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BOG Seeds Sour Bubble.


misterD farmhouse
Is the Sour Bubble Connoisseurs Society's Discord server still open? I'm very interested in joining the group!

Around 2005-2010, I scored some Sour Bubble from a local grower. He had somehow managed to get someone from overseas to send some BOG gear to Northern Europe.

I instantly and forever fell in love with this variety.

Recently I've been playing around with the M-39 x Sour Bubble BX3 cross @misterD did, known as Gonzo #4. And that's a lovely variety in it's own right, but I've also been hoping to find a true IBL of Sour Bubble BX in order to do a little bit of breeding experiments myself.

Glad to hear you enjoyed my Gonzo #4!

I hope you'll find what you looking for bro.

Peace. D


New member
Anyone else notice how chunky the Sour Bubble seeds are (bottom right cluster), must be the biggest I can remember? Bought these beginning 2019, still sitting in the fridge waiting, and hoping they will still be viable when the day comes.


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Hash Artist

Active member
I had two remaining sb seeds from some older 2017 stock (bx4?) popped a few years back. Got 1 male and 1 female so I made seeds with them. Are the seeds I made another BX? Now I found an extremely vigorous female from those seeds this summer. If I take the original pollen from the male and hit this new female what will those seeds be, another BX? Can anyone with more sb breeding experience suggest which recessive traits to look for?

Hash Artist

Active member
Had to look back thru email to see what year I ordered sour bubble directly from Jim and Pat. Blast from the past, shows his current offerings circa 2017. Time flys RIP BOG!

BushyOG has really gone nuts on the weed this Spring, He wants
Everyone to have some. Here’s our BOG’s CRAZY 420 SALE!

18+ or older
1 pack / $59.00 (Free S&H for Sale only)
3 packs / $129.00 (Free Cinchbag)
6 packs / $249.00 (Free Cinchbag)
10 packs / $420.00 (Free T-Shirt or Hat)

13 seeds per pack.
Inquire about larger orders.
Attached BOG Seeds Strain Guide

Here is some information to help you order.
Accept No Substitutes! Our Customers, who live within the USA, should
NOT order from Overseas anymore. We will NOT guaranty those orders.
They have old seeds. ***Are you in the USA??*** We ship to USA
Our Distributors ship Overseas for us.

These are REGULAR SEEDS, not feminized.
Strains available are:
Blue Moon Rocks
Blue Kush
Sour Boggle
Sour Bubble
Sour Grape
Sour LSD
Sour LifeSaver….OUT OF STOCK
Sour Strawberry
Sweet Cindy
Sweet & Sour Cindy

BOG Bubble will be back in 1 month
Sour Lifesaver will be back in 6 mos. – 1 yr

Happy Times

Well-known member
(disclaimer I'm no breeder just doing this because I love BOG's SB)

Some pics of the sour bubble F2 breeding I'm doing and how I'm doing it.

All 18 females have 3 branches each sealed in white paper 16" french bread bags. These bags will allow air and lite in. While keeping out pollen on said branches. This way I will know which male was used on each branch. Once each plants flowers are done and tested for the best ones. The seeds from them will be ran again to see which ones are the best.

View attachment 19042270

Started with 4 males and culled one because he just didn't look good and no smell to him.

The last 3 are nicely branched and have the SB sour funk. #3 even has the sour bubble gum smell. I covered 20 branches each to use in the seed making. In a week (give or take.) Each branch and bag will be cut off. Then put on the branches of the bagged female branches and tagged. Will leave them on for about a week.

I have used this method before and it worked well.

Can see the males that are completely bagged.

View attachment 19042273

The males have just started dropping pollen. So there will be seeds on all the plants. These seed... well I guess I will give them away with the understanding of what they are. A open pollination. (just ask)

Got a pic of a Bee stealing the pollen lol.
View attachment 19042274
Very cool bag method there! Thank you for sharing


Well-known member
Update.... we have seed. Some plants more than others. Still I'm going to have more than I could ever grow out with the limited numbers we can grow here. I do know a guy that has a grow license. IF he likes one of what I'm growing. He said he would let me do a couple 100 grow. We'll see...

First up the patch


a few seed shots

sb seed 1.jpg
sb seed.jpg

a couple crosses first up pure michigan x sour bubble

pure michigan x sb.jpg
michgan sour.jpg

the guy wanted a thai cross

sour thai.jpg

one of the short SB. Thought it was because of how it was planted. But the one next to it is 3 times as tall.

short sb.jpg

What is cool this season is how many assassin bugs I have on every plant. Every plant has at least 10. Haven't seen any grasshopper damage this year on these plants. They are doing a great job of keeping the grasshoppers off them.

assasan hord 1.jpg