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Are American and Canadian growers biased against Dutch breeders and seedbanks?


Seed banks in general becoming too competitive. They have to try and out do each other with new crosses and fancy names. Most have lost control of their quality control because they cant produce a dozen different verities in house and farm their work out. They supposedly test grow the contracted seeds but to what extent and do you send back $10000 worth of seeds to the contractor.
You just don't know what you are getting anymore. Buy 10 packs of seeds and grow them out to find the one plant you were looking for? 100 plants from the same seed source and some are indica some are sativa and the rest are bastards. With different aromas, taste and highs. I have to keep my plants labeled through the whole cure process so the bud in each bag smells and taste the same.
If the seed companies cant control the quality of their products they will perish in the expanding clone market as more states and countries go medical cannabis or legalize.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I am not an idiot, even if the line I have is contaminated as some (you for example) claim -and I wouldn't know because they are so full of shit over there- there is just no way that I would never see recombination gens throwing out something similar to Nev's version if they were even remotely related.

I was also curious about this post. Are you saying your own (Sams via Posi) version of haze is contaminated because we europeans "are all so full of shit"?

maybe I'm misreading this and what you're really saying is "thanks for the haze, Wernard because without it....well..y'kno";)
1. They are all ignorant to the mechanisms of inheritance. Nobody really knows any more than the next practicing seed maker. Seed making for a little internet money appeals to people with no other viable means of making a living. So unstable seeds come from all of these areas.

2. None of them can freely grow out the required individuals. Most of them think you take 2 plants and get a seedline in one or even 10 generations. Modern consumers are just happy to have seeds that turn into cannabis. Small scale seed making comes from all areas equally. Seedline improvements and 'strains' do not exist.

3. Old genetics(from the 70s) had more hybrid vigor and more potential for improvement. This is being lost by over hybridization with small populations by complete idiots who have entirely wrong ideas about how to get real genetic gain from polygenic traits.

They are ALL hacks, no matter how nice they are, how many times a day they post on the internet about breeding, how many scientists or degreed people they know, how they acquired their genetics, how important their friends think they are, or how many seeds they have sold to newbs.



Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
1. They are all ignorant to the mechanisms of inheritance. Nobody really knows any more than the next practicing seed maker. Seed making for a little internet money appeals to people with no other viable means of making a living. So unstable seeds come from all of these areas.

2. None of them can freely grow out the required individuals. Most of them think you take 2 plants and get a seedline in one or even 10 generations. Modern consumers are just happy to have seeds that turn into cannabis. Small scale seed making comes from all areas equally. Seedline improvements and 'strains' do not exist.

3. Old genetics(from the 70s) had more hybrid vigor and more potential for improvement. This is being lost by over hybridization with small populations by complete idiots who have entirely wrong ideas about how to get real genetic gain from polygenic traits.

They are ALL hacks, no matter how nice they are, how many times a day they post on the internet about breeding, how many scientists or degreed people they know, how they acquired their genetics, how important their friends think they are, or how many seeds they have sold to newbs.


Good first post i agree to a certain extent...:biggrin:


we Americans most all originate from Europe.,,,,well that is not so true these days but.. No need for bad feelings towards other countries.
I think Canada and Holland has good reps for their seed development. If I were a grower I prolly would buy Gypsy Nirvana though and do recommend this site and his genetics often.
good weed is good weed is good weed! Kind of like love, everybody has their own tastes in weed genetics. But really lets don't be negative to our European neighbors!


ICMag Donor
el did you read Alard?

feminization is the quickest wy for rapid sucsession of novel and supirior genotypes,,,


is that not the highnote we should be singing for?


ICMag Donor
But really lets don't be negative to our European neighbors!

Yeah that,, one love back~!

Breeders are breeders,, they all work the same plant from the same earth... regardless of any tribalism, cast, colour, creed things... that's long.

