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Anything Outdoor 2018


Boreal Curing
last year we had 19 days of +20c rest was under that.. this year 60 days +20c over but season is now ended only +10c days with sun, nights hitting almost 0 and there is some frost on the grounds.. this year we had record drought farmers losing cheap crops that you cant water without losing money like common wheat.. it grew mini size this year and some drier spots of fields did not grew anything.. i watered what i could 1 time in spring and left them to suffer.. we hardly ever have this kind of droughts but if it gets more common i need to start thinking watering systems

i cant tell much about the last years genetics becouse my boxes was cardboard and they broke up and shit fly all over the fuckin trailer .. they are semi-auto-autos but in lower latitudes i guess they all autoflower.. if you have under 16 hours of daylight in summer..

sweden sucks.. :D
Water crystals can help a lot.

lol. not funny but.... funny. :D
Go buy some fancy cookies, throw away the cookies, and use the tins for your seeds. :laughing:
Still, I'd love those seeds.

Or go to the Dollar Store (Euro Store?) and get some tins.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
last year we had 19 days of +20c rest was under that.. this year 60 days +20c over but season is now ended only +10c days with sun, nights hitting almost 0 and there is some frost on the grounds.. this year we had record drought farmers losing cheap crops that you cant water without losing money like common wheat.. it grew mini size this year and some drier spots of fields did not grew anything.. i watered what i could 1 time in spring and left them to suffer.. we hardly ever have this kind of droughts but if it gets more common i need to start thinking watering systems

i cant tell much about the last years genetics becouse my boxes was cardboard and they broke up and shit fly all over the fuckin trailer .. they are semi-auto-autos but in lower latitudes i guess they all autoflower.. if you have under 16 hours of daylight in summer..

sweden sucks.. :D

You should name one of your 61ºN strains Sweden Sucks, you might get a lot more people in Finland smoking weed that way.



i dont like idea of water crystals, are they toxic to nature?

wouldnt the stuff like vermiculite do the same job? or clay and mud? mixed to soil`? i think fresh peat hold water pretty good too

good i dont know anyone here using watercrystals .. i only see them colorfull on those ugly glasses on some peoples home that dont have taste xD i dont even know they same but thats were they belong
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Identification of the preparation: Super absorbent polyacrylamide

California Proposition 65 information:
The following statement is made in order to comply with the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986: This product contains a chemical(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer: acrylamide.


from other study it reads it dont even help much:

However, no water conservation occurred because evapotranspiration was not significantly affected by the polymer treatment.''

''Use of polymers does not conserve water. Water loss through evapotranspiration was the same for all treatments.''

'' Plant growth and evapotranspiration were not significantly affected by polymer treatment in any containers.''

iguess there are different kinds but i dont trust stuff like this


Potassium Polyacrylate

SARA Section 311/312 (Specific toxic chemical listings)


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Identification of the preparation: Super absorbent polyacrylamide

California Proposition 65 information:
The following statement is made in order to comply with the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986: This product contains a chemical(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer: acrylamide.


from other study it reads it dont even help much:

However, no water conservation occurred because evapotranspiration was not significantly affected by the polymer treatment.''

''Use of polymers does not conserve water. Water loss through evapotranspiration was the same for all treatments.''

'' Plant growth and evapotranspiration were not significantly affected by polymer treatment in any containers.''

iguess there are different kinds but i dont trust stuff like this


Yeah, that's not a product I'd use, but not because the state of CA added it's "cancer" label... but because it wasn't shown to be particularly effective.

California is a poor indicator for a lot of things; that state is facked, bankrupt and barley keeping a homeless zombie epidemic at bay. Some would say they are outright failing.

They are constantly warning people of carcinogens, lead, etc., as a form of virtue signalling, while the whole house falls down around their heads.

Still... I don't use "water crystals" -I use good quality peat, perlite and home made compost and rarely, if ever, have issues about water retention.


The 2011 UNEP Green Economy Report notes that "mproved soil organic matter from the use of green manures, mulching, and recycling of crop residues and animal manure increases the water holding capacity of soils and their ability to absorb water during torrential rains",[24] which is a way to optimize the use of rainfall and irrigation during dry periods in the season.


