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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Sat X RB

are you bragging again, with that purple dope? bet it's purple cos of the cold where it's being grown and nothing at all to do with the variety or skill of the grower. poor bloody marijuana plants! you should get done for plant cruelty forcing them like you do, Noydie ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
true noydie ,
only the elite aussies can afford such luxuries..

was as always a pleasure to catch up with old friends,
havent laughed so much in a long time ,
and still having a chuckle with our bushie friend..
looking forward to the next encounter ..

to the rest of the crew ,
i can honestly say ive met the best folk from these forums,
you would have a lot of trouble finding a better group of people ,
feeling blessed having rejoined the forums and contact with the "real" people , hehehe ..

Donald Mallard

el duck
are you bragging again, with that purple dope? bet it's purple cos of the cold where it's being grown and nothing at all to do with the variety or skill of the grower. poor bloody marijuana plants! you should get done for plant cruelty forcing them like you do, Noydie ...

theres a few that will do it for u also satty,
if you like that look i can try and find something to suit ,
some folks like that colour ,
purple is one of my favourites ...







Fuck me Wally that's Purple. Reminds me of the Australian Purple from up north hey. Whole plant went Dark Purple. I have a baseball/mj collector card of it.

Sat X RB

I 'd like to second Wal's comments about the members here. I 've met some of you and corresponded privately with others and I think together we make up an Ethical and Kind group of people. but I 'm not saying all you need is love ... OK? Common sense is the thing! And in a funny quiet sort of a way bOOm is a steadying influence ... he obviously knows something about Integrity ...

now to Wal's purple dope ... and I heard also while I was away that Kangativa's time is almost completed and that interests me because he is rumoured to have seeds of 'Nimbin Purple' ... a type of hooter that doesn't mind rainy weather when it's heading ... and I 'd love to try that (and then I have the sudden thought: "... bugger! I 'm too old to try all the types I want to before I die! wot shall I do? give up my dreams or set up hydro so's I can grow all year?)

but Wal, I won't bother with any purple this season. mostly because I don't want to put shame on Noydie with the way I grow LARGE ... but also because I have very much else to do. so thanks anyway Man.

(J.V it's not like you said about someone trying to log into my account. ICMAG gave me the IP address of the attacker and it is quite different from mine.)

gotta go ... see yez All!


Active member
I was doing a clean up of the seed collection and came across 2 northern lights seeds.
They would be at least 15 years old.
With a little bit of tech they popped like they were last years stock.
Should be interesting to see if they live up to the memories.


Hey guys, just saw a post (I think by Sat) a page ago...after using the same password for icmag for ages, I decided to change it a little while ago.
Almost immediately I got an email to say my account was locked because of multiple incorrect login attempts (not me).
Some joker in France (might just be a red herring/routing thing) was trying to or had been logging into my account! :(

So, everyone...change your passwords!
I'm using "LastPass" which is working out pretty good so far, google it if you're interested in better security.

Dog Star

Active member
Hey guys, just saw a post (I think by Sat) a page ago...after using the same password for icmag for ages, I decided to change it a little while ago.
Almost immediately I got an email to say my account was locked because of multiple incorrect login attempts (not me).
Some joker in France (might just be a red herring/routing thing) was trying to or had been logging into my account! :(

So, everyone...change your passwords!
I'm using "LastPass" which is working out pretty good so far, google it if you're interested in better security.

Interesting info Saibai,

thanx bro :tiphat:

Sat X RB

Thanks Saibai!

re PASSWORD: I 'm using 10 characters (both letters and numbers) ... so far so good ... but will go to 16 characters, I think.
I also delete emails as soon as I think the addressee has read them ... so as to reduce the opportunity for a hacker to discover my business.

Sat X RB

I have 22 letters and numbers... and its a easy one to guess... LOL

Antidisestablishmentarianismists01 maybe? is that 22?

Frack! I can't count. I get to 5 at each attempt then forget what I 'm supposed to be doing ...

Dog Star

Active member
Antidisestablishmentarianismists01 maybe? is that 22?

Frack! I can't count. I get to 5 at each attempt then forget what I 'm supposed to be doing ...

I have now every morning problems as i put old password cause i forgot i have new one that is mouch bigger... :biggrin:
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