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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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hard rain

They did used to grow afghani or a broad leaf type in Mildura,
i scored a bunch of pot that was a brown/purple colour , very fat tight buds , moreso that usual ,
i noted a large bust in Mildura later , there were lots of short plants 3 -4 foot high , no branches , just one bud ,, a bit of a brown colour to the mature buds on the plants ... id not seen plants like that before.

Ive always wondered what it was , looked great and quite different to what we were used to seeing ...
I can still remember my first indica. i'd been growing for a number of years strickly sativas as that was all that was available. Then I found one seed in a block of what we were told was Lebanese blond hash. Light brown, fresh, and soft, totally different to the dark putty we normally got.

Anyway I successfully grew this 4 foot tall plant that had no branches but these big broad leaves. It was a great hash tasting smoke and something of a novelty in the early 80's scene, although you could get hash easily enough, I don't recall seeing any indica buds back then. Anyway this was grown in the Sydney region during a fairly dry summer.

Dog Star

Active member
Thanx Sat X RB on invitation... as a matter of fact Australia is one
country that i will love to see atleast once in life...

to meet their folks and nature,to feel adrenaline when i first time
spot Eastern Brown or some Sea Croc... to run away from Southern Cassuary and those wicked Koalas... ehhh.. ;)

Will love one day to meet Australia and all good people that i
found here in this thread... think we will have some good quality
smoke session and a lot of interesting talks together... i love to
laugh by the way a lot.. thats mine favorite soul medicine..

Regards Sat X RB


P.S. Yesterday i get drunk after 9 years of nondrinking,was found
some interesting company and drinked 10 Guiness beers one after
another... was drunk pretty well and this morning i feel like
mine head is a lot bigger now... now am 100% sure that was great
time i avoided any alchohol.. and will stop to drink again..

dont like that Moracho feel any more,but i love taste of Guiness beer,really tasty beer and it goes really easy so its no weird
i made mistake..

Come and visit us! you will be amazed! you will also probably laugh a lot!


Well-known member
That smoothness of a beer gets me everytime, awesome effort not to drink for that long mate! Cool you did it with some interesting company however. That's the only time I,ve drank in the last four years. With weirdos that turned out to be fucking great people. But the morning is always a reminder on why I stopped to, thud thud thud hahahahahaha. When you go to Aus, DS, I shall fly over and have a smoke with you and share some great laughing medicine to.

Dog Star

Active member
Very smooth beer,i agree... it goes too easy but later haved those bad feel from alchohol,
think i dont like alchohol compound at all and was already thru web checked for good
nonalchoholic beer...

but good nonalchoholic beers are rare cause they need to heat up normal beer so a alchohol
content evaporate... and hence that they all have very shitty taste compared to regular
alchoholic beer..

there is a new technique of evaporating alchohol with vacum,maybe those nonalchoholic beers will have a better taste..

Cant wait to try this kind as i love a taste of beer,specialy those with stronger tastes
and good amount of malt inside,but those alchohol i sees as really not necessary for
me,nusproduct of yiest-sugar reaction that i really dont like any more...


Active member
we sure do get it easy and its no wonder that everyone wants to come here ..
we eat well , just ask microroy and noydy ...lol..mostly we all have warm beds and a roof , a job if you want it , oh and beer , great beer !
but best of all , and thats why i'm theorising i guess , i can go to the beach at 5.30 in the morning in my 4 wheel drive , cook bacon and eggs on the beach and coffee , good coffee , roll a joint and get totally shit faced , have a swim naked and the only thing i risk , well here anyway , is if i breakdown i'll die of loneliness before anyone comes along ..:biggrin:
life is good and i hope it just keeps on getting gooderer ...
end of story !


nice size if your into nice sizes.

hard rain

IN my teens I used to live on a property where we were on tank water. I used to sneak outside on summer evenings after dinner and smoke a strong sativa joint next to the tank. Anyway Im sitting there half way through a joint and hear leaves rustling really loudly and this funnel web spider is coming straight for me. Fark! Needless to say that spider is no longer.

Also remember my mum calmly squashing a funnel web while wearing sandles. Anyone who knows them knows they are aggressive. They rear up at the slightest provocation. Nice specimen you got there Noydie.

Donald Mallard

el duck
So i hear China purchased the port of Darwin for a cool $506 mil ,,
what the fuck is wrong with a country that sells there assets to foreigners ,,
bunch of fools ,, go and try buying a port in china and see what % of ownership they give you ,, but here we dont care .. grrrrrr ,,
its very plain the interests of the people are not represented by our government ,, perhaps its time we made our own ..


Active member
and not forgetting our prime farmland don and our abattoirs and our minerals etc etc ... one saving grace though is that they can't take it with them !
afraid its the way of the future and while ever money is the driving force within the world it will continue ...nothing that we can do , its like pulling into the servo and filling up the tank .. don't even look at the price , just fill it ..
same with the china syndrome , until we all unite and say NO , nothing will ever change .:mad:
hope that makes sense , ripped off me tit ...lol.

Dog Star

Active member
This world is one big game... deciving on every corner...

ye they pumped before prices of gasoline but now when oil is now cheap,they still didnt cut down too much this same prices of gasoline... and then they claim oil is restricted to
some specific reserves as before price was run to the sky normaly cause of this reason....

