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Are WE Slaves or not?



I am a slave to my posessions, and if you think about it many of you probably feel the same.
However, most people will think you are insensitive if you say this because of our nation's history of slavery.
I made the mistake of telling a black co-worker that I feel like we're all slaves and by the look in his face if we weren't cool he probably would have flipped shit.


What were we talking about?
♪ ♫ "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key" ♫ ♪

~ Eagles


wow this one is deep.

the theory that anyone being forced to work a percentage of his life for another is technically not a free man is very compelling. so if gov can take away a third or half of everything you earn with your abilities, they in fact own a third or half of your working life. the anti income tax people say that it was never meant to apply to private citizens and the fruits of their labor, but instead was meant to apply to corporations and companies that made their profits with the help of the infrastructure, inter state commerce, gov contracts and gov employees. but not to your average joe working for a salary. at least that's what i remember reading way back on this.


Active member
honey badger don't care...

far from being free, still one mean son-of-a-bitch.

payback brothers and sisters.

we owe them payback.

way before youtube, i heard those fuckers were called that because they went straight for the groin when they attack :D


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Ain't nothin' gonna to break my stride
Nobody's gonna slow me down, oh-no
I got to keep on movin'
Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride
I'm running and I won't touch ground
Oh-no, I got to keep on movin'


Active member
i aint a slave but i aint free. got to pay the man one way or another. but long as i aint caged or cuffed i can deal with it.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
The Egyptians, who aparently invented some technology so amazing that they were able to stack rocks with it.. Lol, still laughing about that. WOw, I mean those are big rock piles and everything.

Well those black ass Egyptians, with their black Christ and their amazing(seeriruslee) culture had slaves a long time ago, and they were white Hebrews later became Jews....

That shit is till being resolved/ damn boyee


Active member
dude i built the pyramids . they didnt have lego when i was a kid .took me 4 hours. slave , no, heavilly taxed yes. free no,nuthing free in america


Active member
are they still a slave if ya pay em good? LOL i got a spare closet an like asians.

ok, aside from the fact that we have a government that uses violence to force its ways on us (and whether or not its Us actually doing the forcing (being a democrazy or not..))

lets say, you have a business and you pay your employees fair share of the profit (without the employees you wouldnt be making shit, so hey.)

thats not slavery.

when a corporation is paying about 2% of the total income to its employees, (which is rather usual.)

That i would consider slavery.

when you create much more wealth than you are getting, that is slavery in my book.


no but the employee employer relationship is based on mutual consent, it does not compare in any way to gov income tax. everything you agree to with another party is freedom. it's when one side has all the cards, ie right to use force against you to make you comply to things you have no wish to comply with, thats what makes it akin to slavery. basically we have arrived at the situation that the US was set up to save it's people from.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Yes. My government has made me a debt serf. I work so they can steal and piss away my money on wars that make their buddies rich.


Active member
no but the employee employer relationship is based on mutual consent, it does not compare in any way to gov income tax. everything you agree to with another party is freedom. it's when one side has all the cards, ie right to use force against you to make you comply to things you have no wish to comply with, thats what makes it akin to slavery. basically we have arrived at the situation that the US was set up to save it's people from.

good point and i agree.

but not having the choice of anything but these minimum wage jobs where they basically skin you, is akin to slavery too. (not everyone can start a business nor can get a degree.)

also the mentality of the work market.

you sign up for basically giving your life to the job,have to ask permission almost to go to the bathroom..

but that is a part of a much bigger problem, our competing over everything (basically still in the jungle really..)

rushing and stressing, making the job more important than life (basically , making someone else rich, more important than your own life or be fired.)

well, and so on, would probaby take a long article to explain more.


Well-known member
not everyone can start a business

yeah, and this is a tragedy because there is so fucking much opportunity all around. but it is definitely tough as nails. i started a web-based ecommerce website in 2001 and it was fucking tough - at one point i was dealing with six different vendors to get it up and running.

it doesn't need to be this hard. it could be automated, in fact. but i'm not talking about those puny yahoo free website setups -- way too simple for my situation. but i do computers so i perservered -- a little better every year in a stinko economy (thanks, George, you fucker).

basically still in the jungle really..

truer words were never spoken. so many times i felt like i'm picking up my spear and hitting the trail ... looking for game and watching for predators.


Active member
The monetary system is used to enslave us. Taxes are used to enslave us. Working hard at a job for fiat paper money ($) controlled by a private central bank is modern day slavery. I agree with poopyteabags, we have been enslaved a long time. The new slavery is high-tech and scientific. These sociopaths seek to control every facet of our day to day lives. We are cattle on the ranch, sheep on the farm in their eyes. They want society to be dependent on them, a global nanny state. They control the concept of money. They engineered a controlled economy with free trade and the rigging of stock markets. They control the food with their GMO seed and petroleum based agriculture. They own and control the media. They control your perception of reality by dictating the norms of society through television, magazines and newspapers. They control the energy industry. They control the education system, science, technology and the medical field. They own and control the pharmaceutical industry. They own the military industrial complex. They own our government. And they own us.

Who are "they"?


Who are "they"?

they are the 1% or the financial elite, they are the ones who made money on all the bubbles as well as on crashes and the bail outs, they are the ones that profit from the military industrial complex that is fed by tax money, they are the owners of big pharma, big Agra, big oil and the banks.

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