See also: Homeostasis and Allostasis
In biological systems such as organisms, ecosystems, or the biosphere, most parameters must stay under control within a narrow range around a certain optimal level under certain environmental conditions. The deviation of the optimal value of the controlled parameter can result from the changes in internal and external environments. A change of some of the environmental conditions may also require change of that range to change for the system to function. The value of the parameter to maintain is recorded by a reception system and conveyed to a regulation module via an information channel. An example of this is insulin oscillations.
Biological systems contain many types of regulatory circuits, both positive and negative. As in other contexts, positive and negative do not imply that the feedback causes good or bad effects. A negative feedback loop is one that tends to slow down a process, whereas the positive feedback loop tends to accelerate it. The mirror neurons are part of a social feedback system, when an observed action is "mirrored" by the brain—like a self-performed action.
Normal tissue integrity is preserved by feedback interactions between diverse cell types mediated by adhesion molecules and secreted molecules that act as mediators; failure of key feedback mechanisms in cancer disrupts tissue function.[24] In an injured or infected tissue, inflammatory mediators elicit feedback responses in cells, which alter gene expression, and change the groups of molecules expressed and secreted, including molecules that induce diverse cells to cooperate and restore tissue structure and function. This type of feedback is important because it enables coordination of immune responses and recovery from infections and injuries. During cancer, key elements of this feedback fail. This disrupts tissue function and immunity.[25][26]
Mechanisms of feedback were first elucidated in bacteria, where a nutrient elicits changes in some of their metabolic functions.[27] Feedback is also central to the operations of genes and gene regulatory networks. Repressor (see Lac repressor) and activator proteins are used to create genetic operons, which were identified by Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod in 1961 as feedback loops.[28] These feedback loops may be positive (as in the case of the coupling between a sugar molecule and the proteins that import sugar into a bacterial cell), or negative (as is often the case in metabolic consumption).
On a larger scale, feedback can have a stabilizing effect on animal populations even when profoundly affected by external changes, although time lags in feedback response can give rise to predator-prey cycles.[29]
In zymology, feedback serves as regulation of activity of an enzyme by its direct product(s) or downstream metabolite(s) in the metabolic pathway (see Allosteric regulation).
The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis is largely controlled by positive and negative feedback, much of which is still unknown.
In psychology, the body receives a stimulus from the environment or internally that causes the release of hormones. Release of hormones then may cause more of those hormones to be released, causing a positive feedback loop. This cycle is also found in certain behaviour. For example, "shame loops" occur in people who blush easily. When they realize that they are blushing, they become even more embarrassed, which leads to further blushing, and so on.[30]

Threats to biodiversity

Main article: Biodiversity threats
Today, many threats to Biodiversity exist. An acronym that can be used to express the top threats of present-day H.I.P.P.O stands for Habitat Loss, Invasive Species, Pollution, Human Population, and Overharvesting.[146] The primary threats to biodiversity are habitat destruction (such as deforestation, agricultural expansion, urban development), and overexploitation (such as wildlife trade).[117][147][148][149][150][151] Habitat fragmentation also poses challenges, because the global network of protected areas only covers 11.5% of the Earth's surface.[152] A significant consequence of fragmentation and lack of linked protected areas is the reduction of animal migration on a global scale. Considering that billions of tonnes of biomass are responsible for nutrient cycling across the earth, the reduction of migration is a serious matter for conservation biology.[153][154]
Human activities are associated directly or indirectly with nearly every aspect of the current extinction spasm.
Wake and Vredenburg[119]

However, human activities need not necessarily cause irreparable harm to the biosphere. With conservation management and planning for biodiversity at all levels, from genes to ecosystems, there are examples where humans mutually coexist in a sustainable way with nature.[155] Even with the current threats to biodiversity there are ways we can improve the current condition and start anew.
Many of the threats to biodiversity, including disease and climate change, are reaching inside borders of protected areas, leaving them 'not-so protected' (e.g. Yellowstone National Park).[156] Climate change, for example, is often cited as a serious threat in this regard, because there is a feedback loop between species extinction and the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.[88][89] Ecosystems store and cycle large amounts of carbon which regulates global conditions.[157] In present day, there have been major climate shifts with temperature changes making survival of some species difficult.[146] The effects of global warming add a catastrophic threat toward a mass extinction of global biological diversity.[158] Conservationists have claimed that not all the species can be saved, and they have to decide which their efforts should be used to protect. This concept is known as the Conservation Triage.[146] The extinction threat is estimated to range from 15 to 37 percent of all species by 2050,[158] or 50 percent of all species over the next 50 years.[14] The current extinction rate is 100-100,000 times more rapid today than the last several billion years.[146]



"It's just a flesh wound"
A 1/4" of rain forecast for Monday in our area and only 8 days from harvest for me. :(

I'm sweating bullets over this, more than I should probably.


Well-known member
Yeah, I don't believe any of that Cali hype either, I just got done mixing neem and Eagle20 to keep them critters off my private stash.

I don't buy the call hype either.. And i do use eagle 20, forbid and avid.... At the right time though.

Why are you using eagle 20 for critters anyway. It's a fungicide. I use it on moms and little clones. Pesticides i would use into early July. But spraying e20 on something while it has buds..... You def shouldn't smoke that.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
I don't buy the call hype either.. And i do use eagle 20, forbid and avid.... At the right time though.

Why are you using eagle 20 for critters anyway. It's a fungicide. I use it on moms and little clones. Pesticides i would use into early July. But spraying e20 on something while it has buds..... You def shouldn't smoke that.

I was just joking about the late spraying. This summer I sprayed sulphur, ethanol, hash oil, lemon juice, abamectin and nicotine. Mainly used them to rid myself of russet mites, but I haven't applied anything since early August. The impression I got was that the sulphur, lemon juice and nicotine were the most helpful ones. I also sprayed on the calcium foliar that I put on my tomatoes.


Boreal Curing
I don't remember, but I'm told we used to spray nicotine in the chicken coop to kill bugs.

We have a mouse plague here, so warfarin it is next year.