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Anti surveillance thread

Space Toker

Active member
oh ok then, now I know and won't be frightened! I was just about to wonder, how dangerous is that right? As soon as I made that last post, there have been chopper flyby's daily although not overhead, and more planes as well. And just a day or so ago, I heard all kinds of cars here in the country where there normally are few. I raced out on foot at night to check it out, and there was this car parked in the road with headlights on. I watched, and it sat there. After like 5-10 minutes, it moved all of a sudden, racing backward at least 20 mph about the length of a football field and took a road intersecting mine. Freaky, I never saw that before. Had me freaking all that night. I now think it was just some punk kid playing games on a Friday night.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
It's definitely aliens, do you have any periods of time recently where you cannot recall where you were or you woke up disoriented and did not remember going to sleep?

They could be conducting experiments on you and be using some type of mind control techniques. :alien:

Or, more likely you could just be overreacting and are a bit paranoid brother.

If it was cops & they knew about something it would have been over awhile ago.

Just stop looking out the windows and ignore those cars & flyovers the only time you need to be concerned is when they are in your living room or you wake up on a ufo.

Be well and get some sleep man :tiphat:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
if its LEO just show a little hospitality


I hope there is weed in those pancakes.


Tropical Outcast
Space Toker,

How about intercepting the car in the morning and asking in a friendly way: "Is there any way I can help you?" and see what happens.

Take a note of the plate and make sure the drivers notices that.

If he/they got nothing to hide he/they will talk to you.
If not you know something's up & report the plate.


I live on a hill, and in a hilly region where other hills face mine. Sometimes I notice spotlights or headlights sitting there at night for prolonged periods and I don't know why. I can see at least a half mile down the road. There is my long drive going down a hill, then a road, then a left turn leading to another road and I can see a little beyond that intersection here in the boonies. There is this car, always at like 5:15 AM local time, it comes down the road I live on, past my drive, past that road that is the left turn for like at least 50-100 feet beyond, always turns around and goes down that other road that it could have gone down easily without turning around. Instead it turns around, drives back a little ways, stops, creeps forward a little, stops again, several more seconds before it finally goes down that road. On that other road, it stops for a few seconds whereever there is a clearing that provides a clear view between that road and my hill above. Now maybe they are just nosy commuters to some job, maybe they are just fascinated at the house on the hill with the lights on including christmas lights still, but of course I fear LEO spying. so before dismissing me as a paranoid freak, explain what logical or sensible reason someone would have to do this? This has been going on almost every day for months. Thanks


Space Toker

Active member
Space Toker,

How about intercepting the car in the morning and asking in a friendly way: "Is there any way I can help you?" and see what happens.

Take a note of the plate and make sure the drivers notices that.

If he/they got nothing to hide he/they will talk to you.
If not you know something's up & report the plate.

I know THAT car is a paper delivery car, I watched it and saw it stop and put papers in special plastic newspaper boxes that some people have.
It is kids coming down to smoke or fuck. It's the summertime. Of course you're seeing more of it.

It can also be people who are shooting up. People build up situational tolerance, so they could be taking turns coming out there so that they can still get high.

Or it's people taking a drive in the country b/c they are bored.

If I remember correctly, you live in the boondocks at the end of a cul de sac with not a lot of homes.

If all of this activity was related to you, you would have been busted 6 months ago. They are not going to spend resources on a year-long operation for someone other than a cartel.

Space Toker

Active member
Cartel, HAHAHA thanks I needed a laugh! I am lucky I can get something to grow and get a crappy yield! :D ON and off again micro scale here!

