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Any "clone only" strains in Canada


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Saw a growstore with business cards for a clone house on the counter.

Pretty sketchballs. Much easier to make friends with you sexual and social degenerates.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
One has to wonder, if that is the art work you speak publicly of, what have you been holding back?


Active member
definitely wanna join the clone hunt myself. i know there is a lot of forum cookies spread around the country but those cuts are definitely coveted and you basically need to be in the mafia to get it lol, figuratively. its really hard to find anything in the prairies too, thats for sure. granted i probably dont have the most stellar connections. most of the cuts just seem to be from the dogshit weed you can get on the streets. theres next to no dispensary scene here so that is not really an option. but hopefully one day i will get lucky. i know the romulan is out there too forsure. ive smoked it plenty of times to know the real deal is out there (maybe closer than we think)it will just take some serious detective work haha


definitely wanna join the clone hunt myself. i know there is a lot of forum cookies spread around the country but those cuts are definitely coveted and you basically need to be in the mafia to get it lol, figuratively. its really hard to find anything in the prairies too, thats for sure. granted i probably dont have the most stellar connections. most of the cuts just seem to be from the dogshit weed you can get on the streets. theres next to no dispensary scene here so that is not really an option. but hopefully one day i will get lucky. i know the romulan is out there too forsure. ive smoked it plenty of times to know the real deal is out there (maybe closer than we think)it will just take some serious detective work haha

Instagram is the best source now to find growers in your area. Also makes it easier to see who's growing what and if it looks like a legit cut. Then you can work on getting those cuts in your garden. Forum is 100% out here on the prairies. NO doubt romulan is still out there as well.


Active member
Thanks Gmack that's a good idea. I will forsure give it a shot. im on ig a lot but I guess It never occurred to me hah. another interesting clone to aquire would be the true pink kush. what a gorgeous plant with an amazing effect. I only have experience with the lp versions so I doubt it was grown to its full potential. ive seen a few bc growers on youtube with the cut. looks like fun. that's another on my list forsure. this is a great thread.


I wonder, would it be easier to setup a legit nursery, ''library'' , vs having a legal flower garden? I guess only big guys can get into it no matter what ... but anyway, if I have a chance that's what I d do. Easy to become the best breeder (hmm huum bodhi, archive...) when you have access to all the elite clones, right?


Active member
I wonder, would it be easier to setup a legit nursery, ''library'' , vs having a legal flower garden? I guess only big guys can get into it no matter what ... but anyway, if I have a chance that's what I d do. Easy to become the best breeder (hmm huum bodhi, archive...) when you have access to all the elite clones, right?

interesting thought. i would love to see that development. it would be cool if like, patients with their grow papers could all go in on like a warehouse or large floor space and just grow out your full collective plant counts under the same roof. much easier said then done cuz it probably raises more issues than conveniences. but if you had a group of trustworthy people, that would be a modern gem. i know i would jump on that opportunity to team up with like minded people with the same love for the plant that we all have. maybe one day. :tiphat: im just trying to collect as much seedstock as possible cuz if ive learned anything from the veterans its that when you find something good you hold on to it. things like the original tk. og and chem exist because people went out of their way to preserve it all this time. ( for greed or passion) either way i just wanna get good enough at growing so maybe someday i get my turn carrying the torch for a true classic gem. lol. when i do ill send you all the cuts so we can enjoy


Whats with this pink kush. Keep hearing about it. My friend who gets medical from tilray keeps on raving about it. says its 36% THC. Im doubtful as that would put it past GG4 records of 33-34%'s But at the same time, a medical place can't really fake thc tests. wouldn't be good for business and its regulated enough to ensure no fuckery.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
They've been sold relabeled types before, if the test is accurate it is likely.


The test are run by the lp. Yes they are bullshit. Lp weed has been independently tested and proven to be way off.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Yeah, only people in closets can do that.

Throw enough money at a problem and it goes away.


Active member
Whats with this pink kush. Keep hearing about it. My friend who gets medical from tilray keeps on raving about it. says its 36% THC. Im doubtful as that would put it past GG4 records of 33-34%'s But at the same time, a medical place can't really fake thc tests. wouldn't be good for business and its regulated enough to ensure no fuckery.

the tests are without a doubt bullshit. tilray just slaps on whatever numbers they need to so they an get paid. the best example ive come across is from broken coast. when i got it, the potency was rated at 22%. i would say this result is more or less true cause it is a very potent kush. i don't even know if it would be genetically capable of breaking 30. but im no scientist and in the hands of a true master it could very well be possible. i like it because it is pretty trippy for an indica. it also interests me because its believed to be a pheno of an og. which one, idk. but i think its a more afghanica og forsure because its mostly piney kush flavor, i feel pure og (if you wanna call it that) is more of a fuel or gas with lemon notes and kush. either way its just a nice quality kush. not a crazy yielder but acceptable. top shelf imo. im primarily a fan of knockout indicas.:biggrin:


Active member
its just a lot of behind the scenes fuckery. like it was tilray or tweed who claimed they never use myclo. ever ever. then later they were busted because health Canada found buckets of the shit hidden in the panel of the roof. out of public eye. this is nothing new and its most likely happening as we speak. i don't think a single producer can actually claim that their growing process is congruent with the framework health Canada has out. you would be blown away what actually happens behind closed doors.


I like to look at things objectively, I know fuckery could happen, I also now that it could not. Most of our opinions are unfortunately extremely biased and if you will potentially "delusional" we are just way to personally invested, as either a source of income for us and our families, as a underground hobby going mainstream, or capitalism corporate coming in and taking over, potentially better and bigger than we have. Any of these 3 aspects affects us emotionally, so when we have ideas or opinions on how it plays out, im very skeptical that the proper analysis at the facts and history has been done. Capitalism has done incredible things as far as technological and scientific development for any demand humans have had. Look at prohibition. Bet you every underground bar owner or booze maker said they wont be able to do it like us. Look at the world now. Anyways back to this "pink kush" am I doubtfull of 36% yes. I still need to see the label before I trust this stoner chick. Will post it when I get it and we can go from there. I know that faking THC tests for medicinal weed is not a guranteed way to be a become a market leader. If any joe blow on here can get 30 % strains Im pretty sure someone with couple hundred million dollars could too. Remember all of these corporations have advisors/consultants, who were pro growers for the last 20 years, they are as good as any of the top players on here, although more in it for the money obviously since there showing the big wigs how do it.

All it takes is someone to do an independant strain test, compare the results, and if its way off, and the info goes public that company image and reputation is fucked. Sounds a lot easier to just get legit cuts and if we can get em on here, then LP's can def get them.