World is full of scams,little and big ones... more and more i belive in that Russian
theory that oil is produced all the time inside carbon layers and cant be totaly depleted ever...,still they learn kids in school old theory..



we sure do get it easy and its no wonder that everyone wants to come here ..
we eat well , just ask microroy and noydy ...lol..mostly we all have warm beds and a roof , a job if you want it , oh and beer , great beer !
but best of all , and thats why i'm theorising i guess , i can go to the beach at 5.30 in the morning in my 4 wheel drive , cook bacon and eggs on the beach and coffee , good coffee , roll a joint and get totally shit faced , have a swim naked and the only thing i risk , well here anyway , is if i breakdown i'll die of loneliness before anyone comes along ..:biggrin:
life is good and i hope it just keeps on getting gooderer ...
end of story !

So your the naked ghost they've spotted lately? :):biggrin:

So i hear China purchased the port of Darwin for a cool $506 mil ,,
what the fuck is wrong with a country that sells there assets to foreigners ,,
bunch of fools ,, go and try buying a port in china and see what % of ownership they give you ,, but here we dont care .. grrrrrr ,,
its very plain the interests of the people are not represented by our government ,, perhaps its time we made our own ..

Yeah that makes me mad.

Donald Mallard

el duck
well at least cannabis is never ending ,
that shit grows on trees ,,
thank goodness for that ...

otherwise , yes the world totally sux at the moment ,
getting greedier by the day ,
but the same folk that were without food yesterday ,
are likely without it again today ...

only sense i get from the world thesedays ,
is hanging out with my friends here ,
and the ones i have in real life that enjoy the same as us ..

Bud Green

I dig dirt
We have black widow spiders here, they usually have a red hourglass on their back. You gotta be careful when you turn over rocks, in the woods around my house...
Tunnel spiders everywhere, I hate 'em...They build their tunnel webs under my porch every year...They bite bad...
The most aggressive spider we have here is called a wolf spider. They get about 3 1/2 inches long and will jump on your face if you get too close...

But my favorite spider here is a tarantula. Most people of scared of them because of their large size and mean look, but they are really very passive. We have lots of them here, but you don't usually see them except in the Autumn (October), when they come out and travel around to mate...On the rural, gravel (metal) roads where I live, you can see dozens of them crossing the roads in October....

Here's a pic of a small one getting ready to walk across Mrs. G.'s foot on a sealed road about a mile from our house...


  • tarantula.jpg
    179.2 KB · Views: 12

Sat X RB

old fart ... old story ... there was a singer in the US named Steve Forbert ... he had this song called "Mayday in Arcadia". it was about things like selling Darwin's harbour, the fake price of oil ... blah, blah ...

so I agree with him, despite our affluence ... or rather because of it ... here in Arcadia it is Mayday.

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

Sat X RB

We have black widow spiders here, they usually have a red hourglass on their back. You gotta be careful when you turn over rocks, in the woods around my house....

good morning Mr Green ... much pleasantness from me to you and the Missus across the great water ...

when I lived in Western Australia many moons ago there was no sewerage. we poor peasants had thunder boxes at the end of the back yard. these dry dunnies were serviced by the ... "night cart" ... a council truck which used to take away the full shit cans and replace them with a nice sanitised one that smelled of coal tar.

Anyway ... this thunder box down the back yard was a great place to see 'redback spiders'. (yeah we were pretty sophisticated in those backwards days ... knew all the scientific names for arachnids.)

the especially funny thing about these spiders was that people would get bitten on the arse when they went to do their business! yee har!


old fart ... old story ... there was a singer in the US named Steve Forbert ... he had this song called "Mayday in Arcadia". it was about things like selling Darwin's harbour, the fake price of oil ... blah, blah ...

so I agree with him, despite our affluence ... or rather because of it ... here in Arcadia it is Mayday.

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
our luck mate, nobodys coming.


good morning Mr Green ... much pleasantness from me to you and the Missus across the great water ...

when I lived in Western Australia many moons ago there was no sewerage. we poor peasants had thunder boxes at the end of the back yard. these dry dunnies were serviced by the ... "night cart" ... a council truck which used to take away the full shit cans and replace them with a nice sanitised one that smelled of coal tar.

Anyway ... this thunder box down the back yard was a great place to see 'redback spiders'. (yeah we were pretty sophisticated in those backwards days ... knew all the scientific names for arachnids.)

the especially funny thing about these spiders was that people would get bitten on the arse when they went to do their business! yee har!
:biggrin: can still remember as a kid mum came in laughing loudly I heard her say to the old man I was on the tin an the night man lifted the flap up and took and replaced the shit tin in one foul swoop. remember the old bottle''o'' horse n cart, the baker horse ,n cart, we used to flog the bread, lucky to get a feed them days lol. got more belts than feeds. yahoooo. gotta say the cartmen were pretty tough bastards, I mean having a hard hit is bad enough but to cart it around on yer shoulders ahhhh they had a leather patch over there shoulder, shitstains n runs all over, probably on top wages:biggrin:better go n hit the porcalane.
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