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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Take A Deep Breath
I'm not sure.....day 47 today, and the first odd pistil is browning, but the buds are unswollen. 70 days total would be around Jan 20th, probably before then.

The GP25 is the next plant to finish, I think. 1 - 2 weeks. Mass browning of the pistils, and visible swellage daily.


Take A Deep Breath
r1rider - thanks for dropping in.

Happy New Year One And All!

Took a couple of snaps of the GP25....day 44 today....GP25 is (((NL x Cali-O) x Mexican Sativa) x Blue Mystic). Nice frosty budsicle. Excuse the spider mite bites. Little bastards are back....althought these ones are yellow.....as opposed to the red one I used to have.





Active member
Fuckin spider mites are a pain in the ass, but i suppose they live on this earth for some insane reason.

Harkers Harker Mectin is a miticide used on pigeons and birds you can use it at 1ml per 2ltrs as a spray it is very effectve, costs about £8 for 5 ml bottle

Breakdown in vegetation: Plants do not absorb ivermectin from the soil. Ivermectin is subject to rapid degradation when present as a thin film, as on treated leaf surfaces. Under laboratory conditions and in the presence of light, its half-life as a thin film was 4 to 6 hours.




Take A Deep Breath
r1 - they surely are a real pain.....I'll have to check that stuff out.....cheers.

Power Black (by VerdantGreen). Day 55 of 12/12. Finally starting to sloooowly swell, mature, and generally get ready for her big day. Smells sorta soapy, with something floral (lilies?). Reminds me of those soaps the RNIB sell.




Ahhh, damned HPS photos.......this is the Cali-O x Mexican Sativa reveg......leaves are a nice dark green.....day 25......pistillation looking good.

Upcoming attractions (sex permitting): Three square pots L - R : Spoetnik #1 x Deep Chunk, Thai, Deep Chunk. Round Pot: NL x DC.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
that looks like quite a Black forrest dom power black. nice.

you must be only a few weeks away from being pretty well stocked up?

nice when you can give them time to dry slowly and cure em up a bit. variety also makes them all last longer imo, less tolerance. 2011 should be a good year for you mate.



Take A Deep Breath
I'm slowly getting ahead of myself....even with my pretty voracious appetite. Things are getting time to dry in real-time, but nothing's making it to the cure jar yet. Haven't had to smoke any male leaves for a while now :)

But the tent is running at pretty much max capacity. Nothing can get up-potted until something gets chopped. Slowly throttling back on new seed starts, vegging stuff for longer, getting into a steadier flow.

Things are going well....


Hey mate,
Here's to a prosperous and red-eyed 2011.
The CaliOxMexSat re-veg is looking good.....result. She's come through all bushy, and has bounced back quickly, you must be pleased with that. Was the smoke good? Certainly sounds and looks promising.


Take A Deep Breath
mellow - yeah, man. Variety is what it's all about. Between the tent and the veg cab, I've got 17 different strains/crosses on at the moment.

Dao - Yeah, I'm very pleased with how she's turned out. 11 days from chop to re-entry into flower, and she took it no problem. I did intend to veg her for longer, but I ran out of room in the veg box.
The smoke was very nice....good potency (although could be better)....quite relaxed, social up-buzz, with a strong visual element. Strong orange aroma off the plant.

This female was very MexiSat-dom in structure - I used a more Cali-O-influenced male (bushy, broad leaves, quick to drop pollen) to make F2s on the first go round. Need to get some of those popped at some stage. But I've got a lot of seeds I can say that about lol.


Well-known member
Things looking good for 2011 eh Blimey....How long before you flower that NL x DC?

I got some Lapis Mountain Indica in the post this morning. They have DC in them, so looking forward to growing them out.

Heres to a resinous 2011.


Take A Deep Breath
That NL x DC has been in the tent (therefore flower) since Christmas Day. Should show sex in about 3 days or so. Fingers crossed for a girl. How long before it gets up-potted is a whole different kettle of fish.

Got a Lemon Thai x DC that's just today confirmed female. That will be up-potted in the next few days. I'll take a snap of it soon.

I've looked at the boo listing for that Cannacopia LMI a few times. I see a lot of ic posters raving about their stuff. Good luck with them.

How did your (GHS?) trainwreck come out? Anything like what TW is meant to look/grow/smoke?


Well-known member
The Trainwreck was ok....The missus said it was strong but I doubt it was like the real deal. Could of had a dose of root aphids in them though, had all the signs and found an adult in the flower cab. Perhaps suffered on the weight.

It tasted real nice and smoked well with the BHO I made from me greenhouse off cuts. Strong BHO by the way, nine different outdoor/greenhouse plants went into that. Would like a genuine cut of Trainwreck....

Got rid of the Trainwreck now, went freaky when cloned. Got a Jack the Ripper at 54 days and looking real good and I put 3 more JTR clones into flower today.

Definitely need a tent though, just not got the room for what I want to do.


Take A Deep Breath
I love my tent. So convenient.

JTR sounds nice....as do most of the superpoly Jack/SSH/C99 type hybrids. Guess it's all about getting a pheno that does what you want/need.

Talking of unpredictable poly-hybrids, I chopped the (dark, former runt) Power Black that I'd pollinated with SSH, at day 61. So I have some Power Black x SSH beans to work with.

But this freed up a 4L pot, which I put the Lemon Thai x DC girl in:


The other Power Black (I also have a third PB girl just in early flowering) is still swelling. Sampled a couple of lower buds......nice buzz already there...just need it to bulk up.
Another 2 weeks? Maybe longer......inifinite patience is not my strong suit, especially when we reach the point when I'm out of bud, had a couple of days working through the trim pile, and all that's left are leaves to smoke...



Take A Deep Breath
Power Black....day 61. Will probably chop it fairly soon......seems to be all cloudy trichomes, plus a shit load of spider mites.


As you can see from this shot (plant on the left), I've removed everything but the cola already....it's good smoke. The plant on the right is a new BJ #2, doing the super-lanky, brussel sprout impersonation again.


Next in age after the PB is this Afghani x NL (on the left in the first pic). Should yield well, despite the borg.


GP25......may have underdone the N.

Same thing with the Cali-O x MexiSat reveg (re N). Having a bit of a hissy with it's older reveg "fans":


Hiya B.
Looks like the mites are becoming entrenched.... little buggers. I s'pose this kind of problem is accentuated by the perpetual setup. Are you currently taking steps against them? They're next to impossible to get rid of even if you can shut down and treat the tent properly, I know, but are bound to be affecting yeilds. What's the plan?
Take it easy mate.


Take A Deep Breath
I have a spray that is reasonably effective. My main problem is remembering to spray it just before lights on. I'm a bit wary of spraying during lights on or at lights off cos of the hot bulb.

Taking all the plants out of the tent individually and spraying them is what I should do. But it's a real pain in the arse. Lazy-ass good-for-nothing stoner.

No serious webbing yet, but I need to take the time to give everything a good spray down outside the tent.


Take A Deep Breath
Mier - thanks for the kind words! Dziękują za wasze uprzejme słowa.

Trying a bit of LST - wrapping the oh-so-viny BJ#2 round the power cable for the extractor, as it is now determined to grow through the roof.


The Lemon Thai x Deep Chunk is coming along.....early days yet.
