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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
Third donation went in today, you could say I feel the Bern. Sorry just had to brag.

Anyway, I really hope he can overtake Hillary because in a general I think he gets crossover votes all day. Few days ago the cover of the WSJ had an article about how since 2008 conservatives have been increasingly taking a more populist stance.


Rubbing my glands together
Third donation went in today, you could say I feel the Bern. Sorry just had to brag.

Anyway, I really hope he can overtake Hillary because in a general I think he gets crossover votes all day. Few days ago the cover of the WSJ had an article about how since 2008 conservatives have been increasingly taking a more populist stance.

You really believe republicans would cross over and vote for a socialist? Honestly most republicans feel about him like democrats feel about Trump.


Well-known member
You really believe republicans would cross over and vote for a socialist? Honestly most republicans feel about him like democrats feel about Trump.

you have a point there, the republican mainstream would be a hardsell i think
but independents, that could be the decider
and a closely contested election at best


Active member
I think thoughtful conservatives would, yes. People who strongly identify with the current republican party probably not.

The people that care to look at the big picture and past the divisive shit storm of politics will understand that it is better to put a <1% tax on speculative wall-st trades than to have our children saddled with 20+yrs of debt to get a college education. People that understand what it means to have the possibility, in the age of Citizens United, to elect a president who takes no money from corporations. When you get past the fact socialists are satan's spawn it just makes sense.


Rubbing my glands together
Thoughtful conservatives believe this-(i copied this but it sums it up and saved my fingers some typing_
Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.
Conservatives will never buy into a man or woman that wants to raise their taxes so that government can grow even bigger or identifies as a socialist. Just won't happen.

Edited to add-igrowone made a valid point about independents. But many of them are more and more against liberal beliefs and have tended to vote for republicans lately, as they did in the last election, and are also not big believers of government growing even bigger. They usually split the vote between the 2 parties


Active member
You would have the government continue to give our money to banks that then lend to students, with often unscrupulous contracts, rather than raise a fraction of a percent tax on wall-st speculative trades you are saying? Because that is conservative monetary policy how?


Rubbing my glands together
I'm not saying shit. You said conservatives would crossover. I merely pointed out that conservative beliefs contrast with liberal/socialist beliefs to the point that they would not crossover and vote for Sanders. His political ideas go against everything they believe in. The rest of whatever you want to assume about me and what I believe is on you.


"It's just a flesh wound"
Seriously guys? Bernie? Come on... You'll finish destroying your country with that guy after Obama, same if Hilary wins...

The only two options you have are either Carson or Trump...

Both will legalize minus the populism and empty headed crypto-communism Bernie is trying to sneak in a la Obama...

Bravo Sir, I for one don't want a 74 year old self-avowed socialist with zero international experience running my country even if I agree with him on decriminalizing cannabis. Don't vote for one-issue candidates people.


Well-known member
Bravo Sir, I for one don't want a 74 year old self-avowed socialist with zero international experience running my country even if I agree with him on decriminalizing cannabis. Don't vote for one-issue candidates people.

Well then its a good thing he isn't a one issue candidate or a socialist then.


Active member
Bravo Sir, I for one don't want a 74 year old self-avowed socialist with zero international experience running my country even if I agree with him on decriminalizing cannabis. Don't vote for one-issue candidates people.

Among recent Presidents, only GHWB had international experience. Not Obama, GWB, Clinton, Reagan or Carter.

If that really matters a Helluva lot, vote for Hillary, a former SOS.
Among recent Presidents, only GHWB had international experience. Not Obama, GWB, Clinton, Reagan or Carter.

If that really matters a Helluva lot, vote for Hillary, a former SOS.

All true, and how did that go for America? I think it went from bad to terrible.


Rubbing my glands together
Among recent Presidents, only GHWB had international experience. Not Obama, GWB, Clinton, Reagan or Carter.

Not true. Bill had international experience. He organized and participated in anti war protest while a student at Oxford in England. Lol
Smart man legally speaking tho. Just dumber than dirt when it come to keeping his dick in his shorts. Man like that in his position should have known to never leave a sticky trail of pearl necklace laced dna evidence on a fan girls dress


Active member
I think you make my point RR. You can speak of ideology all day long and it means nothing. Where the rubber meets the road is policy and that is different. People from any philosophical background can understand that.
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