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Are American and Canadian growers biased against Dutch breeders and seedbanks?


Active member
Hi Tom

I miss Kopite and Hyb too, they knew their stuff.

Docleaf spouts mostly drivel, gets away with it cos he gives out a few free seeds, but he's driven away a load of people who know more about our beloved plant than he ever will and that is enough for me to despise the guy. Hell, I hardly post anymore because I'm so sick of the way Doc treats anyone who points out that he's just spewing drivel.


ICMag Donor
kopite backed me up with my crazynes,,,,remember what i was like a year ago tom?:)

i never met Hyb,,,,,,,,im gutted ,,,,i know me an him would have got on like a house on fire,,,,,

i miss ExE,,,even tho he was agressive i would happily hanndle his harshness just to get inspration

an i wish CharlesX was arround more too

sh1t man,,,

Tom Hill

Well-known member
Hyb, nvisionary, ExE, Hahhh, etc, etc, etc, you've met him Rick, though he rarely has time to warm-up. And although we don't always see eye to eye, he still is my favorite online author of all time :D The baby shaker, the rasta impasta's worst nightmare. He's got mad canna-judo, and doesn't spew constant kakka drivel on a daily. He sure as hell knows more than anybody else in this thread - myself included. -T


Active member
Kakka, as in the stuff that comes out of the rear end of most people or the mouth of docleaf.

Oh, wait a minute, my bad, he plays up front for Real Madrid!

Sadly all I can recall of ExE was back in the old ***** days and that site is sadly gone. He was the first to sell the chemicals to make your own STS, you could buy them through Heaven's Stairway. He used to get into some huge arguments with Fet about the ABC/Dizzy/Mongy or whatever, that Aussie mutant line. Fet disappeared before ***** and hasn't been heard from since.

PS, I think I love Tom Hill, I've been pointing out Doc's drivel for years, finally someone with real clout comes along and agrees with me!

Tom Hill

Well-known member
jibe back at me with the F-U you got on a new line,,pls do ,, we'll love it!
..... Oh deary me and my oh my, are you sure you won't "shurk" me or "shuck" me, or whatever it was that you, oops, sorry, you and you, or we and we, did to the last fellow? Lol, whatta chump. I see now why Kopite was so pissed about your mentor handle.


"...are American Scientist`s the best in the world,,,,,?"

Yes. Not because American Scientists are individually more sophisticated, but the US gov't has traditionally, after WW2, spent more money and patronized scientific research to a larger extent than other equally as wealthy nations. This has given our businesses an international edge, created a high paying job market for well educated scientists and then a (higher) education system that supports this cycle. In fact, I have several friends that have their Doctorates from German universities that are relocating here for Job ops. Doc Leaf is NOT one of them lol.

So we have done some things right. However, imo, it's the top 10% rule for the US. The top 10% in America, can be the best in the world, bar none.

If that sounds Elitist, it fucken is...So deal with it bitches lol

But you've drawn me in and I'm responding again...Bring it! LOL

By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.


Active member
..... Oh deary me and my oh my, are you sure you won't "shurk" me or "shuck" me, or whatever it was that you, oops, sorry, you and you, or we and we, did to the last fellow? Lol, whatta chump. I see now why Kopite was so pissed about your mentor handle.

I'm loving every minute of this! Not only is Tom skilled with ganja, he is skilled at putting idiots in their rightful place!



Hyb, nvisionary, ExE, Hahhh, etc, etc, etc, you've met him Rick, though he rarely has time to warm-up. And although we don't always see eye to eye, he still is my favorite online author of all time :D The baby shaker, the rasta impasta's worst nightmare. He's got mad canna-judo, and doesn't spew constant kakka drivel on a daily. He sure as hell knows more than anybody else in this thread - myself included. -T

I like the guy will admit me and him openly did not agree on things but did not mean i did not respect him or his opinions or vues i chated to him a bit at a different site i like the guy regardless is ow vues are different its the fact we both love the same plant that brings us together same interests.

