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🪷Baba’s 2024 Garden🪷

Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Then once the flowers are loose, filled up each petal, squeezing hard with my hands to make them squish together so they can blend and ferment. Once they were filled to capacity I secured them with twine.


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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Finally, they are placed in a slow cooker that is filled with water. A plate is placed on top of the bag to keep it submerged in the water for even temperature control. The slow cooker is set to 105f and left to “cook” for 24hrs.


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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
After 24hrs the bag will be removed, checked for excess moisture, if there is some I will open the bag and let it dry for a day or so then it will be resealed and placed in a warm dark room for 2 weeks to ferment. If there is no excess moisture then the opening and drying step is skipped 🙏🏼


Active member
Thank you very much for the how to guide. Reminds me that i wanted to try it this harvest with some cob-cure.

I have nothing of the required stuff except the weed. 😁
Corn leafs would be easily available here but the farmers spray so much nasty stuff... Is there a way without the vacuum sealer? I fear digging a deep hole would do it.
My plants are drying for 4 days now, so maybe i can find a cheap way to get some of the required stuff tomorrow.

Nice idea with the banana-heart leafs. Beautyfull looking cops.

Have a nice day!

Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Thank you very much for the how to guide. Reminds me that i wanted to try it this harvest with some cob-cure.

I have nothing of the required stuff except the weed. 😁
Corn leafs would be easily available here but the farmers spray so much nasty stuff... Is there a way without the vacuum sealer? I fear digging a deep hole would do it.
My plants are drying for 4 days now, so maybe i can find a cheap way to get some of the required stuff tomorrow.

Nice idea with the banana-heart leafs. Beautyfull looking cops.

Have a nice day!
Unfortunately pesticides on corn is a real issue 😞 if you do not have access to a health food store or natural untreated corn husks then unbleached thick paper works as well as going naked (meaning no wrapper around the buds). I am going to experiment with some mullein leaf and homegrown tobacco Leaf soon. I feel that lots of different leaves will work as long as they are big enough to fit buds into.

I have yet to try this method without a vacuum sealer, the risk of mold will increase without the sealer but I have heard of some people having success wrapping herb tightly in corn husk or banana leaf and placing inside a compost pile (for consistent heat). 🙏🏼

Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Great, @Baba Karuna. Keep us posted how you continue.

This would be great material for a "How To" or a Sticky here on the forum. Maybe one of the mods/admins can arrange something like that if you agree?
I will post some updates soon 😎

I would be honored for this to be referenced as a how to. @Tangwena is the OG when it comes to this, I am just modifying his technique to fit my circumstances 🙏🏼

🪷Jai Guru🪷
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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Happy Guru Purnima! Saluting all teachers everywhere!

Very grateful for all the teachers who have taught and supported me. It is by their grace that I am where I am today 🙏🏼

In the spirit of this auspicious day, here is one of my favorite prayers taught to me by my teachers:

“May all beings everywhere
Plagued by sufferings of body and mind
Obtain an ocean of happiness and joy
By virtue of my merits.

May no living creature suffer,
Commit evil, or ever fall ill.

May no one be afraid or belittled,
With a mind weighed down by

May the blind see forms
And the deaf hear sounds,
May those whose bodies are worn with toil
Be restored on finding repose.

May the naked find clothing,
Th e hungry find food;
May the thirsty find water
And delicious drinks.

May the poor find wealth,
Those weak with sorrow find joy;
May the forlorn find hope,
Constant happiness, and prosperity.

May there be timely rains
And bountiful harvests;
May all medic ines be effective
And wholesome prayers bear fruit.

May all who are sick and ill
Quickly be freed from their ailments.

Whatever diseases there are in the
May they never occur again.

May the frightened cease to be afraid
And those bound be freed;
May the powerless find power,
And may people think of benefiting each

For as long as space remains,
For as long as sentient beings remain,
Until then may I too remain
To dispel the miseries of the world.”

- Shantideva (The Way of the Bodhisattva)

🪷Jai Guru Deva 🪷
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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
After about two days of drying the outer cob skin is much drier and the internal buds are still moist. The cobs are resealed and left in a warm and dark room for 2 weeks (around 80-85f). Following this fermentation time I will come back, open and check them for excess moisture 😊🙏🏼


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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Earliest Sinai 🇪🇬 expressions flowering heavier now. The harvest window for this variety runs late August through late October. Excited for the resin to start heavy production as the smells of this line are exquisite and quite unique. One of my all time favorite scents 😋

🪷Jai Maa🪷


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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Sinai 🇪🇬 x Waziri 🇵🇰

More plants are starting to flower quickly with multiple expressions showing pink stigmas 🥰


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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Jai Siya Ram🙏🏼

Cob update:

It’s been two weeks and the cobs are taken out of the warm darkness. The herb inside has changed from green to dark brown/black. So they will be moved to a much cooler room and left to mature for 3 months before opening the bag again. 🙏🏼

🪷Om Mani Padme🪷


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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Jai Sri Ram 🙌🏼

Just opened up some beautiful Peruvian cobs. Prior to fermentation these plants smelled fruity, spicy, hazy with a touch of astringency. Now fully fermented and cured for 8 months they reek of chocolate, cherries, and tobacco. 🥰

Chewed they impart a clean, energetic, blissful effect. Highly psychedelic for first few hours, then morphing into a focoused, fully centered experience. Such a beautiful expression and experience. 🙏🏼

🪷Jai Hanuman🪷


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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Mother’s Light: 🇵🇰 x 🇪🇬 x 🇮🇳 x 🇦🇫 x Nigeria 🇳🇬

Packing on the size and weight beautifully. I have greatly appreciated this variety for years and love that it is flowering so quickly while still carrying African genetics. The plants are more “manageable” and small especially compared to their Nigerian and Himalayan heritage 🙏🏼


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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Jai Siya Ram 🙌🏼

Some more Mothers Light 🇦🇫 🇵🇰 🇪🇬 🇮🇳 x Nigeria 🇳🇬

Resin is starting form and the scent reminds me of sugary nail polish 🤩

Flowers are looking beautiful and should be chunky 🙏🏼


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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Another expression of the Mothers light x Nigeria

This one is a bit slower but the structure and height is quite similar to the plant posted above. This one has slightly narrower leaves and lighter green foliage and has slightly more budding sites. 🙏🏼

My favorite aspect of this variety is the warming centered and meditative feeling it evokes 😊

🪷Jai Hanuman🪷


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