No not a cul de sac, a usually seldom traveled road in the boonies. And isolated a good distance from that road too. So when I say something is unusual for here, I know what I am talking about. Well the planes were flying over like crazy for a couple hours then nothing. I am not worried, many seem to misunderstand. I just like to report what I see. They may not be watching me, but if other people report what THEY see, I bet it would keep them a little more off balance and help some people avoid problems.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I have no idea why you are surveilling me but please knock it off.
Last edited:


Active member
By the sounds of it you have an airfield near by.
Depending on how many runways they have or their configuration could explain the amount of air traffic you get.
Another thing to explain the days of traffic and then none for days is your local weather wind patterns which will dictate the direction of arrival and departures.
As for circling and strange flight patterns these could be holding patterns while waiting to land.
You may also want to give the weed a rest as the paranoia will do you in.


Space Toker

Active member
thanks 4tokin at least you try to be helpful. Yes there is a small airfield nearby, actually checked it out recently. But it is a runned down place with delapitated buildings and like 3 planes and my guess is they do not fly often. There may be 2 more similar small airports not that far away and a slightly larger one about 20 miles away that stopped flying commercial planes years ago but private and cargo planes still fly from there. Smoking is not the problem, more like not smoking, I feel better when I smoke.

Ok an update, from the last post until now, the plane activity has gone way up, and I have seen a chopper a couple times that sounds like a small older plane. I have seen a car parked on the side of the road a couple times that took off when it saw me watching. There seems to be way more car traffic than normal on for instance weekday nights. And so no one misunderstands me, I am not cowering behind a blind or hiding under my bed. I am just thinking calmly "Hmm wonder what that's about" and saying what I observe.

Edit: again to 4tokin, I did not ignore what you said while posting my experiences. I will be eager to see if there are the kinds of patterns you describe, and if so I will have my answer. that's all it is, I hate not knowing what's going on, and if something is going on I want to find out what it is about. Just scientific curiosity and scientific need to solve mysteries. PEACE


Active member
It is kids coming down to smoke or fuck. It's the summertime. Of course you're seeing more of it.

It can also be people who are shooting up. People build up situational tolerance, so they could be taking turns coming out there so that they can still get high.

Or it's people taking a drive in the country b/c they are bored.

If I remember correctly, you live in the boondocks at the end of a cul de sac with not a lot of homes.

If all of this activity was related to you, you would have been busted 6 months ago. They are not going to spend resources on a year-long operation for someone other than a cartel.

they watched my buddy in daytona beach fl for over a year before busting him. i knew something happened when i saw his bike and hotrod on a flat bed going down the road. but he was slinging really hard

Sour Deez

There is a huge field with this huge tree near me. The cops are constantly patrolling the area during the summer cause kids always hang out near the tree and do what kids do.

Its annoying cause i get constantly blinded at night from cops and their damn spotlights. Im about to rearrange the room so I wont get blinded anymore.

h^2 O

bro don't let them intimidate you!!!! They WANT you to peek from behind the blinds and hide under your bed. If I was you I would buy (legally) a rifle or shotgun and a pistol...then every day blast off a few rounds at a stump in the backyard...and whenever you hear or see the chopper or plane, go and shoot up the stump. Also, if fireworks are legal in your state, go ahead and light off some bottle rockets or some other cool things which will make them think they just got picked up by a SAM station and there's rockets being fired at them. Just get really big bottle rockets. Could even use model rockets...they can get up to like 3,000 feet or more with a little $10 fuel pack from the hobby store. Good luck! Give them Hell! Also, if you don't want to buy a gun, you can buy really heavy duty firecrackers that sound like gunshots...light a few of those every time you think someone is flying over you or watching you. Also, think about motion detectors around the perimeter of your property...this could be something as technical as having it running wirelessly to your computer, or as simple as fish line connected to little bells. There's a lot of cool tricks out there. As a last resort I would suggest The Anarchists Cookbook. It has instructions on everything


