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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
i predict american bullshit being swallowed by americans, enthusiastically, with gratitude, proudly and fiercely defended.

and people ignoring the obvious freemasons because funny comedians tell them to.


Well-known member
You have no idea what self-avowed means, do you?

You can't even define socialism can you? Or define what makes Sanders a socialist other than posting "he's a self avowed socialist" and even that is wrong. He's a self described democratic socialist. Which can be further described as a welfare statist or a social democrat.

Democratic socialism ≠ authoritarian communism


Rubbing my glands together
You can't even define socialism can you? Or define what makes Sanders a socialist other than posting "he's a self avowed socialist" and even that is wrong. He's a self described democratic socialist. Which can be further described as a welfare statist or a social democrat.

Democratic socialism ≠ authoritarian communism

Quote from Bernie Sanders in the Washington Post=
"When he first won election to the House in 1990, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) embraced his political identity. "I am a socialist and everyone knows that," Sanders said, responding to an ad that tried to link him to the regime of Fidel Castro.

Another fro Bernie-
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Representative Spencer Bachus is one of the only people I know from Alabama. I bet I'm the only socialist he knows. I'm certainly the only one the congressman from Birmingham could name after darkly claiming that there are 17 socialists lurking in the House of Representatives.


Well-known member
Again lol posting something saying he is socialist does not prove he is. What proposed policies that he has said during this presidential campaign so far is socialist? Should be easy to prove since he's a "self avowed socialist".


Rubbing my glands together
Those 2 post are Bernie speaking about himself. His words. Those 2 post are him being quoted. Not someone else's words. Many,many more post of him identifying himself as a socialist. Not that hard to find. What is so hard for you to understand the man himself calls himself a socialist Cannavore? Just because you say he isn't no matter how many time you say it doesn't make it any less true.
You think he'd have anything to do with communist organizations?


Well-known member
So you can't explain how Bernie Sanders, THROUGH HIS ACTIONS, not words, is socialist?


There's his entire platform. What is specifically socialist about it? Saying he's a socialist because he says he's a socialist is not an explanation. Actions speak louder than words.


Rubbing my glands together
So you can't explain how Bernie Sanders, THROUGH HIS ACTIONS, not words, is socialist?


There's his entire platform. What is specifically socialist about it? Actions speak louder than words.

Honestly, you saying===Saying he's a socialist because he says he's a socialist is not an explanation===is about the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. If he weren't he wouldn't identify as one would he. Damn.
Don't you get it Resinryder? He isn't socialist enough for Cannavore. Kind of like ISIS killing Muslims that aren't Muslim enough. They eat their own.


Active member
Focus upon key words that describe your opponent's policies. Work hard to give those words a negative connotation to take away their usage from your opponent.

You can't even define socialism can you? Or define what makes Sanders a socialist other than posting "he's a self avowed socialist" and even that is wrong. He's a self described democratic socialist. Which can be further described as a welfare statist or a social democrat.

Democratic socialism ≠ authoritarian communism

True enough, but it's important to say that they are the same for the purposes of demonization. It's a straw man of sorts. They take issue with what they attribute rather than what's actually being said. It makes the argument emotional because Americans have always rejected Soviet style Communism.

So does Bernie even though Righties apparently need to pretend otherwise.

OTOH, I think we need to realize that freedom for the financial elite hasn't really translated well for middle America & for Mainstreet. It didn't start with Obama, either, but is rather something that's been happening for a long time. As that has advanced, it's clear that people at the top have enormous advantages in our free market system and that much of it has simply become predatory on the rest of us. It's become so abstract that it's hard to see, even for them I suspect.

If the rules of the Game stay the same, that will only intensify to become a truly catastrophic situation & the end of middle America as we know it.

That's largely because our business leaders won't take the responsibility that comes with the power. That's why they preach "personal responsibility" rather than shared responsibility- It's really easy to think that way when you're rich & powerful- "I"ll just take care of me & the rest of you can fend for yourselves in the world created by me & my peers." It's an easy sell, too, when they can get people thinking only of themselves, when they can exploit the mythos of rugged individualism & the fear of being poverty stricken, of being like "them".

I'm an old guy who's mostly been more lucky than good- I'll readily admit it. This country. My family. Being white, male & having a minor talent for machinery. Steady employment doing something useful.

I've had a nice little bubble, but I know it's a bubble. The world changed around me & somehow left me alone. Those changes from all the freedom w/o responsibility at the top have not been good for a lot of honest & decent people or for the country as a whole. When my hedge fund owns a company that owns a company it's easy for me to blow off the human beings who actually do the work that provides my profit from a business I've never even seen. If my gain means their loss, I'll do the right thing- for me.

Despite the wealth & power allowed me in this society, I'm only responsible for me, right?


Well-known member
Don't you get it Resinryder? He isn't socialist enough for Cannavore. Kind of like ISIS killing Muslims that aren't Muslim enough. They eat their own.

