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Any BMW fans out there...?


Mother Nature's Son
I don't buy Ford because they suck! Doesn't matter when you are broke though...


Active member
I see that you're Jewish, Genkisan. I probably wouldn't drive a German car if I was Jewish lol. I don't think most Jewish people drive german automobiles, if they want a luxury car they'll get lexus not a mercedes (Hitlers farvorite car).

I don't support the Nazis, lol, but I'll still drive a German car, it's not like the money is going to Hitler. It's like not buying japanese cars because of pearl harbor.

I'm mostly into Porsches though, my family used to own a lot of mercedes / bmws, they're good cars.

one thing I like about german cars is that you just feel safer in them, especially a mercedes, they're so solidly built, when you shut the door on a mercedes or a porsche and compare it to a japanese or american car you can see how tinny the asian and american cars are.

I know Ferdinand Porsche was thrown in Jail during the war. I think the vw Beetle was also build for Hitler lol. Not sure if the Nazis threw him in Jail or if it was the French......


Active member
all Car companies are businesses so suriviving and making money is their number one priority. So many companies have evil and racist histories.

American cars suck when you compare them to German cars. The interiors suck even the luxury models, the exterior isn't any better. Reliability used to suck for domestics as well not sure now. I know Ford had some ridiculous recalls, like their cars spontaniously combusting when they are shut off and parked in peoples garages, burned a few homes down lol.

Japanese cars are way nicer than the american but the design isn't as nice as the German cars to me. They also still seem tinny and plasticy. Value is way better though and reliability is also better.


Cannabrex Formulator
Yummybud said:
I see that you're Jewish, Genkisan. I probably wouldn't drive a German car if I was Jewish lol. I don't think most Jewish people drive german automobiles, if they want a luxury car they'll get lexus not a mercedes (Hitlers farvorite car).

I don't support the Nazis, lol, but I'll still drive a German car, it's not like the money is going to Hitler. It's like not buying japanese cars because of pearl harbor.

I'm mostly into Porsches though, my family used to own a lot of mercedes / bmws, they're good cars.

one thing I like about german cars is that you just feel safer in them, especially a mercedes, they're so solidly built, when you shut the door on a mercedes or a porsche and compare it to a japanese or american car you can see how tinny the asian and american cars are.

I know Ferdinand Porsche was thrown in Jail during the war. I think the vw Beetle was also build for Hitler lol. Not sure if the Nazis threw him in Jail or if it was the French......

Ferdinand Porsche designed the panzers for the Wehrmacht, used forced labour in his factories, and was convicted of war crimes.

The money may not go to Hitler, but I personally feel that giving money to a company that was built on the blood of slaves and was an essential, enthusiastic participant in the Nazi war machine is an immoral act.

While we may be living in a world where we are dependant on large corporations, we have a choice as to which ones we support.....I personally do not give my money to corporations that were built by Nazis, or ones that willingly and voluntarily participated in the Nazi war/genocide machine and got rich doing so.

Until consumers vote their consicience with their wallets, the Corpo-Nazis of the world will continue their pursuit of amoral profit above all.....because they can. They will only change if they have a reason....and only the consumer can provide those reasons.

And if I was not Jewish, I'd behave the same way....it's not a matter of Jewishness or cultural identity......it's a matter of morality, pure and simple.
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Active member
I guess it makes sense, a lot of corporations are evil or have evil pasts, and not just Nazis.

talking about Nazis, the new German pope used to be in Nazi youth in Germany and has a picture with Hitler, what do you think of that lol.

he does kind of look evil too lol.


its funny how people forget the past.
my father refuses to buy anything that comes from japan...cars,tvs.whatever else.his father,my grandfather,served in wwII.he fought in the phillipines.the japs were animals.slautering 100's of thousands of civilians as they retreated.so that is the reason for that.its worn of on me to a certain extent..
my mother refuses even to get into a german auto...seriously she will not.
i remember as a child my grandmother would cry uncontrolably out of no where.i guess the memories haunted her to the end.
i use to be a painter in highland park.a affluent jewish suburb of chicago.
funny thing was most of them drove bmws and benzs.but hey it was all about status,and how they looked.made me digusted.

this kinda makes me sad....love you grandma..


Active member
wonder what Hilter would say if he say all the Jews driving his favourite car, the Benz lol.

In history everyone has slaughtered, murdered and raped each other lol, not point in being pissed at them.
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i saw a bullet proof one on ebay a while back..some Gangsta shit..lol..


Active member
I kind of want a vw dune buggy........ just as a fun summer project car, the look real fun to drive....


Cannabrex Formulator
Yummybud said:
wonder what Hilter would say if he say all the Jews driving his favourite car, the Benz lol.

In history everyone has slaughtered, murdered and raped each other lol, not point in being pissed at them.

I really wish you'd go and actually study some history before you comment on it.....


Not to be rude but what is boycotting a company for something they did in the 40s going to accomplish? I think it is bad if someone helped hitler out but times have changed


Cannabrex Formulator
Gelatinous said:
Not to be rude but what is boycotting a company for something they did in the 40s going to accomplish? I think it is bad if someone helped hitler out but times have changed

Hate to break it to ya, G, but times have not changed.

Corporations still engage in appaling crimes in the name of profit, from ecological rape and defilement to outright ethnic cleansing and genocide (go read about the Kalahari Bushmen, or what's left of them).

When one boycotts companies that conduct business in an immoral fashion, whether now or in the past, one accomplishes a very basic principle........morality and integrity.

Giving money to a company that was built on the blood of slaves and the profits of genocide is immoral....the fact that it happened 60 years ago does not matter.

There is no statute of limitations on morality, and being a moral consumer.
I like japanese cars because for 3000 dollars upfront and 1000 (maintinence/oil) dollars over 2-5 years you can put 80000 miles on one. Not including gas money.

Thats really low budget.

For 20,000 you get the same thing as a ford only less matinence and youll get another 25,000-150,000mi out of it.

Bmw lexus acura are all really nice but over priced any you will end up spending alot more money per mileage. Although bmw does have some good inlcuded matinence programs.


yep. pretty much, if you want a reliable car, don't get a luxury car (ironic)


Hunt4Hazez said:
I like japanese cars because for 3000 dollars upfront and 1000 (maintinence/oil) dollars over 2-5 years you can put 80000 miles on one. Not including gas money.

Thats really low budget.

For 20,000 you get the same thing as a ford only less matinence and youll get another 25,000-150,000mi out of it.

Bmw lexus acura are all really nice but over priced any you will end up spending alot more money per mileage. Although bmw does have some good inlcuded matinence programs.

Dont ever put BMW in the same league as lexus and acura...


Active member
acura = luxury honda

lexus= luxury toyota

I'm pretty sure all acuras are front wheel drive. Lexus I think alot are rear wheel drive so more sporty handling but it's not similar to bmws, they are more for people that want to have a smooth luxury ride.

Lexus would be similar to a Mercedes.

I'd probably go with a Lexus over a Mercedes, more relialbe and the newer ones are pretty nice.