bro don't let them intimidate you!!!! They WANT you to peek from behind the blinds and hide under your bed. If I was you I would buy (legally) a rifle or shotgun and a pistol...then every day blast off a few rounds at a stump in the backyard...and whenever you hear or see the chopper or plane, go and shoot up the stump. Also, if fireworks are legal in your state, go ahead and light off some bottle rockets or some other cool things which will make them think they just got picked up by a SAM station and there's rockets being fired at them. Just get really big bottle rockets. Could even use model rockets...they can get up to like 3,000 feet or more with a little $10 fuel pack from the hobby store. Good luck! Give them Hell! Also, if you don't want to buy a gun, you can buy really heavy duty firecrackers that sound like gunshots...light a few of those every time you think someone is flying over you or watching you. Also, think about motion detectors around the perimeter of your property...this could be something as technical as having it running wirelessly to your computer, or as simple as fish line connected to little bells. There's a lot of cool tricks out there. As a last resort I would suggest The Anarchists Cookbook. It has instructions on everything

no matter what thread you post in, you really seem to give the absolutely worst advice ever, no matter what.


Professor Organic Psychology
Huge raid in Mendocino:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/...il&utm_content=NewsEntry&utm_term=Daily Brief

Mendocino Marijuana Raid: 'Operation Full Court Press' Seizes 632,000 Marijuana Plants

UKIAH, Calif. -- An estimated $800 million worth of marijuana has been seized following a massive raid on illegal grows on public lands deep in Northern California's pot country, authorities said Tuesday.

The three-week effort, known as Operation Full Court Press, to purge the Mendocino National Forest of illegal gardens, seized more than 632,000 marijuana plants. The operation also led to 132 people being arrested as 118 were booked on federal and state charges and 14 were detained on immigration violations.

Several Mexican-based drug trafficking organizations were behind the illegal grows, Department of Justice spokeswoman Michelle Gregory said.

In previous years, officials have blamed Mexican drug cartels for some of the state's largest growing operations, but Gregory stopped short of making that claim.

"We've been looking at all of these groups for several years," Gregory said. "We're continuously trying to figure out who these guys are and their ties."

The nearly $800 million in marijuana plants seized is a conservative estimate, said John Heil, a regional spokesman for the U.S. Forest Service. The amount is based on a street value of marijuana being worth about $2,500 per pound, Heil said.

Authorities have said a focus on the Mendocino National Forest this year stemmed from citizen complaints a year ago about an increasing number of confrontations with armed guards protecting pot grows.

The 1,400-square-mile forest covers six counties in a region of mountains and forests known as the Emerald Triangle due to its high concentration of pot farms.

Officials said that the latest raids also seized nearly 2,000 pounds of processed marijuana, 38 guns and 20 vehicles. Agents also removed trash and chemicals as well as about 40 miles of irrigation line that damage forestland and waterways.

"It has been very successful operation for all of the agencies involved," Heil said. "We tried to hit an area that seems to have a significant problem."

The operation conducted by local, state and federal agencies was part of an annual summer effort to eradicate marijuana from public lands across the state.

Space Toker

Active member
Well looks like interesting info here from a quick glance, will go back and read and respond later.
I had quite a scare today. I was outside gardening and hear sirens. Unusual but not unprecedented. Then they sounded closer and closer. Then the sound stops, and I see a cruiser with lights flashing, and he suddenly comes to a stop at the bottom of my driveway and abruptly and quickly backed up until he was out of view. I thought this had to involve me somehow even though they should have no reason to suspect me of anything. I run back to the house and it sounded like a vehicle was coming up. But I get inside and look out the window and see nothing. So instead of having a major meltdown I go back and see at least one more cruiser at this time, and another 1 or 2 (1 vehicle was unmarked and not sure if it was a cop or not) rapidly arrive, but they pull into the neighbor's yard a good distance away. Only after 10 minutes or so (it seemed) an ambulance arrived. They were there an hour or close to it. I hope they are all ok and relieved as well. I am glad I did not do anything stupid. peace


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
hey Toker, I was in early on your thread here but never did see a post where you found out exactly who was parking nearby your place.......

nevermind, I see it was only the paper boy.

and congrats go to Wally for figuring it out less than an hour (post #4) after you opened the thread!
rural paper or mail carrier?


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