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Brittney Murphy died?

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Well, there goes my long standing fantasy of having a double wide that I could chain her and Jamie Pressely up in. Damn. At least we will always have LuAnne.

RIP Brit.


RIP Luanne

Is it weird that I just googled "Luanne Platter nude?"


Active member
i didn't think of spun as an amazing movie.but I liked it for being crude and an obscure but real subject
I liked it

and britanny murphy...

I have a hard time feeling bad for rich people dying
If they we're getting tortured, it would be different, then I would feel it

they were rich! they made it. they deed it.

I also don't care for hollywood people
unless a select few actors that I somehow have a liking on would die

like jim carrey!
i didn't think of spun as an amazing movie. to crude and what a fucked up subject
but I liked it for what it was

and britanny murphy...

I have a hard time feeling bad for rich people dying
If they we're getting tortured, it would be different

they were rich! they made it. they deed it.

I also don't care for hollywood people
unless a select few actors that I somehow have a liking on

like jim carrey!
Jim carrey has the single coolest website on the internet imo


Active member
Explore the eccentric, psychedelic corners of Jim Carrey's mind on his official site.

the guy is a little sick, bipolar I think, it really stroke me when I heard that, the guy he made all sorts of different wacky faces, so very entertaining, and different


I went to check out his website... your right, it's crazy...


Active member
I hate with Jim Carrey with a passion so strong words cannot express it, him and Adam Sander and Jack Back, irritating and highly limited talent, they think acting like a hyperactive 4 year old on sugar is considered comedic acting. Fuck off.

Gotta say, never heard of Brittany Murphy, even after I googled her, still didn't know who she was!


Active member

don't need to hate, you can just not like

please tell us about your favorite actors and movies !

personally, i'm not too fond of jack black

but adam sandley is hillarious



Lammen Gorthaur
Let's hope it isn't drugs. Every time a celebrity dies of a drug overdose we have to take one in the shorts for the rest of America. I don't know about you but my shorts are stained enough.

Why can't these people act responsibly? Is it just too hard to be a normal person or does all that camera time just absolutely corrupt them to the point of no return?
Cocaine is fun.

Truth is that chick probably had more good times than 99 percent of the planet will have in their entire lives combined, slaving away 50 hours a week doing some mundane bullshit.

let's be honest most people are just filling time because suicide would upset their loved ones too much. Most people I've actually gotten to know well enough to be honest with me have admitted as much. Others are so fucking delusional that they can't even be honest with themselves. It's a defense mechanism.

Not everyone. But I think a majority.


I have a hard time feeling bad for rich people dying
If they we're getting tortured, it would be different, then I would feel it

they were rich! they made it. they deed it.

wtf?!? your an idiot... if life is as simple as get rich and die i feel bad for you
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