I am not going to name any one but for years i have heard people rubbish commercial breeders yet the same people use strains that were from Europe from breeders that were Australian American European that set up camp in the dam and created modern lines and sold them to people all over the world to breed there own work well hello what have they done they have created a Polly hybrid from the poorly selected shity genetics from the European crappy genetics they rubbish every chance there given its an oxymoron.

Most are using strains honed and created in Holland to advance their own work, then telling everyone how bad the dutch seed is. Century old tactics of rubbishing the competition you stole from to begin with.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
What exactly are you the best at?? Do tell??

What exactly are you the best at?? Do tell??

"...are American Scientist`s the best in the world,,,,,?"

Yes. Not because American Scientists are individually more sophisticated, but the US gov't has traditionally, after WW2, spent more money and patronized scientific research to a larger extent than other equally as wealthy nation. This has given our businesses an international edge, created a high paying job market for well educated scientists and then a (higher) education system that supports this cycle. In fact, I have several friends that have their Doctorates from German universities that are relocating here for Job ops. Doc Leaf is NOT one of them lol.

So we have done some things right. However, imo, it's the top 10% rule for the US. The top 10% in America, can be the best in the world, bar none.

If that sounds Elitist, it fucken is...So deal with it bitches lol

But you've drawn me in and I'm responding again...Bring it! LOL

By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.

Bro WTF are you talking about LOL best at what exactly do you want to break it down for us?? The American do spend more on RD then anyone else in the world that doesn't make them the best by any means LOL LOL .. So break it down for us stupid hicks here You American scientists are the best in the WORLD at what exactly??? We are all wondering as we sit here on the net... PEACE Headband707:dance013:


See there's the "Us", "We" ...Are you sure you're not Doc in disguise, you f*ckin MOMO?


Kakka, as in the stuff that comes out of the rear end of most people or the mouth of docleaf.

Oh, wait a minute, my bad, he plays up front for Real Madrid!

Sadly all I can recall of ExE was back in the old ***** days and that site is sadly gone. He was the first to sell the chemicals to make your own STS, you could buy them through Heaven's Stairway. He used to get into some huge arguments with Fet about the ABC/Dizzy/Mongy or whatever, that Aussie mutant line. Fet disappeared before ***** and hasn't been heard from since.

PS, I think I love Tom Hill, I've been pointing out Doc's drivel for years, finally someone with real clout comes along and agrees with me!

Fets dizzy was different to the Aussie ABC mutant mj plant line the ABC had no affect if you smoked it fets got you high and in fact fet was doing a lot of work with it in hybrids i saw many pictures of that all looked amazing.

I liked fet rez and others had well personality differences lol life ha were not all going to get on fet in fact told me how dizzy came about it was a mutant plane and simple and when used with other lines it created od looking mj strains.

Ex and fet had history.

Tom Hill

Well-known member
Hempy you know damn well that you and I don't see eye to eye on many things. But, man, I think we can live with that - being that neither you or I are a "mentor" it's a little more plausible that we might both be full of shit - especially you, tehee. Here are a couple things you may want to come to grips with though. 1) Nev swapped that Haze out for a lil Aussie genes at some point and yet you say if it ain't Haze bros it ain't Haze - the Euros are FAMOUS for falsifying peds, whether it be the cannabis scene or the KNVP - it's WELL known bro, undeniable. 2) You, like this other schmuck, wanna pound on female selections as unnatural, yet I just saw the guy you're all up in with getting a semi for a new doubled haploid tech?, lol. Anyways, when it all shakes out and the truth be told I dig you Hempy, as much as I disagree, you got salt mate. -T


Active member
Like I said earlier, in the modern era, until 1998, Holland was the only place anyone was doing much breeding work on a large scale. It's the shoddy work done since 98 that has ruined things. Before that, in the years 78-98, more important work was done in Holland than anywhere else, without what was done in Holland, we wouldn't have half of the strains we have today.

