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Are WE Slaves or not?


...However, most people will think you are insensitive if you say this because of our nation's history of slavery.
I made the mistake of telling a black co-worker that I feel like we're all slaves and by the look in his face if we weren't cool he probably would have flipped shit.

Oh wow. Last year me and a black co-worker of mine were talking about the OWS protests and he outright stated that what's going on right now is modern slavery.

Some people just have to knee-jerk like that. It's a shame, as racism would be left in the dust if people didn't.

Anyway, I agree with the OP btw (and my co-worker), we're all slaves. Yeah, it could be worse. But that's no reason to not make things better. Only problem is, I fear that by now we're at the point where there is absolutely nothing we can do, short of full blown (and bloody) revolution, to change things. And if that ever happened the outcome would be a matter of how many of our dear troops would kill civilians of their own country. My guess is few, but you never know.

Edit: And so it's up for those in charge to strike a balance between freedom and slavery and keep our minds occupied elsewhere with things like the next iphone as well as putting food on the table. Unfortunately I think they achieved this. They push a little and we give a little. They push again and we give. Some fight back, but they're just hippies aren't they?


Active member
Yes. They = International bankers.

The international banks own all western governments. Have for 100 years. They are the oligarchs and we are their debt slaves.

Thanks for the definition, might be confusing when people are talking in tongues about them, and they.