Personally, we think that out in Eastern Europe,, Chez Rep.s, Polski, Romanian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Slovenian, and Russian growers will soon contribute more and more genetics to the underground scene ,, many of which will later become established as mainstream breeders of seeds. Just now it's really happening for them out there and we totally support this :yes:

Just as Italian breeders debate the virtues of commercialism over free-trade at their cannabis cups,, so will those countries out there with a strong passion and following for ganja. So dont be suprised if a whole load of fresh breeders arrive on the scene soon from places we have never heard of ,, cause soon enough they'll start really overgrowing it IMO :canabis:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah that,, one love back~!

Breeders are breeders,, they all work the same plant from the same earth... regardless of any tribalism, cast, colour, creed things... that's long.

Personally, we think that out in Eastern Europe,, Chez Rep.s, Polski, Romanian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Slovenian, and Russian growers will soon contribute more and more genetics to the underground scene ,, many of which will later become established as mainstream breeders of seeds. Just now it's really happening for them out there and we totally support this :yes:

Just as Italian breeders debate the virtues of commercialism over free-trade at their cannabis cups,, so will those countries out there with a strong passion and following for ganja. So dont be suprised if a whole load of fresh breeders arrive on the scene soon from places we have never heard of ,, cause soon enough they'll start really overgrowing it IMO :canabis:
Well thats very interesting you don't hear that type of shit over here it's a whole different scene . The best cuts are all held by the underground of course and they have been real pigs about that LOL LOL LOL..More you try to hold a cut the more it wants out lol peace out Headband707:dance013:


ICMag Donor
el did you read Alard?

feminization is the quickest wy for rapid sucsession of novel and supirior genotypes,,,


is that not the highnote we should be singing for?

Hi Rick :wave:

Many (not all) of the best growers we ever met were dyslexic and would struggle to read the long words in HT, let alone Alard. These growers do however like working with feminized seeds because it simplifies things we guess.

However many growers/breeders (especially in dem hills),, cant even read,, and learnt their skill hand to mouth,,, plant pot to rizla,, seed to seed harvest year after year. These growers couldn't continue to make seed stocks from feminized seeds,, (because feminized seeds dont have any male plants in them).

Real breeders (just like cats and dogs) are those that maintain male plants and female plants in proportion to maintain their genetic line of stock,, for that season, or indefinitely.

Preserving seed lines and making energetic hybrids (fem.s) are to different things completely. Same old debate...

Be well :D


ICMag Donor
hay doc,,,good to see you man:),,,

im a big believer in many homzygous line,,,,,i just think its very hard to preserve some aspects of our herb without them,,

i honestly believe,,,,,,,,,,,,,in time this golden age will all fade away without extencive forward thinkin,,,,,,i believe feminization is a large part of this understaning


Active member
You are a mental midget and way out of your depth run along before you really piss me off and i go to town on you exposing you for who your really are.

I mite just ignore you like the rest of ICMAG.

Mental Midget? How did you work that one out? That's a bit rich coming from you!

Expose who I really am? nothing to expose, and you don't know me so you're pissin in the wind.

Mite? You got mites? Learn to spell and speak proper English you twat.


ICMag Donor
its not about money,,,,,,its about preserving supirior and novel genotypes,,,,,its about genefrequencys and presevation,,,,

finding out ways to efficently perserve supirior and novel genotypes is just good breeding skill ,,imo

good breeding is all about being able to judge system relyability and system cost


its not about money,,,,,,its about preserving supirior and novel genotypes,,,,,its about genefrequencys and presevation,,,,

Actually that is the same as cloning.It is indeed a good method to preserve a genotype when it is a very special one, but to preserve a whole genetic line of a variety with all the genes involved which is not done by most seedbanks you need a larger area and males.:tiphat:

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



ICMag Donor
:)@Raco and El....:):)

i feel i can state my case and still remain calm,,,i could change my mind at any time:)


Active member
Look, hempy has been trolling me for 6 years so I don't have any time for him at all, this is old ground, been over it many times. The things he's called me over the years, the things he's said, just a total scumbag lowlife in my book.
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