Anyways, what are the actual Dutch strains? How do we define 'Dutch' - bred in Holland by a Dutch person? Very few strains around that fit that category, either because they were originally developed elsewhere or the breeder's weren't Dutch. Off the top of my head, Holland's Hope, Amstel Gold, Primo Hollanditis, Victor Baarn, those are all Dutch.

Saying Holland is the source of mediocre genes is like saying Cali is the source of Kush, neither is true beyond the most superficial level.


Active member
Fets dizzy was different to the Aussie ABC mutant mj plant line the ABC had no affect if you smoked it fets got you high and in fact fet was doing a lot of work with it in hybrids i saw many pictures of that all looked amazing.

I liked fet rez and others had well personality differences lol life ha were not all going to get on fet in fact told me how dizzy came about it was a mutant plane and simple and when used with other lines it created od looking mj strains.

Ex and fet had history.

Fet was the only one who ever saw of handled this 'Dizzy' and he never released a single seed so we have no idea if it ever existed or whether he was simply telling porkies to hype up seeds sales.

ABC did get you high, but it was low potency, it was collected by one of Emery's guys while in Australia, it was Cannabis World that christened it 'ABC' and they gave seeds to Exe who worked with it. Fet was furious that someone with real breeding skills had hold of the genes. Few years ago a guy called 'Mongyman' appeared online and he had a very convincing story of obtaining 'Mongy' from an old couple and had many pics of it, he claimed to be the one who gave the 'ABC' seed to Emery and in the area it came from it had always been called 'Mongy'.

Fet ordered some chemicals to make STS from Heaven's Stairway and was pissed off to discover that HS just passed his details on to the guy who supplied the chemicals - ExE. Fet went on a big tirade about how this guy had gotten his personal details and he had to shut down etc. I pointed out that he was an idiot for ordering anything to the same address his grow was at. We're better off without Fet imho, guy was an arsehole.

Hempy you know damn well that you and I don't see eye to eye on many things. But, man, I think we can live with that - being that neither you or I are a "mentor" it's a little more plausible that we might both be full of shit - especially you, tehee. Here are a few things you may want to come to grips with though. 1) Nev swapped that Haze out for a lil Aussie genes at some point and yet you say if it ain't Haze bros it ain't Haze - the Euros are FAMOUS for falsifying peds, whether it be the cannabis scene or the KNVP - it's WELL known bro, undeniable. 2) You, like this other schmuck, wanna pound on female selections as unnatural, yet I just saw the guy you're all up in with getting a semi for a new doubled haploid tech?, lol. Anyways, when it all shakes out and the truth be told I dig you Hempy, as much as I disagree, you got salt mate. -T

Finally, someone else who will openly say online that Neville's 'Haze direct from 1969' was just something from Australia, probably Mullumbimby Madness, not saying it isn't/wasn't good, but it's not Haze, it's a Thai/Colombian hybrid of some sort. Zamalito was sure Nev's Haze wasn't Haze years ago, but where could one find real Haze to compare?


ICMag Donor

Not just this thread here, either, it's all drivel. I sure do miss Kopite, and Hyb. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel here folks....

am i any good tom,,,ive made lads of progress over the last year

ive read 2 of the major books on haploids too,,,when you gona sortme out with another kick in the ass bro?,,,i know your cookin somthin up with this haploid thing,,,im ready with my big thick books whenever your ready to let the cat outa the bag,,,please dont make me guess


Active member
Jeez rick, a year ago I was explaining stuff to you, now you have to explain things to me, I'd call that progress! In fact, you've made me realise I don't know half of what I should, but to be honest, I've lost the enthusiasm needed to pick the books up and learn, you remind me a lot of me when I was your age - when I still had the motivation and enthusiasm to learn.

I haven't got any idea what a haploid is!