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Best cleanest highest quality nutes

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Hey UB, don't know whether you have seen any of my how to get cannabis to do what you want it to thread but I'm going to post something in a couple of days and I want to make sure you understand where I'm coming from and that I don't inadvertently disrespect/piss you off.

I know your feelings on topping cannabis plants and the million plus views on that other forum we don't talk about around here ;) proves it's usefulness and popularity. I used to do it too, in addition to trying fimming, SOG, ScrOG, and all the rest of that shit we used to debate pH and NPKay about.:LOL:

I've just found what I think is a better approach, for _me_. And I'm not any smarter or better than anyone else, so I know other people can do it too. So I'm going to be talking about the things I do, in my normal acerbic, combative, and facetious way. :cool:

I'm going to be describing topping cannabis plants and will be using phrasing similar to this:

"I don't top, fim, super crop, lst, or do anything else unnatural to the cannabis plant. That includes bondage, discipline, humiliation, ball gags, or even spankies. I don't even talk dirty to them, for fuck sake!"

I just didn't want you to randomly read a sentence like this and take offense or think I'm disrespecting your method, because I'm not. ✌️

Sorry to jack the thread, but I don't do direct messages, instant messages, whatever the fuck you all use these days when people talk behind other people's backs, on a public forum.

UB, you think I used enough of those emoticons on this? :p

Judge to Mickey Mouse: "I hear you're divorcing Minnie on the grounds she's crazy?"

Mickey: "I didn't say she was crazy, I said she was fuckin Goofy!"


Everyone gets some in their own way. It's all good..... :)



Well-known member
Regarding purity, it's in a plastic bottle. The plants are usually in plastic containers. Hoses pvc. Many metals increase in recirculating systems. Feeds are sometimes formulated to not include some elements, as it's proven the plastic in their system provides them.

We have a pinned topic about a hose killing plants. There was once one about the paint on tent poles. These were obvious problems, from unexpected items. The problems we can't observe, we often won't know about. Never drink from a garden hose, or grow with one, unless you are reading it's instructions, and know why.

It's good to see people finding clean feeds, but it's far from the whole story.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I've been using Peters 20/20/20 for so long, I can tell by the tint of blue what the strength is. When I have to water specific, individual plants for an immediate response, the color of the solution becomes invaluable.

These are all clones from different plants, so they have different needs, so they require varying concentrations at this young stage, since I just transplanted them into fabric containers. Look at the two plants in the upper right:


If I give them the same concentration, one's going to get the shit burnt out of it and the other is going to come back to normal color. With Peter's I can adjust the concentration for an _immediate_ reaction.

And bringing this back around OT, Peter's is the only fertilizer I use because it's so _pure_, and I ain't talking that touchy feely Millennial organic bullshit, but actual chemical contents. ;)

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
I've been using Peters 20/20/20 for so long, I can tell by the tint of blue what the strength is. When I have to water specific, individual plants for an immediate response, the color of the solution becomes invaluable.

These are all clones from different plants, so they have different needs, so they require varying concentrations at this young stage, since I just transplanted them into fabric containers. Look at the two plants in the upper right:

View attachment 18992168

If I give them the same concentration, one's going to get the shit burnt out of it and the other is going to come back to normal color. With Peter's I can adjust the concentration for an _immediate_ reaction.

And bringing this back around OT, Peter's is the only fertilizer I use because it's so _pure_, and I ain't talking that touchy feely Millennial organic bullshit, but actual chemical contents. ;)

Very interesting. You can tell which ones need more N and which don't.

As seasoned growers who understand (I think) what the look of a leaf means, we have learned to read our plants. Too often they speak in a foreign language, eh. :p

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
And bringing this back around OT, Peter's is the only fertilizer I use because it's so _pure_, and I ain't talking that touchy feely Millennial organic bullshit, but actual chemical contents. ;)

Yep, cannabis is a "gatherer".

If you haven't tried Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro, you need to. Another ultra clean miracle food no matter what you use it on. Does great on cannabis especially soil-less cause it's so complete but other stuff too. Girlfriend grows orchids, never had much luck with them until I recommend she feed with Foliage-Pro. Now they are really fine looking with dark green leaves over leaves and in bloom with multiple spikes. Same with my pineapples. I've got 3 I started from tops last years and they're all in bloom, big 3' wide plants. Sugar sweet cause I let them go gold on the plant. I feed them by applying enough mixed solution in the cups for a good runoff into the pot. At 1/2 tsp/gallon, pint goes a long way.

PineapplesJuly31#2.jpg Pineapple#2July30.jpg


As a licensed nurseryman of many years, Jacks or Peters. Formulation such as triple 20 or 20-10-20 etc. depends upon full soil or non-soil media. These are what the pros and experienced use who have to succeed to keep their businesses running with healthy full plants.
As with any successful long-running pro operation, dive into successful cannabis large scale dumpsters at night to examine what they buy and use. Experts on the web are a dime a dozen. Keep it simple. And do not overfertilize. A common mistake. Measure your flushes if in doubt, with a Hanna meter. Just make sure you cover all your Major and Minor elements, plus the Trace ones. Learn nursery botany and what plants need. Keep it as simple as you can. It is not difficult. Most of this stuff on the cannabis market is snake oil for suckers. It's like the fishing magazines. You won't catch more fish but the mags sure catch many fishermen.
wich formular is better for peat mix substrate? triple 20 or 20-10-20?

