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Are American and Canadian growers biased against Dutch breeders and seedbanks?


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Does Neville´s Haze turn purple?? :chin:
pics much apprecciated ...thx in advance :D


Look, hempy has been trolling me for 6 years so I don't have any time for him at all, this is old ground, been over it many times. The things he's called me over the years, the things he's said, just a total scumbag lowlife in my book.

You remind me of the types that cause fights from being an ass then after you have your ass beaten go crying and blame everyone but your self for the fight.

I troll you yea right your also delusional and possibly insane more you troll me who started on me in here you attacked me yes it was you ICMAG own super hero MENTAL MIDGET my arch enemy that sits in his grow cab hatching plots to rubbish Neville any way he can and attack any one that does not believe his complete bull shit.

His vast array of high tech weaponry the likes of perfect spelling grama and the ability to lie and bull shit in a single bound the ability to grow his plants and keep them under an oz in yield yes folks nothing can stop MENTAL MIDGET but look here comes hempy with his array of weaponry such as truth bad spelling and the skills to not kiss ass and upset those that are full of shit.

But look MENTAL MIDGET has run for the safety of his grow cab looks like hempys bad spelling has won the day yet agine stay tuned for the next adventures of MENTAL MIDGET and his arch enemy hempy.


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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
indifferent and hempy
please brothers,give me a break :D quit talking about haze...do a favor yourselves...I really enjoy your (not haze related) posts
not hard feelings at all :)


Once the governments get over their prohibition BS growers will again be able to grow outdoors and seed genetics will change again. Most strains bred now were the product of growers having to move to more secure growing ares indoors with lights and northern growers breeding strains that would flower quicker so they could grow in colder climates. So today's genetics come from these two needs. Breeders in the US and Canada then packed up and went to Holland to avoid spending large portions of their lives in prison for breeding. Breeding again outside or greenhouses will let us again return to our roots and establish more stable genetics. Hopefully we will have saved sufficient landrace genetics to go back to square one.


indifferent and hempy
please brothers,give me a break :D quit talking about haze...do a favor yourselves...I really enjoy your (not haze related) posts
not hard feelings at all :)

Roco all due respect mate i find it rather funny that i came in here posted how the dam was not full of dutch breeders but in fact was full of people from all over the world Australians Americans Canadians Europeans and many more races it seams some in here cant handle the truth.

I don't like bull shit roco treat me with respect and i will give it back full stop time people wake up and stop rubbishing people they know little about and try and do something positive tawards this community and the plant.

Do you guys understand how much real damage is being done by the likes of BH who posts and also writes articles in mags baste on his thearys and pinons and puts it down as fact like him or not Neville was and always will be a big part in the modern seed industry people really amaze me they rubbish the genetics from the dam then go off using the same genetics create a strain and say it is superior comical.


interesting point of view...but a very american one...have you ever been anywhere else in the world than u.s.?

Yea...I grew up in Munich and went to German schools when I was younger (non-military family).

FYI-- I am about as "liberal" a democrat as you will find, but let's call a spade a spade. There's def a good amount of ignance on this side, but there's also a good amount of hatin'/jealousy from many over there. All Americans are not stupid. Last summer, I took my family to the Greek "hillbilly" mountainous area surrounding Thessaloniki and it occurred to me that there is a population of non-sophisticats in any greater population. I personally love Europe, have married a European wife, and will retire there.

But enough about me.

Have you been anywhere outside of Western Europe?

"...We are gonna ask for the 'mentor' tag to be dropped,, we never asked for it,, and all it does is gives haters a base to feed on Your welcome to it,, the crown will crush your heads..."

Peace and Respect.


Active member
You're ascribing actions to me that I have never done, I've never rubbished Neville's genetics, only thing I have ever criticised him for is telling lies, I always acknowledged his contribution to the genetic pool. I've never gone off and used the same genetics to create anything and claimed it's superior either, what a load of rubbish.

Why don't you be honest and tell people about all the times you've trolled me over the years that had nothing to do with Neville, Haze or anything else? I haven't forgotten and I'm sure you haven't either, you're a nasty piece of work, I still remember clearly some of the attacks you made against me at overgrow and ***** for no reason other than you like to troll people.

As for treating you with respect, I treat you with the amount of respect you deserve - zero.


Active member
You remind me of the types that cause fights from being an ass then after you have your ass beaten go crying and blame everyone but your self for the fight.

I troll you yea right your also delusional and possibly insane more you troll me who started on me in here you attacked me yes it was you ICMAG own super hero MENTAL MIDGET my arch enemy that sits in his grow cab hatching plots to rubbish Neville any way he can and attack any one that does not believe his complete bull shit.

His vast array of high tech weaponry the likes of perfect spelling grama and the ability to lie and bull shit in a single bound the ability to grow his plants and keep them under an oz in yield yes folks nothing can stop MENTAL MIDGET but look here comes hempy with his array of weaponry such as truth bad spelling and the skills to not kiss ass and upset those that are full of shit.

