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Any "clone only" strains in Canada


In fact take any lp strain and have it tested by a independent lab. 100% of the time the thc levels printed on the bottle will not match with what's inside. You don't have to believe me I prefer if you think I don't know shit and want to prove me wrong.


There is no strongest weed on the planet, what a joke. Everybody's endocannabinoid system is different and will react differently to different cultivars.

I don't care who you are, if you come to my basement I bet I can get you higher than you have been in a long long time only with a few dabs and a few different cultivars.

I am sure if I was to go to any other talented grower's basement, the same would be true for me. We get used to our own shit and our own grow styles, I like to think once in a while I hit the bar high, but with concentrates, just about any shwaggy weed can be the strongest on the planet.

LPs will never come close to small scale ops, they have too much at risks, too many investors, hello pesticides, hello chemical fertilizers, hello generic weed.

They do not stand a chance, who cares about high THC percentage, thats not where the flavor is.

They will always be driven by profits and I believe there will be room for boutique small scale ops, but you can't suck at it, you'll have to be really good...


Active member
i've smoked plenty of the pink floating around vancouver. some of it has been really good, but to claim it's the strongest bud on earth is silly.

have you independently tested all of the weed on earth?

how about we just settle on it being a great cut?


Active member
there are so many things wrong with that video it makes me cringe. if the guy hosting is a carded patient then hes absolutely not aloowed to share. and if nether of them are in the system ( assuming they just held on to the mmar status like the one guy said) how the fuck did they aquire that from the lp's. maybe im too baked and over thinking that but i know when i read the papers for the acmpr program it is illegal for anyone but the acmpr script holder to use the meds. does this make any sense? lolol. how fucked is this medical system sweet christ.


Active member
ya hopefully we will see more labs pop up as well. i wonder if someone has tried suing over fake %'s. would that even be possible? cause if they do that on liquor that would be super illegal. maybe that's a stupid question


No it isn't possible. Thc levels aren't consistent from the top to the bottom on a plant.thats how they get away with these fake % levels. Take a cola add some keif on it and test it. Super high results that will never be seen by the end user but they still get to claim 36% or whatever


Active member
ahh ofcourse. that makes sense. pretty slimey. i guess this is why we need 3rd party testing cause i guess the can claim contaminant free pot by the same standards. hmm


ahh ofcourse. that makes sense. pretty slimey. i guess this is why we need 3rd party testing cause i guess the can claim contaminant free pot by the same standards. hmm

That's how the myclobutanol scandal from last year went down. In house testing by the lp that grew it said it was clean. They sold it in bulk to another lp who then tested it and then it was found to be contaminated. Yet health Canada still allows lp's to test their own products in house. It should be all independently tested in smaller batches to prevent fucking the test. Surprise testing of live cultivars should also be done. But that won't happen they can't risk the supply being found to be dirty. It's a well known fact Lp's can't grow without spraying poison.


misterD farmhouse
Hummmm, looking at this delicious "Purple Punch"


Too bad about that pink kush!


Active member
I think that purple punch just blew away the pink with a knockout blow. that looks like some fire....damn.. hahah I want it

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