... Sure it was his choice but he was pushed to them by society..

No disrespect intended...
Until we accept responsibility for our own actions, NOTHING will ever change. Blaming society, is an excuse.
I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family has been able to overcome your tragedy.
I'm done with this thread, it's going to turn into a shit slinging match!
No disrespect intended...
Until we accept responsibility for our own actions, NOTHING will ever change. Blaming society, is an excuse.
I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family has been able to overcome your tragedy.
I'm done with this thread, it's going to turn into a shit slinging match!

Nah no shit slinging... Just your opinion. its ok.

That is what is wrong with this whole thing....Our feelings and lives are attached to this whole thing making it hard to see what the real prob is.

As you said "Until we accept responsibility for our own actions"

This is exactly what I am talking about...Until WE take responsibility as a SOCIETY nothing will change...You are correct about that...

Peace 420


If this is a contest heroin gets another vote from me,not crystal meth.Bad thing


Thats more likely than falling out from crystal meth.She had that heroin look and was scratching at her nose a lot.Telltale sign.Could be prescription opiates instead of heroin too


Active member
Not long ago I lost my father to drug related illness... and no matter what all I can do is be mad at the system....And Crystal Meth...

My father was a brilliant, talented and loving man...Drugs took that from me... Sure it was his choice but he was pushed to them by society..

Sad day for another lost to the drug battle.... I for one really liked her and my Father...

I hope this madness changes one day...

But there is no need for disrespect. She is someone daughter, someones sister, Grandaughter and someones wonderful memory of what life really is. and some parent had to find their beautiful young daughter laying in the shower...right during the Holidays.. nothing could be worse!

Merry Christmas everyone...Hug your loved ones today


You see, that's exactly why it's even more f'ed up, she wasn't just messing up her own life, no, she brings truckloads of grief down on her family now who were only guilty of loving her, that's horrible, look at what your actions do to the other people in your life.
And now their family tragedy gets to play in the media for the whole world to see.
I'm sorry, this was one stupid, selfish, self indulgent woman who paid the ultimate price for her wretched excess.

But I agree with you about hugging your loved ones and telling them you love them everyday, for it might be the last time, messed up stuff happens all the time, fires, car wrecks, hurricanes, life is already gunning for you hard enough without having to put yourself on the express lane to an early death by ridiculous drug abusing.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There was some speculation she had a eating disorder don't know if it's true. The thing that gets me is the paparazzi can make these celebs go over the edge and that's what they want. They will say and do things so they can get that money shot. My deepest condolences go out to her family. I liked her on film. I do hope no drugs will be found she did not need to go out that way.


stoned agin ...
i read that friends said she had a really bad self-body image, she didn't want to be the fat girl from clueless (never seen it), wore lots of makeup and must have taken stuff to lose weight. they said it was crazy.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
The more i read, the more i'm convinced that her hubby killed her.
Yo, check this out.

Her husband, a Simon Monjack, a british screen writer who hasn't written anything in years. Every post, every article written about this guy is negative. He's been called a meth head, coke head, heroine addict, con-man, thief, charlatan.. The list goes on.

There's even a Euro millionaire guy, on IMDB forums of all places, claiming that this Monjack guy owes him like 16 mil. And apparently it's real cause this millionaire guy exists and is a blogger, and i don't think fake rich ppl would last on the internet for almost 3 years.

Here's the link to the original post, and here's his blog.

Now, if u'r a junkie, and u owe a guy 16 mil.. Your career sucks, but u'r married and in line to inherit your wife, who still has a career and is succesfull.. Well, got me thinking Columbo stuff, especially when he doesn't even want an autopsy performed on her.

I don't know about that, but it didn't do any good to Brittany Murphy's career meeting this scumbag.

He was also, in breach of his visa, just before he married her..

I just had to post this, cause i made a lame Ashton Kutcher joke earlier in this topic..

Boy, she sure knew how to pick em, terrible taste in men.
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