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
As a licensed nurseryman of many years, Jacks or Peters. Formulation such as triple 20 or 20-10-20 etc. depends upon full soil or non-soil media. These are what the pros and experienced use who have to succeed to keep their businesses running with healthy full plants.
As with any successful long-running pro operation, dive into successful cannabis large scale dumpsters at night to examine what they buy and use. Experts on the web are a dime a dozen. Keep it simple. And do not overfertilize. A common mistake. Measure your flushes if in doubt, with a Hanna meter. Just make sure you cover all your Major and Minor elements, plus the Trace ones. Learn nursery botany and what plants need. Keep it as simple as you can. It is not difficult. Most of this stuff on the cannabis market is snake oil for suckers. It's like the fishing magazines. You won't catch more fish but the mags sure catch many fishermen.

Been using Jack's aka Peters for decades. Love me some Osmocote and buy it by the 50# bag.

Most complete food on the USA market is Dyna-Gro. DG is now poking at the cannabis market.

"Whatever"..... :) https://www.icmag.com/threads/complete-nutrient-schedules.146781/page-11#post-18662458
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Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
wich formular is better for peat mix substrate? triple 20 or 20-10-20?

You need to read the label. For such a soil less mix you're better off using a complete food like Dyna-Gro or something similar that has 13 essential elements. If your soil mix has some nutritional value whether it be from compost, etc. then those are good foods. I add the meals to my mixes, dolomite lime, horse nuggets (alfalfa), etc.

I got off the high P teat years ago. Whether it's a field ag op, or the greenhouse tropical fruit trees, turf around the house, trees, cannabis........ I only use foods that are lower in P, so, I'd choose the 20-10-20 for weed. My go-to's Osmocote is a 15-9-12 and my Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro is a 9-3-6 for example.


Well-known member
Megacrop (green leaf nutrients)...all I been using, can't beat it. One bag does like 300 gallons.

NPK industries RAW line (pure ingredients no bull) (they have a fire grow and bloom all in one..fulvicss, everything $10 does like 200 gallons with most raw ingredients

Dr earth Organics (same as giai green but instead of manure as in Gaia green, Dr earth used cottonseed meal, 10 bag vs 100 $ bag same weight Gaia green)

Jobes Organics 3-5-4... (annuals and perennials what I use, good stuff, my hrozia as well) *jacks as well

Dyna-Gro BLOOM...only liquid nute id use. Used it for hydroponic applications for years, BLOOM only.


I've been using Peters 20/20/20 for so long, I can tell by the tint of blue what the strength is. When I have to water specific, individual plants for an immediate response, the color of the solution becomes invaluable.

These are all clones from different plants, so they have different needs, so they require varying concentrations at this young stage, since I just transplanted them into fabric containers. Look at the two plants in the upper right:

View attachment 18992168

If I give them the same concentration, one's going to get the shit burnt out of it and the other is going to come back to normal color. With Peter's I can adjust the concentration for an _immediate_ reaction.

And bringing this back around OT, Peter's is the only fertilizer I use because it's so _pure_, and I ain't talking that touchy feely Millennial organic bullshit, but actual chemical contents. ;)
I would like to try Peters 20-10-20 fertilizer, but unfortunately, I can't buy it here in Europe. Here, I can only get 20-20-20+TE.
wich formular is better for peat mix substrate? triple 20 or 20-10-20?
I use 20-10-20 on peat base substrate with cannabis. Because of Bruce Bugbee. But I have not compared it with the triple. For all I know the triple may be best. I am fairly new to this crop, other than growing it in the sixties and seventies, bro science, I've used triple, Peters, for decades in my nursery on all manner of plants and shrubs and trees. Satisfied.


Active member
You'll want to go "pharma grade" and design your own. Haven't seen any nutrient brand market itself as competent. Definitely not a single Cannabis-centric brand or nutrient consultant that inspires any confidence so stay away from that shit.

Calcium gluconate: 12 units C
Calcium glycinate: 4 units C
Calcium acetate: 4 units C
Calcium citrate: 6 units C
Calcium nitrate: 0 units C

Most "Cannabis nutes" seem to be left over floor dust from facilities owned by pesticide manufactures.
The price gouging of bottled nutes is enough to keep me from going back.
Why do you say their base materials are pesticide leftovers?


Well-known member
The price gouging of bottled nutes is enough to keep me from going back.
Why do you say their base materials are pesticide leftovers?
If you buy professional nutes for food crop growing you get pure salts. Cannabis specific nutes meet guaranteed analysis specs for salts but have a bunch of what amounts to contamination too.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I use 20-10-20 on peat base substrate with cannabis. Because of Bruce Bugbee. But I have not compared it with the triple. For all I know the triple may be best. I am fairly new to this crop, other than growing it in the sixties and seventies, bro science, I've used triple, Peters, for decades in my nursery on all manner of plants and shrubs and trees. Satisfied.
I consistently get plants like this using 20/20/20 and have for a very long time, so I'm quite reluctant to change. :)

Plants are two weeks into flowering:


Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Typical incomplete nutrition snake oil based on marketing hype. https://www.botanicare.com/products/pure-blend-pro-bloom/

View attachment 18988311
Say whatever you want but it works great and many growers have produced top grade cannabis using Botanicare.

I'm not in a position where I need to worry about saving a few cents by using ag grade nutrients that result in b grade cannabis.

The op asked for a quality nutrient and I replied. Save your tin foil hat BS for the other site. I've seen your plants and that's not my goal. To each their own but don't criticize me for growing triple A bud.