Or he's not a socialist. Which is my point. If he's such a socialist then it should be pretty easy to name some of his socialist platforms.

Is he for a planned economy? No
Is he anti capitalist? No
Is he against private ownership of business? No
Does he advocate that the state should have total control? No

So he's not a true/hard line socialist in the sense that most of you think. He is pro capitalism, just not in areas where perverse profit incentives exist and human lives are at stake (health care, education, social safety net, ect).

Being for a mixed economy (which is what this country used to be and what most other countries already are) does not make you a socialist or a communist lol.


Bernie is probably one of the last hopes for this country. With the success he's having at the grass roots, making Hillary and the rest of the democrats move away from the center and towards the left. You better be sure the oligarchy (or illuminati or new world order or whatever conspiracy angle you wanna throw on there) is paying attention and will have candidates to play off Sanders success in future elections. Shit he's even got some conservatives talking about money in politics.

You can have the government working for all people or you can have socialism for the rich and more defense spending while the middle class gets fucked in the ass repeatedly for another decade. Can't have it both ways.


Rubbing my glands together
I get it. I don't think Cannavore gets it. Don't get me wrong at all. I like Cannavore and from the reading of post of his in other threads he's a good guy. But I just don't get his argument at all.
For anyone that's interested, do some research on the Democratic Socialist of America.
There are some established ties to the communist party of the USA involved with it's founding. Google it and see for yourself.


Well-known member
take China, it still calls itself a communist country(last i heard)
but it sure as hell isn't the communist country of the 1970's
or frankly anything i'd call communist
mostly some elite's that call themselves communists and sold that to the serfs
for the moment


Active member
Bernie has already won far more than I would have ever expected. If he wins just one primary I will consider it a great victory. Which is actually a pretty dismal outlook compared to my expectations of, jeez, almost fifty years ago now.


Rubbing my glands together
Bernie has a loyal following and his base is sending in donations which help. I think his staff having a fit not wanting him to answer questions during the debate about the attacks in France hurt him a little. Could have been his moment to shine over Hillary had he jumped in with both feet.
Bernie might just die before the elections, or just POOF! Turns to dust. Then we can redistribute his ashes.

Or maybe Hilary will spin kick him like Ronda got kicked after endorsing Bernie. Redistribution of the title belt I guess.

Bernie socialist or extreme policies:
Wants extremely strict gun control. Infringing on the 2nd amendment. Do communist countries do this? http://truthinmedia.com/bernie-sand...-that-would-outlaw-all-self-defense-firearms/

He believes in “The Nordic Model”. Which means a strong welfare state, government sponsored health care and expanded benefits for low income people. (redistribution) This was made popular by Scandinavia, however they are running from these polices now as fast as they can.

Supports labor unions

He is a progressive, self proclaimed

He stated he wanted to tax everybody in America at 90%, yet hasn't made it his official platform yet.

some of his heroes is Karl Marx and George Orwell. Look into Orwell, and why that is important in this conversation. Marx speaks for himself.

He wrote in the 1970s that the country was close to experiencing a nuclear apocalypse or "death by poison gas." He claimed cervical cancer was caused by women not experiencing enough orgasms.

Sanders is opposed to economic growth if it increases economic inequality http://www.nytimes.com/politics/fir...tion-with-an-eye-on-the-hungry-children/?_r=1 In other words, he wants to bring America down to the rest of the world, instead of bringing the rest of the world up to America.

He said he wants a “revolution” to reverse what he calls a “massive transfer of wealth” over the last generation from the middle class to the rich. He wants the U.S. to restore the confiscatory 90 percent personal income tax rate for top earners from the 1950s.

He doesn't want to control private business? Then why does he want to change the names of teams like the Washington Redskins? George Orwell?

In an interview with The Washington Post in November 2006. “I wouldn’t deny it. Not for one second. I’m a democratic socialist. … In Norway, parents get a paid year to care for infants. Finland and Sweden have national health care, free college, affordable housing and a higher standard of living. … . Why shouldn’t that appeal to our disappearing middle class?”

In an interview with Democracy Now in November 2006: “In terms of socialism, I think there is a lot to be learned from Scandinavia and from some of the work, very good work that people have done in Europe. In countries like Finland, Norway, Denmark, poverty has almost been eliminated. All people have health care as a right of citizenship. College education is available to all people, regardless of income, virtually free. I have been very aggressive in trying to move to sustainable energy. They have a lot of political participation, high voter turnouts. I think there is a lot to be learned from countries that have created more egalitarian societies than has the United States of America.”

These are just a few. So when we are having a conversation about if he is a communist or socialist or democrat, remember his hero's, Karl Marx, George Orwell and his teammate George Soros. George Orwell really comes into play with Bernie. Control the conversation.

A good example of George Orwell's work would be with abortion. If abortion was called killing baby fetus, then I don't think it would be as popular. However, you call it a women's right to choose, now your onto something.:tiphat:
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