But look MENTAL MIDGET has run for the safety of his grow cab looks like hempys bad spelling has won the day yet agine stay tuned for the next adventures of MENTAL MIDGET and his arch enemy hempy.

This is nothing but bile and hatred, I'd expect better from a little child. Sitting hatching plans? What the fuck are you on?

First time I encountered Hempy was on overgrow in 2004, I posted some pics of a Thai crop I was growing and out of the blue, hempy comes into the thread and tells me I shouldn't growing sats indoors because I wasn't clever enough.

Since then it's been nothing but trolling from him, tons of it.

Remember the time you told me I was full of shit because I culled half of those Thais because they hermied? You insisted that I must be full of shit because no 'thia' once it showed sex as female EVER turned hermie in flowering, that all 'thia' hermies appeared right from when they showed sex?

Just fuck off hempy, you're nothing more than a hate-filled old ****.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
You guys are crazy!
Quit jumpin into shit you´re not involved with!
You show zero respect for Sam...enough said!! :joint:


Active member
What's Sam go to do with any of this? I've had to put up with hempy following me round the net trolling me for years, he won't stop and it's the same old insults and name calling over and over again. He says it's about Neville, it started long before that and for no good reason.

I'm gonna ignore the old bastard, he's got nothing to contribute beyond bile and hatred.


You guys are crazy!
Quit jumpin into shit you´re not involved with!
You show zero respect for Sam...enough said!! :joint:

Bull shit Roco i mite not agree with sam on things but he is a pioneer and i have always respected that i have not agreed with some on a few things like one being we never got imported Hawaiian here in the early days well we did and i found a document that went into great detail and showed how big of a part Australia played along side the Americans in the drug trade during the Vietnam war and after it.

Also i sed how i never saw Thais or other sativas show hermies after sexing as a female he did not agree well i did 2 Thia grow posts from start to end and showed they did not now me and sam may not be best buddy's but who cares but unlike the likes of BH i have not made it my hubby to rubbish sam as he has Neville like i sed i respect sam as a pots man and what ever went on between him and Neville is there affairs Neville was in the dam before sam arrived also time you people showed the same respect to Neville as you do sam you lot need to put into practice what you preach.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Bull shit hempy...
FACT: You both are hijackin this thread
FACT: You´re not breeders and you don´t run seedbanks


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
bull shit
before you accuse Hempy take a look at yourself...wey ;)


Why does this always have to turn into a Neville Vs. Sam debate...The two are not mutually exclusive. They are both great in different ways and the pie is big enough for both. We're not going to write canna-history by virtue of who wins chat board argument. Peace.

But, having said that...Hempy- you have bad breath, man lol


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
This has nothing to do with the subject of the thread...youre driving me crazy...to the point of that i´m going to start to believe someone who told me that hempy and indifferent are one and the same
Fuck man...I think I miss yummybud LOL


You're ascribing actions to me that I have never done, I've never rubbished Neville's genetics, only thing I have ever criticised him for is telling lies, I always acknowledged his contribution to the genetic pool. I've never gone off and used the same genetics to create anything and claimed it's superior either, what a load of rubbish.

Why don't you be honest and tell people about all the times you've trolled me over the years that had nothing to do with Neville, Haze or anything else? I haven't forgotten and I'm sure you haven't either, you're a nasty piece of work, I still remember clearly some of the attacks you made against me at overgrow and ***** for no reason other than you like to troll people.

As for treating you with respect, I treat you with the amount of respect you deserve - zero.

I have never trolled you so not only are you full of hate your now adding to your array of powers story telling lire lire pants on fire Mental Midget you wont make santas list this year ether will you.

Some of your work bellow Mental Midget ak BH

BTW I can't believe some folks are convinced Neville (who disappeared years ago) spoke the gospel truth about the origins of his Haze. It's not much of a stretch to come to the conclusion that when Neville met Sam in Holland in the 80s, Sam was already a legend and Neville a reformed junkie aiming to make a name for himself,

Neville changed the story about the origins of some of his genes to enhance their appeal to the public. Remember, Neville also said he obtained G-13 from a woman in the US who worked at the University breeding programme and no-one has ever been able to unravell that little myth.

The DEA arrested Neville Schoenmakers in Australia in 1990 for sending a load of seeds from Holland to New Orleans, he's kinda been in hiding ever since so good luck tracking him down and getting him to tell the truth!

Just a few of your fictional efforts you have no idea what Neville did you need to stay in you grow cab were you can do no more harm
Looks like your a breeders now to Mental Midget so you got the extension built on your grow cab now so how many fluros you running now lol.

Bull shit hempy...
FACT: You both are hijackin this thread
FACT: You´re not breeders and you don´t run seedbanks

Bull shit raco go read it agine i posted supporting the people that set up camp in Amsterdam that were Australians Americans Canadians and nationalitys from all over the world some still call dutch breeders and then the neville and shantis are full of shit started as is hempy and i am meant to say thank you but can you please lube me up before you do as you like no chance amigo.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
hempy I know youre not indifferent...I was just joking LOL
Last month without knowing,he approached a good friend of mine...world is not too big,so it seems :D

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