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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...when it comes down to it.....any dog can be a deterant to some opertunistic burglar....

...but I would rather have a good pack of them at my gate......just in case the burglar fancied his chances....

..some burglars might still take the chance if they are faced with a single 25kilo (55lb) sheep-dog.....but when faced with a 60 kilo (130lb) Rott and his pack then burglary is highly unlikely......unless the burglar has a death wish to become dog food....


Active member
ICMag Donor
and for the record there is a diff between a pitbull terrier and a pitbull.mine is no terrier just straight up rednose pit.

See this is the type of statement that needs to not be made. They are one in the same. Pit Bull is just a slang/short name for the same dog breed. Just because they are called American Pit Bull Terrier doesn't mean that they look like a normal Terrier dog.

I am glad that someone else also informed you that they are one and the same. It is my hopes that you have now be educated somewhat. And will at least never make that statement again.

Many blessings.



Active member
Im runnin the rottie/dobie combo like gypsy. I guess my dobie girl is just a mean bitch, because she doesnt just guard the perimeter like stated above. She will attack on command or if a stranger is trespassing. The others are just lazy, though. I love my dobies... I highly recommend this breed of you like sharp, sleek, intelligent, protective, fast, playful, loyal, intimidating, beautiful dogs. Did I mention this dog tells us when the baby has a dirty diaper? Great with kids, too.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
If you don't want to take the time to properly train the dog AND you want it to be family oriented. I would opt for a dopey lab from the pound, and use it as an alarm.
Focus on Harware/Software for your REAL security.

A good guard dog is only as good as it's training. And training takes a long, long time. And lots of it, consistently.


Active member
As I said before I dont know how the rest of the world works but in michigan when the come to rob you they bring guns. Never met a dog that could catch a bullet. Chances are when the do finally hit ya they have scoped you out for a while and allready have a plan for your dog. My dogs could easily fuck up an intruder but really they would probabaly just let me know when to go get the gun.


The dog walking with the horse is "the biggest dog" in theworld. I'm pretty sure he's real. The Liger Lion x tiger is def real and I'm not sure about the others


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Never met a dog that could catch a bullet.

The commited crook will take the dog out, most are not kind enough to use a sleeping pill in meat like on TV - Take my house, but I pitty the SOB that tries to kill my dogs. The oppertunist will go next door - actually prolly a door or two away.

Those Mastif pix are --- leaving me speachless..... can you imagine THAT comming at you full speed and MAD????

Poor dog would have to go thru 50 lbs of shit to get to me! lol (cause I shit myself that heavily)

Looks like about a bites worth.!!! lol


I think the dog sitting by the lady in the chair is bogus/photoshopped. The one in the car might be photoshopped. But like Selfhemployed said the one with the horse is real, and the big cat is a liger (lionXtiger) like he said as well.


european ganja growers
there all fake apart from the lion 1....the 1 with the Neo (biggest dog in the world) is a photoshop you can see the mistakes in the pic if you look closer:tiphat:

keep it green

emerald city

we find a pack of german shepherds works quite well for keeping the family and farm free of trouble..One dogs may lose to a crook,multiple dogs rules.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
or if your in the states get a Plott hound.
Don't laugh....I've been working professionally with animals since 1998. A true blue Plott bred to hunt is NOT to be messed with. Their used down south a lot to hunt bear and wild hogs and will fight to the death.
A Coonhound? The bark alone will cause the intruder to fall to their knees, hands covering their ears. "Make it stop, make it stop!" They will scream.

And Resin:
Dobbermans are great biting dogs, they have that cornered, scared bite. If a dog feels threatened/cornered they are much more likely to bite.


I have a dachshund that will sit there and wag his tail till you get near him then he jumps up and bites your nutts. I named him cholo since he is cho low to the ground. I got him from a no kill pet shelter that was going to have him put to sleep because he was vicious the only reason i was able to get him was because my wife volunteered at the shelter for many years.

my other dog is a Joaquin Russel Chihuahua jack Russel mix he just barks a lot


european ganja growers
any large breed can be turned into a guard dog but most protective and most teritorial is the pitbull by far


you having a laught right..its cocks like this that give pit/owner a bad rep.....your ment to train your attack dog in a safe inviroment..not in your fucking back yard & or in the middle of the street were there could be kids other dog ect ect ect......Gaurd dog my ass that some gheto killer right there,,,shame on the dog if you aske me...and there are 2 people training it to attack,,thats wrong aswell,,gaurd dog = 1 master,,you start getting 2/3 people training it to attack it will get confussed and could end up with random attack......cracking looking dog thought

Mastiffs all day long,,,,i was going to say what about a banddog

keep it green
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Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor

i lvoe big bad rotties..... the one in the pic has a nice deep mahagoney tone beautiful dog... doign some work!

i have a big english mastiff too but the rottie is bigger... love them both

cant tell you which one is more badass though becasue they have different personalities... but the mastiff is the instigator and the first on the scene and the rott will come out of the shadows and finish.... my fence is the wrong one to climb over....

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